avatar for SammyGold
New York

Comments by SammyGold

discussion comment
10 years ago
avatar for jman311
I like the club atmosphere, and the extras in the back if they're available. But I agree that it's not as cost effective as a provider. I don't do BP but there's always plenty of options on Eccie. I also don't live far from Niagara Falls, so a hop across now and then livens things up. Most recently, I was in Niagara to warm myself up at the Sundowner. Afterward I had the brilliant but not original idea to call an agency and ask for a girl who could include a fantasy lap dance during our time together. It worked out great - best of both worlds! She wore her club clothes, helped me find tunes on my laptop, and we went to town on the loveseat in my hotel room. It started off just like in the club, but then kept going and going. At some point it was clear that we had moved way beyond a dance and took the act into the bedroom. It was great not worrying about counting songs or wondering what was on the menu. In the other direction, it was also better than the standard hop-right-into-bed escort experience. I felt like I had time to enjoy the view and get an extended tease time before the main event.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for Sowhatt
OTC confusion
Your penance is to write 100 times - "It's about the money, stupid." If you want a free hookup or to make a connection, go to a singles bar. Your chances of scoring with the tactics that you're using are WAY better.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for hulk518
Is it so wrong...
looneylarry hit it on the head. I'm also in a near-sexless marriage (months at a time). I've talked, massaged, seduced, been open about my needs, told her about my clubbing and invited her along, been to counselling, got a new job to be able to spend more time at home, offered to make it just a "business" marriage if that's what she wants. Fuck it. At this point I'm still here just because of the kids. I haven't cheated other than a one-time trip to an AMP. We're good friends and work well together as parents - we're just not fuck buddies anymore and I don't think I'm interested anymore either. I know for sure that I'd be gone if I didn't think it would screw up my kids and also me since I'd miss being around them so much. Damn - this is a heavy thread for tuscl.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for Sowhatt
Favorite Bottle for BYOB clubs
I came across a new one that I like called AppleJack. It only comes in pint size and slips in the pocket. I think it's a bourbon - says something about stemming from colonial days. But it's a nice sipping whiskey that is smooth and tasty warm or cold and is something a little different.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for SammyGold
New York
best CBJ condom
I'm sure that non-lubed work best for strippers. I imagine that the lube tastes like crap.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for cptndshon86
"Finishing" a Lap Dance
I'm not into extras usually but finishing off would be great except for going home with the mess. I've been trying to figure out the proper protocol for slipping a condom on somewhere in the middle just to keep things contained. The lube would sure help. Putting it on beforehand seems tricky since it would likely slip off before I'm hard. Of course, I don't go regularly enough to have an ATF who would allow my pause to cover. But maybe I'm overthinking
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for Doc_Holliday
Spas and Salons
I've gone to an MP after going to SCs quite a few times. It's a nice way to end the night. For me it slows the pace down with no surprises or unhappy endings. I almost never start at the MP though because there's no foreplay and usually nothing to see.
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for looneylarry
Still on the DL
Get in the shower with the water as hot as you can stand it and aim it right on the rash for as long as you can stand. I swear it felt better than sex in a masochistic kind of way. Even after the poison ivy was gone, the feel of superhot water on the same spot gave me chills for months
discussion comment
13 years ago
avatar for Hesiod
Not Another "Does She Like Me" Thread!
Way too much drama here. Go or don't go. Use the phone or fuck it. Just go and have a drink already. Get a dance if you want or not. No more OTC for you though - you're your own pain in the ass.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for zipman68
the speed force!
Interesting Strip Club site...
Gets better. Click on any of the girls profiles and you get this ... More copy is needed here, what follows is nonsense: But I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness. No one rejects, dislikes, or avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure, but because those who do not know how to pursue pleasure rationally encounter consequences that are extremely painful. Nor again is there anyone who loves or pursues or desires to obtain pain of itself, because it is pain, but occasionally circumstances occur in which toil and pain can procure him some great pleasure. To take a trivial example, which of us ever undertakes laborious physical exercise, except to obtain some advantage from it? But who has any right to find fault with a man who chooses to enjoy a pleasure that has no annoying consequences, or one who avoids a pain that produces no resultant pleasure?
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for buzzer68
OTC etiquette
Shadowcat and gsv have got it right. What a pain in the ass having to do all these covert operations just to get laid. Gotta have some level of trust or its no fun at all.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for farmerart
Mesmerized By tuscl's Archives
Bareback scares the crap out of me too. Funny thing is I used to go to Cheaters when I lived in RI about 10 years ago. Many changes since then. I also enjoy your reviews farmerart. Many of you guys get around much more than I do and its fun to read about. I've learned alot to be sure.
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14 years ago
avatar for bang69
North Carolina
Have you had this happen
Except for the novelty factor, it seems to me that there's only so much room on a lap. I'd much rather get up close with one good one rather than figure out how to juggle two. Especially if its twice the price. I guess I'd tell the second to take a ticket and wait her turn.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for joesparty
Why in the world would you friend her? Too many headaches with no upside that I can see. Worst case is she'll get offended and withhold extras. Almost sounds like a wife. Screw it. Keep things the way they are or, if the extras dry up, just move on.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for dudeanonymous
Wedding Rings
I take my ring off sometimes. Not because I care about what it looks like, but because I find it distracting. I'm there to escape and fantasize for a few hours and I don't like the reminder. I'll be married again when I get back to the car. In truth though, lately I haven't bothered pulling it off. Maybe because my hands are a little swollen and it hurts to yank off. Maybe because I'm getting a little older and I just don't give a fuck anymore. Yeah - that feels more right.
discussion comment
14 years ago
avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs
"Vegetarian" is an old Indian word for "bad hunter"
review comment
9 years ago
avatar for cnyknight
New York
It was for me but probaly not for everyone ...
Great review. Good intel. Glad you had a good time!