
Comments by Notsosly (page 7)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Ethnography
    It also matter where you are in the country/world. Here in south FL, the majority of the raunchiest clubs are predominantly latin... but then again, latins make up approx. 80% of the population here in the Miami area. Go a little farther north into Fort Lauderdale and you'll get more whites and blacks. Personally, I think raunchiness tends to matter more on the socio-economic background of the girls/club. High-end clubs get more high-end girls that tend to never offer the kind of "extras" that you'll get in the smaller clubs in the seedier areas. As for ethnicity, I think there are a number of guys (myself included) that sometimes use strip clubs to get their "jungle fever/yellow fever/white girl fever/etc" taken care of, just as they would use hookers/escorts to get acts performed that they couldn't get normally or easily. I also think the more savvy strippers know this and recognize it, and use it to their advantage. As it's been said many times here, strippers usually only see customers as 1 color... $$$ green.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Do you shave your pubic area?
    Trim? Absolutely. Just part of grooming. I'm not a really hairy guy (nothing on my ass at all, other than a little in the valley), so once every 2 weeks is good. If I know I'm in for a vacation of fornication, I'll take the crack-n-sack down to nothing. I've shaved it all off before, but wasn't a big fan of it. Stubble got real itchy, which is why I'll just trim in most cases. Clippers with a 1 or 2 blade guard are good. 3 is too long, imo. Other option (especially for the crack/grundle) is Nair, or some other hair-removal cream. Just keep it away from the sack, it will burn. It's the last resort option for that region though. And yeah... sometime I would like to try the FS with wax just for shits and giggles. IMO, give it a try. If you don't like it, it'll be back in a week or two... though you might look a little like a plucked chicken for a bit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    "bartenders that ignore you when you walk in because they're too busy talking to regulars." Hell yes... get that all the time. Though they are usually in a corner talking to a stripper or two, the bouncer, and a manager. I've found that if you tip them well on that first drink, they pay a lot more attention thereafter, and often remember you the next time you come in.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I know escorts and strip clubs are two far different things, but I've found that www.theeroticreview.com is a great place for reviews. You'll find lots of porn stars and escorts. Many probably know about it already, but it's very similar in idea to this site, though obviously a slightly different market. Apologies if adverting this is against policy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Giving the strippers credit...
    "<i>I do find it odd when dancers sit around (solo or in groups) when customers are present, without even checking if any of those customers might be a prospect for them to earn some money. Yet that seems to happen frequently.</i>" Totally agree. I've been in clubs before, especially during the afternoon, where I'm one of maybe a dozen guys in the place, and there's maybe 8 girls working... 1 on stage, 1 in the corner with a regular, and 2 groups of 3 girls each sitting like bumps on a pickle in some booth, and not getting up to talk to anyone. Hate that. It's like Junior High all over again with the girls on one wall and the dudes on another.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    52- yr-old novice stripper attacked by one in her late 40s (?!)
    Pecking order among women isn't restricted to just strip clubs... it pretty much occurs in any and all environments that have more than 1 woman.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    All of the above plus the following: Clubs that keep the AC turned down so low I can almost see my breath (dancer told me it was to keep their nips cold and hard even in the bright lights on stage). Ambiguous come-ons that result in you paying for something that you didn't know about (e.g. Dancer says "Mind if I have a drink with you?" in my mind means the dancer is going to buy herself a drink and sit and talk with you... but it really means I'm supposed to buy the drink). Stains of any sort on the lapdance couch, which are usually easy to see with all the blacklights you find in clubs. Putting your hand down on the space between 2 cushions on the LD couch and finding a used condom (did it once and it ruined my night). Dancers that you aren't really that interested in sitting down and chasing off all the ones you are interested in. Dancers that stink. Dancers that can't speak english.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    I had a porn star in my room in Vegas once. She was one of my favorites, and I was hoping to live out a fantasy. She tried to get $800 for a simple hand job... which she would perform with a rubber glove, half a bottle of lube, and a hand towel wrapped around my entire genital area except for the johnson. Sexy, I know, right! FS was north of $2500. And this is a girl who I've seen taking it in every orafice by multiple dudes on screen. FWIW, I'm a clean-cut, thirty-something, average looking guy... not some toad. Needless to say I laughed my ass off and told her to GTFO of my room.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    My apologies for word misuse, but I have always wanted to use that word in a sentence... How about "ultra-libertarian rhetoric?" Is that a more appropriate description?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Dancers asking if you are married
    Before this thread got completely derailed by some whacky disestablishmentarianism rhetoric, we were talking about strippers asking if you were married, and whether we minded or not. Personally, I know in many cases it's just making conversation, but I think in many cases it can also be part of the stripper "sizing you up" to see how much $$$ you might part with. I am not a fan, because if I tell the girl I am married (I am) then we might end up talking about her (ex)husband and/or my wife, and/or children... topics which I absolutely do NOT want to talk about. I feel it's easier to leave the ring in the car, and just go single. But unfortunately, that has resulted in being asked to meet OTC for dates/dinners/movies/etc., which then opens up a whole other can of worms when I have to decline. Also, when I say I'm single, I sometimes get the response "Good! I don't give married guys lapdances." It could be just part of the sales script, or it could be true! Either way, I'm single in the clubs. Always.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of say no or no thanks to dancers asking for dances?
    <i>"To those that like the "wanna dance" question, I will agree ONLY if they take a polite "No thanks" and then walk away. Over all, I prefer they not ask."</i> This I agree with. I don't like it when a girl just comes up and says "wanna dance" with no pretense or even a "hi, how are you?" The only time I'll ever take a dancer up on this is when she is drop dead gorgeous or the only hot one in the club. And I'm almost always disappointed with the LD in the end... it's usually robotic and lacks any sort of intimacy or sensuality. Also, nothing aggravates me more than a fugly dancer that won't go away no matter how many times i say "no thanks." I very rarely have to get rude, and I hate doing so because that fugly could poison the well against you with all the other dancers.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Champagne rooms.
    Most of the clubs I've been in do not actually serve champagne in the champagne room. Then again, they almost all call it the "VIP" room, so at least it isn't false advertising! Personally, I think if it's over $200 for 30 minutes, I'd definitely expect some Champagne! In my experience, Champagne is more common in the big super clubs that have tons of dancers and cater to the bachelor party and celebrity types (Scarlet's, Spearmint Rhino, Tootsies, etc). And it's also very common in the areas of the country that are full-nude-but-no-alcohol... and it's non-alcoholic champagne garbage. In my favorite club, it's $100 up front to the club for 30 minutes in the VIP, and then usually $150-300 tip to the dancer depending on what you two agree on (anything from a simple HJ to BBBJ to FS including greek). Sometimes you gotta tip bouncer/waitress too. But then again, there are a couple lapdance couches that are tucked into a corner where I've had all of the above for the normal lapdance price ($25) plus a little tip. As always... YMMV depending on club/dancer and your looks/personality.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Champagne rooms.
    $100 at most of the joints here in SoFL. Depends on the club, but some are like you describe. But some offer ZERO privacy in the regular lapdance area, so if you want anything more than a regular dance, you need to hit up the VIP/champagne room, for privacy if anything. But ya, if it was $250 to the house upfront... that's nuts.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
    CowboyesFan, that was in San Diego, where there are seriously draconian no-touch laws in the strip clubs. And yeah, I'll never waste money on VIP in SD again. In Florida though? Hell yes. Depending on club and the girl, you can have a LOT of "fun" in FL club VIP rooms.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    petite or full-figured
    I'm another equal-opportunity lapper here, but forced to choose, I prefer the petite if only so they don't cut off circulation or give me bruises during the lap dance. I can be turned off if it goes too far in either direction... i.e. "boney" not petite, or "fat with cellulite" not curvy. Also, I'm an ass-man, and as long as that is firm and shapely, I'm usually good to go. Tits are secondary, I prefer natural over store-bought, and firm over saggy and squishy.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
    Yeah, now that I think about it, there are a few porn star/feature dancers that I would absolutely pay $100 a dance for... and probably go several rounds as long as I was really enjoying myself.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    North Carolina
    HS stripper
    I saw a girl I remembered from college, but I didn't know her and I doubt she remembered me (she didn't ever bring it up). I got a few REAL good lap dances from her and was a happy man. Personally, I'd love to see some of the girls I went to high school with in a club. And if she was up for it, I'd absolutely get some dances with her. But I'm just a horny jerk sometimes.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do you ever make a point of remembering dancers names if they remember yours?
    I only remember her name if I got more than 3 lap dances with her and I really liked them. I could care less whether they remember my name, and I am really suprised when they do because I sure don't expect them to. She's in that club 3-6 days a week seeing several to many guys everyday. No way should I expect her to remember my name when I return a month or so later.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    What's the most money you ever spent on a single lap dance?
    $50 for one dance in VIP was the most. It was absolutely not worth it. Was cajoled and teased and promised the moon to get a lap-dance in the VIP room after having 3 "normal" lapdances for $20. After 1 dance in VIP that was the exact same as the previous three, I left. Normally, I'm paying between $20 and 25 for a lapper and try to hit up every two-fer that comes around. Once I find a girl that I really like and that offers extras, that is when I really open the wallet.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    How much personal info do dancers share with you when you first meet?
    Personally, I don't even like telling them what I do for a living, much less where I live (other than a vague town name/region), my personal relationship situation (some dancers ask that, I feel it's intrusive). I know some are just making small talk and are not that good at it, thus some of the questions can be a bit pointed. But I also get the vibe that many are sizing you up to see how much money they can squeeze out of you (good job + good neighborhood = good tips). Also, nothing turns me off more than a stripper telling me how many kid(s) she has... especially when it's like 1am and I'm thinking who the hell is home watching your kid(s)?! Totally ruins it for me. All that said, I've been called "a nice guy" and a "good listener" before. I've also played the shoulder-to-cry-on role a couple times, but only with ATFs. And even then, it can be hard because this is obviously not what I came to a club for.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    champagne rooms in south florida
    I've been to a few in the Ft.Lauderdale area, and you can get FS in almost all of them for the right price with the right girl at the right time of day. Pink Pony is a little south in Doral and will get you just about anything you want. Honestly it's more of a brothel with a dance floor than it is a club. Girls will do any and everything for the right price. Just gotta tip the bouncer (when you pay him the dance fee, just tip him the same amount as the fee you are paying... usually $25) Can get FS and more for anywhere from $200-500, depending on girl and you and your negotiation skills. Confirm what you want and what she will give and for what price before you head back to the couch, NOT after. Otherwise you will end up paying more.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Mood killers?
    Agree with many of those listed (talking about their kids, bills, crazy boyfriends... razor stubble around--and below--the bikini line, upselling, drink hustling, etc). One that hasn't been mentioned is one I hate. When I get an LD and the girl is just going through the motions. When she's staring off into space, rotating between the same 3 positions, or just getting on and grinding the same spot with no change for the entire song or more (chaffing!), and when girls seem to be bouncing off the walls and just climbing all over you, bouncing up and down going way to fast with everything... even during a slow song. I know she's probably doing it unconsciously because she wants to get it over asap and get her $. I hate that. Go slow, take your time, don't bounce, the song is the same length no matter what happens... but if you do it this way, I'll be paying you for more songs, not thinking about whether someones taken my seat at the bar.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    buying dancers drinks
    I hate drink hustlers. I don't always blame the girl, since it's usually management pusing it, but not always. I especially hated when a girl came up, talked to me for a few seconds then motioned to the empty chair at the bar next to me and said "mind if I sit and have a drink with you?" Since I'd been to the club before and knew many of the girls drank on their own dime, I said "sure." Then the bartender told me I owed him $8. I looked at him blankly, and said for what?! "For my drink," the dancer said. "Seriously? I thought you were buying it. ...whatever." and then gave the money to the bartender. As I did, I said I didn't realize that's how it worked... the way she said it I thought she was buying her own drink. Since I had been there for about 2 hours already (along with several trips before where I spent a decent amount) the bartender apologized. He still took my money though. But in his defense, he took the dancer aside and read her a riot act I think. She then came back, apologized to me, and then bought my next drink for me! I felt bad, and so did she, and she ended up hanging out with me for another 45 minutes. I also eventually got 3 $25 LDs from her, and they were damn good. Doubt that will ever happen again though! They definitely made me a loyal customer though.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Married or single. Who gives the best dances ?
    Single! Another question: do the dancers give you better dances if they think you are single or married? The answer again: Single.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Getting ID'd or patted down. Does it bother you?
    Checking ID: Im only 34, so yeah, it still gets checked occasionally. I always leave it in the car though... and only about half the places that request to see it make me go out to get it. I'd never allow anyone to copy my ID. Hell no. Patting down: By a hot hostess/dancer: sure! and make sure you're thorough! By a big meaty bouncer: it's an annoyance. Though I appreciate that none of the other patrons will be packing heat, I do wonder if a white boy in dockers should even be going into said club. It also leads me to believe that there won't be much leniency when it comes to fun in the VIP or LD couches. Places that pat down tend to crack down hard on that stuff.