
Comments by Notsosly (page 6)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Too much of a good thing is never enough
    BBBJs and antiseptic mouthwash
    That's like when I was in HS and a girl tried to tell me that we could do it in a jacuzzi without a condom because the hot water and chlorine killed it all. I laugh at it now, but back then it made complete sense.
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    How's that old saying go? "Beauty is skin deep, but ugly goes straight to the bone." I'm sorry, if the girl is ugly/fat, I don't care how fun and flirty she is or how well she can dance on stage. I am just not going to be interested in getting LD's from her or seeing her naked. So no, IMO nothing can overcome "BAD" looks on a girl in a SC.
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    15 years ago
    No cell phones in clubs
    Mr_33... what happened to you is one of my bigger fears. That's why I never bring it in the club... I just leave it at home or in the car, along with anything other than car keys and cash. But ya, their motive for banning them is absolutley camera/video phones.
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    15 years ago
    North Iowa
    Can a good personality or stage presence overcome bad looks?
    IMO, a really great personality will take a girl up about 2 notches. I really bad one can take her down 4 or 5 notches. I will not put up with a bitchy attitude or the "bored, robotic, let's-get-this-over-with" attitudes for more than 1 dance. I also hate the drink hustle... but I digress. To answer your question... yes, I think so, but not so much. I've got to be physically attracted already in order for personality/stage-work to boost a girl's "rating." Curvy is cool, but flabby is not.
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    15 years ago
    I did when I was in college. In fact there were two of them that used to hang out on the porch with us almost everyday. We lived on the boardwalk at the time, so everyone wanted to hang out on the porch and drink beers and people watch until the sun went down! Good times... But I knew them before I ever saw them in the club, and even hooked up with one at a party we had as well. Had some amazing lap dances from her when I finally did get around to seeing her. But no, they were both really comfortable with it, and I know I sure as hell was.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cock blockers
    I'm confused who is cock-blocking who. Was your ATF cock-blocking you getting dances from other girls? Or were other dudes coming in and stealing her away while you went to take a piss or something? If it's the former, then there are other threads that talk about it in detail on this board. If it's the latter, stop yourself. She is there to make money. If you were spending enough of it, she wouldn't leave your side. Or is it some other type of cock-blocking I'm just not thinking of at the moment?
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    15 years ago
    how do i?
    I never bring it up. If they do, then I'll say "yeah I thought you looked familiar." But no, I never bring it up, mostly because it's not real important for me to be remembered by a dancer. Quick Story: I totally remembered a dancer I got some extras from last time I was in the club. She didn't remember me, and like I said, I never brought it up. Long story short, when I asked about those same extras later on, she quoted me a price that was HALF what I paid last time. I paid it happily, but I was still kicking myself for paying so much the first time.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Favorites versus luck of the draw
    Been there before. I had a favorite who would pounce on me as soon as she saw me in the club, and she wouldn't let go until I left. Part of me felt flattered because she would ditch whole tables of dudes and come jump in my lap and spend the rest of the night there. I obviously made it worth her while. However, except for her 2 friends who danced there, she pretty much shot daggers at any dancer who approached me to say hi, and if she had to dance on stage or go back to the dressing room for something, she'd leave her marker on the chair so no dancer sat in it while she was away. At times I would have really liked to grab a dance from another girl, but couldn't. Eventually I just found out her work schedule and went when she wasn't there if I wanted some new dancer. The only way I could sometimes get her to back off was to do 2-3 dances with her and then tell her I was done, and I'd go back to the bar. She probably thought I didn't bring a big bank roll that night and she'd move on. But at the same time, if she later saw me getting dances from another girl, she'd "half jokingly" accuse me of cheating on her. I'd just laugh it off, but I could tell she would get jealous seeing me with other dancers. Don't get me wrong, she was still my favorite, and she took REAL good care of me, but there are times when I wanted to test drive some new hotty, or get some dances from several different girls I knew. If she's not a "favorite" that you see often, and you've only had maybe 2-3 visits where you spent a lot of time with her, then just get a couple dances with her and then move on. Go to the bar and grab a beer, maybe hit the bathroom, go out and have a smoke outside... then come back and by that time she will probably be hitting up some other guy. Which lets you go fishing for another girl.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Don't you fucking hate it when....
    I don't really hear it, except for the occasional line from a dancer, "I'd never date a guy who I met while working!" I remember hearing it from a favorite of mine who then, unsolicited by me, gave me her number about a month later and said she'd "love to go on a date with me sometime, maybe dinner and a movie?" As for people in my OTC life, none of them know how much I go. And honestly, if I'm mongering, I think I prefer to go alone. If I'm going with a bunch of buddies after a game or for a Bachelor party, I might only get a lap dance or two. If I'm alone, I do a whole lot more.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Sexual to do list?
    Lol... that same Seinfeld episode runs through my head just about everytime I hear or see the word orgy. Great episode!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Travelling cross-country and need SC recommendations!
    Minnow--Nah... I'm headed to San Diego, so I'll be hanging a left onto I-8 a bit far south of Phoenix. And yes, I plan to go straight through from El Paso, TX to SD, CA. Though if you have a recommendation for a lunch spot in Tuscon, AZ, I'd love to hear it!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    OTC Rules
    I dunno man. I know I wouldn't be keeping those texts on my phone if I were you. Also, her making you go down on her 3 times before she "lets you" fuck her sounds a bit ridiculous... but maybe it was just a poor choice of words. As for getting stood up... personally, after 1 no-show I'd be pissed, but forgiving.... after the second no-show, any chance that it could turn into anything more than a business transaction would be gone. Punctuality is a real pet peeve of mine... 10-15 minutes is no big deal, but 2 hours late is ridiculous, especially if they have no excuse or apology when it happens... and it happens often. Though it's really par for the course with most strippers and escorts for that matter. I tend to go by the rule that when you date strippers, you get in, have as much crazy buck-wild fun-tastic sex as you can, then get the fuck out before their whole crazy fucked-up world comes crashing down on you like a ton of bricks. But YMMV. I dunno man, in your shoes, I would "git' while the gittin' is still good." But you are the one in it, not me. So you probably have a bit more perspective on when it might be time to cut the ties.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Ever get tired of hearing tornado sirens?
    Haven't heard one in probably 30 years. Where I grew up right outside of DC, we had them, but I seem to remember adults telling me they were also air-raid sirens. It was the height of the Cold War/nuclear threat hysteria in the late 70's/early 80's, and DC was ground zero, so it might have some merit.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Travelling cross-country and need SC recommendations!
    I have zero internet access from the car. I used to have it on my phone, but my wife decided to kill that part of the service to save on money. I have been wanting to get a laptop for a long time now, but if I bought one, I wouldn't have any play money left over for the trip! I was reading some more reviews of Treasures and it looks like it got busted by vice late last summer? Have they recovered? I know when places get busted here in south FL it takes them a long while to "come back" and even once they do, they are rarely as good as the "glory days" before the raid. Any info on this?
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Favorite after the club visit meal?
    Moons Over My-Hammy!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Somewhere in between. I don't like ones who scream at the top of their lungs, but it's more of a "my entire neighborhood/hotel floor doesn't need to know someone is getting fucked, nor the name of the guy fucking her (me)." But I also hate the ones who are deathly quiet and just lay there. I would feel as if I'm doing something wrong or they don't really like sex all that much (with me). Probably like most guys, I like moans and groans and a little dirty talk, but don't really fall on either extreme of the spectrum.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Travelling cross-country and need SC recommendations!
    Thanks TXTF... I see a Doubletree, a Courtyard, and an Embassy Suites all within 1/3rd of a mile to 1/2 a mile from from Treasures, so I'm good for hotels in Houston, if I'm headed to Treasures. I'm not specifically looking for Motel 6's, just saying that is about as low as I will go quality-wise. I've been in the no-tell-motels with the cock-a-roaches before and spent the night with a single bare lightbulb hanging in the middle of the room and the strange stains on the bedspread. Not doing it ever again if I don't absolutely have to.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Sexual to do list?
    I've done a lot... both in the club and out, both the free and spontaneous kind, and the planned and paid for kind. I've also been with every race/ethnicity... cept maybe Indian or Middle-Eastern... but neither are known to be common at strip clubs. Though I'm getting older and my bachelor days are far behind me, I still have a list in my head. 1.) Visit Thailand and enjoy everything that the ladies there offer. 2.) Orgy! Alas, I simply don't run in the circles that would allow this to happen, nor would my wife ever in her right mind allow me or join in one herself. 3.) Film a POV (point of view) porno... where the camera guy is also the lead dick. 4.) A really, REALLY good threesome, where both girls are open to anything and everything and are really into it. I've had them before, but they never lived up to my (possibly unrealistic) expectations.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    And by "squirrel" I mean I literally take $20's or $50's and stick them in a pocket of a pair of shorts/pants I never wear... or in a large computer programming book that I know my wife would never in a million years take off the shelf and open.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    What is too much Fun?
    Lol Mkreef... I do the same thing. I squirrel away money until I have "enough" to go to a club (which for me is $500 to $700, though I usually only spend half that... I want extra in case I find something REAL special). My minimum entry bankroll is $300. Then I have to find a reason to go and be gone for a few hours and come back smelling like perfume, pussy and beer... or at least bring a change of clothes (at lest a shirt), some cologne, and some tic-tacs. When economy or my bank account is in the shitter... I just don't go to the club. Or if I do, it's a quick trip, like to watch a couple quarters of a game and have a few beers, then maybe a lapper or 2 and spend less than $100.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    lingerie football?
    I'm sorry, but "overwhelmingly black" is not a synonym for "diversity." I'd guess about 70% black. Maybe 3 asians in the whole league, if that. Maybe 20 hispanics overall. Doesn't sound diverse to me, sounds more like homogeny. Now I'll get off my soap-box and say "meh" not a fan of women's sports, naked, or in lingerie, or not.
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    15 years ago
    anybody done the bunnyranch?
    I've also heard to not go during dinner hours, since many of the girls will be (suprise!) actually off-duty and having dinner, and many girls don't start working til after 8pm. Figure 5-7pm as hours to avoid. I've also heard that around midnight it gets pretty busy with a lot of drunk (liquid courage) guys showing up, and the girls being very busy and/or tired from having several customers already. Early afternoon is probably pretty dead, and the 8-10pm time slot is probably your best bet for the most girls on-duty, but still not too busy so that the best girls aren't all taken.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    Oh wait! Apparently their is a case of swine flu in Florida now! The hypochondriac in my office says she has it. Time to run for the hills!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    somone had to do it - so I will - will the Swine Flu change your SC habits anyti
    90 cases in the US so far, and only 1 death. A 2 year old that had just returned from Mexico. It's got a hip name that will grab you and a built in mascot (the pig!) to help with the marketing. Therefore all the "news" outlets are barraging everyone with 24-7 coverage to maintain and further instill the state of fear and panic that "news media" feel they must create in order to get those precious ratings, and thus advertising dollars. Like a previous poster said... when Swine flu surpasses the current mortality rate for the regular influenza virus, I'll start to change my habits. As it stands now, there isn't even a single case in FL yet, so the only thing holding me back from the club is lack of cash flow from the current economy.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    anybody done the bunnyranch?
    Been to the chicken ranch, which is just like the bunny ranch, but about 45 min outside of Vegas as opposed to up near Tahoe. But like mkreef, I only got a "menu." Pretty much everything and anything is on the menu, but it can be very expensive, even for really tame stuff. Though it's all negotiable and different girls have different prices for different activities... also depending on how much $$$ they think they can get out of a guy.