
Giving the strippers credit...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009 1:55 AM
I still venture out once in a while and on a recent jaunt I stopped in somewhere and it was pretty slow. Just a bunch of dancers sittin around....and sitting and sitting. Now Im all for sitting around at work once in a while, but thats gotta get really boring. One stripper I know works 10hr. shifts and she told me half of it is sitting by herself, most of the other time its sitting with customers. How do they do it? Give the ladies some props...appplause.


  • Tucker40
    15 years ago
    Sounds like a lot of office jobs, but with a stripper pole.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    *applause* I have also heard though that they can work whenever they want to, they have no set schedules. I know some clubs are more strict than others but that would be pretty nice to just show up to work whenever you want to.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    One of the clubs I visit will often have a large number of dancers sitting by the bar (or whatever you want to call it, as this is a non-alcoholic place). I suppose that's better than hiding out in the dressing room. The fact is, if no one wants to buy dances, and no one wants to talk, I really don't know what other choice there is, given they supposedly must always be out on the floor there.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Sitting around doing nothing must be like waiting in a long line. ***APPLAUSE*** if they are doing that just in case someone like me shows up. I really haven't seen too many dancers sitting around doing nothing unless a club was dead or just opened. This weekend I will be happy if I can find a seat in the strip club I'm planning on visiting. I don't really enjoy standing up.
  • how
    15 years ago
    I do find it odd when dancers sit around (solo or in groups) when customers are present, without even checking if any of those customers might be a prospect for them to earn some money. Yet that seems to happen frequently.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Maybe they are like pilots and have to have seat time.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    "<i>I do find it odd when dancers sit around (solo or in groups) when customers are present, without even checking if any of those customers might be a prospect for them to earn some money. Yet that seems to happen frequently.</i>" Totally agree. I've been in clubs before, especially during the afternoon, where I'm one of maybe a dozen guys in the place, and there's maybe 8 girls working... 1 on stage, 1 in the corner with a regular, and 2 groups of 3 girls each sitting like bumps on a pickle in some booth, and not getting up to talk to anyone. Hate that. It's like Junior High all over again with the girls on one wall and the dudes on another.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I see this all of the time at my favorite club. They are waiting on or hoping to see regulars. Big spenders! Why waste their time on a potential $20 customer. I get it too. They know who my favorites are and therefore ignore me.
  • arbeeguy
    15 years ago
    In the clubs I go to, the dancers ask for dances. Most of them seem to think $20 in their pocket (or bag) is better than a kick in the pants.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    If the girls think of their work time as "much of it is just sitting around doing nothing," I would HOPE that this time was the time when there were no patrons in the building. Because if they're the sort who sit at a table and gab, complain about men not paying them enough, but then don't bother to stand up and walk across the room to all the guys who were uncomfortable approaching women who looked like they might not be on-shift at the time? Well then ...
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