

Wednesday, April 15, 2009 2:07 PM
what irritates you the most about your strip club visits? mine is being ignored by the dancers while they spend all their time with "regulars"


  • uscue13
    15 years ago
    bad attitudes after a polite "no thanks"
  • minnow
    15 years ago
    Here's a list of some of mine, in no particular order: 1) "Buy the lady a drink": Discrete asking OK, but to swoop in within seconds of having dancer sit down, or following one to lapdance area smacks strongly of too much hustle. 2) 2fers & other gimmicks: My main gripe with those is that they tend to break the flow of things, especially if I've already bought VIP. Often, 2fers are a couple of clipped songs. I would much rather have 2fers dispensed with, keep the flow going, and instead offer volume discounts (eg- if laps are normally $20, offer a package like 3 for 50, etc) 3) Clipped songs- Most egregious offenders here seem to be the chain clubs, or certain big cities like Los Angeles. 4) Clipboard Brigade/ High Bouncer Profile 5) Upselling- OK to mention higher priced dance options, but please don't constantly nag me DURING dance about upgrade- just let me enjoy the damn dance. Kinda like taking a test drive in Mustang GT, & having salesman prattle on about how much better a Porsche 911 would be. 6) Some Dancers- Not that many there, but have encountered ROB's, subpar mileage, some fuglies, cockblockers, etc. The good has outweighed the bad, but some of these gripes need not be.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Asked and answered.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Many times!
  • motorhead
    15 years ago
    Agree with much that has already been said: -- "buy the lady a drink?" -- non-ciculating dancers/being ignored -- too many smokers -- bouncers -- drunk guys & dancers -- over-rated clubs on TUSCL (#4 Hip Hugger and Bogarts, in particular)
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    1. ATMs that have the name of the club on the receipt and/or statement. 2. Bad parking situations. 3. Bad management. It's ok to be a dive, but be a decently run dive. 4. Bad DJ. Most of the song issues mix with this and bad management. 5. Foul bathroom. Not spotless but guys shouldn't be afraid to breathe. 6. Selective enforcement. Nuff said. 7. Customers who can't figure out how the club they're in works. 8. Customers who don't understand concepts like personal space and time. 9. Customers who whine to strangers at the club about stripper shit. 10. Fees, fees, and more fees.
  • Officer
    15 years ago
    clubs that advertise as fully nude, but where some or all of the dancers don't go fully nude
  • dale38
    15 years ago
    Girls that ignore you when you're good to them. Worse, yet, girls that can't take their eyes off a mirror during a dance or talk to friends during your lap dance.
  • robofan
    15 years ago
    What's been said plus: Overly aggressive shot girls. Music played to loud so you can't hold a conversation. Dancers who won't take the hint and leave your table after you have told them nicely that you don't want a dance. Waitresses who forget you exist.
  • 3LeggedMan
    15 years ago
    Girls that get up close and personal in a private dance and smell of cigarettes, garlic, etc. On the PLUS side, I really appreciate a doorperson or bartender that gives extra singles in change.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    If no one said this already, dance prices that are too high. I especially agree with dancers who won't leave your table after you told them no. That is they want to argue with you. If they just want to talk without arguing that's ok. Pulling on my arms and trying to grab me and take me to the lap dance room after I already told them no. A smaller pet peeve. After you've decided it's a lot simpler to just say "maybe later" because a few dancers will stay and argue if you say no, some dancers will stay and argue with you that you should say no thanks instead of "maybe later". Maybe my pet peeve is dancers that want to argue with you.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    Another pet peeve, rude dancers who don't know how to politely leave your table after you reject them.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    another peeve, the same rude dancers don't remember you rejected them only 30 to 60 minutes ago and were rude but yet they come back and ask you for a dance again as if nothing happened.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    another one, so much smoke that you reek of it later and start coughing. another... music so loud you can barely even communicate in the club without shouting in the ear next to you. another...DJ's that talk incessantly
  • whghIost
    15 years ago
    Dancers who risk on losing other regulars who are loyal to the them by always treating their major regulars like kings. Some dancers are not too smart.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    1.Everything is overpriced. 2.Girls who don't take no for an answer. [view link] of the clubs I visit will actually have girls sit at the bar (at least to the extent a non-alcohol club can have a bar) and talk to the bartender. Its one thing to sit with the customers and another not to even try. At some clubs, that's a fireable offense.
  • DickJohnson
    15 years ago
    lying manipulative strippers who think every guy is after them.....
  • whghIost
    15 years ago
    Some dancers should who have multiple regulars who come frequent should do better job at scheduling. Someone will always get shafted.
  • stagedoorjonny
    15 years ago
    Girls that don't shave their legs for days before going to work. plus a lot of the other statements.
  • Ironcat
    15 years ago
    I had some skanky dancer come by and ask if I wanted a 2 for 40. when I said no thanks she said how about 2 for 30 - I explained I wasn't in the mood for a dance yet and she offered 2 for 20 - I said no thanks, again so she asks for a tip. I said no and she starts nagging me "Oh, come on just a dollar... you must have a dollar" - If I wanted to be nagged I could have stayed home and got nagged for free! I hate it.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    Stagedoorjonny- Never met one who never shaved their legs, but I did meet one once who had armpit hair. On the other hand, she was clearly foreign born, so I gave her a pass, but if an American dancer tried that, I don't think I could go for it.
  • steve229
    15 years ago
    Dancers who tell you "Don't leave, I'll be right back," leave their markers (drink, cigarettes, etc.)on your table so other dancers don't approach you, then disappear into the back for 20-30 minutes.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    All of the above plus the following: Clubs that keep the AC turned down so low I can almost see my breath (dancer told me it was to keep their nips cold and hard even in the bright lights on stage). Ambiguous come-ons that result in you paying for something that you didn't know about (e.g. Dancer says "Mind if I have a drink with you?" in my mind means the dancer is going to buy herself a drink and sit and talk with you... but it really means I'm supposed to buy the drink). Stains of any sort on the lapdance couch, which are usually easy to see with all the blacklights you find in clubs. Putting your hand down on the space between 2 cushions on the LD couch and finding a used condom (did it once and it ruined my night). Dancers that you aren't really that interested in sitting down and chasing off all the ones you are interested in. Dancers that stink. Dancers that can't speak english.
  • joshc
    15 years ago
    bartenders that ignore you when you walk in because they're too busy talking to regulars.
  • chi_sam
    15 years ago
    DJ's that somehow got the idea people are there because of them. Hate 'em. Anything else I can deal with.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Clubs with no hot strippers. Nothing else comes close.
  • pinhead
    15 years ago
    1)Dancers that tell you 'that was 6 songs' when it was only 4. 2)Dancers that sit on my lap when they know my fav will be out in a few minutes. 3) Dancers that just don't get it when it's obvious that the conversation is going nowhere.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    "bartenders that ignore you when you walk in because they're too busy talking to regulars." Hell yes... get that all the time. Though they are usually in a corner talking to a stripper or two, the bouncer, and a manager. I've found that if you tip them well on that first drink, they pay a lot more attention thereafter, and often remember you the next time you come in.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I second laxplayer's sentiments. I don't normally go to places which serve alcohol, but when I do, it always seems like they are ignoring me. It even seems like it happens to me in regular bars as well.
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