
Don't you fucking hate it when....

somebody judges you for going to a SC? Especially when that person goes him/herself but conveniently forgets that during judgement. It seems to go once in a while is ok, or for a bachelor party or a bachelorette party, but to go regularly, well then your just weird. do you guys get this sort of judgement sometimes?


  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I don't have that problem because nobody other than my son and daughter know about my mongering. While they don't totally approve of it. They accept it as dads way to have fun. My daughter has donated many bottles of perfume for the girls, over the years. It is nice to have a close knit family.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    I especially hate it when strippers themselves judge the people in a strip club. I heard one stripper say "I would NEVER date a guy pathetic enough to come to this strip club"...yet she herself works there.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Ignore those who bother you so...
  • jablake
    15 years ago

    Not really. I do get a little irritated by dancers who assume all customers are losers. The point being that a real man doesn't have to pay for a woman. Well, there is an issue of quality----and that brings out the looks are irrelevant mantra. Looks may be irrelevant to most men and women, but not to me. :) I need very attractive. To each his own.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    There are all kinds of SC patrons. Based upon numerous discussions w/ my regulars and their stories, there are some creepy customers out there. I used to work with a guy who thought SC were disgusting and for perverts only although he insisted he had never been in one, (after spending 20 years in the Navy). As for me, most of my friends do not know of my hobby. It is my escape from my life of work, family etc. Where else can you go for lively upbeat entertainment with no strings attached. It is my adult Disneyland. Judging by the preponderance of clubs, and the money made by quality entertainers, along with the public disdain for strip clubs, I can only say there are a lot of hypocrites out there.
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    I'm often surprised at the hypocritical strippers, more so than the hypocritical customers. Both are mildly annoying -- and, because the hypocrisy is an important part of America's typical love-hate relationship with sexuality, it's important to know that it's there and to be able to navigate it. If I were more ingenuous, would simply announce to the world that I get a boner when a pretty girl walks by, and that I love sucking on strippers' titties. But then, I happen to know, many people would disapprove of that sort of talk, and of the attitude behind those comments which it displays. And some of the pepole who disapprove, do have power over me -- potential employers, professors, people who might tell people who might tell people ... so, it's good to know what the hypocrisy is, and remember it.

    But I'm very surprised at the dancers. And the management. There are a lot of really jaded people in the stripping field, and they often push that jaded attitude into their judgments of others. So, they (oddly) say that anybody who goes into a strip club is a pathetic loser. Sometimes I think they're trying to build some kind of minor bonding with me, by bad-mouthing everyone around, in order to sort of build a "secret society of two" between us. But mostly, they're just being negative and stupid. The dancers want respect, most get angry when men think of them as de-facto prostitutes, and they really expect to be treated as though their jobs are "normal" and not disreputable at all. But they want to be able to denigrate men who patronize those jobs, as though the men are indeed disreputable. It's not surprising that these people, who are generally uneducated, generally of a rather non-widened set of perspectives, would be capable of hypocrisy. The surprise, however, is, that they're capable of a hypocrisy that is to their own detriment! I would have figured that the hypocrisy would instead have gone the other way: that they would have been unreasonably PROUD of how brilliant it is to be a stripper.

    In fact, I've met a few who have a rather bloated self-image, in a hypocritical way, such as, for example, the super-duper-vogue glitzy girl who acts as queen bee and demands the obeisance of all other strippers in her view. She usually thinks of herself as a superior entity merely because of her superior (so she thinks) appearance. But she simultaneously also thinks, that any girl who believes that her looks are good or who links her beauty to her superior worth, is a bitch for having done so. I understand this hypocrisy -- the alpha cunt just needs a way to make sure she feels that she is superior and others are inferior. It's still hypocrisy, but at least it makes sense.

    But the dancers who denigrate the strip club scene, as though the scene were disreputable? I don't understand. I see how they're contradicting themselves, I just don't see what they're gaining from it. Wouldn't they want to engage in a lot of self-talk that unreasonably BOOSTS the reputability of strip clubbing (and thereby improve their own status in their own eyes, and supposedly in the eyes of anyone listening), and not vice versa?
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    I don't hate it at all. I agree with their judgment. What I've seen of other customers in clubs looks pretty pathetic to me, too. I sure don't feel any solidarity with all them dudes. I guess I just count myself as an exception. If that makes me a hypocrite, so be it. Isn't it just as hypocritical to believe that your "hobby" is perfectly decent and salubrious and yet to hide it from your friends?

    I know I wouldn't enjoy strippers nearly as much if I didn't believe I was taking part in a disgusting addiction for perverts. I ain't doing it for the merit badge.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I get that quite a bit at work, and one of them who is the worst at it is one of the two former dancers at work. Then again, maybe she is in the best position to judge, but frankly, it irritates me when she goes off about it. She did quit dancing for a reason, after all. The really annoying person, though, is this one old guy who thinks I need to stop going, but (a) he talks all the time about various hotties he sees on various TV shows, (b) he subscribes to Playboy, a fact he mentions all the time, and (c) most damningly of all, I've seen him at one of the strip clubs I go to. I realize going to strip clubs isn't going to be every guy's cup of tea, but they need to lay off of it.
  • Notsosly
    15 years ago
    I don't really hear it, except for the occasional line from a dancer, "I'd never date a guy who I met while working!" I remember hearing it from a favorite of mine who then, unsolicited by me, gave me her number about a month later and said she'd "love to go on a date with me sometime, maybe dinner and a movie?"

    As for people in my OTC life, none of them know how much I go. And honestly, if I'm mongering, I think I prefer to go alone. If I'm going with a bunch of buddies after a game or for a Bachelor party, I might only get a lap dance or two. If I'm alone, I do a whole lot more.
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    In my life, I really could not care less what others may or may not judge, think, say, etc. I do not live my life according to the whims of others.
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    Is there a story behind this?
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I usually don't care what others think unless I want something from them. Usually I don't so I don't care too much. I doubt most people care what I do. There are a few religious right fanatics that I'm sure would think what I'm doing is highly immoral but I think very poorly of them. I think their attitude of judging others like that is immoral and evil. If someone wants to have some fun and visiting a strip club seems like a good idea, go for it. I once had fun doing nothing but playing an Axis and Allies board game all weekend. We modified the rules and had huge armies and navies from the get go and battled all weekend long. One guy I believe spent more time playing the game than with his wife because the weekend took up a lot of our time and work the rest. He moved then I started visiting strip clubs after someone from work dragged me out to one for the first time. The pc version of the game came out and I played all weekend long and some nights Axis and Allies online with players from around the world. I was good, very good. It felt very rewarding to outplay someone one night who I knew was extremely good even though that game lasted several hours. I guess it all depends on what you want to do for fun. I know some wives and girlfriends didn't care at all for the game Axis and Allies or other online games because you can get addicted and ignore other people. Everyone has their addictions.
  • wahnhunglow
    15 years ago
    If I get that reaction from anyone, I immediately realize it sucks to be them. I really don't care what anyone thinks because I am at the club for me, not anyone else. There is a problem in society where people feel the need to control the behavior of others so they can feel comfortable. My life is the one I created and the only one who's opinion matters about it is my own. I do what I want. I enjoy it. It's a great way to live.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Yea, what Book Guy said.

    I always get a kick out of these dancers that go on about "it's just a job" that is... until their brother comes in, or their uncle comes in, or their dad comes in, or their friends come in, or their boyfriend wants to come in, or their husband wants to come in... and I haven't even begun to list the points of entertainment!
  • snowtime
    15 years ago
    Most of the people I associate with know my affinity for stripclubs and most of them find it interesting. I often find myelf explaining the quality and or events that ocurred during my most recent visit. They always want to know if I got any extras or if I met any super hot dancers. I am comfortable telling them the details and they seem to enjoy it. Since I am single I suspect it is much easier to be open about my strip club escapades than if I were married.
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