Stripper tattoos, like em, hate em, or don't care too much?

avatar for casualguy
Generally I try avoiding thinking about tattoos and usually do pretty well. If you had a choice though, would you prefer strippers didn't have so many tattoos especially the common ones in their lower back area?

I don't believe the tattoos do anything for their looks and it makes them look a bit trashy to me. I'm sure a few dancers might take offense but I'm not trying to be politically correct. This isn't a topic I would bring up in a strip club unless I was very familiar with a dancer and she didn't like tattoos either.


last comment
avatar for David9999
17 years ago
huge turnoff for me and particularly tramp stamps, and overall I believe TATS in general correlate to low class bahavior and often nicotine addiction and of course then bad breath - however there are exceptions to that rule, but overall I try to stay away from dancers with TATS - except maybe the mini ones you can barely see
avatar for nevelsnoot
17 years ago
I myself am a traditionalist
tatoos should be reserved for pirates/sailors
and biker gangs period.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
I happen to be in the minority here. I like them. Not to say I haven't seen a lot of bad tattoos out there. But a skillfully done tattoo with an apropriate theme on the right girl? Fucking awesome!

Check out tell me some of the tattooed ladies on there aren't smokin' hot.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
I don't care one way or the other. With the ladies nowadays, to find one without a tattoo is difficult. So even the best ladies probably have one, even if its a small one. I think the artistic statement being made matters, at least for me. One of my favorites has a tattoo that says Daddy's Girl, and it works for her. One type of tattoo that will turn me off for good is when they write something in Chinese (or whatever Asian language its in). It always makes me wonder if they know what it means. Of course, if they are Asian, then that's different.
avatar for jablake
17 years ago

On attractive women, I hate tattoos. On other women doesn't seem like much loss.

avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
Personally, I don't really care for tatoos, but the reality is, that if you are going to visit a strip club in the year 2008, the overwhelming majority of girls are going to have at least one tatoo. I either have to accept it or stop going - so I accept it. Granted some are better than others....the small tats on the calf or ankle are OK. Even the tramp stamp on the lower back is OK if the girl is hot enough. But I draw the line on the girls that have one of their breasts covered with a tatoo. I've seen a few strippers and some girls in porn with that look, and I despise it. I've seen one stripper at a club I frequent that has her entire back covered with a pair of "angel wings". Some guys think she is hot, but it really turns me off. I wanna see a little skin, not all that ink.
avatar for Dudester
17 years ago
I'm with nevelsnoot.
avatar for snowtime
17 years ago
As with most everyone on this board I prefer the dancer's without tatoos. Having said that, it may be very difficult to find an unblemished girl in today's clubs. I will take a dancer with tatoos as long as they ae not covered in them. Have to agree with others that tatoos on lesser quality girls have little impact one way or the other. I cannot understand why the attractive girls have them. My favorite dancer does not have any but she got married and is leaving the business so I will be looking for another with little or no tatoos. In today's stripclub world I would think that a non tatooed dancer would have an edge on an equally attractive tatooed dancer but these girls have never been known for business sense.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Not much into the trailer trash look myself. Give me a cute, girl-next-door tattoo free girl any day.
avatar for zorro
17 years ago
Tattoos look like crap.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Too funny:…

Check out the second def'n.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Do not care for them, although I can overlook them as long as they are not overly intrusive. My ATF has a number of them, but they are rather small.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I don't care too much...the tramp stamps are way overdone, but as long as she's not completely covered in them (a sleeve or something like that) it's cool with me. Sometimes I will ask about them, but I'm sure that they get those questions a lot, so I usually only mention it if the design is really neat IMO.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
If I wanted Popeye, I would go to a gay club but I agree that if you can't over look them in a strip club, you might as well stay home. I hate piercing worse.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
A complete moron wrote: "If I wanted Popeye, I would go to a gay club but I agree that if you can't over look them in a strip club, you might as well stay home. I hate piercing worse." -- I'd like to see Bluto grab King Shadowtwat and fuck him up the ass!
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
At least with piercings, they can be removed, less the hole. Yet some are always "holes".
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Sorry to hear about our personal problems Clubber.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
No "our"! Just one, and it isn't me!
avatar for ShotDisc
17 years ago
I hate them.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Couple of discreet nice ones, I don't mind. I just hate the gothic-lettering names, especially of a male, and the girls always claim "that's my little brother" or some other dumb shit. I don't want to see her pimp's name anywhere near me; or really, be reminded of her pimp and/or abusive-boyfriend relationship any time we're in the club together. I also hate too much tattooing, and the concept of "too much" runs somewhere along the lines of three small ones or two large ones; more and it's excessive. I also really dislike them in "non-traditional" locations -- pussy lips, scalp, face, ears, lips ... that's just wrong. But I don't mind a cute butterfly on her shoulder, or a tribal arm-band, or maybe tweetie bird on her calf.
avatar for fxxychick
17 years ago
Hey guys,
Wow, i never knew so many guys hated tattoos on dancers. And the "tramp stamp" is rather funny and appalling. I had my first tattoo placed on my lower back for professional reasons. I wanted a tattoo but I knew I didn't want one on a body part that may be visible in a professional setting or on parts that were subject to gravity as your body changes (saggy tits=saggy tit tattoo). Plus my tattoo was done while I was in college and before I became a dancer. Granted if I had been a dancer before the tattoo, I would have put it in the same place for the same reasons.

avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
Tattoos definsately have a place in the modern burlesque movement. Rockabilly, Goth, Modern Pinup all benefit from a tattooed model. It adds variety and depth to an entire genre. Some of the oldsters here can't get past their own sheltered existances and see that art can exist on the skin.
avatar for parodyman-->
17 years ago
sorry, typo -- "definately"
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
As long as there are no tats on the face, they make no difference on whether or not the stripper is hot, in my opinion.
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