
Christian Dancers (Hardcore) and The Power of Faith . . .

It seems like most of the dancers that I meet at the low end clubs are Christians. Gambling dancer (capitalization done for special effect) is an avid Bible reader especially the plain English version----she wanted me to go to church with her; very nice of her to ask, imo. :)

Generally, I see religion in all guises as basically food for the desperate or unwashed---yes, very judgemental. Worse yet, in that I've personally experienced "miracles," which I wouldn't expect anyone to believe. Doesn't mean the "miracles" were God based---there are other explanations.

But, there are definite positive sides to religion as well as to non-belief. It's funny almost universally the Christians that I know react with abject horror if I tell them about Christian Dancers (not sure if I like the caps like that). If I tell them about a Christian Druggie, then the response is more like one of concern or a prayer to God. Even a Christian Pedophile would probably get a more sympathetic response than the Christian Dancers are getting.

Is the harsh negatives a question of profits? Perceived exploitation of weak men especially a husband trying to support his family? Gender bias against or in favor of women? I mean if I told Christian Friends and other Christians that I was a believer, but sinned by going to clubs my expectation is that generally I receive support. Or, maybe it is just the Christians that I've been talking with aren't too representative overall.

My off the cuff guess is that generally all other things being equal the Christian Dancers give "better" dances. :) Or, maybe that is just my bias in favor of a certain faith? :)


  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    In my experience Christians are some of the most hateful, hypocritical, self serving, ignorant bastards to infect the gene pool. From what I have observed, morality is flexible. Their concept of forgivness applies only to themselves. And even then the absolution is doled out only among those they do not personally find offensive.

    I personally do not believe in God. Nor do I spend my free time bothering others about their spiritual beliefs. Part of the Christian mission is the saving of souls. They take conversion seriously! Maybe they get extra heaven points for each person they brainwash.

    What really gets me is the intolerance they have towards others along with the face of righteous moral indignation they love to wear. That and the way they have bought their way into the political arena in the eighties. Now that they have gotten their foot in the door, getting them out of government is as pleasant as scraping dog shit from your shoe with your finger.
  • jablake
    16 years ago

    At one time I remember a good number of tolerant Christians as well as limited government conservatives. Both groups seem to have vanished.

    Never thought I'd be looking forward to a Democratic sweep, but if government force is the way then I see them as the lesser of two evils.

    And, perhaps with modern technologies both the tolerant Christians and limited government conservative must meet the dust pan of history. I will say most of the Christian Dancers that I've met seem very tolerant and forgiving. Maybe the trick is to by force of law require Christians to be strippers during their prime years. :)

    BTW, I'm an agnostic.
  • uscue13
    16 years ago
    My take on it is that there are two kinds of Christians - conservatives and liberals. Probably goes hand in hand with political beliefs. Conservatives are the one's that look down on everything, try to make people feel bad and are hardcore conversionists. Liberals know everyone has their vices and think people should believe what they believe, although they obviously given a preference would like everyone to be Christian (as a lot of religions probably would.) Problem is most of the one's that are more vocal about their beliefs are the conservative one's because they are the hardcore conversionists. That's what I think taints perception; if 90% of the people you hear talking about it is only 50% of the population, of course it will seem like that 50% is the majority.

    As far as dancers I've never asked one about religion. Everyone has heard the sayings that "church girls are freaks" though...
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "Everyone has heard the sayings that 'church girls are freaks' though..."

    Unfortunately, by and large I didn't meet those kinds of church girls or may be my Alpha male skills weren't finely honed enough.

    Thank Heavens for Christian Dancers. :) They must be liberals cause they don't push their religious beliefs too hard----mainly they find it hard to believe a person could be without a God or more. :) They also find it hard to comprehend that other Christians could condemn them just for working at a stripclub.

  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Growing up, I observed a lot of "Christians" commit hypocritical acts. I also observed people use their "religion" to impose their own views and opinions upon others for very selfish ends. However, my own family's love for me was only conditional. I didn't find unconditional love until I joined my home church.

    Before you ask, no, it's not a cult, it's a mainstream (Methodist) church. These people have been nothing but kind, loving, and forgiving. When my car was broken down, they chauferred me around, turning down gas money. They tried to hook me up with a mate (both gals were very flawed). They also ask:"How are you doing?" then wait for an answer, offering solace if I'm down or sick. Most people use "How are you" just as a "don't bother me" greeting.

    I have gone to churches near my home church, and found them wanting. My church has a unique collection of people who actually practice Christianity 7/24, not just for a couple of hours Sunday morning. Therefore: I believe there are dancers who are christian in religion and practice. They might be few and far between, but they do exist.

    Let me close with this-Christianity is supposed to a brotherhood of man-look after your fellow man. I am super turned off by bible thumpers who try to guilt people into thinking and acting a certain way. My fellow churchgoers practice the brotherhood part, but the thumpers should be disavowed and should come with a disclaimer.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    Organized religion has no doubt contributed to more hate, misery, intolerance, war and death in this world than most any other cause. I'll have no part of it. The little spirituality that I do possess is in my heart, not in some collection plate. I am usually very careful to avoid talking about theology in clubs, and I hope I never run into any hot dancers who start touting the "christian" way of life. Not matter how hot a dancer is, any religious fervor would be a tremendous turnoff, & I'd be heading for the door.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    Hi lopaw,

    Reading what you had to say reminded me of an article in the editorial pages of The Wall Street Journal. The solution to many problems that can't be found in organized religion because people are becoming jaded or too intolerant is CREDIT CARD DEBT. The higher the debt the better because that makes people more responsible: No money for drugs or slacking from work or harmful dissent.

    My neighbor just explained that he voted guilty because he couldn't afford to miss work and although there was disagreement among the jurors the workers among them just wanted out of the jury and would vote for whatever would free *themselves* faster. Besides as he told the other jurors his English is so poor (the government knew and approved of his inability to understand English; btw, he will often use me as an interpreter) he really didn't understand what anyone was saying, he just wanted to get back to work so he could pay his bills. A beautiful system for those in control. His wife was disgusted. He told her what can I do? They know I can't understand English and they still want me on the jury and I can't afford to miss work. She says was he guilty? He says he doesn't know, but there was disagreement among the jurors about the man's guilt. She says why did you vote guilty? He says he had no choice because he couldn't understand what was being said and just wanted to vote to leave. He says you want me to miss work? She shakes her head NO.

    Basically, the opinion piece in The Wall Street Journal opined that make the most important thing in the world to them is staying employed. It ends strife and increases productive work.
    However, organized religion still had its place assuming the leaders of the various mainstream religions would agree to work together. If not, then debt could be used as replacement to accomplish similar positive social goals.

    BTW, as Christians neither he nor his wife accept Christian dancers because the activity is clearly contrary to The Bible in their opinion or more likely in their pastors' opinions (they go to multiple churches for safety sake).

  • DandyDan
    16 years ago
    I've never met one who claimed to be a Christian. In fact, the ones who I've had a halfway decent conversation with about religion think religion should be eliminated. One dancer I met once even had an elaborate argument for how the story of Jesus is essentially ripped off from all previous religious traditions. The whole problem with Christianity is that the liberal Christian, which most probably are, isn't going to make a big deal about it, while the conservative Christian, which is only a small percentage, makes it the focal point of their existence. This is why I don't visit my one aunt in Colorado, because all conversation with her eventually degenerates into a useless religious argument. And most of them don't have any regard for science at all.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    You are the exception man. Be proud of yourself! You were able to lay your theological cards on the table, say this is my life then stop there with no judgements about the rest of us. I am glad you found something that makes you happy and certainly didn't mean to lump you in with my experiences.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "Organized religion has no doubt contributed to more hate, misery, intolerance, war and death in this world than most any other cause."

    I'm *tempted* to agree being an agnostic, but I think the atheists when given the opportunity do very well with their own killing fields: From Stalin (20 million?) to Mao (30 million?) to Cambodia (3 million?) and let's not forget the Tutus and Hutus (6 million?).

    The problem, imho, is that people overwhelmingly believe in using government force way to freely to achieve their intellectual, social, and financial goals. And, the religion doesn't do much except change the reasons for using government force to butcher, enslave, and control: of course the people advocating government force usually sincerely believe they're doing some "wonderful social good." O, let's not forget the cattle crowd: their government is always to be believed and supported.

    As much as I like and believe in the Christian Dancers that I've met in general, giving them almost unbridled control over other people would probably soon corrupt their wonderful innocence. :(

  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Just in case some people didn't notice, I happen to be a conservative Christian. Do I go off spouting about it on here trying to convert others here? I think not. That must mean I'm tolerant. I've met a number of conservative Christian dancers in the strip clubs. I don't usually talk about religion when going to a strip club but some dancers will take offense if you start talking about all of them not ever going to church etc. The subject probably came up after the common question "what did you do today?" I often go to church once a week and then go to a strip club afterwards that evening.

    I believe it's the hardcore extremists who believe in imposing their religious views on everyone else. At least that has been my experience while living in South Carolina. Maybe the Baptists teach looking down on anyone who isn't part of their religion but I'm not sure.

    I've seen enough strange things to believe God does answer prayers. This may seem funny but I was just thinking, if people don't believe in God, that means they definitely should not believe in Satan. I remember meeting one atheist that did not even believe in the paranormal. He had a serious crisis of faith after living in the same suite with me and seeing and hearing things I said and did. I didn't even know I could accidently put someone into crisis mode. Satan worshipers haven't been trying to impose their views on me so why should I try to impose my views on others? Let's just all get along without forcing our religious views on everyone.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I tend to believe those who may be atheist haven't seen anything to change their views. I have experienced and seen a number of things that defy any scientific reasoning. I do find it interesting that some people believe in God but not in Satan. There are even some people that believe in a Galactic Federation of alien species in this galaxy but they don't believe there is a Satan or an evil fallen angel. ahh, I wasn't planning on talking about this subject on a strip club site.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago

    Please take this in the “spirit” <pun intended> that it is offered. I am not trying to be confrontational. I am just hoping you will clarify a few things for me.

    casualguy: “Just in case some people didn't notice, I happen to be a conservative Christian. Do I go off spouting about it on here trying to convert others here? I think not. That must mean I'm tolerant. I've met a number of conservative Christian dancers in the strip clubs. I don't usually talk about religion when going to a strip club but some dancers will take offense if you start talking about all of them not ever going to church etc. The subject probably came up after the common question "what did you do today?" I often go to church once a week and then go to a strip club afterwards that evening.“

    parodyman--> What do your conservative Christian friends think of your strip club activities? Would they approve of those dollars being tucked into g-strings? Or would they suggest your expendable income could be better used lining their collection plate?

    Another question I have is an afternoon all it takes for you to lose that spiritual high you get from the word of God and end up in the local den of iniquity <strip club>?

    casualguy: “I believe it's the hardcore extremists who believe in imposing their religious views on everyone else. At least that has been my experience while living in South Carolina. Maybe the Baptists teach looking down on anyone who isn't part of their religion but I'm not sure.“

    parodyman--> Perhaps you should talk to your pastor. If he is an honest man, and I have no doubt that he is, he will tell you it is the duty of every good Christian to convert the unsaved. That is their basic mission. This is a universal thing not a denominational edict.

    casualguy: “seen enough strange things to believe God does answer prayers. This may seem funny but I was just thinking, if people don't believe in God, that means they definitely should not believe in Satan. I remember meeting one atheist that did not even believe in the paranormal. He had a serious crisis of faith after living in the same suite with me and seeing and hearing things I said and did. I didn't even know I could accidently put someone into crisis mode. Satan worshipers haven't been trying to impose their views on me so why should I try to impose my views on others? Let's just all get along without forcing our religious views on everyone.“

    parodyman--> This last paragraph is a lot to handle so I will tread carefully. You are correct in as far as the fact that I do not believe in God leaves me no room for the devil, pagan religions, superstitions or the paranormal. Is there a chance that your friend’s “crisis of faith” was aided by the ingestion of psychedelic drugs?

    The other thing that confuses me about this whole paragraph is that you mention Satan worshipers not trying to convert you. That is because they do not follow the Christian mission. You will also notice that Jews, Muslims, Wiccans, those who practice Hoodoo, Voodoo and Santeria don’t actively recruit either.

    Indoctrination of the non-believers is left to the Christians, the fringe cults and those dudes who believe in “magic underwear”. <Mormons, although they are also technically Christian.>
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    Here we go. The thin veneer of reason is starting to crack.

    casual guy: “I tend to believe those who may be atheist haven't seen anything to change their views. I have experienced and seen a number of things that defy any scientific reasoning. I do find it interesting that some people believe in God but not in Satan. There are even some people that believe in a Galactic Federation of alien species in this galaxy but they don't believe there is a Satan or an evil fallen angel. ahh, I wasn't planning on talking about this subject on a strip club site.”

    Parodyman-->: Once again you start out with some truth. As an atheist I haven’t seen or experienced anything that defies scientific reasoning. Jews don’t believe in a devil. Why is it so hard for you to believe that not everyone thinks there is a devil? I know, it is because you have been brainwashed.

    I am assuming that your galactic space alien crack was in reference to the Scientologists. Yes I think that a dead science fiction writer’s book is a silly basis for a religion. In fact it is just as funny as your bible to me.

    Now this fallen angel business is even funnier. Who tripped him?

    If you read this and get mad please do me a favor. Before you perform any exorcisms, roll on the floor speaking in tongues, or handle poisonous snakes, set up a video camera. That way you can put it up on you tube and give those of us who are rational a good laugh.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I'm not mad at all. I don't believe I have the so called holier than thou attitude I see displayed by a number of Baptists in the local area. I get the impression they feel they are better than everyone else because of their religion and beliefs. As far as going to strip clubs go, Jesus himself was said to go where the sinners are at. Christians are supposed to lead by example. I may not always set the best example but I don't believe I'm doing anything seriously wrong going to a strip club either. If I didn't I wouldn't be interacting with people from all walks of life. Besides going to church can seem like torture on occasion while I can enjoy the strip club visit. Most of the people in this country believe in God anyway so that will not be much different in a strip club if they are a representative sample of society.

    Some people have to see to believe. I won't argue with that. I could talk about paranormal things but I wouldn't expect you to believe a word I said unless you saw it and experienced it yourself.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    As far as pastors go, they sin and so does everyone else. They know that since they periodically hold private confessions with the people in the church. They will tend to stress changing your life for the better though so that you aren't hurting yourself or others. Supposedly a sin is something you do that hurts God in some way or others or possibly even yourself in some other ways. Things like murder, stealing from others, sleeping with somebody's wife etc. all hurt somebody and are sins. Then there are probably a million little things we do so much we don't even realize it's not the best thing to do or may be hurting others or even yourself. I believe real christians would give the message that they want people to be happy without hurting each other. I don't believe a number of the hardcore christians got the same message I got. They seem to want to attack everyone not conforming with their views or make everyone conform involuntarily. Just my opinion.
  • parodyman-->
    16 years ago
    I see dead people...
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Good for you parodyman. My mother occasionally sees Satan. Then she said it was a blessing to see the evil so you know when its around. I'm still not sure why she saw Satan in our den. I guess I better be careful what I say. Pretty powerful creatures seem to be watching. I was thinking what would a christian tell Satan? "Go to Hell!" is what I was thinking. Do you think I might be a little bit crazy? She also told me she keeps track of the age of the anti-christ because he was born the same year as me.

    So far I haven't seen Satan or dead people. I did see some doors open for me one windy night. Now that was spooky because they only opened when I approached the doors, in two different buildings. Never happened again though. You should have seen the guy in the lobby falling over chairs trying to get away from me when I first walked into the lobby. Very funny seeing his eyes look really surprised then run like crazy.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Well I said aloud, cause an earthquake in Illinois. I guess I'll see if Satan is still playing games. Probably nothing will happen. If it does it's not my fault. Satan does have dominion over the earth though. I am an enemy of Satan. Just tell him to get lost.

    No pun intended or was it? Get lost, lol. I guess most people won't understand that.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    No one honestly thinks I'm being serious in the two posts above do they? Another disclaimer: If Illinois does have an earthquake, maybe I'm psychic and a vision just popped up in my head. I didn't have anything to do with it.
  • lopaw
    16 years ago
    casualguy - I was beginning to imagine that your mom was like Kathy Bates character in "The Waterboy" ("Ben Franklin was THE DEVIL!!")

    Dumb movie, but her character was a riot.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I missed that movie.

    Oh wait, did he play football in that movie? I do remember that now.
    Little did my mother know that she talked to a stripper over the phone a few times asking if I was home. Maybe more than one but I don't remember anymore. That was many years ago. I told her she was one of my friends and she believed me. When I was in High School, the girl that really threw her and me a bit too was a girl I did not know. Hopefully she hung up the phone and wasn't eavesdropping. That particular girl said she wanted to go out with me but told me she was a lesbian. Then she said she wanted to try out a guy basically starting with me. My mother never knew what strange phone calls she was going to get. I didn't either. One evening 2 girls (I didn't know) said they wanted to sing to me. Another night when my parents weren't home, the cops called and ask to speak to my brother. I said he wasn't home. Probably the wrong thing to say. They said one of these days they were going to nail him. (supposedly driving too fast or reckless or something) Someone liked to call and complain to the police. He got even by revving his engine when he went by their house. Maybe someone in the neighborhood had a beef because he accidently knocked out power to the whole neighborhood one night during a big rival basketball game. I seem to meet a number of characters. One of my suitemates in college told me he made a one million volt generator that was interfering with air plane traffic signals. The FCC or someone made him shut it down. I think I'm pretty normal myself.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Oh, I remember (on topic now) that I've heard on occasion a dancer has told me she needs to leave early because she had to go to church in the morning probably with her relatives. It's nice to know there are some hardcore religious strippers out there. I'm being sarcastic.
  • shadowcat
    16 years ago
    My mother played the church organ 3 times ever Sunday until she left home at 18. She never took me to church. When I doubted the existence of a GOD she would always tell me that is not right to not believe. I never saw her go to church. I tried it for a couple of years in my early teens. I joined the youth fellowship program. After a while I thought that I was agnostic. In my 20's I finally recognized that I was an atheist.How many have died because of their different beliefs?

    When my grand daughter was only 18 months old, she and my daughter were involved in a serious car accident. They were both air lifted to hospitals. My daughter only suffered minor injuries but my grand daughter suffered a brain concussion. She spent 21 days in the hospital and under went 3 brain surgeries.Then 3 years of physical therapy. Today she is a normal 10 yo.My daughter will not admit to being an atheist but has told me that it was not GOD that saved her but rather the doctors.

    In ancient times, people believed in many gods. Rain, fire, fertility. We now think of them as ignorants. What makes it more believable today?

    I find it easier to get through life without admitting that I am an atheist. How to stop the killing? Space exploration. We have to prove that we are not alone.

    Sorry that I got off topic.
  • jablake
    16 years ago
    "In ancient times, people believed in many gods. Rain, fire, fertility. We now think of them as ignorants. What makes it more believable today?"

    There was a dancer named Rain over at Secrets and she really got my fire going. :) She had this cross she was wearing and I asked if it was decoration. That seemed to take her off guard. She thought it was strange that someone would wear the cross for decoration. Been a long time, but I think she was named after the god Rain. Her parents were Christians, like her, and believed that Jesus created specialized gods to do his work.

    Bottom line another wonderful Christian dancer so maybe the church does have something to offer.

  • jablake
    16 years ago
    I've seen some Jehovah's Witnesses that would make excellent strippers. I wonder how it be getting a lap dance and hearing the sermon as payment. :) Or, maybe give the dancer a sermon if you're into that and she doesn't mind.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    Maybe I should say a prayer to the Wall Street Gods. I just bet almost all my 401K money that the market will be going up. Of course if I'm wrong, I'll just get it back out and move it back to a money market account and hope I don't lose too much in the process. I'm not happy with only a 3 percent return so far this year. The first time I moved my money this year, the next day the DOW was up over 400 points. Guess I'm doing better than most people since I've had my money in a money market account most of the year. Right now DOW futures are up about 74 points even though Asian stocks seem to be down.
  • casualguy
    16 years ago
    I once had a dream where GOD was really a very advanced AI and it was communicating with me in my partially awake subconcious mind from the future (It supposedly created a spacetime disturbance to communicate). We were thinking about characteristics of human nature. Maybe I was dreaming that because I have wondered what if everything we see is nothing but a large virtual reality experiment and we are like sims in it? If that was real it could be scary. For instance I might think of a natural disaster and the AI automatically knows and can make it happen to see what my reaction is. I'll probably just go, wow, that was awful.

    What if it wasn't an AI in charge of the simulation we live in but a gigantic creature, one that may resemble a human but is only 5 years old. What if the entire universe fits inside his Ipod and he decides to terminate the program? Hasta La Vista baby as Arnold used to say.
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