Note to Founder
I've been on the board almost a year, and although (for reasons important to me) I do not write reviews, I have added many general strip club topic posts that have nothing do do with any personal evolution and attraction "theories" or related matters.
Since I believe you must already know my actual identity and such indentity being absolutely critical to not be revealed in public - you are in a position to safely and efficiently provide the simple cross-check I have requested.
I'm asking you as a matter of courtesy to make this cross check and post the results as soon as possible.
Since I believe you must already know my actual identity and such indentity being absolutely critical to not be revealed in public - you are in a position to safely and efficiently provide the simple cross-check I have requested.
I'm asking you as a matter of courtesy to make this cross check and post the results as soon as possible.
I've lived a very full life and when I tell tale people act like I'm pulling their leg. Some people live adventures by going out and living them. Others do it through a video game. To paraphase Teddy Roosevelt-I pity those who have lived their life never knowing adventure.
Posting reviews is or should be so easy to fake. Thus, I don't see what it would prove. Also, it seems like a phony would be tempted to post reviews just as a fake veteran would be tempted to invent heroic war stories. Even a real veteran with real accomplishments might be tempted to add to his glories.
It wasn't that long ago that a highly decorated military man blew his brains out because he was caught with a few extra medals that he didn't earn. It was very sad because the medals didn't even seem like that big a deal compared to his real accomplishments. :(
I don't know all the real facts about this highly decorated military man, but it surely seemed like he was a REAL AMERICAN HERO despite his puffery/fraud over a few medals.
Q: Who the fuck cares? Why can't some of you let the man go about his business?
A strong need share at least a little and perhaps much more importantly converse with those who enjoy the same hobby?
As far as reviews that truly seems like a dead giveaway for some guys depending on the club and how they act and or spend. Even a simple simon would be able to figure out my real identity, if they wanted to hang out Angels or perhaps even just ask a few intellingent questions. Yes, the intelligent questions part probably eliminates 90% of any potential threats from persons who don't frequent the club.
Not only that, but people AT THE CLUB are far more likely to read reviews of THEIR CLUB. I'm sure some dancers have read my reviews and if it is THEIR CLUB a review or review of THEIR CLUB could easily give me away. Worse once they realize I'm posting reviews they might get curious and look in the main discussion forum and learn that I'm actually a billion dollar attorney in addition to being tall and handsome and having a vibe that drives young sexy dancers to orgasm on sight alone.
Suddenly young hottie has me by more than the balls. My family could be destroyed and loss of job may follow and who knows prison time? This is America land of endless prisons.
you got the email address? Please post it
I don't regularly read the discussion board for messages to me. Send me a message if you need to contact me.
I think you've proved you aren't a 13 year old kid, a 13 year old kid would have figured this out.
Could be a simple issue of honor----stories have been shared and to be told they're a pack of lies might bring outrage even if one's identity was protected. A person goes through all the work of relating and sharing his experiences and then he gets branded a liar for his trouble. :( Or, perhaps it is about protecting the integrity of a subject that he seems to care deeply about----evolutionary pyschology.
Yeah, perhaps founder was speaking of a PM (private message) and not an email message.
Bobbyl made some good points a number of weeks back in regards to whether much of this is simply a self-fullfilling prophecy of sorts, and I've tried to honestly access whether part of this is taking a position, intrepreting all such events in that light, and then using this as further proof of the same intial premise. I'll admit there can be a tendency to do that, but I've honestly tried to factor that out.
sorry I'm quite stable actually
I thought the James Bond reference had to do with your seemingly being too good to be true: High income, educated, tall & fit, handsome, generous, etc.
Also, I thought what you saying centered more on overall Alpha male behaviour and how evolution molded some women to desire certain traits that may no longer be considered desirable. The "player" successfully spreading seed might be passing genes on to females that command a certain amount of attraction/desire for the "player." It is a key point, imo. A player winning the procreation game, can possibly create females who desire that type nature? It is a possible double-whammy. First, the "player" babies get spread better. Second, maybe the "player" babies male or female are more likely to either emulate "player" behaviour if the baby is male or be receptive to "player" behaviour if the baby is female.
As for " First, the "player" babies get spread better. Second, maybe the "player" babies male or female are more likely to either emulate "player" behaviour if the baby is male or be receptive to "player" behaviour if the baby is female."
If you go back to last fall, I wrote a number of posts on that precise issue, the concept of females playing a sort of genetic lottery and (subconsiously via genetic "choices") desiring to mate with males who in turn would produce more (cheaters in modern parlance)) seed spreaders - who in turn produce more cheating-oriented heirs down the line. The bottom line being that monogamous "nice guy" lineage while highly suitable for the modern world, via genetic "reasoning" (the kind that matters) - these faithful nice guys were considered a poor long term risk, thus the explanation why so many women today find such guys "boring" as they don't offer that illusive promise of genetic immortality.
Well, the James Bond posts were colorful metaphors essentially saying you couldn't be for real because you too damn good! :) What's the old saying: If it sounds too good to be true, then it probably is.
Yes, it was an attack to discredit you. The problem is if someone says something that doesn't sound logical or right, then it doesn't take much for that negative presumption to be cast in stone.
I told about an upscale cocaine distribution in a certain high end club. Well, some logical people believe that can't be true because too many people would talk. What can I say? If a person actually believes that, then little will change their mind unless there is a government bust or they see it first hand. The funny or sad thing is that if there is government bust, then people who yapped too many people would talk conveniently forget that operation could have been minting profits year after year. In fact, sometimes the government will confirm to some extent its operational history.
There were a few bad areas in Miami where drug sales seemed to be allowed by the government. This went on for years and then boom!!! mass arrests and the game changed quick.
1. I fucked up. "David9999 needs desperately for the regulars here to bwelieve he is the man." Yes I can spell believe, it was a typo.
2. "What a sick puppy. Prime candidate for Suicide." I guess in SC tree stumps and rocks are stiff academic competition for the elderly. No arguement, no point, just a call for someone to end their life. The quality of posts on TUSCL is significantly lowered by Shadowcat.
But, can you spell argument? ;) When I first looked at that I wonder if it was merely an alternate spelling such as "judgment" and "judgement." Anyway, I'm sure that I make a ton more creative spellings and mistakes than most; just surprised you commented on your obvious typo "bwelieve."
Reading shadowcat's posts are generally depressing---I probably shouldn't talk. :) I feel guilty about it, even, but I have a strong dislike for him based on his posts. :( Well, differences make the world interesting at the very least.
As far as suicide the problem, imho, is that the act appears like a loop. Yes, that mostly likely sounds strange. It seems like if for example I chose to end my life the result would be to be reborn in almost the exact same life. Perhaps there is a loop regardless of how death occurs or perhaps there isn't a loop at all.
Well, burning in an everlasting hell of fire and brimestone for stripclubing sounds a mite bleaker. :)
*NO one* should believe this, and *I* wouldn't or shoudn't, but I've seen glimpses of the relatively immediate future. Usually, those glimpses are irrelevant or exceedingly depressing.
Shortly, before she died my grandmother was traumatized by a little boy and little girl. I couldn't see what she describing, but she was in total fear and she wanted me to protect her, which I told her that I couldn't even see them! She was screaming they're right there! they're right there!
Later she said what had frightened her so much was that initially the little boy and little girl appeared to be very good like angels and then showed their true nature---a horrible evil leading to a life of horror. :( She was very sound of normal reality until near her death, and this same vision appeared to her a few times. And, she always reacted the same. I assume it was just her mind finally giving way as her body had done years earlier; still it put some fear in to me as I witnessed it.
Huh?? Are you asking Founder to reveal your "true identity" on this board? If so, I don't think that he's going to do that...
No, he wants the founder to confirm that the pertinent information of record with the DCBar matches the registration information he submitted to TUSCL upon becoming a member.
For example, if the DCBar had [email protected] and TUSCL had the same email at time of registration . . . also, maybe the physical addresses match.
Everyone has their breaking point on how many times one they can falsely be called a liar, and my breaking point in this regards was reached within the past week.
"Everyone has their breaking point on how many times one they can falsely be called a liar, and my breaking point in this regards was reached within the past week."
Most posters seem to find that incomprehensible due to the fact your anonymous. For them apparently it is impossible to believe an anonymous poster would care enough to get angry----they *might* feel differently if their online identity was being dragged thru the mud unjustly.
Yes, I would think FOUNDER has the necessary information to do the cross-check.
Doesn't seem like there is ANY ISSUE of founder vacating his standards relating to confidential personal data----David9999 is merely respectfully asking for a simple cross-check. NO PERSONAL DATA will be divulged by a mere confirmatory cross-check; thusly, NO standards relating to personal data would be vacated by honoring his reasonable request. Furthermore, a privacy policy should be used to protect members and NOT to harm them with sophisms for inaction or denial.
Remember TUSCL is all about customer service and this is a legitimate customer service request, imho. Perhaps in the future a service fee could be charged. :)
As I said in the first posting in this thread, I have another email for the DC Bar under the DC bar listing -such email address from which I will immediately respond from if and when he decides to send me an email.
"As I said in the first posting in this thread, I have another email for the DC Bar under the DC bar listing -such email address from which I will immediately respond from if and when he decides to send me an email."
Hmmm . . . you may merely be a legal assistant for a high powered lawyer or so some doubters may assert.
meaning what now?
"meaning what now?"
See my posts in your thread titled "The issue of truth." Basically, it seems like a lost cause even if President Bush made a confirmatory announcement on prime time television: And, to the "evil-doers" and other doubters, David9999 of TUSCL is who he claims to be and is NOT, repeat is NOT a pimply faced 15 year old boy! :)
I mean if doubters can't trust a sitting U.S. President, who the hell can be trusted . . . The Almighty? Nah, Scalia has too many of his own issues . . . especially so after the 5-4 opinion on gun rights.
If you NOW want to get then into the "legal assistant" fantasy bullshit- then its in the Twilight Zone anyways
Cbandler - IF YOU HAD ONCE OUNCE OF HUMAN DECENCY, you would be urging founder to make whatever cross-checks are necessary to provide even this elementary RUFUTATION from a series of vicious and false posts made against over many weeks
What the hell is the downside?
How about you please show David9999 some empathy? You remember that *you* believe in empathy----so do I, btw.
So please with sugar on top ask FOUNDER to take the moral high-road and perform a simple confirmatory cross-check, asap.
As far as precedent goes, who gives a fuck? If founder does it once fine: he is not obligated to do it again. Also if he just doesn't feel like doing because he is busy with other things, or just whatever, that's also founder's choice. He can certainly decide case by case if he wants.
Now, I would like to suggest that since chandler "logic" is so obviously broken he has an other agenda at stake here. (Hint: chandler likes to dominate the board, and to think he controls it(why? because chandler is a douche).chandler does not like the fact that others have been drowning him out lately, and would this chance to get them to be a bit quieter.)
However, as FOUNDER would notice if and when he decides to locate the main email address, that email along with the email I provided at signup, although being nominally completely different a first glance - do in fact have a certain distinctive commonality in what they reference.
Sues for intentional infliction of emotional distress as well as for libel and seeks compensatory and punitive damages as well as reasonable attorneys' fees.
Those internet users world-wide who have invested thosands of hours of their time and creative energy on precious poster personalities such as David9999, are donating millions in every conceivable currency to help with the costs of this precedent setting lawsuit. Insult a man's or woman's poster personality and it is as bad as kicking his or her dog or going postal. There is an old legal maxim that where there is an injury there is a remedy. Perhaps there are criminal laws that can be invoked to additionally help redress this malicious and savage and unconscionable injury.
Or, the government can enact some broadly worded and crafted ex post facto laws to do the heavy lifting. :)
I also asked him to under no circumstancepublicly reveal any identifying information
Well this should end it, hopefully. :) Sometimes, I get out of line and it is difficult for me to remember other posters have feelings. And, more importantly they haven't had my experiences nor I theirs. I would probably be much more appreciative of veterans if my experiences merely matched the values I was taught in school about America's freedoms and protections of individual rights. If not for the courts, then I'd probably be proudly waving the flag and getting angry when people--especially fellows citizens--didn't share my love of country. I'd probably be crazy enough to do what my dear father did and volunteer for military service. :)
But, truly it shouldn't be so serious especially since the identities are protected. Yes, I can see where a person would want his alternate identity to have a good reputation. I didn't see that at first because it seems like more of a fiction site even when people are posting true experiences (hopefully) and those experiences can be rather coarse and unsanitized making it seem like anything goes.
Best regards. :)
Founder probably has to check for approval from his high powered lawyers. Wouldn't want him sent to a government prison and or suffering financial ruin at the hands of a government court when it all might have been avoiding by a few legal consultations.
About now founder is probably shaking in his boots since his lawyers have advised that he is "legally" screwed NO MATTER the action he takes or doesn't take. Time to retain more lawyers and call a priest for a few prayers. :)
Btw does any body know if the is minimum age for applying for the bar? In my profession the minimum age for applying for a license is 25.
"but he's only found it necessary in a very few extraordinary cases involving threats to dancers, etc."
Too bad wondergrl didn't ask him to do this for her then.
"ever occur to you that I have unfairly trashed by a series of posters knowing I full well I cannot respond?"
OF COURSE you can respond you just choose not to!
"chandler likes to dominate the board"
LOL...he hardly ever posts here! LOL...
Its his show so that's the deal.
Oh, the irony.
As for the board in general, yes, it did matter.
Its true that several posters have over and over stated blantantly false comments about me, but they have also over the past few month presented counter-arguments to any postings I've had on any so-called theories of evolution and attraction or whatever I've made - so yes this idiot claim about me being a delusional 15 year old, or the other absurd claims after awhile just become very bothersome
Chandler, after reading probably 100 of your posts it would appear that you have a very prickly, smarmy. and sacastic personality, and I hope in real life you are different because its a sad way to live one's life.
So here's who left to ever have a conversation with in regards to any of these type of things: strippers, bartenders, and a few other assorted employess in the club, as I rarely talk to other customers. So a forum like does matter to us and I don't think I'm unusual in viewing what's said here as mostly truthful in nature. This is not
In my case the theories are theories, so its all opinion. On the other factual matters what I stated is right down the middle in terms of spending levels (yes I know the pre-tax amounts at a 40% state/fed marginal rate), number of visits, current income levels, professional background, and the few things I've said about "presentablity". Now the stud claims were not mine or was the other related bullshit. Yes, I believe the "tinge of nonmonogamy" is a critical factor with especially ultra attractive women, and I can point to cases I'm personally familiar with, however I'm not saying its the end all be all.
Just days ago, Downtown has a new girl (she's here temporarily) her name is Mya (not sure of spelling), she's here temporarily from California (says she's lived there 17 years, and her english is better than average), she's 5 ft 4 natural Cs, probably 115 to 120 sort of like frizzy/curly hair to the shoulder, very shy, unusually sweet personality and very good natured, pretty at about a 7.5 level, and in a dress at first glance you might consider her an 8, long legs, (she says they are too skinny, not really) she was raised in Korea but actually is ethnically Japanese. I was in the third room (furthest to the left, not used as much, where the building curves, small dresser table on the right as you enter) I the reason I know this is because I was with her.
I've been here approx 20 times in last 8 months, half time spend with a very hot china doll type, who happens to vacation every month of two as she resides in NYC
As for other recent things today at Bali Day Spa (first visit for me) there's a girl who refers to herself as Jackie ("Lee") - later one being Korean, she's "160" cm (5 ft 3 as it turns out) guessing 105 lbs and very very cute, long legs, augmented large B or small C's, but looks natural, skin is light (not tanned) which is nice for a change, sort of like a cute high school very cute cheerleader type. somewhere in the 8 range level in terms of cuteness. Very small waist and yet just enough curves to make it all work, with a very very nice overall figure. Personlity real real fun too.
It was the usual 60 (shower it toward rear of building on left side) plus I placed two 100's on the table (probably a 60 tip assuming reg s/b 140), she saw the 100's, went to get the condoms, and when she came back she literally jumped on me me (true, right across the table), she was extremely happy (her words a few moments later "I like tall guys"). The reality her happiness mostly because the spa business is slow and I was spending. She's the closest thing to full GFE I've seen and was instantaneous, every position including 69 (her request), and she was really really into the whole deal. These girls are now trying to outcompete the strippers.
In the case of AMPs its different than clubs in several different cities where (even managers) know who I am and what I'm spending so the ID issue is not relevant in AMPs so I can write some things about them here and there. Plus the massage girls (unlike strippers) are not in the comparitively open environment of a strip club, so I'm not exposing them to risk, nor am I violating confidences, because FS (in most locales) is of course the job of an AMP girl.
Now I'm putting this in because of the bullshit that's been written about me - its 100% wrong
By the way check TER or anywhere, you won't find this info
In the case of "Mya" I happened to ask her what happened to a girl named "Kay" who left Downturn around early Jan 08, and I was shocked to find out she's one of her "best friends" (even though Mya says she's from California) and most importantly that she's "working someone else in town." I had always believed she was traded away to another city or left the business. I then asked Mya where and she said she couldn't tell. I then offered her an extra 100 to tell me, and she still would not -showing how loyal these girls are
This Kay was the first girl I got at this particular AMP and her personality is also first rate.
Now this girl happens to be model quality, probably 8.5 to 9.0 in a pretty Korean model type of way, very very attractive (5-4 110 lbs but with small A's) and I had been with her only 2 times and i was getting ready right before she left to drop a couple of 1000 on her just to see how far she would go via a GFE deal (not easy with AMP girls) and she was the same girl (same as I posted in here probably in fall 2007) that claimed in a very earnest manner (ok maybe fake but she did a good job then) she was "waiting for me each (late) morning" because I was picking other girls at the time, partly because the first time she held back something about the first customer trust issue I believe
She was the girl Downtown used in their ads, taken from far enough away that you couldn't ID the face precisely, but they would use her as a draw, (e.g "This is exactly what you get, real girl" but I don't think she was making the money she wanted
If anyone knows where she is; please post it, because its going to cost me alot of money and time going through every girl in town, and she possibly may not even be FS at this point. I will try to just ask different places, but they tend to not speak about much when you call.
"how the hell was I able to give detailed info on specific AMPs in a certain city several months back?"
Like I've said before, maybe you've actually been to a few of those AMPs in RI or maybe you just read a lot of info about them online...the USAsexguide site has a TON of detailed info about what goes on in those AMPs. Most of the info that you gave me before was pretty vague IMO.
"I was in the third room (furthest to the left, not used as much, where the building curves"
LOL...the building doesn't "curve"...the Downtown Spa is basically a long rectangular shape with about 2-3 rooms for customers, a shower room, a dry spa, a room for the girls to eat & socialize in, and a couple of rooms for the girls to change & administer their business (answer the phone, etc.). I know cuz I'VE been I've never been to Bali...yet...BTW, $200 for FS (in addition to the house fee) is a tad steep IMO. A "couple of 1000" on an AMP...come on now!
I'm also confused as to why you would try and give details of your AMP visits but NOT your strip club visits...I still don't see what the difference is??
Just what I expected. Sorry it actually is curved.
LOL...don't they have a surgery to fix that?
"These two locations are very competitive with each other, no connection at all"
...except that they are both has got to be the *biggest mental meltdown in the history of the Internet*'s unbelievable...
Approximately 70% or even higher of the AMPs in that city are Korean run, several Japanese, and a few Chinese, and I know this for a fact because I have spent many 1000's visting them over the past year and I made a point to make sure what the originating country was for each of these locations, and once again (like many of your posts bashing me) you simply don't know what the fuck you're talking about. If Downtown had a client they knew was interested in for example this model level girl "Kay", and she's at an affialited entity and this client is asking about her, they're not going to hide that information and tell their girls (as one Downtown massage girl just told me) to NOT mention where she went, because they could well lose that customer to an unaffialiated business. MORON, IT WOULD ALL BE THE SAME TO THEM
The building is in fact slightly curved which by the way is irrelevant to your pathetic initial claim I wasn't in the building (oh yes I guess now maybe went a few times?) so any idiot (like you) could even see that from the outside. In fact I've been their approx 20 times in the past year.
I'm sorry you're broke or whatever the fuck is wrong in your life and you have this (once again) relentless need to bash me no matter what I post and no matter how much I attempt to add some information to this board, buts there's nothing I can do to help you. Maybe since Obama is nearly certain of being elected he can help you with one of his planned euro-trash styled socialist programs helping people like you that cannot help themselves.
By the way, the information I've posted and I could post 10 more detailed posts like it - is not on any review site. Once again you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
"they're not going to hide that information"
Unless, of course, they don't want anyone to *know* that they are, in fact, "affialiated businesses". This *is* a very shady world that we're dealing with here yanno.
"The building is in fact slightly curved"
The Custom House building where DT is located is a square stone building that's been there for decades (centuries?) in downtown Providence.
"no matter how much I attempt to add some information to this board"
What info that's of ANY value have you added to this board?? Seed spreading & alpha-male nonsense doesn't count BTW.
"the information I've posted and I could post 10 more detailed posts like it - is not on any review site."
Of course it is, the USA Sex Guide site has detailed info about AMP girls and their locations all the time, and you know that, period end of story.
"The building is in fact slightly curved which by the way is irrelevant to your pathetic initial claim I wasn't in the building (oh yes I guess now maybe went a few times?) so any idiot (like you) could even see that from the outside. In fact I've been their approx 20 times in the past year."
Even funnier, he takes this as a personal point of pride. To MisterGuy I make the following plea. Just concede the building isn't perfectly straight so david9999 can retain his manhood and dignity.