
Comments by Dudester (page 81)

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    16 years ago
    Summer Reading?
    I'm turned off by much of what I find in the bookstore, however, I love Clive Cussler. His main character, Dirk Pitt, is someone we all want to be. Dirk is a hero, but he's also a poonhound. Dirk finds kitty just about everywhere he goes, meanwhile, he's usually saving the country from some mad genius who wants to rule the world. Clives books I very much recommend: Night Probe- (we might actually face this in a few years) Deep Six Atlantis Found
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    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    By his own admission, Edwards felt he shouldn't have to answer to anyone for anything he did. That attitude is fine and well if you're the grand poobah of the local elks lodge, but Edwards ran for the most coveted job in the world. When you are Prez, you have to make life and death decisions. If you feel that you don't have to answer to anyone, that is not the job for you. He should go back to suing drunk drivers and truck drivers (he used to be an injury lawyer). Like Clinton, he got that:"I'm a rockstar" attitude. When you begin to believe the glowing things people write about you, you're doomed. You begin making regrettable choices. I know njscfan worships Clinton, so this is why I'm about to make this point-when Clinton decided to cheat on his wife, he didn't pick some high profile porn star or actress that men lust after, he chose an impressionable kid on his staff. Granted, she was an adult-but just barely, and clearly not ready for the glare of the spotlight. He's no better than the man who notices the 14 year old down the street without a father, alienated from her mother. Screwing her is like shooting fish in a barrel. The man holds the highest job in the world, and the best he can do is to boink some bippy on his staff, puh-leez. It is a fact that two thirds of married couples in the US cheat, but we try to pretend it is not so. At least in Europe they're open about it. I'm old fashioned though. I've never been married, but if I take an oath in front of God and everyone that I will love, honor, and cherish, I will, and not just until some bippy is available, and I can get away with it. If the marriage is no longer working for you, get out. You have no business being married if you require the confidence of more than one woman. If you feel that you do, you should make a lot of money and live in a compound on the Utah/Arizona border.
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    16 years ago
    Jury Nullification Reminder . . .
    It can easily be said that activist juries are being found on the west coast. In the early 90's, photographer Jock Sturges was arrested and prosecuted by the FBI. Jock had a working relationship with nudist families and he took artistic pics of naked girls aged 11-17. A San Francisco jury not only aquitted Jock of the charges, they also ordered the FBI to return everything they took from him-pictures, equipment, and computers. A Los Angeles jury aquitted a pornographer who made rape videos. The pornographer found actresses actually willing to take real beatings-split lips, fractured ribs, black eyes, and massive bruisings. The only faked part was that the actresses would have their throats slit at the end of the vid. Los Angeles juries released O.J., Robert Blake, and the wall of sound music producer (can't remember his name). A beastiality trial in Los Angeles is on hold because it was found the judge actually liked looking at horses fuck women and men. So, if you're going to do anything outrageously sexual, do it in California.
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    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    Best Presidential debate-1984-Reagan smoked Mondale with his:"I will not take advantage of my opponent's youth or inexperience" line. Good stuff. Second Best Debate-1992. Bush the Elder and Clinton trading insults. Perot breaks in and says: "When are we going to discuss the issues?" Had the election been that night, Perot would won easily. Third Best-could be if Paris somehow intervenes. She plays stupid really well, but she's made millions without the aid of her family. She's stupid like a fox.
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    16 years ago
    First Amendment Protects: Strippers? Photographers? Anyone? Or?
    Recently, in Houston there was a case that has ripped apart the Sheriff's department. Seeing a drug raid going on in the house next door, two adult brothers ran over with video cameras and taping the raid. Needless to say, they ended up arrested. The brothers got a good lawyer, who brilliantly subpoenaed Sheriff Department emails. Suddenly, all levels of the department were deleting emails we all get-with racist or raunchy jokes. That these emails were on public computers created a stink in the press. The number two guy was forced to resign. The Republican Sheriff, has been asked by his party to resign. The department is being reorganized as the emails proved that the department had a secret squad with secret funding, and a big name architect had a sweetheart deal with the Sheriff. I hope Momoko Sudo gets herself a lawyer and has that cop looking for a new job-without a peace officer license. Re: Strip Clubs. The Supreme Court has been all over this issue with strip clubs. The Supremes are clear that freedom of expression does not include touching, so high mileage is definitely out. The Supremes also like that states and cities should be able to set limits on clothing, distance from customers, and zoning. Right now, at least half of the strip joints in Houston are ignoring a fed backed local ordinance that has draconian provisions-distance, touching, zoning, and clothing. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop on this one.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many times has excessive alcohol fucked up a fuck?
    shadowcat to parodyman: "My dick is bigger than yours" tsk, tsk. Actually, I'm a teetotaler. I've never enjoyed drinking, and the five times in my life that I imbibed, I stopped after one drink. Personally, I don't see the lure of alcohol, or cigarettes, or "recreational drugs".
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats next? Condoms? Vasectomys?
    Yes, spoken like true blue supporter of Israel. Those who don't study history, are doomed to relive it. jablake, I think you slept through history class, and was socially promoted. Over the past few millenia, there have been multiple empires. Everytime some empire preyed on the jews, their empire crumbled. It even starts before the Romans, but the list is long. The US has backed just about every play Isreal has made, and that's a wise move. As someone who is half jewish I find your anti semitism, well, I'm disgusted. I'm not sure what my people did to you, but if you hate us that bad I can't help but wonder if you keep a swastika above your bed (yes, you earned that). We could have a discussion about theology, but I find it a waste of time to argue with a fool.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Whats next? Condoms? Vasectomys?
    It takes quite a while to enact a federal program. Bush will be gone in six months, so I seriously doubt this project will ever get off the little memo pad. With six months left the only things he's concerned about are: A) Iraq/Afghanistan B) The list of pardons pushed on him by the GOP C) What items he'll take with him from D.C.
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    16 years ago
    The News Isn't All Bad...
    Granted, a smaller jurisdiction (i.e. city)cannot trump a larger (i.e. State) jurisdiction, but crimes of morality are usually prosecuted on a local basis,unless the local jurisdiction asks for help. City cops usually raid a strip joint, unless it's a metro jurisdiction (i.e. Miami). What I think is interesting is if this passes, San Fran will suddenly be in competition to Nevada. I think this will be good. If San Fran benefits from this, certain jurisdictions in the US might consider this in the name of raising needed revenue.
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    16 years ago
    GA Town Buys and Closes strip club
    In the early 80's, San Diego seriously renovated downtown. I knew a stripper who bought a very established strip club for only 50k. She sold it a year later for ten times that to developers.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Should Married Men Who Have Paid Sex with Strippers Inform Their Wives?
    From a litigious point of view, no. It is possible, but unlikely, to aquire an STD if a condom is used. A recent comprehensive survey found that two thirds of married couples are cheating on each other. Men and women have different libidos. Up to the 1960's, every medium or larger size city had a whorehouse. Everyone knew where it was and no one did anything about it. When the whorehouses closed, it threw American society into pathos. Everyone needs affection, but a wife with kids often gets her daily needs of affection filled before husband gets home, so a little nookie on the side is actually healthy for the relationship. In these relationships, the wife suspects, but would prefer not to know. There are some wives who want to know everything, and I pity the fool in this marriage. Overall, I'd say that it is not a good idea for the wife to know, unless hubby is having unprotected sex and actually cares for his atf.
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    16 years ago
    How bad is the economy is your area?
    Houston: Everywhere you look, there are help wanted signs. Where I work, we are having trouble with drawing people in. We have half a dozen slots open. In the clubs-last month, the last time I was in a club, the girls were reluctant to offer extras. I had to really push to get anywhere. They weren't desperate for my cash.
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    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Substituting an ATF
    Strippers use a false name at the lub, so do I. Strippers pretend to be a fantasy, I make up biographical information about myself to them-if they ask. Going to the club is a fantasy experience, and it reaches it's pinnacle when you get laid. I did have an ATF I took seriously, but it was only because we had much in common. My new ATF likes my money and I like her vagina. Other than that, we have nothing in common. Works for me.
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    16 years ago
    North Iowa
    The beginning of the end of nude dancing in Iowa?
    "Adults looking at a nude 17 year old? Sounds like the end of the world or at least a good reason for the government to build even more prisons." Better burn my copies of: Pretty Baby Beau Pere St. Tropez Piccole Labbra La Petite Sirene Tendres Cousins Bilitis Red Cherry The Last Butterfly American Beauty Emmanuelle The Queen Private Lessons My Tutor OK, everybody out of the pool, it's burka time!!
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    16 years ago
    Young Strippers
    I've always preferred the "Lolita" type dancer, but I've found that although the 18 year olds have nice tight bodies, they seem to be in a hurry and it's usually a let. Every once in a while, there's an 18 year old...(had a HOT time in San Fran once). But, the best times I've had have been with 24-25 year olds.
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    16 years ago
    80-year-old Vegas stripper still does it 'classy' (Has anyone ever seen her?)
    There was a very good reason why Oedipus gouged his eyes out (if thine eyes offend thee...).
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    16 years ago
    How many Dancers have proposed marriage to you?
    None, zero, zip nada. However, there were some serious emotions with my former ATF.
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    16 years ago
    How Many Strippers Insisted that You Have Sex with Them?
    I'm not good at picking up clues, but offhand a handful have said to me something like:"For three hundred, we can do whatever you like". They would say this when I started getting reluctant about prices. One hotty started her lapdance by putting her kitty right up to my mouth. When I asked:"Can we fuck?" she replied:"I thought you'd never ask."
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    16 years ago
    When does a guy become a slut?
    When I was 21, for a six month period, I found myself in a very unique situation. The peak came when I had sex with five women in one day ( at different times). Four of the five knew of the others, and three were sisters. Believe it or not, the next morning I was not proud of myself and I started discarding the others, narrowed it to one who broke my heart.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    For the best time, Trust you're reviewer.
    Truth, I have a present ATF at Houston Dolls. When she drank, we would get hot, sweaty, and nasty together. Last time I went there, she wa purposely not drinking, and nowhere near as fun as she had been in the past. She was stringing me along, acting non chalant about whether she wanted to spend time with me. Anyway, I was curious about this one gal, so I got a dance from her. ATF wasn't happy about it and finally decided to go in the room with me. Anyway, the whole time I was curious about this well built hard bodied 18-19 year old dancing there. I'm probably going to go within the month, but if my ATF is still off the sauce, I want to check the toung un.
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    16 years ago
    I'm ready if you are
    Actually, it takes me about 90 minutes to cum, but if you want me to beat your ass into a bloody pulp, that would take less than a minute.
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    16 years ago
    ok how about best porno then?
    Nineteen, College Girls, Volume 41 The producer of this said he based the vid on an experience in a Tijuana strip joint, but in the porno, the customer goes into the bar. A gal comes out and does the bump and grind. He makes it rain for her and sees him offstage. They talk, then the LD begins. She's giving good grindage, but limiting his touching. He tells her he needs to fuck her. She tells him two hundred. He pays her. She blows him, wants her kitty licked, then he bangs her. Cheyenne Silver, Filthy Whore. In one of the vignettes, she's giving a really hot LD. The camera cuts away, and they're fucking. Happens too quick, but the LD is really hot.
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    16 years ago
    favorite movie with strippers
    I stumbled across a movie recently called "Innocent Sally". It's a B movie from 1970. The lead actress was a stripper before she got the part, and theres stripping in the movie, but mainly the movie is about Sally, a radio show host trying to get people to have sex. This movie's nude/sex scenes average ten minutes in length (today's movies-ten seconds), and it's part of my research wherein 1970's movies nude scenes were 7 minutes on average to just seconds today. Anyway, Innocent Sally is hotter than Showgirls, Striptease, and Exotica combined, times ten. "Sally" has natural 42D's. A must see movie who take this genre seriously (I do).
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    TUSCL names..
    More than once I've been described as a larger than life figure. I talk the talk, but I also walk the walk. At one job, I frequently pulled off the impossible. I would walk in and the boss' favorites would say "Dudester" (in a reverent surfer type tone).
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    1) David9999 says he's a lawyer. 2) A lawyer would have no problem posting his own name on a forum like this-especially a corporate lawyer. A firm with corporate lawyers would want their personnel to have a good working relationship with dancers in order to entertain clients. Pretty much the same for defense lawyers or self emplyed lawyers. Why would a lawyer seek anominity here, and post no reviews? 1) He's more than a lawyer, he's an assistant D.A. 2) He's using a county or fed issued laptop. 3) If he gets caught using the laptop for this website, he can say:"See, I didn't post any reviews, I don't go to clubs, honest." 4) If he went to a club, got high mileage, and posted that here, and got caught, his butt would be in a sling.