
Comments by Dudester (page 68)

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    15 years ago
    The NFL Test
    Let's say she's Vanessa Hudgens, or could pass for her clone 1) NFL Game-no brainer. Since the NFL is fixed anyway,I pick Vanessa. 2) USC Trojans-tough call, depending on the opponent. If it's Notre Dame, UCLA, or a top ten (not Pac Ten), I'm going to attempt to juggle the two. If it's a Pac Ten opponent, Vanessa wins.
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    15 years ago
    Tough times in the porn industry
    Thirty years ago, there was only three porn producers. Then, along comes taxi driver Ed Powers with a hand held camera, and he makes a fortune. Soon, there are five hundred porn producers. There needs to be a bloodletting. There's a lot of crap porn out there. The only porn actors/actresses out there making money are multi talented, and haven't put all their eggs in one basket. Look at Sasha Grey-porn actress, actress, musician, and singer. In the early 1980's, the term porn star came to the fore, but back then, there was about 25 true "porn stars" and about a hundred bit players. Nowadays, there's probably only a handful of "porn stars", but hundreds and hundreds of porn actresses.
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    15 years ago
    This could lead to somthing...
    Dick Johnson wrote:"Then when I turned over with a raging hard-on she shreiked. "oh my goodness, what are we gonna do with that?" I was kinda embarassed." AMP girls ask questions like that when they see pygmy hard ons. It's hard to give a HJ to a two and a half incher and it's hard for a AMP girl to give a BJ when she tries to restrain herself from laughing. You did yourself credit by leaving. You should see a dick doctor dick. I hear they can perform miracles.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Customerspeak-to-English Translations: What We Really Mean
    Customerspeak: How about a dance? Translation: Fuck you're hot !! Don't you know I've been pursuing you for hours and I can't leave without finding what kind of grinder you are? Customerspeak: How old are you? Translation: I don't want to get caught with an underage dancer Customerspeak: Are you sure you're 18? Translation: I want to fulfill a fantasy, I just don't want to do 20 years in the pokie. Customerspeak: What nights do you work? Translation: You've intrigued me. I'm hoping we can do this again, then in a hotel after that. Customerspeak: Do you do private parties? Translation: I wanna fuck all night Customerspeak: Have I seen you before? Translation: I vaguely remember this amateur video I bought in a porn shop
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    15 years ago
    Have you ever caught a stripper's cold during a dance?
    I got a cold from my first ATF. She told me she was recovering from a cold, but you don't catch it from someone who is recovering from it. I forgave her because she was great in the sack and very considerate (most of the time).
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    15 years ago
    Need Drink Advice
    TUSCL_Brother-thanks a bunch !! Much appreciated. minnow-yes, I do have to avoid a lot of vapor situtions. There was even a few years of my childhood where one whiff of brake fluid (open bottle in a garage) and I got woozy. Truth is, I've had a drink seven times in my life and been drunk four of those times. Two of those drunks, my alcohol intake was only enough to give the casual drinker a mild buzz. Two times I did pile it on ( Marine boot graduation-battle aftermath five years later).
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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Are escort services invading TUSCL?
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What They Really Mean: Stripperspeak-to-English Translations
    Stripperspeak: I'll call you tonight Translation: I'll forget about you five seconds from now Stripperspeak: Maybe we can go out to dinner Translation: Make me an offer. Include several zeros Stripperspeak: I'm really religious Translation: I go to church on Easter, and Christmas. Whew !!
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    American Woman
    One would've had to travel overseas to know the difference, but an American girl is more of an intellectual challenge (and sometimes that's fun), but an Asian woman is totally dedicated. An American woman will cheat on you (maybe not to extremes, but they will cheat), but an Asian woman is far less likely to cheat on you and they understand that they are 50 percent of the relationship and the relationship is important to them. A hispanic woman, from south of the border, usually mates with that one guy (at age 12 or 13) and stays with that one guy for life. However, if you find a hispanic woman that's really interested in you, they will be faithful, but it's kind of a requirement that they mentally torture you (why hispanic guys get crazy about their women).
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    15 years ago
    30K charged to AmEx by Vegas SC
    On the drunkest night of my life, when I had a blood alcohol content high enough to kill me, I remember every detail. I don't buy that "I drank and blacked out crap". It's a too much overused excuse for stupidity. It'll all come down to whether a jury buys his excuse.
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    15 years ago
    The Perfect Stripper
    She would look just like Phoebe Cates did in Fast Times at Ridgemont High. She would have the personality and maturity of Dakota Fanning.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Working in a club
    LOL !! Polka music, that's rich !! However, with the right dancers and right costumes, that could be interesting. I was recently in a store and actually heard muzak versions of several Led Zeppelin songs including Stairway to Heaven and Kashmir.
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    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Raises $7.2 Million to Be Used for Future Acq
    Once upon a time, when Rick's was one place, it was in a nice, well kept up place. Now, it owns several places in Houston and it's original location has a parking lot that looks like it took a B-52 strike. Don't drive in Onyx parking lot unless you have a 70's pickup with high ground clearance. The place in Houston that has the Rick's name on it is a dive. It has nasty looking strippers who look just like crack whores (they probably are). The hustle factor is 100%. Nearby strip joints put it to shame. Rick's should use that 7.2 million to build something that looks like St. James. To build a suitable place will run 2-3 million, then the smart move is to buy adjacent property to comply with distance requirements.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Connection problems
    Because I go everyday to this site, I noticed this one was down, along with another, and I ran some extra anti virus and anti spyware programs to make sure it wasn't me.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Working in a club
    I go with steve and go with dj. I'd like to play 70's and 80's rock with a lot of percussion/rhythm in it (i.e. Judas Priest, Kiss, etc.)
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    15 years ago
    What outfit would you like to see a dancer wear?
    I join the consensus here, with the add on that I like to undress a female, so it should be something easy for me to take off of her.
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    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Glossary Entries That Could Stand Improvement
    These economic times have caused some dancers that a long term investment (i.e. high mileage dance) is better than a short term (rip off air dance). With that said, we should narrow down dances to four categories: Air Dance-no contact dance: Recently rare. Light Contact Dance : Dancer gives one way contact, or allows minor two way contact. High Mileage Dance: Full two way contact is allowed. Ultra High Mileage Dance- Bare genital to mouth contact, or bare genital to bare genital contact at only a per song rate as opposed to a flat rate for said activities.
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    15 years ago
    'Lion of the Senate' paralyzed
    JFK was before my time and although I liked his speaking style, I've never been a fan of any of the Kennedy's. With that said: We all have our political opinions. Of Teddy Kennedy, I can honestly say this-at a place called Chappaquidic, in 1968, he got drunk and drove a car off a bridge. A young woman in the car died. He didn't report the accident to Police for ten hours. Had he not been a Kennedy, he would've done at least a decade in the big house instead of being elected a Senator. If this wasn't bad enough, in 1990, William Kennedy Smith was alleged to rape a woman on the grounds of Teddy's mansion in Miami. Teddy mentored William and saw to it that William was let off easy. Teddy has lived a life of privilege and he's a symptom of what is the worst problem we have in government. He has been in the Senate for four decades. He is the poster child for the need for term limits. I don't wish him evil, but I don't wish him well either.
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    15 years ago
    SC Hall Of Shame
    Neglect comes in many forms. Clearly, this woman exercised poor judgement. At Houston Dolls there's a dancer/waitress who's been in junior college for years without graduating (she keeps changing her major). She says she has to be at school weekdays from 9 to 5 (???), and she works the club Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. The boys are with their father on the weekends, but she obviously spends little time with them. My mother, a nurse, moved an abuser in the house and gave him free run. She spent about an hour with us a day, if that. Had it not been for several mitigating factors, we easily would've become lifelong criminals.
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    15 years ago
    Does bringing buddies to your regular club cramp your style?
    I had a buddy who dragged me along a couple of times to a club. Both times I was on a limited budget and the second time I tried very hard to beg off as I only had ten bucks. It was a totally awkward situation. Besides, I only know how to solo in a club. My tactics are to score. I zero in on a dancer and I'm not really there just to socialize, which is why you take a buddy anyway.
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    15 years ago
    Out of town and out of luck
    No strip club, but you have 200-300 to throw around, and in a hick town-here's something that's worked for me. Dress like you're trying to score at a titty bar (dress for success), then look around for a diner with not much going on and a somewhat attractive waitress. The way you're dressed will draw some kind of response. Since you're just testing the waters (and might find another diner) start with just an appetizer. If a conversation starts, you can go with a full dinner, if not, you get the idea. Anyway, in a hick town, some young waitresses will gladly ditch their local boring boyfriend for an evening/night out with a well dressed interesting out of town guy. Steer the conversation the right way and she might do a lapper for you-who knows? Anyway, worked for me once. It didn't lead to sex, but it did lead to almost five hours of companionship.
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    15 years ago
    Competition between Dancers
    judyjudy asked: The point or should i say question that I have is are all the girls at these upper end clubs this damn competitive? It's not just dancers that are this competitive. Women, in general, are terrible to other women. I work in a place that is 82% women. On a daily basis, there is more drama than all the soap operas on TV combined. My boss, a super bitch, doesn't help-she keeps stirring the pot, stirring shit up, which as a history buff has led me to a hypothesis: "If the entire population was female, and reproduction was asexual, females would have wars that would make World War 2 look like a minor misunderstanding. We're talking scorched earth and salt sown into the soil so that nothing ever grows there again."
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip Club Consultant
    St. James bought the adjacent property to keep a school out (would've forced the closure of St. James and Houston Dolls. With that said: The club should expand out. There should be a topless area for those who want to drink and a nude area for those who prefer pussy over booze. Also, there should be in the border area an option for: Regular small rooms for lappers A larger room for couch dances "Jacuzzi rooms"
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Reviews: General Statements vs. Personal Experiences
    Depends on the club. For instance, I was the first one to write an in depth review of the Mansion, so I went into detail how to get there, where to park, cover charge, stages, etc. If someone has already written that kind of review, all you need then is the day, and time of day and the quality of the dancers and experience.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Bathroom Attendant's Reading List
    Because of my enhanced sense of smell, I couldn't concentrate amongst the vapors of a men's room. However, I once had a hotel security job with a lot of downtime. I read all of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan books and everything Clive Cussler wrote.