
American Woman

Blue Ridge Foothills
I've heard some guys complain that American girls are stuck up or don't appreciate sex, whatever. I really don't have any complaints. How about you? Do you like American girls as strippers, or do you prefer strippers from other countries?


  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    Asian for me, or at least something exotic. The all American blond doesn't do a lot for me.
  • londonguy
    15 years ago
    I LOVE American girls as strippers mainly because the accent adds that certain edge for me. I've travelled Europe a lot and some of those East Europeans are very hot, especially the Czech and Polish girls, who are also great lays.
  • DandyDan
    15 years ago
    I don't mind girls from other countries, but there is nothing wrong with American girls.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    One would've had to travel overseas to know the difference, but an American girl is more of an intellectual challenge (and sometimes that's fun), but an Asian woman is totally dedicated. An American woman will cheat on you (maybe not to extremes, but they will cheat), but an Asian woman is far less likely to cheat on you and they understand that they are 50 percent of the relationship and the relationship is important to them.

    A hispanic woman, from south of the border, usually mates with that one guy (at age 12 or 13) and stays with that one guy for life. However, if you find a hispanic woman that's really interested in you, they will be faithful, but it's kind of a requirement that they mentally torture you (why hispanic guys get crazy about their women).
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    For the most part American girls are less respectful, motivated, and have inflated opinions of themselves compared to women of other cultures. Yes, of course, that isn't true of all of them, but this is part of the reason America is going to rapidly lose it big lead over the rest of the world. Still, if you get to choose the cream of the crop I would go with the American girls. Getting back to the original topic though, we are talking about strippers here who are near the bottom of the social ladder anyway, so it hardly matters.
  • txtittyfan
    15 years ago
    I prefer strippers that are attractive and fit that know how to dance and enjoy their work. Who cares where they are from as long as you get what you want. All cultures have their idiosyncrasies. Women of different cultures are appealing because they are different.
  • denver.guy.37
    15 years ago
    I love the accent of the eastern European and the French girls. The voice makes a big impact, but they still must know how to move. I don't think the nationality necessarily matters, but something different makes it that much more interesting.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    South America (and I dont mean Southern U.S.) I think are the best, that American strippers can be good but some other countries have raised the bar in hotness, politeness and most importantly mileage. It almost is the same as jobs being exported, other countries will do more cheaper, more efficiently and in this case these girls actually can do "it" better.
  • harrydave
    15 years ago
    For me, American girls are fine, but I've always liked girls from different cultures. I think the American culture has a problem with sexuality. Girls are expected to be pure until they find the right guy and marry (hence the huge emphasis on abstinence). And if they don't maintain a pristine demeanor they are classified as sluts. In other cultures, there is a greater acceptance of sexuality as a natural condition not to be suppressed, and girls who express their sexuality are more in the mainstream of behavior. European and Brazilian women usually come from that more liberal culture. The Asian cultures are interesting and more complex. Women can be very proper in a public setting, but for their permanent or temporary mate they can be extremely attentive. For that reason, I have found it worthwhile to pursue Asian strippers as regulars.

    All of this is stereotyping, of course. My long term GF is a blond from New Jersey. ;0
  • wallanon
    15 years ago
    I don't have a preference, but since I only speak english if any dancer wants to engage me in a lengthy conversation it helps if hers is solid.
  • bumrubber
    15 years ago
    Half the girls in American SCs are eastern European anyway!
  • SuperDude
    15 years ago
    In Detroit clubs Russians are known to offer high mileage.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    I buy American. Fact is 99% of the dancers I've met have been Americans. There have been 3 Filipina's, 1 Brazilian and 1 Puerto Rican that have made it to my favorites list. The few eastern Europeans that I have met were beautiful but gave lame dances.
  • gatorfan
    15 years ago
    American women can compete in looks, but performance goes to Latin America who are willing to give 110% in everything they do.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago
    You are SOOOOO right about that, T-Bro!

    I am such a "rice queen", that the rare times I'm not holed up in some dark & dusky little SC, I can be found wandering through the streets of Chinatown looking for some eye candy!
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    For some of us it's a choice between wanting something close to our usual experience only more exciting, or wanting something exotic and completely outside the everyday. I'm drawn to girl-next-door types, because they remind me of girls I've known all my life, so it's like playing out my fantasies. Familiarity with American language and culture make a difference, too, because little subtleties of flirting are a big part of the experience for me. I'm open to exotic people and things in many other situations, just not usually in a strip club.
  • Yoda
    15 years ago
    I do happen to prefer Asian and Brazilian dancers for a number of reasons but I think it's a bit dangerous to dump all dancers of one nationality or another into one category. I've had plenty of American -born ATF's over the years and if any of them came out of retirement tomorrow I would seek them out for a dance. My preferences evolved out of the longing for something "different" as much as anything. Still, there are certain personality traits that attract me to the girls that I tend to prefer.
  • casualguy
    15 years ago
    I like the American dancers. However I've also found some very hot South American dancers who seemed to be in to me after I started talking to them for a few minutes. I don't know if I met any Czech dancers or not but all the pics I've seen on the internet seem to be Czech if she looks real hot. Asian girls seem to be sexually aggressive, maybe that's just the Korean girls that seem to latch onto me. Almost any dancer can suddenly seem to get sexually aggressive if something is triggered in her. The only question may be how many drinks does that take?
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Nice to know we have something in common, "yellow fever". Just to bad the Asian population in South Florida is just about zero! BTW, my ATF is Asian. Chinese and something else. Perhaps Thai. She really doesn't talk much about that part of her life.
  • lopaw
    15 years ago

    You ought to consider moving here to Calif.......SOOOOOO many gorgeous Asian dancers (and Asian women in general) here. You'd be like a kid in a candy store!
  • Clubber
    15 years ago

    Sounds like I would have to un-retire and get a job again. Better to just get that one jade jewel once in awhile. :)

    And you are correct. Last time I was in San Fransisco, my eyes started bleeding from overwork!
  • Book Guy
    15 years ago
    There are hot-looking women in most gene pools and most cultures. (Maybe not Albania ... ?) And I like 'em when they're strippers, no matter where they're from, since generally the degree of contact and its price are determined more by the club you're, than the origin of the stripper.

    But when people ask, "Do you like American women?" I wonder whether they mean, simply, in terms of looks. I find the typical North American female's attitude toward sexuality and toward bonding and romantic relationships to be absolutely shitty. Having lived in a few other cultures, I think I can say pretty accurately, North America is the worst place in the developed world for males to be themselves and have a happy life, as far as romance, sex, and finding / landing a viable partner. The numbers are low -- more obese porkers here than in Denmark -- and the attitude is crappy -- sex is used here as a plaything to manipulate your wallet, more so than in Holland.

    Sure, things are probably weird in Afghanistan, too, but I'm talking about comparing the developed "western" world.

    What they're like as strippers is one thing, and yeah, it's nice to have a California girl-next-door for a lapper every now and again; what they're like as girlfriends or wives is entirely different.
  • chandler
    15 years ago
    Book Guy, I agree that there are some pretty screwed up attitudes towards sexuality in this country. But I don't think it's only the women. The predominant American men's attitude is no better. I think the keyword is "typical". I don't waste my time with typical American women, either in or outside of a strip club. It's not that difficult to find exceptions.

    One reason I so strongly prefer American strippers, is that I am also a product of American culture. It feels more satisfying for me to play with a girl who resembles a typical American in most every way except for her extreme freakiness.
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