
Comments by Dudester (page 63)

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    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever have a stripper shock you with knowledge, intelligence, common sense?
    Like Shadowcat, I too could write a book. Twenty years ago, while working Security at a Six Flags park, I got into a legendary tussle with a butcher knife wielding stalker. He was an ex of one of the costumed characters. From this tussle, I developed a friendship of the gal who ran the shows department. One evening I saw her in a knockout gown. I was very impressed. I asked her which show it was for. She replied it was for her part time job. I asked her where. She said she waitressed at Rick's (this was when Ricks was THE Premier place of Houston). My jaw hit the ground. She became upset and asked "What's the matter? Are you completely crushed now? Totally crestfallen? I was and that the end of our friendship.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Anyone ever been kicked out of a SC?
    I too had an experience in a New Orleans club in 97. I went into that place in the French Quarter where the motorized leg is coming out of the window. It seems that the club tradition is to tip every single gal who appears onstage. The first gal I saw collected tips from most of the guys. I shot her a disapproving look, so she stayed away from me. The next gal, an over the hill, late 40's gal, with rolls of fat hanging over her girdle, tried to collect from me. When I told her no, she went and got a gorilla of a bouncer. He came at me and I gave him the kind of dangerous Clint Eastwood look to let him know that I wasn't going to be a cream puff. He pulled back and sized up the situation. She was egging him on. There was an awkward moment when everyone in the club watched. I finally said "I'm leaving" and I headed for the doorway. As I reached the door I heard her ask him "What about my tip?" and noticed him hold her back as I departed.
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    15 years ago
    Playboy shares plunge on report sale talks are off
    Actually, it would be in Hef's best interest to try and interest Hooters in buying. Penthouse owns a few strip joints, but PB, which used to have clubs, is a mess because hef is incapable of running the shebang and he seriously needs to be put out to pasture. His magazine, once the industry standard, is now a wrinkled and embarassing version of it's once great self. The video and cable TV divisions are doing gangbuster business, but they are diminished by the flagship-the magazine. The magazine needs to clean house and dump it's elitest, out of touch with America, staff. The writing is stuck in 1968, the car articles are cars no one can relate to, the clothing-who cares? And the bunnymag articles are self serving and uninteresting. Recently, they've nabbed real celebs, with Tara Reid, but lately it's been a diet of "Reality Stars". Who gives a shit about them? Most of the models are air brushed to inhuman standards, making them uninteresting and unerotic. Like I said,dump the magazine staff and get new blood. Get back in touch with blue collar America. Stop air brushing the models, and for God's sake-a silicone free issue dammit.
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    15 years ago
    Strippers to be hit hard by healthcare bill's new taxes on tanning and boob jobs
    Last summer the strippers I talked to were revved up about voting for Obama. Reason is, they're independent contractors. They have no health insurance. They were thinking they were going to get free medical.
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    15 years ago
    Strip club claims former Miss Oklahoma Laci Kay Scott's lawsuit over modeling sh
    samsung wrote:"Armstrong wants the club ownership to turn over documents showing how much money Ten's made." Translation = This is going to cost you, BIG !!!
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    15 years ago
    Rick's Cabaret International, Inc. Acquires "Joy of Austin"Gentlemen's Club
    Once again, Rick's two locations in Houston are a dump, and most of their strippers have pimps and look like they belong on a street corner. Twenty years ago they were upscale, but certainly not now. If they build a place comparable to St. James and once again, start being picky about their strippers......geez
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    15 years ago
    $3 for what?
    OOoops !!! Funny
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    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    The Ritz, Legs Cabaret and Diamond Club South - raid on Thursday Dec 17
    Player said:"It is disgusting this LE intereference with personal privacy when people are being assualted and robbed in Houston mall parking lots." It's actually up to the malls to provide security, but I get your point. I'd like to see resources reallocated away from SC's to areas where they are needed. Because of the upswing in mall crimes, and it's usually repeat offenders doing it, warrant sweeps should be done, along with monitoring traffic going into mall parking lots. Slow the traffic and run plates. If it's a newer model Impala with a cracked steering column and three guys dressed in black, it's a good bet they didn't come to enhance cash registers at the mall.
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    15 years ago
    Jerzey boi
    The Ritz, Legs Cabaret and Diamond Club South - raid on Thursday Dec 17
    I'd like to see that cop defend his actions in court. I'd love to be the lawyer-I'd appeal all the way to the Supremes. "Let's see if I get this straight Officer. In order to make an arrest, you committed a crime, right?" Even if a State District Judge might pass on the Officer's behavior, an appeals court wouldn't.
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    15 years ago
    No joke: Rio upset by Robin Williams' Olympic line
    What will be important to watch is what happens when the IOC panel visits Rio. I'd be willing to bet real money that the IOC panel will be chin deep in hookers aged 13-26.
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    15 years ago
    Commissioner's Quote Didn't Defame Strippers
    That Ritz is an idiot. However, his ignorance could help an opponent's campaign. Instead of suing, the clubbers should help his opponent and expose his ignorance. If Ritz said this one stupid thing, he probably said others.
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    15 years ago
    AIDS group wants rule requiring condoms in porn
    Flat out-people don't want to watch porn where people wear condoms, it's a turn off. Being the libertarian that I am, I am sick of someone calling for government regulation of every fucking minute of our lives. I live in America, not socialist island.
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    15 years ago
    Cops are human, too
    "Whatever happened was certainly consensual." He probably had OTC relationships with both. He may/may not have lied about his occupation. When he didn't make a payment, or said the wrong thing, they alleged he did this and that.
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    15 years ago
    Getting Off
    Is this common or just guys BSing? Some guys get so worked up that they are being touched by a woman that isn't their wife/GF that they do cum after a song or two. Personally, it takes me a very long time to get there because that's how my first lover trained me. The only exception being one time last year. I was taking a break from OTC Gal. I went to the Mansion and there was this gal who was the spitting image of a gal, who in my teens drove me absolutely crazy. After a couple of songs I was was right at the peak, just seconds from orgasm. I said "Oh baby, I wanna fuck you in the worst way." She pulled up and that was that. She was done with me.
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    15 years ago
    Delayed Gratification
    I've always had a thing for petite females. At a time when Houston Dolls was basically a bordello, this one cutie was very limited on the two way contact. I tried a couple of times, but it was a no go. Several months later, I saw her at a nude place. I got her back to the private room and she was all over me. She hadn't even finished undressing. I also get a thrill out of undressing a girl, so I undressed her-fingering her once the panties were off. We sort of wrestled for a few minutes, then I told her I wanted to DATY. She had me pay her up to that point, plus 40 for DATY. She let me eat her for a few minutes, then I told her I wanted FS. At first she said no, but I showed her a condom. She then told me she would, for 60 bucks per song while we fucked. All total, she got 400 out of me.
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    15 years ago
    Recent Family Guy episode featured strip club visit/scene
    I was watching that because the station I wanted to watch did a "power down" (it's happened a lot this month). The upside of SC's going mainstream is that some communities might soon give in and legalize prostitution. The downside is that a "norm" of look, but don't touch, might happen.
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    15 years ago
    What do you guys do with Christmas presents you don't care for or know you won't
    I think there's a "gift swap" website where you can do a swap out with someone. Spmeone might cherish a waterford paperweight, which you don't care for, for a tool, bottle of cologne, etc.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strip club or whore house? A couple follow-up questions
    1a) How do you pick which stripper you want to fuck? Take her to the backroom and see how far she goes mileage wise. If she is very frisky, it might take 2-3 visits to get FS 1b) Do you go rely on AFTs? Actually, it's ATF. My first, I could 100% rely on. My second-spotty. My third, read about OTC Gal 1c) Can/could you walk into a club (known for high mileage and extras) you've never been to, find a hottie, get comfortable and get busy? As they say,money talks. Since many clubs are basically brothels anyway, you got a 50/50 chance for a fuck, but most strippers expect you to cum in five minutes or less. If you l;ike a long leisurely fuck, like me, you need OTC privileges. 2a) Are any of you married or have a girlfriend (that's not a stripper)? Nope 2b) Do SCs supplement your sex life or are they pretty much your entire your sex life? Strippers are actually easier than headcase girlfriends. 2c) Are you paying for sex other than with strippers? Huh? 3a) How did you get to this point in your sex life? A long story involving childhood abuse, an autism spectral disorder, and selfish women who just take and take and take. 3b) What would you change? I would've married my second GF. That's a long story too, but it probably would've been my best shot at marriage/kids
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Need a new career?
    Porn Star Ron Jeremy can fuck just about anything. I've seen vidcaps of him fucking an 800 pound woman-UGH !! Some of SC fans are delusional to think we look like Rhett Butler. Women tolerate us, but the male tool requires some stimulation to rise to the occasion. Some women are flat out repulsive, and those are the ones who will be seeking out a male escort.
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    15 years ago
    The Big Kiss Off
    Thanks guys
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    15 years ago
    Patriots mascot arrested in prostitution ring
    Meanwhile, loan sharks shook down the defenseless, robbers wounded and maimed, muggers mowed down those unable to resist, all while cops busted consenting adults who weren't hurting anyone. Our tax dollars at work. Geez.
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    15 years ago
    Cold Weather
    I always wondered how the girls handled the cold. Lots of Houston clubs crank up the AC. Even in summer, I take a jacket with me (I nearly froze to death once, don't handle cold very well). I'll never forget, once several years ago, I was in a nude club and the gal I was with went into the far back corner of the building to give us extra privacy. It was winter and cold was seeping through a half inch crack under the emergency door. It had to be in the 50's in the area, if not colder. This gal was completely naked and was tolerating it quite well.
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    15 years ago
    Man charged with threatening to bomb strip club
    "After officers spoke with the man's family". Translation = 29 year old Nathan, who is 5'8" and 260 pounds, lives in his mom's basement. He hasn't had pussy since pussy had him and he spends much of free time online, playing some stupid video game where he pretends to be a dungeon master, or ranger, or shit like that.
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    15 years ago
    Are strip clubs often robbed?
    About once a year, a Houston strip club is found to be on fire. After the fire is out, the safe is found to be missing. Only managers of said clubs would know how much is in there, but it's a safe bet-at least 10k. However, not a smart thing to do. If the cops don't get you, a guy named Guido will. You better pray it's the cops.
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    15 years ago
    Go to a Dancer's Birthday Party?
    OTC Gal had a 25th in June. I smartly put in a appearance just as she got there. I gave her a gift (inexpensive and thoughtful) then quickly ducked out. I knew she was going to get drunk and stupid. I didn't care to see her that way.