Ever have a stripper shock you with knowledge, intelligence, common sense?

avatar for shadowcat
Atlanta suburb
I guess I am over the shock because this has happened to me too many times. A lot of them have done other things for a living. One favorite was taking up a nursing career. When she started her internship at the hospital, she decided it wasn't for her but she retained all of the knowledge. I could write a book.


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avatar for potheadpl
15 years ago
I made a trip to Tampa last Monday night. Went to Penthouse Club, 2001 Odyssey, and Shangri-La. Met three nursing students and an MBA @ Penthouse Club. Met more nursing students @ Shangri-La. They were believable b/c they were all intelligent, charming, and well-spoken. Big change from the illiterate redneck whores I usually meet in Pasco county. LOL
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
There is one black stripper at Dreamgirls who has a bachelor degree and she is high mileage. Unfortunately a lot of the strippers paying their way through college have been low mileage for me.
They always seem to make it a point that they are smarter and better than the rest of the dancers here because they are going to have a future. They are simply doing it temporarily for the money NOT because they are whores like the rest of the dancers here...I usually just pass on them when they talk this stuck up. NEXT!
avatar for deogol
15 years ago
Plenty of them are intelligent. Doesn't mean they don't have a screw loose someplace though. (Same can be said of us.)
avatar for bumrubber
15 years ago
I wouldn't say I'm shocked about it, but some are definitely pretty sharp.

Some I don't believe their stories, others seem like they're being totally honest.

Fellow MBA student was a stripper.
avatar for casualguy
15 years ago
I'm not shocked when I meet a smart or intelligent dancer.

However I was surprised when I met one dancer years ago who was dancing but claimed she already had a pretty good college degree. Basically money was good and tax free for a dancer years ago, especially for a hot dancer. That money is not supposed to be tax free but it wasn't easily detected or enforced. Dancers have to claim an income anyway if they want to get a house and mortgage and then they start paying taxes.
avatar for CTQWERTY
15 years ago
I kind of prefer those who've travelled for leisure some, as opposed to those who, if they've travelled, it's due to a deadbeat boyfriend, etc. With the former it's interesting and gives some conversation material. While with the latter, it opens the door for talking about negative issues in their life, etc. Talk about a buzzkill...

I think the worst lapdance I've ever had was at a Deja Vu in Seattle, where the gal said she was from Pensacola, Fla. Of course that naturally made me ask why leave Florida (warm tropics) for Seattle (cloudy and rainy for 4 months out of the year). BIG MISTAKE! I then got the deadbeat boyfriend tale while her level of activity plunged from average into "pilot light barely on". And the cost for one dance? $35. UGH! I've never been back in that club since.
avatar for Dudester
15 years ago
Like Shadowcat, I too could write a book. Twenty years ago, while working Security at a Six Flags park, I got into a legendary tussle with a butcher knife wielding stalker. He was an ex of one of the costumed characters. From this tussle, I developed a friendship of the gal who ran the shows department. One evening I saw her in a knockout gown. I was very impressed. I asked her which show it was for. She replied it was for her part time job. I asked her where. She said she waitressed at Rick's (this was when Ricks was THE Premier place of Houston). My jaw hit the ground. She became upset and asked "What's the matter? Are you completely crushed now? Totally crestfallen?

I was and that the end of our friendship.
avatar for gk
15 years ago
Dancers never surprise me anymore. I've seen pretty much everything in their backgrounds. I've known:
-a young dancer who just got a full ride scholarship to a private college
-a dancer who went t Indiaa for college credit
-many nursing students
-too many dental assisting/medical assisting students (too many because those jobs pay so little for these girls who want to find something permanently rewarding fdinancially!)
- a writer
- an American sign language for th4e deaf interpreter
- a dancer who sent into sales because she had that consultative selling quality
-but also far too many dancers who were...dancers trying in vain to figure something out.
- and the best of all--smart ones with a plan who live beyond the moment who eventually get on to better things.
avatar for gatorfan
15 years ago
Simple answer, yes. Stripper's come in all shapes, sizes, and some are very knowledgable about a whole range of things, business savy, etc.
avatar for Dougster
15 years ago
It's kind of like drawing cards from a deck over and over looking for the ace of spades. Are you surprised the 1 in 52 times it happens? Not really, you know it will happen, but not very frequently. When I first starting going to clubs I was surprised by how dumb, unethical, and just generally how "loserish" the average stripper turned out to be.
avatar for GRENDELZ
15 years ago
When I lived in Florida, every fucking dancer claimed to be in college. During the famous air dances in Orlando all I would here were claims of being a college student. "I'm only dancing to pay for school" was all I would here. Yeah, sure.
avatar for georgmicrodong
15 years ago
Dudester: Why on earth would you end a friendship over *that*?
avatar for scatterbrain
15 years ago
This type of dancer actually turns me on. I like intelligence and common sense. I've met a rehab nurse in Detroit, a concert pianist in Indianapolis, a vet tech student in Indianapolis, and a molecular biologist grad student in Phoenix. Conversation is quite stimulating. If and when I stumble on these ladies, they drain my wallet quickly because I know eventually I'm making a relatively good investment in humen potential.
avatar for samsung1
15 years ago
"When I lived in Florida, every fucking dancer claimed to be in college. During the famous air dances in Orlando all I would here were claims of being a college student. "I'm only dancing to pay for school" was all I would here. Yeah, sure."

Yeah I don't know of any colleges that accepts $1 bills...
avatar for now_starring
15 years ago
Most of the ones I have met at least have common sense so I wander where the stereotype comes from. I have actually only met 2 out of many I would rather not ever see again. I wish the ratio was the same for non-strippers that I know.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
Yep. One was a lawyer and one was a C.P.A. Both in the 9-10 range, but with heavy financial probleems.
avatar for DandyDan
15 years ago
I've met many who clearly had a head on their shoulders. 2 girls I've called my ATF had degrees. Of course, one was in English and what do you use an English degree for? She was a pot smoker, so I don't know if she was always all there, but I always had a fun time with her. And it wasn't always about the dancing. The other was a high school PE teacher/basketball coach, but she was unsuited for the whole education thing. Of course, if you are a female PE teacher, you probably get turned on every day looking at the high school girls undressing. I've also known one who was a photographer, and she took the pictures on the club website. I met another who was a musician.
avatar for glen_livet
15 years ago
I had a lengthy conversation with a dancer who was using her earnings to buy and renovate foreclosed houses which she planned to rent out.

Another young lady claimed she was studying psychology in college, and viewed her job both a source of income and "research" for her thesis on human sexuality.
avatar for jester214
15 years ago
I'm more shocked with how stupid some of them are... It's shocking, especially the ones that think they're smart... Every time I think I've seen the end I'm surprised further.
avatar for earlyriser60609
15 years ago
Strippers with college degrees? Really? I've got some land in Florida for sale if you believe that...talk about "stripper shit"...how many times have you heard "I'm a college student"..."I'm only doing this part time"..."I work as a para-legal"...what crap...Hey, I really am not interested in their career goals just what can you do for me to make me happy today in return for some dough?
I think "pompatous" (thanks Steve Miller) hit it on the head with the lines he heard..can there be anything more outlandish?
avatar for Clubber
15 years ago
My ATF would be one. I wouldn't say she was particularly "book smart", but she did invest her money wisely and no longer has to work. She would never smoke or drink. Watched what she ingested, and worked out regularly. She is only 27.
avatar for SuperDude
15 years ago
In my case with the lawyer and the C.P.A. both checked out in the public professional roster. They were legit.
avatar for shadowcat
15 years ago
early, I know one that graduated from USC and then got tenure there as a teacher. She recently moved to Clemson because her daughter is going there.This has been verified by many dancers. She teaches theater and public speaking. Her stage name was Tyra. The last time I saw her, 2 years ago,she told me that she still dances because she misses it but I think she misses the money more.
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