
The Big Kiss Off

Saturday, December 12, 2009 10:48 PM
If you've read my article on OTC Gal, you've already had an insight here. Five weeks ago was the final insult, with the phone call where she called me everything, except a son of God, because I moved to protect the assets she was trying to take. Since then, silence, until this morning. She sent me a text. She's trying to rent a place, putting me down as a reference (Can you imagine? She's got some nerve !!). She gave me a bizarre set of instructions, which,of course, I won't do. With that said, a phone call is most likely pending (hint, I won't call her). Before I go further, the other day I accidentally I stumbled across a thing called "Narcisstic Personality Disorder." It fits her to a T. The key part is that he person "flies into a rage if someone calls them on their delusion." So, when the phone call comes, do I: A) Tell her to cease or desist, or I'll call her Probation Officer B) Tell her she's been replaced by something better and cheaper (the truth) C) Tell her as my employee, she's been fired because of poor attendance and insubordination D) Take the cowardly way out (change my number) and act surprised when she (or a cohort) vandalizes my car E) Something I haven't thought of


  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    The second part of A, and either D or just block her number. If you live in a state that allows concealed carry, get a permit and carry. If you live in Vermont or Alaska, just go get yourself a gun. :) Above all, be careful.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    georgmicrodong, how can you block numbers from calling you? Good luck with your situation and health condition dudester. I can not offer advice but I would guess at choice A.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    Can you not do a combination of all? Tell her she's done cause she sucks, to leave you alone or youll call her probation officer, that you've got someone better, and then change your phone number. A gun's probably not a terible idea...
  • gk
    15 years ago
    What does she respond to? You've probably learned something about that during your relationship. Build your strategy around that. Being the psycho you describe, I don't think sarcasm or disrespect is the way to go, she might really flip out on you (beyond what she has already). Then I would take steps to "disappear" from her life, e.g. change phone numbers etc. One thing I would definitely do is a public records search on her (assuming you have the rigbht name) to see what legal problems she's been through and what part's of the "system" might be of some help you you as this plays out. For example, has she ever been arrested/for what, is she on probation, does she have "Children's Services" issues, does she have a high risk drivers license, does she owe money to the court, to a bank, to a collection agency, etc. Knowledge is power. Do some networking with a psychologist; find out what drives her and what's possibly coming next in this crazy wind down. Good luck with everything, stay safe.
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Dudster, I can understand how you got in this mess. Pussy fucks our brains.I know that you probably have some mixed emotions but there is only one to end it. Just so NO No NO. Yeah it is going to cause some heart burn but gotta be done.
  • Dudester
    15 years ago
    Thanks guys
  • Clubber
    15 years ago
    RE: a gun. If you wish to obtain/carry a gun, only do so legally! State, county, city, wherever laws vary dramatically. Secondly, only obtain/carry the weapon if you will use it when needed. If not, don't obtain/carry one as it might become a liability. I've carried for many years in South Florida and only had it out a couple of times (not counting the times I had it out under the counter in my restaurant) and never in sight of others, but trust me, I would use it if needed. Those that know me also know I carry, so it does cut down on some of the BS you might encounter in day to day life.
  • georgmicrodong
    15 years ago
    samsung1: While it's true that you can't stop someone from calling you, you can often prevent the call from going through. BellSouth/AT&T is my local phone provider, and they have a service that allows me to block certain numbers. It has some restrictions, I can't block out of area numbers, and I can't block the asshat legislator's campaign and BS calls, but if you can block a number, they never even ring your phone. In addition, my phone itself has a limited block capability. It rings once, and then plays a message about not accepting calls. Dudester: If you truly want to cut off all contact, do exactly that. No warnings, no "leave me alone", etc, just sever all contact and don't respond. If you're going to call her probation officer or other authorities, just do it, don't make it a threat. Monitor things, certainly, to make sure she doesn't start stalking you, but don't respond to her in any way. If things do get to the point where the authorities get involved, i.e. a physical confrontation or criminal act on her part, be prepared to have to refute any allegations she might bring forth. Most of the time, the best explanation of such allegations is none at all. "I don't know what she's talking about. I don't know why she'd say those things." That might not work if she has proof, or can reasonably put the two of you together in the same place at the same time (as in, if you ever used a credit card at a place where you met). Think back to all of your encounters, figure out if there's anything she can use against you and then try to spin it as "helping a friend" or something like that. Even if she *can* show you had a relationship, unless she's willing to either admit to criminal activity herself by accusing you, then likely the most she can do is embarrass you. And given your health situation, a bit of ridicule seems like it would be the least of your worries. In your place, my first priority would be making what time I have left be the best that it can be. Keeping yourself safe from a nutjob like this would rank right up near the top for me.
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    "the other day I accidentally I stumbled across a thing called 'Narcisstic Personality Disorder.'" Nearly all strippers have NPD. Many are malignant narcissists and some even have anti-social personality disorder. Just pay them to fuck, but otherwise keep the fuck away.
  • deogol
    15 years ago
    Someone once said "You pay strippers to make them go away!" Before sharing any banking shit with a girl, she has to go through a lot tougher interview questions than getting laid!
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Dougster, if all you want is a fuck, why not just stay home and jack off? It's free.
  • jaxman5150
    15 years ago
    Tell her you will do everything she wants but its going to cost her an anal gangbang with a dozen of your TUSCL buddies first. Payable in advance. That should shut her up.
  • jester214
    15 years ago
    Lotion gets expensive at those levels Shadowcat.
  • samsung1
    15 years ago
    can you guys get off from just watching porn still? I have to have something more such as a strip club to get aroused enough to get off. Maybe I need Viagra though lol
  • Dougster
    15 years ago
    shadowcat must spend his money on whores who really don't know how to fuck if he thinks it's comparable to masturbation.
  • how
    15 years ago
    Just read your article, Dudester. You're going to have to take that bank friend down. He should be in jail.
  • stripclubspy
    15 years ago
    You could try giving her the apartment recommendation, and then politely declining any further contact. Might possibly prevent future stalking, vandalism. Regarding the "better and cheaper" replacement, when do we get the details?
  • shadowcat
    15 years ago
    Dougster, No offense meant.I was just pointing out the fact that not all of us go for the fuck. Some of us actually enjoy their companionship. It has occasionally led to fuck.
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