Comments by Dudester (page 41)
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14 years ago
He was trying that tactic a couple of Texas' cities arte trying-wherein the cop actually gets pussy, then busts the stripper/escort/hooker. Somehow, it backfired on him.
As Martha "Bighouse" Stewart says "It's all good."
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
Pay in advance ? Don't think so. I smell that Sallie the fish owns the place for Fat Georgie.
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
"Yeah, I'm just doing this till I can get a real job. I'm better than these whores who work here."
A 20.00 BJ, cum on face. Yeah, whatever gets you through the night. I'd laugh too.
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14 years ago
Not my slip up-twenty some years ago, when I was in the military, I was a well known person in my regiment. Fast forward to the late 1990's. In what is only coincidence, I run into a guy from my regiment no less than three times at a strip club I was going to.
Then, my unit decides to hold a reunion. This idiot comes to the reunion. When he spots me there, he starts calling me from across the room. Before I could escape him, he announces to everyone that he and I had been strip clubbing quite a bit.
I really didn't want that announced as some of those guys move in the same circles as ex GF's of mine. I'm sure they appreciated the intel that I was strip clubbing.
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14 years ago
I had a nightmare visit there, but in fairness-I was in shorts and a T shirt. The dancrs are used to upscale clientele (NBA players, so, if you go-dress for success or don't bother.
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14 years ago
North Iowa
I've read your reviews. You should save your money and visit Texas. Upon realizing high mileage you would think you had died and gone to heaven.
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14 years ago
Happened twice with me. The first time, I scared him off with a look. The second time, the dancer told me that she'd be right back (she didn't return and I left a little ticked).
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14 years ago
A good while back I caught a cold from a dancer. I noticed she had the sniffles and noticing that I was recoiling a bit-because she needed the money-she encouraged me to play with her kitty and do whatever else wanted. I didn't mind the cold after that.
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14 years ago
harry-that last one looks interesting. I've seen a pole dancing contest on TV. Snore ZZZzzzz.
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14 years ago
Anybody know a club that does strip poker?
I'd rather hand them a twenty and help them undress before they slide into my lap.
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14 years ago
Worked all night, was looking forward to going home at the end of shift. As my car exited the garage, my phone rang-boss called me back. Wanted me to run the facility until she returned from a meeting-promising 9 a.m. At 9:50 I called her. She was still in a meeting. I was at max hours and had to leave. She had me turn over the reins to a pair of subordinates.
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14 years ago
Stevie said "They pull a knife, you pull a gun...that's the Chicago way."
Dudester say "You really sure you want that knife up your ass ?"
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14 years ago
Atlanta suburb
OTC Gal started out at 300, went to 400 (she was a 9.5 in appearance).
I usually pay 200 to 300.
One gal quoted a starting price of 700 per hour. I passed.
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14 years ago
Just a fat, creepy old pervert.
George-think about the worst of it. Suppose your daughter came out on stage and said "Get over it dad, I'm 18."
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14 years ago
Not sure I want a teacher to be around kids when he has a boner.
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14 years ago
British Columbia
Cracking down on clubs only causes other activities to rise. As a customer, I'd be working the OTC angle.
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14 years ago
I'm a frequent blood donor. Since having a tatoo automatically disqualifies you for twelve months for being a donor, I shake my head at those who only think of themself in getting a tatoo. Suppose a relative needs blood-"Sure, let me give you some tainted blood." Just what they need.
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14 years ago
Early last year, OTC Gal mentioned a "Party Bus", but it didn't happen. A few nights ago, saw one of those courtesy type buses going down the beltway. It was weaving a bit and driving about 15 mph below the limit. The bus didn't have any markings and it was dark inside. Then, the next night I saw a larger bus without markings. It wasn't weaving, but I'm wondering.
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14 years ago
Did the murders happen in a strip club ? Was Thornton a stripper ?
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14 years ago
for some reason, Hensley apparently left quickly with Cho following her.
Translation-He paid her in advance, and she was a ROB.
Quite tragic. She'll do a couple of decades and his family will bury the pieces left of him.
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14 years ago
Are they a threat to strip joints ?
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14 years ago
WTF is it with Ohio ? Why does that state lead in federal cases against pornography, strip clubs, and just outright sex ? I live in the South where religion is paramount, but strip clubs are pretty much left alone. Ohio, on the other hand, is where legal precedents are set against any kind of sex.
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14 years ago
What's your opinion of partying girls in strip clubs? Houston clubs I've been to don't allow single females to come into the clubs because of the possibility of her being a hooker who is:
A) Doing something illegal, and a club isn't supposed to knowingly tolerate illegal activity on their property, and...
B) Stealing business from girls working the club.
or rejecting dancers?
Clubs refer to dancers as independent contractors and treat them as such. Dancers are independent contactors. They are marketing a product. They are responsible for presentation to the customer in such a away that catches the customer's attention and makes the customer want to buy the product.
Many dancers don't bother to study business, let alone understand it. Every decision they make in a club is a business decision. Some understand to check a customer's shoes,teeth, and drink as suitability for profitability. However, if the dancer is 19 and cute and she turns her nose up at a fat and balding, but well dressed customer, it's her fault if she struggles with tip out and locker fees because fat old guys turn her off.
Granted, it's easy to get grossed out if a guy turns them off, but punching a clock, for many, is difficult. Very few and lucky are those who actually look forward to going to work every day. A dancer is selling sex. It's her responsibility to keep good hygiene and be relatively sober to keep her wits about her to make money in a situation where clothes, morals, and often good judgement hit the floor.