
Comments by Dudester (page 40)

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    14 years ago
    Golfer's swing sparks 25-acre California blaze
    As a onetime volunteer firefighter, I've fought some large brush fires without the help of helicopters and such-they're no fun, and wildly unpredictable. Don't get me started on California, where this incident happened. Because of the concerns of wacko environmentalists overriding common sense, California is a tinder box.
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    14 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Lubricate Them Lips, Tit Slut
    I've never been no good at anagrams. I spent much of Silence of the Lambs saying "Huh ?"
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    14 years ago
    End of the Month
    Actually, three times I unintentionally went at the end of month (note to self-don't do it). Each of those times, I got dances from gals who rarely, or never, strip. End result-piss poor dances + lots of SS. No thanks.
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    14 years ago
    Two strip clubs directly next door to each other
    Come to think of it, in San Francisco, there are several clubs very close to each other on Market street.
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    14 years ago
    Can "no touch" laws actually increase mileage?
    In Houston, dancers are supposed to be three feet from customers at all times-that's universally ignored. The cops haven't raided a club in a while, but they've been going after the Craigslist "entertainers" and the underground places-with underage prostitutes. I like what they're doing now and I hope they continue to leave the clubs alone.
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    14 years ago
    Strip club war heats up as Detroit cools
    Vince contributed: "They are making these places first-class," Walker said. "They are just as nice as the new casinos and hotels. "They employ people. They develop the area. They pay taxes. They eradicate urban blight." Dudester replies: "Wow, employ people, eradicate blight. What's the problem with that ? Vince contributed:Club officials wouldn't say how much they've invested, but say they employ hundreds at three Michigan Avenue clubs, two others on the west side and one near Hamtramck. The three Michigan Avenue clubs, within blocks of each other between Livernois and Central, look out of place in a neighborhood with small stores, vacant buildings and older duplex homes. Set off with large pillars, mammoth marble facades and lush landscaping, the bars feature rows of flat screen televisions, chandeliers and thunderous sound systems. On a recent afternoon, a security guard patrolled one club in a Kevlar vest with built-in holsters. "He is spending money ... I think (critics) are overreacting," said Chester Calka, who lives near the Michigan Avenue clubs. "They keep it inside and keep it clean." Dudester replies: "Again, what's the problem ? Vince contributed:"Others say they have turned the stretch of southwest Detroit into a strip club theme park." Again, what's the problem ?
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Sugar daddys piss me off...
    Playing Devil's Advocate for a moment, I'd rather that a stripper end up as someone's sugar baby than as much sadder alternatives (i.e. druggie, dead, stripping forever, etc.)
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    14 years ago
    Another Vegas Option?
    "Last night was stupid... 35K at Haze," the University of Central Florida sophomore guard said. "Totals 50K something the whole day." Jordan is doing such a gooooood job of teaching him the value of a dollar.
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    14 years ago
    Two strip clubs directly next door to each other
    In San Diego, the Body Shop and Les Girls are next door to each other. Houston law prohibits SC's from proximity, but St. James and Houston Dolls barely comply with a 1/3 mile distance.
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    14 years ago
    Off topic, reports of toxic dispersant Corexit 9527A found in Florida swimming
    70 years ago, during WW2, bombers returning to England with a full bomb load had to drop their bombs in the English Channel because there was too much danger involved in landing with armed bombs. In 1967,a B-47 returning to Kirtland Air Force base in Albuquerque was experiencing engine trouble. A-Bombs weighed (back then) 10k pounds. The bomb blew up, but not in chain reaction style. It blew up in dirty bomb fashion, scattering uranium all over the place. The number of children who died from brain cancer, west of the bomb site, were the guinea pigs for what we now know about dirty bombs. Why did I say all that ? It's possible that a plane returning with a load of dispersant, at night, found it expedient to drop their load-rather than return with it.
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    14 years ago
    transexual dancers?
    Over the years, I've had several pounce on me at Splendor. They were black, with bulging biceps, thrusting adam's apple, and deep voice. UGH !! No thank you. With that said, on the net, I've seen pics of asian "sissyboys". They are petite and feminine looking. I'd be intrigued enough to try a lapdance with one.
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    14 years ago
    Girl died last week ....
    In the early 1980's, I befriended a porn actress/stripper named Summer. Her roomate, became a porn star named Savannah. In the early 1990's, Savannah was the number one porn actress. In 1994, her life quickly unraveled (combination family/drug problems). She suddenly took her life with a gun. Her death really rocked me. Yeah, I'd seen her nude in person, but I'd also sat in her kitchen and told jokes with her. I knew her non porn persona. When a guy takes his lfe, we say that he took the coward's way out. When a female takes her life, we say it's tragic because females are nurturers and caretakers. You don't know all her issues. A number of porn actresses have taken their lives, but it's been because of drug issues. I had just started seven years of counseling and therapy when Savannah took her life. I had guilt, but far more survivor's guilt because I had survived military missions where others didn't. Therefore I suggest the following: If you can afford it, see a shrink (300 per hour). If you can't, go to a church and ask about counseling (it's free). Eventually, though, as part of your treatment, you're going to have to go back to a strip joint. Don't go to hers because that would be too overwhelming, and damaging. After several trips, you'll find that your experience was onetime fluke. I do heavily recommend the counseling/shrink visit because you might have more than survivor's guilt.
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    14 years ago
    Dancer I met is my highschool classmate's sister
    A guy I played high school with had a younger sister who stood 4'11" and she had a natural pair of DD's. I would've loved to see her chest puppies in action, but she did let me play with them (under her shirt) once during a make out session. Later in college I played in a rock band. We had an adorable bass guitarist. She always talked about wanting to pose in Genesis, Penthouse, or Hustler. Twice, she chickened out on a session with a professional photographer. Would've loved to see her also.
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    14 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    College Football
    Back in the 1970's, there was a very real rivalry between the Bear Haskins coached UTEP Miners and the Norm Ellenberger coached UNM Lobos. Stormin Norm's #1 rule was that no player could be prettier than him. Norm eventually got the permanent boot from the NCAA for inventing a university on paper and putting academically ineligible players on the team. Bear became an anachronism after his third ranked miners took a butt whoopin from a very fired second string UNM team (the first string had quit in a dispute with norm).
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    14 years ago
    Why are strippers only attracted to loser boyfriends?
    What would make a woman want to sell sex to perfect strangers ? Her wiring has to be pretty messed up and for a stripper to think that she's not a prostitute is like CNN thinking it's unbiased. Therefore, wiring messed up = loser boyfriend. There are a handful of strippers that keep their eye on the prize, but they are very few in number.
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    14 years ago
    Playboy Tries To Put The Sexy Into Online Video Games
    I've been waiting for something like this press release to tell you about my perverted idea of a great video game. My game works like this: You earn points by doing the following: 1) Mercenary work where you rescue and protect hostages 2) You invest your mercenary pay in corporate "games" 3) You outlast Donald Trump in an obstacle course. then, With enough points, you get either (Disney actress) Brenda Song, Selena Gomez, or Miley Cyrus. Then, based on your points, you get your designated actress doing pole work or in a VIP room session.
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    14 years ago
    Weirdest songs in a SC and annoying stripper moves
    I'm not a fan of that type of ghetto dancing either.
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    14 years ago
    Weirdest songs in a SC and annoying stripper moves
    A far as music, you're powerless, unless you slip the waitress a fiver and diret her to the dj. As for lapdancing, you can try and educate the dancer. Since a lapper is essentially sex, you have to educate your partner on what you want and like.
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    14 years ago
    Fargo man sentenced for attempted rape
    Wait till Bubba tells him “We are going to play by my rules this time.”
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Another 2 for 1 special...
    I need about an hour, maybe an hour and ten minutes. Anything beyond that ? I dunno. It's why I prefer OTC. In Otc, it's not just about sex. We can enjoy music and/or a movie + conversation. Also, I'm a tetotaler, and most VIP rooms include a required bottle, which I don't want or need.
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    14 years ago
    YMMV ... Is it possible that I am partly the reason my mileage varies?
    I first entered Houston Dolls in 2004. From 04 to late 09, it was either high mileage or ultra high mileage. In very early 2010, something had changed. Girls were vastly ugly, and mileage went way down, and in my last trip there-who wants a full contact LD from a girl with more hair on her back and ass than an italian guy ? A couple of posters stated recently that they had a good time, but it'll be a while before I return.
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    14 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    This horror story hit me hard....
    QWERTY said "A little disturbing the club would rehire someone fresh out of jail". It's not like clubs screen the dancers, run background checks, etc. Last year, when I started up with OTC Gal, she was fresh out of the big house. I didn't know that, or the truth, until two months later, when I accidentally stumbled on it. shadow-I wouldn't get dances from her either, and I hope the guys here take note of her name. Your warning about her is the reason a networking site like this exists.
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    14 years ago
    Vaginal cosmetic surgery in vogue in Italy
    I once had a month long relationship with an 18 year old nymphomaniac. She had a HUGE vagoo. Coincidentally, she was italian.
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    14 years ago
    Carjacking suspect arrested at strip club
    Several years ago, the feds talked about a certain type of cameras that they mounted at the Super Bowl. The cameras could single out wanted felons. If those same cameras were mounted at strip club entrances, arrests would be made every day.
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    14 years ago
    On clubs, I'm a mediumguy. Dancers-depends, but mostly medium or high. Actually, I'm lookng for natural.