Bad news at the club
North Iowa
Went to my ATF's club Saturday night and found out she is moving to Dallas. Also found out that my #2 fave there suddenly quit. Not sure I want to go back, but it is the closest club to me worth going to, even if it costs too much.
last commentBased on some of the reviews I've seen, it might be worth it to move to Dallas. :)
atf's are moving or have quit?.. welcome to the club.. my "can't hang onto an atf because they disapear club" that is. it seems that almost everytime i find a dancer that i really like, that's what happens. i feel your pain.
I've read your reviews. You should save your money and visit Texas. Upon realizing high mileage you would think you had died and gone to heaven.
strippers are basket cases. They move around a lot and get fired/quit from jobs. I remember I was told a local stripper had quit by a floor manager but two other strippers both told me she was fired for getting into a fight in the locker room.
My condolences to you.
It is better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all. If you are riding a horse and you get thrown, get back in the saddle.
"I'm following (stalking) my closest thing to an ATF right now"
OV, have you considered the possibility you're the reason she keeps changing clubs? Just saying...
OV, I took one for the team and went to Misty's and was the first to review it. I gave it a 1.00. Probably the worst strip club I have been to before not only because of the ghetto danger to it but also the idea that you had to prepay for lap dances.
Move to Dallas.
feel your pain, d.d. had two favs a number of yrs ago, one dancing at Chrystal City Restaurant in suburban d.c, the other at Camelot in downtown d.c. both left the biz within a couple months of each other. i went thru serious withdrawal pains! After they left, saw one of them once for lunch (she was in sales and basically made a sales pitch) and the other several times before that petered out too...
OV, I was just joking, of course. I had my own similar experience. Dancer I liked at my old club just up and disappeared. Later I tracked her down, er, I mean I happened to run into her at another club. After a while she disappeared from that place, too. Now I hear that she's back at my old club that I no longer go to. Strange, huh?
ATF left? What am I going to do? Jesus, they are strippers, they are paid to chat you up and make your dick hard, they are not your girlfriend of wife, so who gives a damned if they move.
Look, I have girls that I enjoy more than others. Some I even make sure I chat up or get a dance or two from each time I go in, but I am not emotionally attached to them.
Once this becomes "personal" you are fucked. it is business, nothing more.
An ATF is a hot girl that gets you going, until you find another hot girl who is just as good or better.
Geeze, lighten up.