
Comments by Dudester (page 15)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What a way to go
    You could write this as a plot for a softcore movie, but it would be one of those non plausible "contrived" stories. A couple or three times a career, a cop happens upon one of those unbelievable situations that ends up as a story to entertain your grandchildren.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ala Lorena Bobbit
    Actually, she threw it into a gutter. Good thing too, because if she had thrown it into a nuclear plant, ....well... The 600 foot penis that attacked New York City !! Where's a 600 foot penis to go in NYC ? The Holland Tunnel of course !! Traffic Reporter: The Holland Tunnel was closed today for a haz mat spill. The substance supposedly was sticky and smelled like tuna.
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    13 years ago
    Fredericton pays $500K for city's only strip club
    Let's see, the city paid 500k for the club, put 20-30 college girls and/or single mothers out of work, and destroyed a source of tax revenue. The citizens get their taxes raised. Yeah, everyone won on this.
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    13 years ago
    Noblesse Oblige And The SC Hobby
    A so called "High Roller" pays at least 1,200.00 a month for his date. When these high dollar escort agencies get caught, guys are paying thousands per month. I think farmer art is smart to pick a stripper from time to time. That he is what he is, and doesn't put on false pretenses makes him a gentleman. In other words, art is John Wayne.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Louisiana decriminalizes blow jobs
    So, if you go a La strip joint and you get caught getting a hummer-first time it's a ticket, second time you go into one of their gulags for 90 days.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ala Lorena Bobbit
    What did Becker say to his wife when he woke up? "Did you cut one?" What did Becker say when he woke up? "I'm not even Jewish!" What do Becker and cattle thieves have in common? Neither are hung anymore. What will Becker learn before his next marriage? To sleep on his stomach. What will they call the movie about John and Katherine Becker ? A Night to Dismember. What's Catherine's latest fashion statement? Wearing the dickie she got from her husband. Hear about the new Becker brand of coffee? It's served cold with no cream. Why shouldn't you invite Catherine to a barbecue? You don't want her bringing the wienies.
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    13 years ago
    Dancer goes past her limits
    When my first ATF and were doing it ITC, we would work up quite a sweat-even though the AC was cranked in the club. We would come out of the little room just coated with sweat. I can't be;ieve no one was aware.
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    13 years ago
    Mila Kunis Says She'll Accompany U.S. Marine to Marine Corps Ball
    If you've ever seen the movies Stage Door Canteen, or West Coast Canteen, celebs in WW2 performed for the GI's. The actresses danced with the GI's, but it was tame and innocent. Still, the point is that celebs made time for our Soldiers instead of just acting rich and hanging out at their mansion and picking on their staff. Good for Mila. I think our TUSCL member Snake should look into this. Get a date with _____
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Don't sleep while with street walkers
    With a street hooker, about 100 things can go wrong and maybe, just maybe one thing can go right. This guy has rolled the dice quite often. He's lucky to be alive.
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    13 years ago
    Undressing your dancer
    I started undressing them about five or six years ago. It very much adds to the experience.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    What kind of airplane do you fly to the club?
    There was a great movie (Fly Away Home) about a Canadian girl who led a flock of geese from Canada to the Baltimore area. The movie glossed over the girl and her father broke about three dozen laws.
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    13 years ago
    New Porn Star ???
    She's a fucking head case, truth be told. There have been a few porn stars who were also head cases. Supposedly the networks are bidding for her, although I don't know who would watch. Some magazines are also bidding for her. She kills her kid, gets away with murder, and she gets $$$$$. (unhappy emoticons here).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Where would you go?
    Since it's just a one day trip, I'd say go with Tampa. To truly taste Houston, make it a Friday evening/Saturday-return on Sunday trip. Friday evening go to St. James, Friday night, go to a black club. Saturday afternoon, seek Treasures, then some other westside club.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    The male mind can be interesting
    It happens most often in a fast food joint where I see a smokin hot cutie and I think "DAMN !" knowing that she could making a lot more money shaking it. I applaud them for not taking the quick and easy path. Most likely though, she has a possessive BF. Thirty years ago, a military friend made a comment about a smokin hottie that I nearly landed a date with. He said, "Look at it this way. If you landed her, you would have to fight every single guy in San Diego. Do you want to do that ?"
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    13 years ago
    More SS Or................................??
    It's kind of like a 13 year old (1960's) wishing to be a girlfriend of John, Paul, George, or Ringo. It's easy to love the illusion, but once you're backstage, that's a horse of a different color. She likes the accomplished man, but if you had the body of a 28 year old, with deep pockets and a list of accomplishments....well, wouldn't that be something. She likes Santa Claus, but wouldn't it be cool if he also looked like Fabio ? I face this kind of thing all the time. It's not easy being a has been warrior, but if I fancy myself as the Porthos from The Man in the Iron Mask, it helps.
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    13 years ago
    Happy 4th of July!
    Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech-meaning that it is a religious experience when a stripper expresses herself as she spreads her legs and says "Cum here, I want you."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Penis cancer
    It's like George Carlin once said "And the next STD that comes along ? You stick your dick in and BOOM !! It explodes !!"
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    13 years ago
    Detroit strip clubs
    Numerically Challenged
    I have yet to run into a numerically challenged waitress or dancer, but I could go on for quite a while about how the education system is failing today's kids.
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    13 years ago
    Booze making its way into fast-food outlets
    I used to go to McD's with some frequency. Once they installed those noisy coffee grinders, I only go when I have to. As for BK and Sonic, maybe once a year.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Ashton Kutcher Goes After Village Voice Advertisers in Fight Over Underage Prost
    When the term "underage" or "child prostitute" is used,the public's image is that of a defenseless 11 or 12 year old. In truth, it's usually a 16 or 17 year old runaway. I back the village voice that the number most likely under 10k nationwide. If it was in the 100-300k number that Cougar Demi and boy toy Ashton cite, every strip club across the country would have underage strippers and 11 year olds would be working hotels. The penalties are just too harsh for it to be as widespread as Cougar and boy toy say. With that said though, Demi was just barely 18 when she bared all and spread her legs to show her va jay jay in Oui magazine. Most likely, she was working the casting couch before then and this has affected her judgement.
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    13 years ago
    Lawmaker Had Stripper In Car
    I bet this isn't the first time for him, just the first time he was caught.
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    13 years ago
    Houston strip club sued for racial discrimination
    This lawsuit won't get far. In the first place, Houston jurors aren't exactly kind to strippers. The evidence is anecdotal and hearsay, and I think the whole point is to try to force a settlement (legalized extortion). I don't think the case will get as far as oen court (without a settlement), and I hope the club lawyers won't settle. If this case is successful (with or without settlement), the next target will be St. James (big $$$$$). This is clearly a test the waters legal procedure.
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    13 years ago
    Babes in Burkhas
    I live in a major metropolitan area. Prior to 9/11, I rarely saw burkhas. After 9/11, they popped up everywhere. Even white women were wearing them. Because of 9/11, many of us had the attitude, "You don't know what you just started, but you're about to find out." Post 9/11, I think some women had a sympathetic response to BL and his cohorts, and they converted.
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    13 years ago
    Pippa Middleton
    Pippa, like her sister, comes from money. Her sister, Kate, just married the most eligible bachelor in the world-a real life Prince. Pippa can have her choice of any man. That man would have access to the royals, and his wife would have a giant dowry ($$$$$$$). By default, Pippa is the most eligible bachelorette in the world.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    "To Catch a Predator" host caught cheating on his wife by hidden cameras
    Let's put this in perspective. This is a man who made his name setting up "gotcha" moments. Now, he's had his own gotcha moment. Figuratively-live by the sword, die by the sword.