Dancer goes past her limits

avatar for steve229
She's a favorite, and I've been getting dances from her for a while, so I know her limits – or thought I did. Then one day we're in the VIP, and maybe it's the shots, or the dirty talk, or the music, or hormones, or the phase of the moon, but we end up going way past her limits.

I think we were both a little shell shocked when we came out of the VIP. We stood awkwardly at the bar for a few minutes. Our faces must have given us away, because a couple of dancers passed by and made comments like, “looks like you two had fun.” Finally we exchanged a sheepish hug and said goodbye.

So, has this ever happened to you? If so, how did things go the next time you saw the dancer in the club? Did you bring “it” up, joke about it, gloss over it, or just pretend it didn't happen?


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avatar for gsv
14 years ago
Care to share any details of what went down?
avatar for bang69
14 years ago
That has happend to me several times. She &I still joke about it. we still do the VIP thing. Any extras are done out side the club.
avatar for sayeh443
14 years ago
Relax with the hormones and dirty talk as an explanation. Its all about the money. It was all about the hustle.
avatar for GoVikings
14 years ago
I agree with gsv, tell us what happended Steve!
avatar for Pablo Antonio
Pablo Antonio
14 years ago
I had fav once. She was married at the time and she didn't do "extras". I didn't care because she was pretty, well-built, fun to be with, and we clicked from the beginning.

About 3 months into our "relationship" we were in the vip, the alcohol, our passion, our mutual desire, that night it all came together. We had sex, full sex. I am surprised we didn't get caught. Next time I saw her it was the same. We didn't joke about it, we were like two horny teenagers. Later she moved on, but I am left with fond memories.

Congrats, looks like you have a wonderful fav. You're lucky Steve. Enjoy it while it lasts.
avatar for luckyone
14 years ago
They're just people. Things do happen. Have had similar experiences through the years. Wouldn't worry about it.
avatar for SuperDude
14 years ago
Whatever you do, try and keep the activity quiet. You don't want some stripper drama to get you in trouble with club management or LE.
avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Once you have raised the bar, you cannot go back.
avatar for wallanon
14 years ago
If she wants "it" to happen again, it will. Dancers are still women underneath all the baggage. I try not to be a naysayer, but the guy had a point about the hustle. You know what you usually spend on her, so you might want to fire up your upsell detector next time around.

But if it's gonna be a sweet memory, the key is to let it stay that way. Isn't that what the hobby is all about? Wouldn't overthink it. Since there was a question in there, I just let the dancer pick the discussion topic. Saves me the trouble of figuring out what kind of mood she's in.

Besides, you're still in the good "limit" territory where it's still fun afterward. Bad limit passing is jealous fits in the club, weird emotional shit (i.e. no more game face - ever) and being her drunk or depressed dial on the phone. There was one former fav where I didn't know if she was dead or alive for months after a particularly crazy late night call. It was a few hours after I decided not to take her home. Think I would speak her name in the club after that? I've seen Beetlejuice...

Oh, and for those of you playing along in the audience, that's why you don't take strippers where you live.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
When my first ATF and were doing it ITC, we would work up quite a sweat-even though the AC was cranked in the club. We would come out of the little room just coated with sweat. I can't be;ieve no one was aware.
avatar for DandyDan
14 years ago
There used to be a dancer at my favorite club who I always thought had a lot of potential, but never really delivered. Then one time, on a rare week night visit, she just came up to me and was very handsy from the start. We did our usual VIP dance, but then she asked me if I wanted the champagne room. I said sure, and we just went at it right there in the champagne room. She wanted me to finish in her mouth and I obliged. I saw her again a couple times after that, but then that was it.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
You guys who habituate a single club have much different experiences than does a road warrior like me. I kind of like what you described though, steve.

How did you feel after that particular encounter?

"Debauched another one!" (rubbing hands in glee with evil grin on face).

avatar for steve229
14 years ago
Thanks for the advice, guys. I'll guess I'll try and put this in the “this one time at band camp...” department, lol.

“Whatever you do, try and keep the activity quiet. You don't want some stripper drama to get you in trouble with club management or LE.”

Or her husband!

“Care to share any details of what went down?” “tell us what happened”

I'm trying to be discrete here, you guys need to learn to read between the lines, lol. (But pabloantonio's experience was similar to mine, including the married part)

“it was all about the hustle” "you might want to fire up your upsell detector next time around"

I paid for the room upfront as usual. She didn't ask for and I didn't give her any “extra” money afterwards, so I'll just have to see what happens next time.
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
Five or six years ago, in the local club that used to have a VIP with a locking door, there was a dancer who would always push my hands away from her pussy, with the excuse that she only let her girlfriend touch there. On one occasion, I was sitting on the couch recovering from her really quite excellent oral ministrations with her laying next to me, her head on my lap. My fingertips were tracing lazy circles around her chest and stomach, and I could feel her relaxing. So, being me, I started tracing lower, and shortly got to her sweet spot, without her saying or doing anything to stop me. Within a few minutes, she had one of those quiet, breathy, shivery, twitchy kind of orgasms that are, IMO, way hotter than the loud, bucking ones.

At that point, the alcohol, or whatever, apparent wore off enough for her to realize what she'd done, because she jumped up with a quiet "shit!", grabbed her clothes, and ran out of the room. Without the tip money I was going to give her.

I left, and waited by the bar, and about 20 minutes later she came out, walked straight up to me, and said, "Thanks, but don't do that again, OK? I don't want to have to lie to her," then turned around and walked away.

The next two times I saw her, it was back to "no kitty play", even though the head was still great. Then, about two months after the first time, in the same room, on the same couch, my hand started downward again, and her hand started towards mine, and I heard her say under her breath, "ah, fuck it", and her hand dropped back down. After that, she never stopped me again, or even mentioned it, though I saw in more than one occasion where she was pushing other guys' hands away during lapdances.
avatar for Alucard
14 years ago
Maybe they were being discrete & respectful Dudester. The KEY is the nonverbal behavior.
avatar for HonestT
14 years ago
Steve, you're a pimp. Enjoy the memories.

@wallanon: Great story!
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