Fort Pierce man tempted by 'the girls in the short skirts' says cash missing after liaison with three prostitutes By Will Greenlee on July 11, 2011 6:59 AM Share: It was a matter of routine for the 63-year-old man. Every payday, he secured the services of a local prostitute, and every time she stole from him once he fell asleep.
On July 1, however, the man apparently took a stand after hiring three prostitutes and waking to find about $90 missing, according to a recently released Fort Pierce police report.
"(He) said he felt he had to report the theft because he felt they would keep stealing from him and other customers if he had not reported the incident," the report states.
The case began about 11:35 p.m. when an officer was dispatched to an address in the 400 block of North 23rd Street and spoke to the man.
"(He) said he routinely hired a female prostitute every payday, but tried to get a different one every time for the sake of variety and adventure," the report states. "(He) stated he located three harlots on the corner of North 23rd Street and Avenue D, which he found convenient since they were mere feet from his residence."
He said he paid each woman about $20 for "various salacious acts." Details of the acts weren't "discussed in depth at the time of the initial investigation since it was not germane to the reported offense."
The man said after the "performance" he gave the prostitutes "a cash gratuity for service excellence" and started snoozing. When he woke about 11:30 p.m. he noticed about $90 stolen from his trousers.
The man didn't know the prostitutes' names, but said they sported short skirts, were in their 30s and were between 5 feet 6 inches and 5 feet 10 inches tall.
With enthusiasm, the man said each payday he brought hookers to his apartment, saying they stole from him once he fell asleep. He said that the week prior a prostitute absconded with $200 -- on top of her fee -- from his pants as he slept.
He said he thought he must report the theft lest the ladies continue stealing from him and other patrons.
"(He) did state that he felt he was at least partially at fault because he was '64 years old' (actually (he) was 63) and could not resist having been tempted by what he described as 'the girls in the short skirts,'" the report states.
actually i can't believe that the guy is so stupid that he keeps repeating the same thing over and over. but on the possibility that what he told the cops is true, the guy sounds like a future darwin award winner, stupid fool needs to kick them out before he falls asleep.
With a street hooker, about 100 things can go wrong and maybe, just maybe one thing can go right. This guy has rolled the dice quite often. He's lucky to be alive.
last commentbut on the possibility that what he told the cops is true, the guy sounds like a future darwin award winner, stupid fool needs to kick them out before he falls asleep.
Did the geezer or the cops come up with those?
Oh, I and believe it was Player11 who coined those famous words of advice, "always watch your pants!"