
Noblesse Oblige And The SC Hobby

One of the suppliers invited to my Canada Day bash a couple of weeks ago flew into the camp yesterday to check on delivery of equipment to us. He complimented me on my party and said that there was a certain 'noblesse oblige' about me and my behaviour with guests and my 'date' that weekend.

That comment stunned me. I now have a buck or two but I have always thought that I remained true to my roots in the soil, the blue collar trades. and the macho oil patch world. There is absolutely nothing of the 'noblesse' about me.

And then, I thought, "Can I use this to my advantage in SCs?". Are dancers as thoughtful as this supplier? Do dancers pick up on a customer's so-called 'noblesse oblige' or even understand the term?

I have always thought that it is ALL about the dollars with dancers.


  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Traditionally, the phrase described the unprompted generousity of the upper classes to those of lower rank. It was the moral and social duty of those who had much to be courteous and caring towards those who needed help, always careful to avoid any air of condescension or snobbery. Good manners and good deeds from those who have much towards those who needed and deserved help.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    So, being a gentleman and generous tipper with dancers could be a form of "noblesse oblige."
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    farmerart a 'gentleman' in SCs? GOD FORBID !!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    LMAO, art. Never fear, You are a dog !! RUFF, RUFF !!
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Art, unless your posting and clubbing personalities are completely different, you sound like you'd be far more of a gentleman than many I've seen in clubs. Being a real gentleman is almost as much about what you *don't* do as about what you do. Being a "dog", or "blue-collar" doesn't preclude being a gentleman.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    The answers to your questions, IMHO:

    "Can I use this to my advantage in SCs?". Absolutely!

    Are dancers as thoughtful as this supplier? Not even close, but with SS they may seem so.

    Do dancers pick up on a customer's so-called 'noblesse oblige' or even understand the term? Yes, and no.
  • Alucard
    13 years ago
    Well said georgmicrodong.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Ditto, george.
  • joker44
    13 years ago
    Ditto gmd
  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    A so called "High Roller" pays at least 1,200.00 a month for his date. When these high dollar escort agencies get caught, guys are paying thousands per month. I think farmer art is smart to pick a stripper from time to time. That he is what he is, and doesn't put on false pretenses makes him a gentleman.

    In other words, art is John Wayne.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    I don't know why but for some reason dudester reminded me of those adverts Coors Light did a few years ago. Heres one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iwdcsPqS1…
  • farmerart
    13 years ago

    Ha Ha !! In Canada it is called 'Queers' Light'. NOT a popular beer in oil town bars.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    I don't like it either where I'm from its called skunk piss lol. They do make amusing adverts though :D
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