
Comments by Dudester (page 14)

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Mila Kunis: I Had Butt Double in Movie, Was Scared To Show My Tiny Cakes On Scr
    Most American actresses are prudish. With that said, from 1978 to 2008, the actress who won the Best Actress Oscar was either nude in the winning role, or nude in the role before. Examples would be Nicole Kidman, Halle Berry, and Hillary Swank. Since euro actresses aren't the least bit shy, the winning hand would be to give roles to them, but this is the only case where Hollyweird believes in "Buy American." Actually, it's a union thing-but then again euro male actors make the transition all the time. My personal opinion would be to "starve" Hollyweird by boycotting their films. In the early 1980's, I would go to the theater 80+ times a year. From 2008 to 2010, my average was 8 times a year. This year, however, I'm already up to 12, but that's mainly because of superhero movies. I'd like to see more euro movies (better, writing, acting, and plot), but the local art theater closed just after the turn of the year.
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    13 years ago
    BAD Asses!?
    It is said that women "marry their fathers". In high school I was considered a nerd because I was an intellectual, focused on grades and future, capable of more than monosyllabic utterances, unlike my "peers" who bought their research papers and chased pussy endlessly. A trend became apparent-dumb cheerleader marries dumb jock, shoots out multiple kids. From time to time a genetic mutation occurs-a nerd. That's unfair to all cheerleaders. "Bambi" starts dance class at age 4 and gymnastics a couple of years later. She's a cheerleader in middle school and high school. Her parents can afford to send her to college on an Mrs. Degree. The other non bambis, who became a cheerleader on looks alone and comes from a middle class or working class family, goes into panic mode the minute the last football game is over. She gets a dumb jock or loser to get her pregnant, and this is the first in a series of really dumb choices. Strippers have trouble winning court cases-even when they're rape victims and the evidence is overwhelming. Juries just don't buy "I was walking from my car to my apartment", to which the defense attorney counters "At 2:45 a.m. ? What were you doing out at 2:45 ? Isn't it possible you promised my client a little something something, and you reneged, and became violent, forcing my client to defend himself ?" Of course the jury is hypocritical ruling against her, as more than 90 percent have one form or another of porn at home. It would be a lot easier on everyone if we just had legalized bordellos with required security. Instead, we have institutionalized hypocracy. The reason women of today shave their legs is because of 19th century Parisienne prostitutes. Women of today shave their twats because porn stars did it first, and as we speak, pole dancing is now mainstream exercise. And despite all of this, sex workers are looked down on, even though sex workers have created the grooming and mating habits of the modern female.
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    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Strip-club owner arrested in prostitution sting loses job as Golden High School
    Bizarre behavior for a near millionaire. Wonder what kind of conversations he had with his female tennis students ? In my high school days, our tennis team had an eccentric coach and there was some bizarre goings on. One of those was that the tennis team (4 of them actually) traveled to Europe. Why would a high school tennis team travel to Europe ? (it was a private school, but still ???)
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    New York Cabbies Offended by Strip Club Taxi Tops
    Houston cabs have been advertising strip clubs for at least twenty years. NYC is just catching up ??????????
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    13 years ago
    Rumorz SC (WV) Shut Down in Prostitution Sting
    Sex happened in a strip club ? I am shocked, shocked I say, to find out that sex happens in a strip club !!
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    13 years ago
    Fucking on Young N Dumb Chicken Heads
    otc with a waitress
    I used to frequent a sports bar. I picked up a vibe that OTC was an option with some of the waitresses. That group of waitresses moved on before I worked up the nerve to ask.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Disabled vet and service dog denied entry to strip club,
    We all know that clubs are very noisy and anyone who knows dogs knows that they have a keen sense of hearing. Taking a dog into a club would be animal abuse. The manager was out of line, but if I was in his spot, I'd get PETA to go with him to court.
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    13 years ago
    Ah yes, the sweet smell of success.
    This was a well run operation. Imagine the tax receipts if the business was legal and taxable. Say goodbye to the deficit.
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    13 years ago
    Flynt Worries Murdoch Will ‘Take All of Us Down With Him'
    Flynt once ended the career of a great rock band. When Missing Persons was in their starving (literally) stage, lead singer Dale Bozzio posed nude, and in Hustler fashion "showed the pink". Initially, the pics were filed away, but when Missing Persons hit it big, Hustler showed the pics. Their record label dropped them in a New York second. Flynt could have taken the high road, but he didn't. There are a number of child actresses that did nude scenes, but the scenes never saw the light of day (i.e., Alexis Bledel did a full frontal scene in The Orphan King, but the movie was buried-never shown). It is whispered that Flynt has a vault full of these scenes. As for Murdoch, liberals are drooling over the prospect of a For Sale sign going up over Fox News. George Soros would buy it and turn into yet another liberal bastion.
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    13 years ago
    Alleged rape by NM judge was videotaped
    People in New Mexico love to free criminals and to punish legal authorities. This judge will do time, and oh yeah, his career is over.
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    13 years ago
    Senator Tom Coburn (R-Okla) Proposes Eliminating the Dollar Bill
    The past couple of times a dollar coin was introduced, it not only smacked of political correctness, it dripped and reeked of it. In the 1970's, it was the Susan B. Anthony. Ten years ago, it was the Sacajawea coin. Come on, let's make the coin more interesting. Put an Eagle and flag on the front and Mount Rushmore on the back. As for how to tip strippers, bring back the two dollar bill, but let's make this bill interesting also. Put Reagan on it, and on the back, the Iwo Jima memorial.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strip Club Nation
    Trophy Collecting
    In the 1980's, guys in the military often hung a decorative blanket on their wall with pictures and momentos. If he had a girlfriend, her panties were placed prominently on the blanket. I once learned a lesson in life. A onetime girlfriend and I were out in the woods. Her car got stuck and my clothes were ruined pushing her out. When we got to her place, she offered me clothes from an ex. I happily accepted-it felt good to wear something clean and warm after being cold, muddy, and wet. Fast forward some years. Dates or girlfriends had left clothes items behind. I placed them in a bag in the back of a closet. A date got caught in the rain. I offered her the bag. She went off on me as if I had offered her syphllis in a baggie. I took a survey at work. Evidently, it is a HUGE no no to keep those kinds of items.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How many kids do they have?
    It is mind blowing when you see a stripper who has a few hard to see stretch marks, and she has kids. Stand 18 inches from her and it's not obvious she has kids. Meanwhile, another woman with lesser genes, has one kid and her body is just wrecked. I once dated a woman who had never had kids. She had always been in shape. Her tits though, were a pair of deflated flaps of flesh that just hung down-nipples pointing at the ground.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Stalled Pinks club in Industry awaits day in Court
    Back in the day, there were companies that willfully violated copyright, knowing that they could make more money, selling items until they were forcibly shut down, than if they shut down the second they received a ceases and desist order. I think chain clubs are thinking they could make $$$ until cops come and forcibly shut the doors. Think about it-how long do you wait for a liquor license, and other permits ? Just set up the club, rake in the bucks, then when you get shut down, say "Ooops, my bad."
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    WOMAN vs Girl
    In my fifty years, I've found that 24 year olds are the perfect age-firmness of youth + experience of adulthood. With that said, a couple of times I've come across 18 year olds who really know their way around a bedroom* or give a great LD. Therefore, I try out young uns at the club in the hopes of finding these gems. Females say that they have to kiss a lot of frogs to find that one prince. In my case, I have to sort through a rough edged rocks to find that one gem. * Had a mind blowing one night stand in San Francisco once-best I ever had.
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    13 years ago
    City Hall fighting for 18 years to close Chicago's only topless bar
    Being that this is a Chicago club, one would think that a pair of mountain sized dagos-Luigi and Rocco, would show up and tell the club owner to close or he might have "an accident". More interesting-Illinois is a democrat paradise, requiring a union card to get a job and Texas is an "at will" state, meaning that it's easy to get a job (and get fired). Meanwhile, Illinois has shitty clubs and Texas clubs are well renowned for their friendliness and hands on fun.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    My only objection was once seven years ago. I was fingering this one chick and had been for about ten minutes. I stopped and went for my zipper. She stopped me and told me that she only liked to be fingered and nothing else. I find that strippers who do FS don't like to be fingered. She'll do it with or without a condom, but no fingers allowed.
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    13 years ago
    I am a whore.
    I am a lesbian in a man's body.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Federal investigation reveals $400,000 kept in tackle boxes, beams at Queens str
    With that kind of money around, it would be very tempting to "launder" the money. Since that club was taking in serious $$$$, the mind boggles about the four strip clubs in Houston that were broken into in the late 1990's.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Please Translate This Dancer-speak to English
    Translation = my wannabee drug dealer boyfriend heard about a big score he could make if he raises 5 large in the next three weeks. He said he would pay me back. Give me the money because I'm beautiful and you adore me.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Owner of The Lodge in Dallas gambles that pole tax gets stripped
    Because of Rick Perry's duration in office (ten years), he's been able to hand pick every member of the court. Even with the court being conservative, it is a leap that strip clubs = rape. The law might not hold up.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Strippers would be required to take classes-hospitality, manners, and money management.
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    13 years ago
    New York
    I found the best job ever
    I think it's a homo looking for free porn and wants to get paid to gather it free. Read Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain (the white picket fence).
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to stop jacking off
    Walk into a strip club and find that the only strippers on duty are Tweaker, Ratso, and Shamu. That's erection buzzkill for sure.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just another day for Detroit.
    In the early 1980's, downtown San Diego was a "boys town" with strip joints, all night theaters, street walkers, and shops with truly unique items. Circa 1984 it was all bulldozed and turned into high end retail.