New Porn Star ???

avatar for vincemichaels
Vivid Entertainment announces it has offered Casey Anthony a position (we can well imagine several positions she could fill) in upcoming porn flicks. Whether or not we believe a gross transgression of justice has been committed in Orlando by the jury, Vivid released a statement saying she has a right to earn a living.


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avatar for shadowcat
14 years ago
Vivid just wants to see her get fucked. One way or another.
avatar for Alucard
14 years ago
I STRONGLY doubt we have a new Porn Star in the offering.
avatar for buzzer68
14 years ago
Maybe she and O.J...on second thought...

She will probably get a call from Larry Flynt, though (if she has not already).
avatar for georgmicrodong
14 years ago
She's gonna have to pay those legal bills somehow, and she ain't got OJ's means to do it.
avatar for vincemichaels
14 years ago
I think most of us feel the same way, shadowcat. Thanks for the input everyone
avatar for how
14 years ago
If it is possible for a porn company to get even worse-than-normal reaction from the public-at-large, Vivid's surely angling for such backlash.
avatar for farmerart
14 years ago
Casey Anthony ?? Doesn't register up here in northern Canada. We are all gaga about Kate and Wills. They visited Yellowknife earlier today and I don't see the appeal. Kate is an anorexic piece of celery and Wills is a dim fop.

They chose not to visit the farmerart resort camp of diesel, horse flies, and gourmet meals featuring lime Jello for dessert.
avatar for jackslash
14 years ago
I'd rather fuck a rattlesnake than Casey Anthony.
avatar for steve229
14 years ago
"She's gonna have to pay those legal bills somehow, and she ain't got OJ's means to do it."

The offers - book deals, cash for "exclusive" TV and magazine interviews, movie of the week, etc. - will start pouring in.

I'm sure her lawyers knew that with all the publicity, if they got her off she would be a gold mine, not to mention the free publicity for their law firm.
avatar for Clubber
14 years ago
My thoughts...

Was she involved in the death? Yes.

Did the prosecutor prove in beyond a reasonable doubt? No.

Did the defense prove she didn't do anything? Doesn't matter, as they do not have to prove anything.
avatar for Cheo_D
14 years ago
What "how" said. Really, Vivid??? (like buzzer68 said, I'd have expected it from Flynt, if only because he likes annoying Middle America) Given up on the attempt at respectability, haven't we?

Either that or they buy into the idea that Casey indeed IS a sleaze and this is their way of rubbing it in her face, so to speak.

In some other forum I frequent, it's by now so common it's trite (but it hasn't stopped anyone) to have people post, whenever something happens that involves a female in the media spotlight having things go badly (life-meltdowns a-la Britney Spears, bad lawsuit/divorce outcomes, firings, court cases, substance problems a-la Lohan) a comment to the effect of "she'll be doing porn soon". Yeah, I know, every woman's Plan B in case of crisis is to get naked, sure it is... but even if it were so, that doesn't work so well if half the country hates with burning passion and mighty anger the very idea that you continue to breathe.

(BTW, she ran out of assets in her own name relatively early in the case and a whole lot of the expenses are being paid out of the indigent defendants' fund, so she's broke but not as far in the hole as many people think)
avatar for Alucard
14 years ago
Heard that she owes $60,000+ in back taxes to the IRS. She sure got a lot of $$$$$$ from someone for something.
avatar for Dudester
14 years ago
She's a fucking head case, truth be told. There have been a few porn stars who were also head cases.

Supposedly the networks are bidding for her, although I don't know who would watch. Some magazines are also bidding for her.

She kills her kid, gets away with murder, and she gets $$$$$. (unhappy emoticons here).
avatar for 10inches
14 years ago
she does have a nice rack!!
avatar for Cheo_D
14 years ago
... OK, and now Hirsch has backed off on his offer, apparently he caught some serious flak about it…
avatar for sanitago
14 years ago
I'm not amazed they withdrew the offer. even porn producers have to pay attention to the market, and she's no where near hot enough to make people overlook all the shit surrounding this case.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
Maybe if it wasn't her child she would have more luck. If she got away with killing some hot shot NFL boyfriend then she would make it good. She will make money somewhere though, because people are going to want to hear and see her story.
avatar for chukko
14 years ago
The only porn that she would make it in is that bondage stuff.
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