
More SS Or................................??

Tuesday, July 5, 2011 4:59 AM
Driving a current sweetie back to Calgary on Sunday afternoon after my Canada Day bash. I put on some of my old tunes. After Bob Seger's 'Like A Rock', sweetie turns off the music and says to me: "That's YOU, you know. Like A Rock. 'Standing arrow straight...charging from the gate.......standing proud and tall.....high above it all'. I've never met a man like you before. One of your employees told me some stories about you from many years ago. I sure wish I had met the 28-year-old you, I would have stuck to you like a bad rash." Uh,...... gulp! Is this more SS or do I smell danger here? Good thing I am back in the bush for another extended stay.


  • Dudester
    13 years ago
    It's kind of like a 13 year old (1960's) wishing to be a girlfriend of John, Paul, George, or Ringo. It's easy to love the illusion, but once you're backstage, that's a horse of a different color. She likes the accomplished man, but if you had the body of a 28 year old, with deep pockets and a list of accomplishments....well, wouldn't that be something. She likes Santa Claus, but wouldn't it be cool if he also looked like Fabio ? I face this kind of thing all the time. It's not easy being a has been warrior, but if I fancy myself as the Porthos from The Man in the Iron Mask, it helps.
  • StrongSilentttt
    13 years ago
    I actually had one ask me to see pictures of me from back in the day! That sucks - competing with the younger you!
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Art, you are still a handsome guy. It could be real stuff. It doesn't hurt that you are wealthy. She had a good time at your party. She likes you.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    art, That would depend on you... Say it is SS, then no danger unless YOU make it so. Say it isn't SS, then danger or not, depending on what YOU wish.
  • SuperDude
    13 years ago
    Do you trust anything a stripper says about liking you?
  • steve229
    13 years ago
    Looking forward to meeting the future Mrs. Art. . . sheesh!
  • gsv
    13 years ago
    I don't think it's *completely* SS. You are wealthy and accomplished, women are attracted to that. Had you all of that, while being 28 (like she said), she probably would have been interested in you as more than a business transaction. Even now, it's probably a bit more than just a business transaction, she must like you at least a bit to want to stay at your place, etc. But I'd say it is probably nothing more than that. Just enjoy it for what it is. :)
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Dude, why are you asking us? Ask *her*. :) Seriously though, I don't see any downside to asking her what she wants. Then you just have to decide if you want something similar.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    That is like telling you that you have a big dick. it's nice to hear but don't read too much into it.
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    Art, my sense tells me it is no more SS than what you could expect from any woman, and maybe less. I only say this because I believe many strippers have a common set of needs, and they go something like this: 1) financial stability; 2) emotional stability; and 3) affiliation (not even love, but just belonging with someone). They don't get all 3 from their typical younger boyfriend, and many guys in the clubs will fall short as well. Maybe all she was telling you was that you fulfill her needs. Anyway, it's nice to hear, isn't it?
  • troop
    13 years ago
    art, i read your post 2 times. after the 1st time my thought was that she wants to flip that rock over to get the money underneath. after the 2nd time my thought was that she's only with you now because of your money but if she knew the younger you the money might not have mattered. too many guys here get caught up in trying to over think and analyze everything. this isn't and never was an exact science. there is no absolute answer, i'll bet that even she doesn't have an absolute answer regarding what her comment meant even if she claimed that she did.
  • thesamurai
    13 years ago
    That there is SS man, Anna Nicole Smith style.
  • m00tpoint
    13 years ago
    Troop - wise comment: I am sure you are right when you say that not even the stripper usually has an absolute answer a lot of the time. Not that this is exclusive to strippers or even women (although they do seem to be more prone) either. And, who the hell wants to go back and be 20? Sure as hell not me. I get more sex, better sex and am a lot happier with myself at 48 than I ever was at 20!
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    There is no danger here. Troop has it right. The key words in that phrase she uttered was "the 28 year old you". She was probably telling the truth when she said all of that. But unless you are the 28 year old you, I think it will be business as usual. As a side note, everytime I hear someone say "stripper shit", I giggle and think, you mean "woman shit". While I can't speak for all women, I think a real good percentage of non strippers also rely on the use of "stripper shit" to get what they want.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Stiletto: You must know my EX wife!
  • runrdude
    13 years ago
    Interesting thought @stilleto25. Your comment made me realize that I am think more defensively in the club than the outside world. Damn, I'm going to have to think this through. Should I be more on the lookout for "woman shit" IRL, or less on the lookout for "SS" in the club, or do I have it right now?
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @runrdude- on the topic of "ss" or "woman shit",as I commented on above, I think its a lot more harmless in the club. IRL though, depending on how its used and the users intentions, it can cause problems.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Nice pic, Stiletto25
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    @vincemichaels- thank you.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    Thanks vm! I thought 25 might have new pictures up, damn!
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Well ill get at least one new pic up this week
  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    Don't forget also, art, that it might simply be the opening gambit in the long game. Not that I think that's an more likely than simple SS, but it's certainly a possibility. I'm betting that after that long, and with that much success, in the business you're in, you're at *least* as adept as I am at ferreting those types of things out, though. :)
  • farmerart
    13 years ago
    My lack of life experience is painfully evident here. Matching wits and emotions with hot young dancers is much different than wheeling and dealing in the oil patch, let me tell you! My lack of socialization as a teen-ager and young man really makes me a softy when doing this sort of thing. Hard ass in rough-and-tumble business world? Easy meat for hot 20-ish dancers? We are talking tuscl's #1 PL when we mention farmerart's name.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Well, whatever you do, Art. Best of luck to you always. May your wells never run dry. May the rig not disintegrate as you drill. And always pray for "crop failure" when banging a stripper. LOL. I've been informed by one of my buddies here, that a dancer we know is pregnant. I'm not worried, (well, not too much) LOL
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Men who aren't afraid to be softies are hot!!
  • Stiletto25
    13 years ago
    Considering the thread, I should probably add that I truly mean it too
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Thank you Stiletto25, I fit that description.
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Yeah vince, I heard that you had a softie.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    OUCH!! shadowcat. Ask Gwen, she knows better. LMAO
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    sc, I surely hope you just "heard" and no personal experience is involved!
  • shadowcat
    13 years ago
    Clubber: Correct. I only heard that. And I did not hear it from Gwen. She is 3 1/2 months pregnant. Ask vince when he was there. LOL.
  • Clubber
    13 years ago
    sc, When he gets to S Florida, I'll ask. He is coming down to watch more guys shoot off!
  • harrydave
    13 years ago
    Stilletto25, you made my day.
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