
Comments by poleshadow

  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    North Carolina
    ever wonder
    Hey, life AIN'T nothin but b&*&%s and money. It might as well be this site's unofficial slogan Although if you use "And you can New Jack Swing on my nuts as a line in a SC, 60% of the time it woks EVERY time"
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    13 years ago
    Police arrest stripper for posing as a plastic surgeon, injecting woman's rear w
    A weird-ass* scam based out of Miami? THE HELL, YOU SAY! *in this case, literally
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    13 years ago
    is there other websites you post beside TUSCL?
    Stripperweb is a nice place to lurk, but I would. never post there. Call it what it is: Fishing For Self-validation
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    13 years ago
    Red October 2011
    You're right. Cut and plasters aren't even worthy of being called plagarists
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    13 years ago
    Red October 2011
    And oh by the way, unless your name is Michael Savage, you're a plagiarist. This was a rant on his web page earlier this week. Extreme rightism is one thing- that's a matter of difference of opinion. But passing off someone else's work as yours? That's just insulting. I eagerly await an eff you-laden response in all caps.
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    13 years ago
    Report: Players Got Gifts From Miami Booster
    The truth is that if you ever go back into the SI archives about what happened in the downfall of Oklahoma or TAMU, they're just as bad if not worse-- since it also involved gun violence and gang rape-- than anything that's happening at Miami now. I'm a lifelong Miami fan and I accept the fact that people like Nevin Shapiro exist and how 18-20 yo inner city kids can get sucked in to him trying to buy their friendship-- which by most accounts this is what it comes down to. Of course, here's the thing: Most of these transgressions took place in the last 5-6 years. When Miami wasn't very good, or at least not good by their own standards. I'm not upset that they cheated and accepted money. I'm upset that they cheated and accepted money and still couldn't get to a conference title, much less a BCS game. As a fan, I don't feel disgraced...I feel shortchanged.
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    13 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    The Penthouse Club - Phily - scary reviews - but I have to wonder?
    They're making the rounds, since they also copy/pasted the same report on Yelp.com
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    13 years ago
    Hugh Hefner Going Deaf from Viagra
    I'm going to out on a limb and say that when you're 185 years old, it's the not the Viagra that's making you lose your hearing.
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    13 years ago
    Unless you're prepared to make an entirely separate FB account, don't. This falls under the category of "compartmentalize your life", which means putting her in a box away from everything else, lest any of it interact with each other. All it takes is one slip-up and it's a disaster.
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    13 years ago
    Flight Club vs. Penthouse
    It was a decent enough afternoon read, but I could point out about 25 spots where Alan M's book desperately needed a better editor. I'm just saying is all.
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    13 years ago
    Stripper given fake $50 bill
    Here's what I don't get: You're giving a fake bill to a person who deals in cashmoney almost every minute of every day they're on the job. And someone thinks a third-rate fitty is going to fool them? I've known bouncers who would (and did) beat the piss out of a patron over fake ONES, let alone if this happened.
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    13 years ago
    Total PL or just a nice guy?
    Like most things in life, there's a line. A value meal, a pack of Marlboros or a pack of gum is a favor. When it turns into an infatuation gift or a utility bill, that's crossing into a bad place.
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    14 years ago
    OSU Football Suspensions
    Actually what REALLY happened was that thirty seconds after the NCAA announced the suspensions, the back judge threw a penalty flag and announced they were unsuspended. And yes, I'm a Miami fan...why do you ask? :)
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    14 years ago
    Tampa vs Miami
    On both counts, depending on what you're looking for, the answer lies just a little bit to the north. In the case of Miami, it's north Broward/Palm Beach county, and in the case of Tampa, it's in Pasco Co. Respectively, both are about 30-45 minutes away.
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    14 years ago
    Saw a guy get kicked out and a dancer get fired tonight
    It was the one that was on the corner of SR7 and Ives Dairy. I always forget there was a locale before that one. This was in 97 or 98 and when I was in my early 20s, if that explains anything.
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    14 years ago
    New Strip Club in Tampa: Crazy Horse
    Drove by this one myself and didn't have any intel on this club either. Unless Pink Pony was on the corner of HB and Memorial, which is where I saw CH, that isn't it. But I didn't know until a few days ago that it existed, either.
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    14 years ago
    Saw a guy get kicked out and a dancer get fired tonight
    One night at Old Tootsie's in Miami, and this is speculation on my part because it's not a small club and I was 30 yards away from the incident, but I was directly across from the LD area that was set up on elevated seating away from the stage, and I saw a patron receive multiple dances, but then at the time it was finished, either he didn't have the money or someone lost count, but about 20 seconds later three tuxedoed bouncers questioned him and the patron, clearly blitzed, lunged at them. Mistake.
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    14 years ago
    Tootsie's Cabaret to Launch Knockers Sports Bar & Grill with Grand Opening Party
    If I'd still lived in Miami, I'd be broke just on account of football season.
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    14 years ago
    Fargo man sentenced for attempted rape
    Here's the worst part. That guy ruined takeout in Fargo for everyone. I'm not saying that should be AS frowned on in the joint as kid crimes, but it should only be two steps above at the most.
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    14 years ago
    Seven Seas nude lounge shut down today in Tampa
    On the one hand, it's par for the business course that he would have let his rent slide five months. On the other, that's embarrassing. It makes a statement along the lines of "I haven't even been able to skim enough of my girls' take in VIP to keep the lights on".
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    14 years ago
    American capitalism gone with a whimper
    http://www.examiner.com/x-11780-Bay-Area-Moderate-Conservative-Examiner~y2010m4d3-Russian-perspective--American-capitalism-gone-with-a-whimper And oh by the way, unless you write for Pravda, you're a plagiarist in addition to being a blowhard.
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    14 years ago
    brushes with fame
    "Dwight Gooden at Mons Venus" I am Jack's complete lack of surprise. No wonder he ended up with the Yankees. Mons is, what, 3 minutes from Legends Field on DMH?
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    14 years ago
    Senate declines new regulations for sexually oriented businesses
    Another reason to be glad I don't live in Kansas.
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    14 years ago
    Steven Seagal Sued for Sexual Assault,Trafficking
    In a related story, Chuck Norris' Beard is a highly successful gigolo.
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    14 years ago
    Only Customer in the Club
    PRO: No one is watching the clock at that point. CON: Everything else.