
Flight Club vs. Penthouse

Sunday, January 16, 2011 10:04 PM
Just found this site a few weeks ago and am amazed at the level of activity. The posts are great, as are the book reference for Alan M. and the youtube video of Detroit. Laughed my ass off. I'm from vegas and my favorite spot is the Spearmint Rhino (second would be Treasures). I'm going to be traveling to Detroit frequently for the next year or so and I looked up some of the reviews. My question for those familiar with them is: which has the best looking women? I'm not after any mileage above lots of boobs and touching. Actually, I'm rethinking a lot of past visits when the girls kept trying to do a lot of kissing, considering a lot of you guys go for the BJ ;) Then there is the safety issue. Both these places seem to be in rough locations. Is one location better than the other? Thanks!


  • georgmicrodong
    13 years ago
    "I'm not after any mileage above lots of boobs and touching." That's crazy talk!
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I had more fun at Penthouse but both were excellent clubs. According to the top 100 list on this site, Penthouse is ranked better.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Penthouse overall is a better club. Al built Flight Club first and at one time it was one of the best. These days unless you go later on at night, the dancers aren't as fine as Penthouse. Penthouse is a lot more centrally located, and draws from all over. The dancers tend to be finer. Penthouse is on 8 Mile, it's less safe than Flight Club on Michigan in the middle of basically nowhere. Penthouse is next to a Detroit neighborhood, and if that bothers you, go to Flight Club. Both clubs have Valet parking. I, being a Detroit native, don't care one way or the other and park on a side street. I've never been mugged, there and walk in like I own the place (now there's a fantasy, LOL)
  • xpando
    13 years ago
    The neighborhood behind the Penthouse is OK (by Detroit standards). I still wouldn't park there. If you go 1 mile further south, south of 7 mile it is pretty bad, so don't get too drunk and get lost. The Flight Club really isn't in much better of an area,except it is not in a residential area. In the evenings there are lots of girls in both places. In the day the Penthouse probably has a better selection. Both locations offer alternative clubs near by if things don't work out.
  • TcVegas
    13 years ago
    Thanks for the info, I really appreciate it. I'll give the Penthouse a try. I'm about half way though Al's book. Very interesting. Every guys dream to own a club, but looks like a lot of work, and you might get shot at least once.
    13 years ago
    From what I gather, Penthouse weekday dayshift is the sh*t. Closest I made it was Saturday dayshift and that was off the charts value/mileage wise ($150 for everything for unlimited time in private curtained off area--$20 to the bouncer though.)<p> "I'm not after any mileage above lots of boobs and touching." If that's true, chart out the $10 dance days (ie which clubs have them on what days) and you'll get just the mileage you're looking for. Some pertinent club info is mentioned in my article on Detroit and the comments folks added to it. So visit this: [view link]
  • jackslash
    13 years ago
    Both Penthouse and Flight Club have attractive dancers and good mileage. They have private VIP rooms with couches, and you can play with boobs as much as you like for $25 a dance. The Flight Club is on Michigan Avenue near the airport and southwest of the city of Detroit. The surrounding area is commercial, and they have secure valet parking. Not an attractive area, but not dangerous either. The Penthouse is on 8 Mile Rd. on the north border of Detroit, and it is not in a good neighborhood. Use the Penthouse valet parking and you will be OK. Which club has the best looking women? Well, beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I spend most of my time at the Flight Club, which is closer to my home, and I have some favorites who are 8's or 9's. But the last few times I stopped at the Penthouse, I found a lot of real lookers, including a perfect 10 who gave me a great time. Try both clubs and give us your report.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    I read a review on stripperweb written by one stripper and she claimed she would not let guys touch her boobs while working at flight club. what a ROB. Also remember if you are in Detroit, you can take the tunnel over to Windsor and it is legal to hire an escort to your windsor hotel room. Executives choice is a popular agency with rates of $200-260/hour.
  • TcVegas
    13 years ago
    Thanks guys: CTQWERTY, read your article, it was very helpful. jackslash, thanks for the heads up on the weekdays. A saturday afternoon fits my schedule better anyway. Sam, I have been over to windsor in the past and the clubs were great. I was a little worried about coming back across the border after a few drinks, considering the added security. Not a problem with an overnight stay though. The reason I'm not looking for all the extras is to avoid any medical issues, no matter how remote. I have a cool gf and don't want to bring anything back to her as well. I just enjoy hanging out with cool/fun topless chicks for some variety. Doing it in a club prevents it from spilling into my personal life. A friend of mine had a saying about hookers: "Your not paying for the service, your paying them to leave". I have a similar sentiment for the clubs.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    you can also try subi's in southgate. $20 lap dances instead of $25 like at FC/PH. It was a nice place.
    13 years ago
    Uh oh... if you're sending him to Southgate...
  • TcVegas
    13 years ago
    Hey, don't send me anywhere I won't make it back to do the review....
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    what CTQWERTY is talking about is there is a whore house in Southgate but since you said you don't want extras I did not name it. Subi's is a nice strip club and southgate is a nice suburb of detroit. It is in a nicer area than flight club and penthouse.
  • TcVegas
    13 years ago
    Thanks samsung, its right near the airport, I'll check it out. Does look like a nicer neighborhood. Google maps street view always comes in handy.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    Just for the record, Henry the VIII South is the whorehouse of the southern suburbs of [view link]'s about 2 miles south of Subi's. Try it, you might like it. LOL
  • TcVegas
    13 years ago
    Before I knew my way around better I took middlebelt road north from the airport and passed a club I think had the same name of Henry the VIII. Is that a chain in the area?
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    yes, henry the VIII is their inkster location. It was originally owned by the same guy who owns henry the viii south but he passed away. Now each one of his sons owns one of his clubs.
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    other clubs part of the chain include bogarts and john's hot spot.
  • vincemichaels
    13 years ago
    samsung1 is mostly correct. I don't believe Hamilton's estate has been settled yet. I'll have to ask if I remember the next time I'm in Detroit at Bogarts. Don't go to Henry VIII in Inkster. It's not the experience as H8 South, from what I've read for reviews and the one time I did go there. Hamilton is a legend in Detroit as Al Marcovitz is. Marcovitz went for the glitzy clubs, Hamilton had working-class bars. Both types serve us clubgoers well, Hamilton's clubs are less expensive overall.
    13 years ago
    Sam, if one is to be politically correct, Henry's South is more a whorebooth operation (alluding to the fine VIP enhancement of 2010...)
  • samsung1
    13 years ago
    lol, you are right!
  • poleshadow
    13 years ago
    It was a decent enough afternoon read, but I could point out about 25 spots where Alan M's book desperately needed a better editor. I'm just saying is all.
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