
OSU Football Suspensions

Thursday, December 23, 2010 11:59 PM
Okay, Sam, time to fess up: Did you buy the following from the football team??? "The specific infractions cited by the NCAA: • Adams must repay $1,000 for selling his 2008 Big Ten championship ring. • Herron must repay $1,150 for selling his football jersey, pants and shoes for $1,000 and receiving discounted services worth $150. • Posey must repay $1,250 for selling his 2008 Big Ten championship ring for $1,200 and receiving discounted services worth $50. • Pryor must repay $2,500 for selling his 2008 Big Ten championship ring, a 2009 Fiesta Bowl sportsmanship award and his 2008 Gold Pants, a gift from the university. • Solomon must repay $1,505 for selling his 2008 Big Ten championship ring for $1,000, his 2008 Gold Pants for $350 and receiving discounted services worth $155. • Jordan Whiting must sit out the first game next year and pay $150 to a charity for the value of services that were discounted because of his status as a student-athlete. Yes, Terrelle Pryor sold the miniature gold pants the university has handed out since 1934 for victories over Michigan, inducting recipients into the "Pants Club." Beating the Wolverines in Pryor's tenure may not be quite the accomplishment it used to be, but seriously, man, that may be the iciest move a Buckeye can make. For $2,500?" An embarrassed OSU may be willing to pay you 2x (or more) to get the items back! That's a lot of lappers!!!


  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    No, I just found out myself today watching espn. What is kind of stupid is that the suspension does not apply to their bowl game. This suspension might not affect Pryor anyways if he goes to the NFL after this season.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    that whole episode is bullshit! college football is a multi-million business for the schools but the players can't sell their personal property, bullshit! the items they sold they either won or were given to them, and 5 game suspensions for that? bullshit!
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    Awwwww, I can't feel bad at all for anything associated with OSU's infractions. LMAO
    14 years ago
    Well, you had previously relayed a special discount for wearing OSU apparel on gamedays and so I figured you had gone one step further and bought a bunch of 'championship bling' to go clubbing with! All you'd need then would be for it to leak to the local media the sold items were showing up in local strip clubs and a 'university ambassador' would likely be dispatched to buy them back from you. Troop, what will the NCAA do if ever the teams refuse to take the field to play the championship because they believe they're being unfairly compensated???
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    CT, you are correct some clubs around here do give free admission if you wear osu apparel either the day before the game (tailgate party) or the day of the game. Club X gave you free admission on fridays and dreamgirls gave you free admission on saturdays from 11am-7pm. I bet OSU could still beat michigan missing these 5 players lol
    14 years ago
    Yeah, but imagine clubbing with 5 championship rings and a pair of gold pants!!!
  • troop
    14 years ago
    Troop, what will the NCAA do if ever the teams refuse to take the field to play the championship because they believe they're being unfairly compensated??? ___________________________________________ ct, any school that did that would be cutting it's own throat. long term (years) ncaa sanctions would destroy that school's sports program. they might as well become a community college or trade school.
    14 years ago
    Troop, the players wouldn't do it to hurt their schools so much as to embarrass the NCAA organization (and throw-in high-profile coaches who make more off of 'amateur athletics' than the governor of their state earns for running an entire state.)
  • poleshadow
    14 years ago
    Actually what REALLY happened was that thirty seconds after the NCAA announced the suspensions, the back judge threw a penalty flag and announced they were unsuspended. And yes, I'm a Miami fan...why do you ask? :)
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    I remember one year Hawaii was playing against Georgia. ESPN reported that the coach of Georgia makes more money than the entire hawaii football budget. The game was a blow out with Georgia crushing Hawaii.
  • vincemichaels
    14 years ago
    LOL, samsung1, the bet is on!!! Next year, OSU will be cleaning toilets after U of M stomps em !!
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    RE: The NCAA. As I understand it, being a member school is completely arbitrary. If a number of the prominent programs got together and opted out, the NCAA would lose much of it's power, and would have to change their ways. Only two sports would really matter, football and basketball.
  • rl27
    14 years ago
    I would like to see that happen Clubber, along with college Division I players getting paid, since you would have to be extremely niave to believe that the majority of the players are there for academics. They are there to hope to get a small chance to play in the NFL, and make millions of dollars. The programs are there to make a profit for the colleges, often at the expense of the players health.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    1. I think it would be ok for college athletes to be paid a little something. They're not allowed to get regular jobs like every other student can. The current scholarships only cover room, board and tuition. What about a little spending money. 2. These OSU players will probably just go ahead and go to the NFL...so what punishment will they really get? OSU football and the fans are the ones who'll get "hurt" if you can even go so far as to say "hurt". 3. Ultimately, the rules are the rules and they all should have known better than to do it, or at least not to get caught doing it. 4. Go Buckeye Basketball!!!!
  • samsung1
    14 years ago
    OSU basketball is doing great this year. but it is the cleveland cavs that are last place in their division and one of the worst records in the league. Lebron James and the Miami heat are first place in their division and one of the best records in the league. So much for Dan Gilbert's promise of bringing a championship to cleveland before lebron gets one
  • troop
    14 years ago
    i don't see where lebum has any championships sam. the cavs had the best record in the league the previous 2 years, having the best record guarantees nothing.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    troop, It just about guarantees you won't get a top notch player in the next draft.
  • troop
    14 years ago
    clubber, my comment was regarding sam's. sure the law of averages says that miami will most likely win a champioship before cleveland does but my point was that miami with lebum has not won anything yet other than some regular season games.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    troop, I forgot the ":)". Just being silly. Why the "lebum"?
  • troop
    14 years ago
    please don't get me started on that childish egotistical self serving pos. trust me, i'm being kind by just calling him lebum ;)
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Can't say I agree with all he says or does, but it is his life and how he lives it is not within my purview. I also don't know how it would be to be in his shoes, so I am reluctant to pass judgment on him simply because I do not agree with some of what he does. I guess if a goal of mine was to win a NBA Championship, I too, would go to a place most like to help me accomplish that feat.
  • Prim0
    14 years ago
    I don't care that he changed teams...I don't think most fans care. Its the manner in which he did it with a 30 min "special" and that WWE like intro of the big three players in Miami.
  • Clubber
    14 years ago
    Prim0, Over the top, yes, but someone paid to air it and it was one of the biggest sports stories in years.
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