
Comments by DougS (page 44)

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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    I've been battling the "internal error 500" on this web site quite a bit lately, and it's MOST annoying. It wouldn't be so bad, but it takes for ever to time out, which means it also takes forever to display a page. Arrrrggghhh! I had one dancer that'd given me her home and cell phone numbers and several times I'd call her, and some guy would answer (a BF, no doubt). Almost everytime, my phone would immediately receive an imcoming call from the number I'd just dialed... Mr. BF obviously trying to figure out who was calling his GF. I don't think he was too bright, 'cause he always fell for the same excuse, that I'd dialed the wrong number... usually he started out by saying, "Who is this and how do you know [dancer]?" What was funny is, the name he asked about was her real name, not her stage name... not sure if he knew she was dancing, or not... The strange thing, being a guy, and knowing what he was feeling and wondering, made me feel bad for him... at least until [dancer] and I hooked up again! [grin]
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    18 years ago
    Favorite SC Country Song
    DailyGrind: Ahh! Playing courty music backwards... that's a good song by Rascal Flatts. Being "new" to country, is that really Rascal Flatts song, or are they doing a "cover" of someone else's song? (I know they do a cover of "Life is a Highway", and is on their current CD, as well is in the move, Cars) SYG: Your mention of Charlie Daniel's song and the fact that you are going to Dallas, reminds me that Coyote Ugly is a "must go" in Dallas. There was a bartender there the last time that I went. I think her name was Heather, but she was a hot cutie and helped me have a great time at CU, which was my warm-up before hitting Baby Dolls. Only downside, CU is in a pretty nasty area - made me nervous being alone when walking to/from my rental car.
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    18 years ago
    Does it matter how you ask a dancer for a dance?
    Chandler: I still remember that particular Farside comic well... I surely miss that strip (hey, no pun)... I also was a big fan of Calvin and Hobbes, and greatly miss that strip as well. Yeah, I'm sure most strippers - and younger girls in general hear what us older guys say as "blah blah blah blah"... I have an off-the-wall sense of humor at times - most of the time... a lot of double entendres, puns and one-liners that a lot of the time travels about 7 inches above the dancers head. It's sometimes disheartening to come up with a great line and have her look at you with a confused look, like "what in the HELL are you talking about?!" That's why it's so refreshing when you have a rapport with a girl that catches most of that...
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    Fondl: EXACTLY! One thing that I've discovered (or knew and have had proven to be correct many times over), 90% of the dancers have a self-esteem problem, and thrive on attention and compiments, and someone that can show interest in THEM, definitely is appreciated. It's sad, but most dancers have had a hard life and a vast majority come from broken, dysfunctional homes. Additionally, a large portion have been victims of molestation and/or rape. The last item is probably why those dancers that purposely take advantage of and mislead men can do so, without having any remorse. It's also why a pretty large group of them are bi or are lesbians - because they can't trust and can't relate to men any more. Sorry to get a tad off subject. I've mentioned one particular dancer that has two dancing sisters... three dancers in one family. It's textbook; their step-father molested them when they were young. Anyhow, I those attention-starved, esteem-challenged dancers respond very well to compliments, and interest in them, and thus the buttering up usually pays great dividends.
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    18 years ago
    Recommendations For Dallas
    SYG: Cool! And I expect details (you can email me them)... at least I can enjoy and relive her vicariously.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What would it take for you to rate a club a 10?
    I once suggested to Founder that when we rate a club, the form presented should have separate scoring categories, so that the club could be rated separately from the dancers and the liquor, etc. Guess that never happened...
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    18 years ago
    What do you call that?
    yeah... I believe the most common term used is "Russian".
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    18 years ago
    Music Selection
    I still vote for "it doesn't matter". When I'm getting a dance, especially a good one, I am not listening to the music... the only thing I will notice is the end of a song so I can keep count - that is if I'm not in the VIP area where I'd be paying by the time, rather than song. In fact, I'm usually so oblivious to the music that once in a while a dancer will say "oh, I like this song", and then I'm straining to hear what she's listening to in order to see what song she's talking about.
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    18 years ago
    My first ignored person on TUSCL
    Young and innocent - at least in TUSCL years, for sure. Alabamascott has been a member since way back on 1/9... geesh. I am feeling old, being a member since 6/5/01... almost 6 years, now... that's over 20 in Human Years...
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    Other than the usual shunning with my "maybe later" response to a dance request, or the times that I've hurt/pissed them off by dancing with other girls, I can only think of one instance where I knew I really pissed off a dancer. I think I've related the story before, but several years back at what is now Scores near O'Hare in Chicago (then it was called Diamond Girls, Dream Girls, or something like that), I had a persistent dancer that was wanting me to buy some dances from her. Finally, she asked me if I wanted a "sample dance" to see if she could convince me how good she is... Well, sure, why not... what did I have to lose? I said "ok", and she then proceded to sit on my lap and started a little grinding and sticking her tits in my face... and doing the Stevie Wonder thing, etc. I really wasn't into her, and her "sample" wasn't convincing. When she was done, she said that I owed her $20 for the dance. I told her that she'd told me it was a "sample dance" and to me that implied that it was a free sample, and there's no way that I was paying her for that. She went off on me, calling me every name in the book - might've even been in alphabetical order, 'cause she surely didn't miss a name. I just walked away from her in mid-rant. I half-expected one of the bouncer/usher guys to come over and see what I'd done, but no one ever did.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Ever really piss a stripper off?
    I'm conservative about pushing the envelope of acceptable touching, so I can honestly say that I've never had a girl pissed off that I'd touched her where she didn't want my fingers venturing. I've asked many of my dancer favs how they react to guys exploring past their limits, and surprisingly, the majority - if they are telling the truth, are very tolerant of it. Most claiming that the first "offense" is met with the guys hand being pushed away from the area in question, or maybe a "you can't touch me there!" Come to think of it Maybe I should test the waters more often, if that is the only negative ramifications! Actually, it's usually on the the 2nd and 3rd offfenses tha draw the ire. My prev ATF who is full of spunk and won't take shit from anyone, tells me that on the second offense, she will "accidentally" catch the guys face with her shoe - the heal, if she can maneuver it there, pretending like she was just trying to lift her leg over to change positions. She supposedly has bloodied several faces. Another fav says she just embarrasses the crap out of the guy by calling him out on his offense loud enough that everyone can hear, so that he's too embarrassed that he has to leave, or so embarrassed that he will never try that again with her.
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    18 years ago
    My first ignored person on TUSCL
    Alabamascott: I think it makes you an infant, but that's not so bad... nursing can be quite fun..
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    I think it would be hard to relate to a fav that was 40 years younger than me. It would also be REALLY hard to keep "the fantasy" alive in my mind. Even though having that fantasy isn't the end-all when clubbing, to me it sure makes it more fun, and exciting. My ATF is now 22 years younger than me, but I don't have any problem relating with her, so maybe if the age difference was doubled, it wouldn't be a problem... I'd like to think so. I also am not having any trouble keeping the fantasy - probably because I'm not convinced that it IS a fantasy (but logic says that it is). Casualguy: Being closer in age, in my experience, doesn't mean that you will experience an "interview like" feeling more frequently, when establishing a rapport with the dancers. It depends on the comfort level the girl is feeling with you, and also on how good of a listener you are. I started clubbing when I was nearly the same age as the dancers - even younger than some. Now, as I mentioned above, there is a pretty large age difference. Throughout the years, the majority of the girls that I've danced with - and ALL of the girls that I've gotten to know well - have divulged a vast amount of very personal information about themselves. Crazy as it sounds, I've actually left clubs and/or OTCs, and written down notes about what a particular girl told me while together, so that I can remember the tidbits and keep straight who said what. It's sometimes amazing how impressed the girls are when you can remember little items that they've shared with you - it shows that you are a good listener and are interested in what they say.
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    18 years ago
    A boob review: Real vs. fake...
    I think we can expect some more discussion on this topic from Bookguy and Chandler... [grin]
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    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I always tip the waitresses well. I know that the waitresses talk to the dancers and I sure don't want word to get back to the dancers that I'm a tight-wad. Also, I'm usually with a dancer when I'm tipping the waitress, so I don't want to appear tight on tipping then How much do I tip? It depends on the cost of the drinks... I don't want change, so my tip is first going to round up to remove the coinage... So, for example, our (dancer and mine) drinks come up to $7.50, I'd probably tip $2.50. If I'm just getting a single beer ($4.50), I'd probably tip $1.50.
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    18 years ago
    She wants to do it, but not sure if I want to
    JPac: If you aren't really into her and you have doubts about doing it with her, I'd say that's your answer. I'd pass on it. You mentioned Porche and that you'd hit that in a heartbeat. I can't say that you will get that far with Porche, but I don't think I'd risk having Porche find out about Jade. I'm guessing if that happened, even if you had a chance with Porche, she might change her mind 'cause you "stooped" to doing Jade... she will either think you are too desparate, or are too big of a health risk because you will do it with anyone...
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    18 years ago
    Jokes to Make Your Dancer Laugh
    A guy was sitting at a slot machine in Vegas, when a stunning blonde sat at the machine next to his. He couldn't concentrate on feeding his quarters because he just HAD to keep sneaking peeks at this vision of beauty. Finally, she said , I can't help noticing that you are liking what you see... If you want, I'll give you a hand job for $500.00. "You ARE beautiful, but $500.00 is an awful lot for just a hand job.". She grabbed his hand and led him to a window overlooking the street below. She said, "I charge a lot because I give the VERY best hand jobs EVER. See that red Lamborghini parked over there? That's mine, and I paid for it by giving hand jobs." Of course he couldn't resist, so she led him to her hotel room above, and gave him the absolute best hand job he'd ever had in his life. He was totally amazed, but was left wanting more from this goddess. How much do you charge for blow jobs? "1500.00, she said while letting her tongue glide along her upper lip suggestively" "That's a lot of money for a blow job," the guy says. "Even though you DID give me the best hand job I ever had, how do I know your blow jobs are good?" She leads him over to the window and says, "See that casino over there? I own that casino, and I paid for it by giving the worlds best blow job." Once again, he couldn't resist, so she got down on her knees, and had him screaming in ecstacy. After he was drained, he knew he had to have her completely. "That was incredible!", he told her. "I've got to have you... How much would I have to give you to let me fuck you?" She laughed a wicked laugh and led him to the window on the opposite side of her room. "Do you see all of those hotels and casinos on that street?" Shocked, and excited, he said "You own all of those and paid for them by fucking guys for money?!" She laughed and said "no honey, but I COULD have, if I only had a pussy."
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    18 years ago
    Jokes to Make Your Dancer Laugh
    A guy walked into a club and sat down at a bar, ordering a shot of Patron. Something caught his eye at the end of the bar, and he walked over to check it out. Sitting at the end of the bar was a very depressed looking old gent, holdning an ornate box. Feeling sorry for the guy, he was intrigued. "What's in the box, old man?" The old man opened up a door on the box, and said "look in there and see for yourself." Peering inside, the guy was astonished to see a small man about a foot tall, playing a baby grand piano. "That's amazing! I've never seen anything like it!", he said to the old man. "Where in the hell did you get something like that?" The old man said, "See that huge, bald guy over there? He's a Genie, and he will grant a wish for anyone that buys him a drink." With that, wasting no time, the guy took off to buy the bald genie a drink and make a wish. "WAIT! You haven't heard the whole story!", the old man protested, but it was too late. Buying the genie a drink, the guy says "I hear that if I buy you a drink, you will grant me a wish". The genie gulps down his drink and said, "yes, that is true... what do you wish for?" The guy, not even taking a second to think it over said, "I wish for a million bucks!" There was a big blue puff of smoke, and then all hell broke loose. There were birds flying all over the bar... feathers flying, loud quacking sounds, droppings plopping into drinks. "I said a million BUCKS, not a million DUCKS!", he screamed at the genie, who just turned around and went back to his drink. The guy went back to the old man, and yelled over the monstrous noise of the ducks, "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" The old man looked up sadly and said "you didn't let me finish before you made your wish... that genie is hard of hearing... do you think I wished for a 12 inch pianist?"
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    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    I HAVE recruited a waitress to track down a particular dancer for me - once, but it was immensely appreciated, and the outcome with the dancer she tracked down, made it well worth it. I, unfortunately, didn't tip the waitress for her troubles, which I've regretted, since. At my fav clubs, I try to stay in the waitresses best grace. It definitely can payoff. I've used waitresses quite frequently to pass messages to my dancers - (ie, "can you please tell Nicole that Doug is here to see her?"). I've also found that it's good to keep on the good side of the bartenders, doormen and DJs, too. I've give DJs money to take a particular girl out of the dance rotation for the night, so that I can spend uninterrupted time with my dancer. I've given tips to the doorman, in reward for passing messages to my girls when I'm not there.... or for getting my girl on the phone when I've called... One of my strip club buddies has used a waitress to talk to a dancer to get some helpful information, which he was then able to parlay into some VERY rewarding OTCing.
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    18 years ago
    Dallas Club - Scam? Need Help
    Kenmoney: I don't think you were scammed. She might've been disappointed, like someone suggested, that you were too drunk to complete the plans she had for you, who knows? Now, if you'd said that you and her went to your hotel and things got fuzzy there, I'd be concerned. Especially if you noticed that you were missing some money. This makes me think of something. We hear about date-rape drugs, etc., and that dancers have to be aware of where their drinks are... It's probably just as important that WE watch our drinks (and how much we drink). It's not a stretch to think that we could be drugged (or encouraged to drink excissively) to be taken advantage of in clubs. Either by dancers wanting to scam us, or by fellow patrons wanting to roll us for money when we leave.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Johnny On-the-Spot
    Clubber: I like your idea... but during the shaking, I think the female attendant should receive facials.... I'd be inclined to tip well....
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Dallas Club - Scam? Need Help
    Fondl: I don't see a flaw in Ken's story. I've had several dancers that would spend time with me after their shift was over. Typically, it's not the club that has a problem with that, it's the fellow dancers - especially those on the following shift that get annoyed because it means more competition for them. Actually, I really like it when girls do this... especially when they've changed into their street clothes. It's crazy how you can spend hours with this 90% naked girl, but when she comes out it street clothes, she seems hotter in those tight jeans... or maybe it's more "intimate" because she's sort of sharing her "civilian" life with you, then... As for the alcohol, I also like to stay as alert as I can. I usually don't drink too much... getting maybe one drink every 1.5 or 2 hours... or maybe just drink Red Bull or the like. I don't want to get blitzed and not enjoy the girl - that defeats the purpose. If I get lit to the point that I'm not making any sense or become too quiet and laid back, that's counter productive to "getting the girl", too... Having a large buzz going, is also like wearing a flashing "SUCKER" sign on your forehead... you open yourself up as easy prey to some of these girls who will "miscount" dances, short change you, etc.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Lost souls: help or not?
    Sometimes, helping the "lost souls" isn't the best thing to do. Instead of being a "helper" you can easily become an "enabler". I am a nice guy - sometimes too trusting... sometimes too nice... but, I have helped a few "lost souls" in my clubbing day. I have rarely been asked for the money, it's usually me offering the money, after learning of a situation. And yes, I could've been "played" for the money, but I'm fairly sure I haven't been, so far. With different girls over the years, I've given money to visit family in ATL, I've given money to help move out of a bad situation, I've given money so that time can be spent with kids during the holidays (not needing to work), and yes, I've even given money to bail out of jail.
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    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    BG: I made the sacrifice and forced myself to look at your linked girls.. (sarcasm, 'cause I kind'a enjoy looking at women, believe it or not). I liked "Adanna", and REALLY liked "Sabrina" (wish that was in color), but "Maida"... no thanks... way too pale... I like the thin, athletic bodies and a nice pretty face (or at least very cute), which usually are the early 20-somethings. I also tend to like a shorter girl - ideal height is between 5'3" and 5'7". But the first thing that always catches my eye is the hair. Ideally, long, silky hair... no permed or curly hair... preferably at least shoulder length, better still mid-back length.
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    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    Chandler: I don't think the Anti-bacteria cleansers do anything more than soap and water would do... I agree... but it's way more convenient to use. It at least gives me more peace of mind.