Ever really piss a stripper off?
Atlanta suburb
I did once about 6 years ago at the Memphis PP. I was doing a 2 for $40. She was checking out my package on the first song, so I went for the kitty. She jumped up off of my lap and told me never touch her there. Second song was totall flacid.
Just think about all the little things that others do that bug you - it's because they're rules are different than yours. I once read that the more rules you have and the more rigid you are about them the less happy you are likely to be. I think that's pretty true. A lot of people would rather be right than be happy.
This is why I don't do the ATF thing anymore. It can get too damn dangerous.
I also know the type that Book Guy writes about who assume their own petty rules must be universal to all dancers, and I must have learned to spot that type because I rarely get them anymore.
And I can't stand a dancer telling me "her rules" upfront, because it take all the fun out of finding out for myself. If she tells me she doesn't have any rules, though, what do I do? Anything I fucking feel like. (Duh!)
The group behind us hit as far as I did and hit their ball not far from us. My group wasn't the least bit upset. Some people take things way too seriously.
The worst name calling I ever heard though was on the golf course after I hit a golf ball so far it landed near the Green on a Par 4 hole meaning it's supposed to take 2 hits to get to the green. I saw my golf ball approaching the people near the green and yelled "FOOORTH" Then I heard the nastiest name calling I ever heard. I didn't think I hit anyone. Probably ruined someones golf shot yelling Forth. Some golfers take the game too seriously especially when they aren't playing for money. I've seen golf clubs getting thrown around and all kinds of ranting on the golf course worse than any strip club. Yet some people claim they play that game to relax. Those golfers who did the name calling I think deserved what they got. They held up my small group all day when most polite golfers let the better and faster ones play through so they aren't holding others up all day. They even had the manager come out and talk to us on the next hole. (They stayed at the club house not saying a word while we played on.) The manager saw on a par 3, all 3 of us guys were within a matter of a few feet on the hole on the green on our first shot across the water. He didn't say much at all except to let us know they were mad. Some golfers get so upset you'd think someone vandalized their brand new car for any little minor infraction on their golf game.
Which raises an interesting question - how does one know what the rules are? Many times I've asked a girl what her rules are, only to be told that she doesn't like to discuss that in advance or that she doesn't have any. So then what does one do? What I've always done is to proceed slowly so that she knows what's coming (no pun intended) and has plenty of time to react before I've crossed some unknown line.
I've asked many of my dancer favs how they react to guys exploring past their limits, and surprisingly, the majority - if they are telling the truth, are very tolerant of it. Most claiming that the first "offense" is met with the guys hand being pushed away from the area in question, or maybe a "you can't touch me there!"
Come to think of it Maybe I should test the waters more often, if that is the only negative ramifications! Actually, it's usually on the the 2nd and 3rd offfenses tha draw the ire. My prev ATF who is full of spunk and won't take shit from anyone, tells me that on the second offense, she will "accidentally" catch the guys face with her shoe - the heal, if she can maneuver it there, pretending like she was just trying to lift her leg over to change positions. She supposedly has bloodied several faces.
Another fav says she just embarrasses the crap out of the guy by calling him out on his offense loud enough that everyone can hear, so that he's too embarrassed that he has to leave, or so embarrassed that he will never try that again with her.
I think I've related the story before, but several years back at what is now Scores near O'Hare in Chicago (then it was called Diamond Girls, Dream Girls, or something like that), I had a persistent dancer that was wanting me to buy some dances from her. Finally, she asked me if I wanted a "sample dance" to see if she could convince me how good she is... Well, sure, why not... what did I have to lose? I said "ok", and she then proceded to sit on my lap and started a little grinding and sticking her tits in my face... and doing the Stevie Wonder thing, etc.
I really wasn't into her, and her "sample" wasn't convincing. When she was done, she said that I owed her $20 for the dance. I told her that she'd told me it was a "sample dance" and to me that implied that it was a free sample, and there's no way that I was paying her for that.
She went off on me, calling me every name in the book - might've even been in alphabetical order, 'cause she surely didn't miss a name. I just walked away from her in mid-rant. I half-expected one of the bouncer/usher guys to come over and see what I'd done, but no one ever did.
I told a stripper her dance would be better if she took her high boots off. She said she loved her boots and turned ice cold. I think they were her latest outfit purchase.
I can't remember ever getting more than a mild caution for touching or kissing what was off limits. I say a lot of offensive things to strippers and get called an asshole in return, but it's all in the spirit of good-natured banter. I think. There have been plenty of times I've seriously pissed off a flat out bitch by giving her what she had coming, but I take it that's not what this topic is about.
Holy Shit!
You had to go back to 2007 to find this thread???
Nice to see besides shadowcat that lopaw and Chandler are still going strong on TUSCL.
I had one dancer go off on me over some nothing comment that I can't even remember. Its impossible to know what baggage is lurking just underneath the surface ready to erupt with these honeys.