
Comments by DougS (page 43)

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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Another detail to add... as I mentioned, I do not give many reasons for suspicion. I'm not like most guys that I know, in that I do not go out with the boys... I don't play golf, I don't go to bars, I don't hunt/fish, etc. Basically, when I leave work, I'm with the family. ('cept for those business trips, and other alibis that I've used, which are not very frequent)
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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Bookguy: Yes, I have EXTREMELY rarely - maybe three times in my life - given my wife any cause to think I could be messing around. Having replayed that near disaster in my head several times, I believe the suspicion arose because of something that occurred earlier that day. I'd been planning an OTC with my prev ATF for the upcoming week, scheduled around a "seminar" in Indy (my alibi). It was a weekday during the summer, and my oldest son, when my wife and I were talking about my trip, piped in and suggested that we ALL go to Indy 'cause they had no school and it'd be fun. The idea was received VERY well by all -'cept me. After a few feeble excuses as to why it wouln't work out, I reluctantly started saying that "it'll be fun". It was later that afternoon, that the infamous voicemail issue came about. She obviously suspected that I was up to no good with plans in Indy, and she wanted to check my voicemail for evidence.
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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Still more... IF you choose to call a dancer that you are not familiar with, and/or don't trust to be discreet, you should block your ID from being sent to her caller-id. Simply pressing *67 before the number, will block your info. Simple, yet effective. A few other things to point out.. Make sure you have permission to call a dancer's cell phone (or home phone). I have my ATFs cell number, but would never call it without her first telling me to do so. I don't want to call her when someone else might be around that might object to my calling (husband, family, etc.) Another bit of advice that results from experience. Be aware that if you get a call from a girl that you know (based upon caller ID), don't assume that it's actually her. It could be someone calling your number that was found on a bill, or recent call list, in order to check out who's been talking to the girl. It's not smart to answer "Hi xxxxx!" - at that point, you lose any wiggle you might have in your "story", about why you've appeared on the list and can no longer deny that you know this girl. Be especially careful when you've called her without an answer, only to have your phone right right after with her number in caller-id. Almost always, it's someone checking to see who you are. Oviously, phones can be dangerous.
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    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    The "bases"
    Weighing in on this topic, I graduated in '79... I'm the old one in our group... crap! Anyhow, for the most part, it must be more related to the HS attended, rather than the "times" that determined the amount of activity of a sexual nature. For me, it was probably even more so related to my shyness. I know there was quite a bit going on... even as early as 8th and 9th grade. Several girls, including a cheerleader that I always thought was way WAY hot, ended up "with child". Being an only child, and so in awe of the hot girls, I was on the backward side, and thus didn't get in on those experiences. Also, the type of girls that I liked influenced the amount of activity. I'd had a crush on one particular girl that started around 4th grade and ended in 9th grade I belive, since I was too shy, to this day, I've never talked to her, and obviously never got anywhere with her, or any other girl during that period of time. Next came another crush or two in 9th grade, with similar results. 10th grade was a big year and the beginning of dating. My first "experience" was a a lot of heavy petting and a HJ from someone I wasn't even interested in... later she offered me the entire menu, but again, shyness kicked in and I passed on any further contact with her. Yep, she was a slut, but was kind'a cute, too. In fact the night of the HJ, she also provided the same service for one of my friends (we were all in the back of a van to/from a concert). Looking back on her, the HJ(s), and what she offered, I've kicked myself many times for not pursuing. What the hell was wrong with me?!
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    18 years ago
    Loosening the shackles
    Jimmyblong: I like the way you think. I'm way too nice, I guess... If I like my favorite, I don't want to hurt her feelings - maybe insult her - by sending her off so that I can play with others. Giving her some money on her way to picking a girl of her choosing, makes a lot of sense. I especially like the potential 3-ways... Fondl: I consider myself to be VERY picky. Outside of a few instances, though, I don't mind limiting to one girl. Especially when I know I will have a nice time with her. Afterall, that IS what I'm looking for, and if I've been with her a lot, the connection that we have tends to make it even more fun. Heck, with my ATF, I look forward to seeing her... more than I should, for sure, but that anticipation also adds something to our encounters. Also, it helps when I realize that my ATF is better than 99% of the other girls - why bother sampling others? Chandler: Guaranteed attention is a nice thing to have. No more scrambling to get a certain dancer's attention, which sometimes is an ego-buster. Speaking of egos, it's hard to compare having a girl excitedly greet you like you were her long lost lover, without her paying attention to any other guy. I've seen the looks on fellow patrons when this happens, and it's priceless. In the past, I've been one of those guys looking on, and I know what I was thinking... "wow, that guy must really have something going for him, to have a hottie like that all over him" (of course, the next thought is he must be a PL that throws money at her... I tend to gloss over that part of it)
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    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Along the same lines a Blockbird's story, I'd spent quite a bit of time (pronounced money) on a girl and thought we were hitting it off pretty well. I'd been drinking more than my share and was having problems adding up how much I owed her after a session (uhh... $10/dance should normally be a fairly simple calculation). Anyhow, tucked the wad ...err, of bills... and asked that she come back after her stage set, so that we could continue where we left off. I was starting to lose even more brain function, but was still surprised to see her return so quickly... didn't recall seeing her on stage... but I could'a missed it - at least that was the path that my thinking process was going, until she blurted out about 10 feet from me that I'd short changed her. I probably did, but who knows, she might've also seen my condition as a way to capitalize and get more cash... Well, I handed over what she thought I still owed her (after counting it about 9 times because I was aware of how blitzed I was), never EVER agreeing to a dance from her again.
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    18 years ago
    Best Atlanta Clubs?
    I've only been to Atlanta once, and during the 5 days there, I took in four strip clubs. I was TOTALLY unimpressed with what these clubs had to offer. All air from my experience. I'm used to some decent mileage and found that to be non-existent. Now, I avoid business trips to Atlanta like a plague, now. However, I have to admit, out of all of the cities that I've been to, I found Atlanta to have the largest percentage of pretty women. I'm not talking clubs... just the average woman you see on the streets (err... not THAT kind of woman, either). Seriously, I was impressed by seeing very pretty women everywhere that I turned. I'm not sure why that is, but perhaps that's where the term HOTlanta comes from. Dallas is a very close second to Atlanta in this category, but the clubs in Dallas are tremendously better.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    More erotic adventures of Igiveup(shadowcat) Pop, listen up
    IGU / SC: Happy Birthday, guy! Wow, what an excellent way to celebrate! Isn't that about the most erotic thing when you are poised on the brink of entering a specific girl for the first time... you both know it's going to happen, then you slowly ease in... doesn't get much better than that..
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    New Jersey
    The "bases"
    Minnow: So, in your golf terminology, is a ball washer a good thing? Make sure you always wear a bag... you can never know where you could pick up divots!
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Men seldom make passes...
    Typically, I don't think the girls will wear glasses unless they absolutely need them. But, I have seen a few that wear them "to appeal to a special niche", especially when wearing the proverbial school girl outfit. I'm kind'a in a phase now where I think glasses are sexy.. probably because Miss ATF wears them quite a bit.. For some reason I've got that fantasy about "getting something on the lens of a hot girls glasses", if you know what I mean...
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What would it take for you to rate a club a 10?
    I've probably been too liberal with my 10s, when rating my favorite clubs. Especially when someone has recently rated it way too low. I've tried to raise my scale a little bit, 'cause there really shouldn't be that many 10s given. Currently, in my mind, a visit rating a 10 would have to have a large percentage of hot girls working... a LOT of high mileage during the dances - including 2-way contact, and enough girls working to prevent a long wait for a dancer. Also, I'd probably have feel like I'd made a connection with at least one dancer.
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    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to screw up a strip club visit!
    IGU: Interesting story that you related about the woman flirting with you... Why get mad about that? I know you weren't looking for an explanation, but I can think of several reasons why she might've been doing that, none of which would piss me off. SHE might've been pissed off at her SO for dragging her there, and was trying to get even with him by flirting with you. Another idea that comes is that they might've been doing some role playing to spice up their sex life, where he watches her flirt with a stranger. Lastly, maybe they were trying to lure you into a threesome.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    What would it take for you to rate a club a 10?
    In my rating, I tend to let two other factors influence the score. If it's one of my favorite clubs that I "frequent", I might increase the score by one, over what I might rate a similar visit at another club. Sometimes it's hard to keep all of the fond memories, and the "home club pride" out of the equation. I also might increase at rating because of a recent bogus rating of the club. I've see a lot of times when a club will be given a 1, or an otherwise very low, undeserved score. I've read these reviews and typically you can tell it's either from a customer that has an axe to grind, someone from another club, or it will even say something like "I'm giving this club a 1 because it doesn't deserve to be a top 10 club." I try to make a conscious effort to be honest with my ratings, and over the last few years have tried to be more unbiased.
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    18 years ago
    Loosening the shackles
    Chandler: Yes, there's no room for jealousy in a strip club. In fact, jealousy is a bad thing anywhere. Unfortunately, I'm a jealous sort of guy that doesn't want to see his women with others. This is yet another reason that being "stuck with a regular" isn't such a bad thing. I like the knowledge that when I'm in the club, I've got her undivided attention. Again, I realize jealousy isn't a good thing, and it's harmful to relationships, happiness, and with a dancer it can harm your wallet. I'm certainly open to suggestions on controlling that jealousy, if anyone out there has ideas. Fondl: I believe the better that you know the girl, the less chance there is that she will act less than genuine with you - at least without you knowing or suspecting.
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    18 years ago
    Fondl: Yes attitude has a lot to do with it, but I just like 'em young... late teens, early twenties. I like the thin, supple girls, with the long, straight hair... seems like they are always the young ones that have those qualities. Actually, I think the perfect age is between 20 and 25. Even though I'm pretty much twice that age, I haven't really had too much problem relating to them. It probably helps that I never divulge my true age, and I THINK I pass for mid- to late-thirties. I've always been afraid that there will come a day in the future that I'll be getting old enough that I will feel completely out of place in the club, and will look like a total perv. Hearing about some of the older guys on this site, it gives me hope that I have at least 15 years left in me...
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    18 years ago
    BG: I think a lot of us here desire the same type of girls. When you said that you and I should never visit the same club at the same time, I thought you were going to mention my "whaling" / "hogging" tendancies. For the time being, everyone is safe here... as long I'm with my ATF, I don't foresee stepping foot in a club.
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    18 years ago
    On the average do you get a better dance if she asks you 1st??
    There are a lot of variables in this, as you can imagine. The simple answer is, if I've asked her to dance for me, either inviting her stageside to come see me after her set, or if I otherwise track her down on the floor, the majority of the time, the dance is going to be better. Why? Because if I've asked her, it's because she is totally my type and already has me in the mood to play. Complicated answer.. I don't care for dancers coming up and asking me for a dance. That just puts things in a negative light, unless I've previously been making eye contact with her from across the floor and exchanging longing looks and smiles - but, to me, that's pretty much asking her to come over, thus I really wouldn't say that she asked me first. I still prefer the chat first, but it really doesn't matter that much, 'cause we're going to be talking during the dance. If she approaches me for a dance and she's my type, well, I'm going to enjoy it - at least the view if nothing else. On occassion, a girl that's my type, even if the contact isn't there, if she's looking me in the eyes, and giving me good views of her beauty, I may go three of four dances with her and count it as a good time. And as you can see, being old and horny will pretty much make up for a lot, so rarely am I going to have a dance that I don't enjoy.
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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Casualguy: Just remember to *67 (to block your number ID being sent) before her phone number. Works like a charm!
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    18 years ago
    Recommendations For Dallas
    SYG: To me, there is only one place to go in Dallas... Baby Dolls. Baby Dolls has the lookers (and the feelers). I was going to email you with the name of a particularly fun dancer at Baby Dolls that I hooked up with, but your email is unregistered. She's a beautiful blonde with long silky hair (to her waist), and nice long legs. She was extremely memorable. I've never had that kind of success so easily with any other dancer... four dances, a bit of small talk, an exchange of phone numbers and we were out of the club in less than an hour.
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    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    I've found that dancers (and yes, this works on "regular girls", too) respond best to "off the wall" compliments. If she's drop-dead gorgeous, when you tell her that she's pretty, it doesn't really mean much because she hears it all the time, AND she knows it, anyhow. Also, I've found that tell her she has great tits and/or a nice ass doesn't go very far either, 'cause then you start sounding like a pervert - of course we ARE perverts or we wouldn't be at the club in the first place. Also, if you heap compliments on them, you start sounding like a loser that's trying to "butter her up". Plus, they will know that they've got you and may not have to try hard to keep you. Sooo... usually, I since it's one of the first things I notice about a girl anyhow, I'll tell her that she has beautiful hair. I try to keep my compliments to a minimum, but after establishing a rapport with a girl ... after spending a lot of time with her, THEN I will probably start complimenting her more. Also, I will have noticed a lot more of her charms that deserve to be complimented on.
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    18 years ago
    Favorite SC Country Song
    With my ATF into country, I've heard my share... The one that sticks out in my mind the most is Me and My Gang by Rascal Flatts, 'cause the two or three times that I've seen her on stage she has danced to it. (I also bought the latest RF CD for her for Christmas, and made a copy of it for myself) And to think I used to HATE country.... I think if my ATF liked to listen to static on the radio, I'd get a CD of it...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    On the average do you get a better dance if she asks you 1st??
    Jpac: In your scenario, I think I'd pass on the dance invitation from Dancer A, but make sure that you are clear to her that you want her to come back for dances later. That way, you don't "burn any bridges" and leave your options open. Then, track down Dancer B, 'cause she's more to your liking and see how it goes. If you like what you are getting, then stick with her... if not, make eye contact with Dancer A, track her down or wait until she comes back and take her up on her previous offer. Now, if your scenario changes slightly and you are operating on a limited budget (either time or money) and can only choose one of the Dancers, I think I would recommend going with Dancer A. Another angle to your scenario that you didn't mention, which would have a significant impact on how I'd handle the situation. How did Dancer A ask you for a dance... if it was the "wanna dance?" blah, blah crap, then it means NOTHING that she asked you. If, on the other hand, she slinked onto your lap and whispered into your ear "mmm...wannna go play?"... it's a no brainer... I'm RUNNING to the dance area, towing her behind me.
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    18 years ago
    Vegas Baby
    Calling a dancer's cell phone
    Chandler: I've only been asked why my number showed up as "unknown" twice. I explained that I didn't know that it wasn't showing up, but that I'd heard that sometimes when I'm "roaming" it shows up as "unknown". On both occassions my explanation was taken at face value, without an further questions. Interestingly, the first few times that my ATF called me from her cell phone, the display was showing unknown caller. I gave her a hard time about it 'cause I thought she was purposely blocking it (and to be honest I didn't blame her for doing so). She swears that she wasn't blocking... and she even used MY excuse about the roaming thing - even without me using it on her first. Soo.. either there IS something to the roaming thing, or she was just giving me some Stripper BS... Either way, her number hasn't appeared as "unknown" for a long time.
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    18 years ago
    Stupid Things Strippers Have Done and/or Said
    Bookguy: I have NEVER heard of such a thing, but I sure got a laugh out of it. Any idea what the charge for the music was going to be? And if you are paying for the music, what happens if you didn't like the song selection? Maybe instead of earplugs to prevent hearing the music, perhaps her inner thighs could've been used... hmm...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Recommendations For Dallas
    SYG: Well, if you've read my postings and reviews, I keep my favorite's names pretty secret, but in this case, since it's obvious there wasn't a connection - other than physically, I can make an exception. Check your email...