
Dallas Club - Scam? Need Help

Sunday, January 28, 2007 6:26 PM
I visited one of the big high end Dallas clubs this week. I was approached by a blonde dancer who was done for the day but was looking for drinks I assume. We talked a bit and seemed to find mutual interests and actually talked for about 2 hours or so. She was an amazingly fun person to talk to. Very witty, quick, smart and sarcastic. She suggested we leave the club and go elsewhere. Around this time the many rounds of drinks hit me hard and I became a babbling moron (as best as I can remember). Things are VERY fuzzy after that but I do remember getting ready to leave with her and her saying, and sounding upset, "Is that all my time is worth to you, $10.00?!?". I think she then got up and sat with someone else. I left confused. I passed out at my hotel and have spent days trying to figure out what happened. If it was a scam I can't figure out what I was scammed out of except the drinks which wasn't a big deal. Has anyone had a similar experience or have any idea what the deal is? I can provide more details if anyone has a clue. I'm not that stupid that I think she had any interest in me at the start but, two hours later, it truly seemed like it we really did get along. It was the best conversation I've had with a woman for many many years. I just don't understand the strange ending.


  • kenmoney
    17 years ago
    That is consistent with the fact that our server had no idea who she was. It is a pretty good routine if you wanht to drink all night for free I suppose. I'm thinking that the club would frown on her messing with the guests on a regular basis though. Word would get around quickly and she would get tossed. Who knows, she may move from club to club? Well, I'm in Pittsburgh tonight to see what kind of strange situation I can get myself into. If anything happens again I'll have to hire Monk to figure it out.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    Girl in street clothes = girl not working in the strip club, even if she DOES work there when in heels and not much else.
  • kenmoney
    17 years ago
    She was wearing street clothes whe she first started chatting. An all white skirt and jacket. She changed into a similar outfit that was all black. We joked about it being odd. I'm 90% sure she never asked for money, even indirectly. I wasn't running a tab either. I was paying for rounds and tipping the server on every round so there was no money due at the end of the night.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    You saying she got up and sat down with someone else makes me think she was still working. I'm used to dancers leaving the club when they are done working.
  • casualguy
    17 years ago
    Unlike other parts of the country, I gather from all the cryptic messages from someone like RL that dancers are often paid for conversation in Texas. I wouldn't be surprised if this dancer was expecting a payment for her time. I have no idea how much guys pay for conversation in Texas. I've had dancers sit and talk many times and one time I talked with a dancer for up to 3 hours and I only bought three $10 dances. I think those dancers that do that are often actually enjoying talking to me and probably forfeiting some other potential income just to do so unless the club is dead anyway. I rarely have a dancer I don't know want to sit and talk with me for too long in a very crowded club and if she does, she almost always asks for a dance within 30 minutes. My best guess is the dancer expected a payment for conversation but I don't know dancers expectations in Texas. If she was expecting to be paid just for talking to you, that's what I'm thinking. If you only paid her $10 and paid for a few drinks, she may think she got scammed in her eyes by you. Sounds crazy but I've met strippers who seem to think like that. They think about how much money they could be making if they weren't sitting and talking. I could be wrong but that's my guess.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Ken, sometimes it's hard to figure out what game strippers are up to because they don't even know themselves. They can be enjoying a conversation with you, while at the same time, knowing there should be some way to turn it into a big payoff for themselves. She might have been conflicted in that way, then felt angry at herself for letting so much time slip away and lashed out at you. Who knows? The part about moving on to another club sounds like garden variety stripper shit. Some girls feel an encounter isn't complete unless they tease the guy with vague suggestions that never lead anywhere. You might have been only one of five guys she dropped that idea on that night. I had assumed this girl was in street clothes, it being after her shift. You mean she was she in dancer outfits all that time? Maybe she was still working and the "done with my shift" line is part of a ploy. Ah, there's no end to the illusions.
  • kenmoney
    17 years ago
    Hey - thanks for all the input. I really do appreciate it! First, you have confirmed one thing. This wasn't some obvious scam. It wasn't something that everyone jumped on and said they heard about or had experience with. Here are some more clues and what I think I conclude. I don't know if these clues help but, here goes... 1. I'm 45 years old and have been to a zillion stip clubs. I'm always on my toes for scams and rarely drink to excess to make sure I don't get ripped off. 2. I never want to sit and chat at these clubs. I'm not there for the chat and typically do all I can to avoid it. When you get an attractive and smart woman talking to you about the movie Goodfellas and Full Metal Jacket, things change. It is hard to explain how different and fun the conversation was. 3. Good point about her hanging out after the shift. I did notice that some of the waitstaff and other dancers didn't seem to know her. I was thinking that she was not a club employee but there is one thing that didn't fit. An hour or so into the conversation she excused herself and got up. She came back wearing a new outfit. I figured that meant she worked there *BUT* now I'm remembering seeing lockers in the mens bathrooms and wondering if she was a club member with a locker? 4. What led up to the $10.00 incident is totally fuzzy. I do not think she asked for money. As best as I can recall it was a comment out of left field that seemed to be made so that others could hear it. That is my best recollection. 5. The comment about the drinks is a good one. I have not ruled out the possibility that my intoxication was not 100% from drinking. We were going toe to toe all night. We matched rounds and we both drank the same amount. I am typically able to handle that amount of alcohol without issue so I wonder about that. Here is my conclusion. It started for the drinks. I was just another bar patron that could be milked for some drinks. That much is clear. After that, one of two things happened. A. She got as much out of me as she could, was a true serious drinker and needed more and used a standard line to loudly advertise why she was moving on after she realized I was hammered. or B. She was as drunk as me and snapped a bit and just did something odd. Perhaps there was something in the conversation that had her a little interested in me but she finally popped out of it and dumped me? I'm thinking it wasn't a pre-planned run-of-the mill scam. The only thing that doesn't fit is her talking about moving on to another club. That made no sense if she was truly milking me for drinks all along.
    17 years ago
    I guess it depends on where you are. My ATF worked in a little hole-in-the-wall kind of place and the girls there weren't allowed to be in the club unless they were on duty. In fact that's how my ATF and I started getting together OTC - one day I was just arriving as she was nearing the end of her shift and she wasn't allowed to stay and sit with me, so we met at a nearby restaurant instead. It was our first OTC adventure. I always assumed most places were like that but maybe it's a regional thing.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    Doug, I usually nurse a drink for as long as I can stretch it out. In fact, I like to leave it at least half full so I can use it to mark my spot. I've come back and joked to a girl about whether she put anything in it. But that's not anything I seriously worry about. They can take advantage of us without help from chemicals.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    On about my third ever strip club visit, I had a drink with a stripper in street clothes who had just finished her shift. She got me to agree to go back to her place for hot sex. Then, in the parking lot, she informed me that I'd need to pay something like $200 (in 1994 dollars). I had assumed she was simply horny for it like I was. I declined and went on my way rather than pay to re-enter the club. She went back in, presumably to find another, less naive prospect.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    I would take issue with FONDL, because it's usually the smaller clubs he says he favors where dancers are allowed to hang around after their shift. However, the kind of high-end place Ken describes is where it's not allowed. Maybe Dallas is different that way. The reason I asked Ken about the $10 is that she might not have expected Ken to pay her any money, so such a puny sum offended her in two ways.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Fondl: I don't see a flaw in Ken's story. I've had several dancers that would spend time with me after their shift was over. Typically, it's not the club that has a problem with that, it's the fellow dancers - especially those on the following shift that get annoyed because it means more competition for them. Actually, I really like it when girls do this... especially when they've changed into their street clothes. It's crazy how you can spend hours with this 90% naked girl, but when she comes out it street clothes, she seems hotter in those tight jeans... or maybe it's more "intimate" because she's sort of sharing her "civilian" life with you, then... As for the alcohol, I also like to stay as alert as I can. I usually don't drink too much... getting maybe one drink every 1.5 or 2 hours... or maybe just drink Red Bull or the like. I don't want to get blitzed and not enjoy the girl - that defeats the purpose. If I get lit to the point that I'm not making any sense or become too quiet and laid back, that's counter productive to "getting the girl", too... Having a large buzz going, is also like wearing a flashing "SUCKER" sign on your forehead... you open yourself up as easy prey to some of these girls who will "miscount" dances, short change you, etc.
  • Book Guy
    17 years ago
    When a girl asks, "Is that all I'm worth?" simply reply, "I didn't think I had to buy your time like from a cheap whore. You're obviously higher-class than that." Or similar. Takes the wind right out of their sails.
    17 years ago
    Ken, you clearly don't remember the facts in this situation so there's no way for us (or you) to figure out what happened or why. One problem I have with it is that in most clubs with which I'm familiar a dancer wouldn't be allowed to stay after her shift ended, so your story doesn't make much sense. And I have to agree with A-scott: I like to drink and I like to go clubbing, but to me they're two separate activities and should be pursued separatey. I learned (the hard way) a long time ago that they don't go well together, the combination is a perscription for disaster.
  • alabamascott
    17 years ago
    I like to drink myself, and often I find myself in a situation that I've had too much to drink. Such as sitting at home watch a game, or at the lake in the summer or whatever... But the point is, only recently I hit a strip club that didn't serve alcohol. Before arriving, I learned the place was a "juice bar" I was upset (I was with another family member who is a recovering alcoholic, so the fact he chose a non-aalcohlic club should have been no surprise). But I must say the experience was much better sober. My advice, don't get shitfaced in these places. After all, aren't you spending good money in there? Wouldn't you like to remember the experience? I now stick the the drink minimums, and the evenings go much better... I'm certainly not throwing off on anyone that drinks, as I drink myself. Just give a club a shot sober. I think you'll be surprised, especially if you normally hit a club buzzed.
  • DougS
    17 years ago
    Kenmoney: I don't think you were scammed. She might've been disappointed, like someone suggested, that you were too drunk to complete the plans she had for you, who knows? Now, if you'd said that you and her went to your hotel and things got fuzzy there, I'd be concerned. Especially if you noticed that you were missing some money. This makes me think of something. We hear about date-rape drugs, etc., and that dancers have to be aware of where their drinks are... It's probably just as important that WE watch our drinks (and how much we drink). It's not a stretch to think that we could be drugged (or encouraged to drink excissively) to be taken advantage of in clubs. Either by dancers wanting to scam us, or by fellow patrons wanting to roll us for money when we leave.
  • chandler
    17 years ago
    If it was a scam she was an incompetent scammer. Usually, they get your money first before they waste any time on you, let alone two hours. The talk about leaving together could have been a scam to get you to cough up something first. Then again, your getting shitfaced could have put an end to whatever plans she had for you. Either way, it's hard to see how it adds up. Do you remember giving her $10? For what?
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