
Comments by DougS (page 45)

  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    Chandler: There are two specific reasons that I don't eat the food at strip clubs (especially the proverbial free buffet variety). 1) I don't want food particles in my teeth, in my beard/mustache or on my clothes, nor do I want "food breath". 2) in the buffet line, I don't want to handle untensils that fellow patrons have touched after who knows what else they've touched - and worse yet, fellow patrons touching the food (like chips, popcorn, etc.). No thanks! Casualguy: I definitely will shy away from a dancer that is sneezing/sniffing/coughing. I don't enjoy being sick and will avoid it when possible. BUT, a month or so back, my ATF had a bad cold, and I didn't think twice DFKing with her... even though she didn't want to contaminate me - I talked her in to it by telling her I didn't mind hosting her germs one bit (she thought that was cute). On my next visit with her, the tables were turned and she talked ME into sharing my germs... She's the only one that I would allow the cross contamination with... hell, I won't even accept it from my wife.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    I think there are two types that I'd say I'm "looking for...". If I were going to a strange club, where I didn't know any of the dancers.. most likely on a business trip, I'd be looking for the description that I stated above. If I were looking for a dancer to be an ATF-type, that I'd want to spend a lot of time with and who's company I would enjoy more, rather than a purely physical attraction, then my "requirements" are SLIGHTLY lowered. My ATF is the perfect example. If you saw her in the club, you'd think she was "kind'a pretty", but you wouldn't say "now SHE'S a 10!" In all honesty, based solely on looks, I'd give her an 8. BUT, once you factor in her personality, and the way she can be incredibly sexy, >>I<< would give her a at least a 9, probably a 10. She's 5'3" (perfect height), cute face, brown, straight, silky hair about 3" past her shoulders, extremely sexy eyes and smile, nice thin body with just enough meat on her to not look malnourished, perky tits with big nipples... What sets her apart is her personality. She's totally the "girl-next-door" type... sexy slightly southern accent, "betty homemaker" outside of the club, completely down-to-earth, fun to be with - amazingly GFE. One would never guess that she's a dancer.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    Bookguy: Geesh, what club do you go to?! The only kind of bites I've ever experienced at a club are the love bites and nibbles from a dancer earning some serious tip money.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    BookGuy: If I'm reading between the lines semi-correctly, you must be somewhat handy with the tools (err... the Craftsman ilk), based upon your statement about "rebuilding Mom and Dad's home". If I were handier, I think I would take a stab at "house flipping". Buy a house, put some work and a little money into fixing it up, then sell it for a tidy profit. There can be BIG money in doing that. I've got a friend that is doing that, and has been successful enough so that both he and his wife was able to quit their regular jobs and both now concentrate on the flipping. He's making "6 figures". Not only does this offer a high income potential, but you can make your own hours so that you can still enjoy your hobby (girls, dancers, escorts). Check out the TLC network's "Flip That House" - it sure sounds inviting to me.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get your best mileage out of an Atlanta table dance!
    TrojanGreg: AMP? Can you translate for me... my brain hurts from trying to figure that one out.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    waitresses... tipping
    Fondl: Uhh... I would never take a drink into the bathroom with me... who knows what organism is floating in the air. Chandler: I usually time my "potty break" in between drinks. I do not want to leave my drink unattended. FORTUNATELY, I rarely need to "see a man about a horse", as I can go many hours without doing so, even while drinking. I'm lucky I guess. Besides, leaving a drink at my table doesn't always assure that my table will be saved. I've had both fellow patrons and SERVERS remove even a full drink, after I've temporarily left it. I've been in a few clubs (Detroit area) where there is, according to the waitre... err... servers, there is a minimum drink per hour policy - plus a tip is demanded. I left the club the last time a snooty server attempted to collect on this policy... what frickin' crap!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    Y'know, after giving it a lot of thought last night, I think I've come up with an absolutely brilliant idea. I think a LOT of us here might be interested in this! I don't know why it never occurred to me before, but it seems SO obvious now. The more I thought about my idea, the more interested I became, until I just couldn't sleep. I got up and went downstairs. Excitedly, I scanned the classified section of the South Bend Tribune... Damn, doesn't seem to be too many openings available - in fact, I didn't see even one. But maybe there will be an opening posted on Monster.com, or something... How about becoming a Professional Lap Dance Receiver? Or perhaps a Lap Dance Tester? Gentlemen's Club Quality Control Inspector? Sorry, but damn, if there were money in something like that, I'd be all over it. I have the experience, and I enjoy the shit out of it... it seems like a perfect fit! Joking aside, I DO have another REAL suggestion. What about nursing? After the last few paragraphs above, I know no one will take me seriously, but I AM being serious. If I were in your position (single, no family, etc.), I think nursing might catch my attention. My wife is a nurse, and I know that nurses get paid very well. She has 21 yrs exp, and working just two days a week, pulls in a pretty hefty check. I also know that if you look at the classified section in your newspaper, you will probably find PAGES of openings for nurses. Think about it... you can get an RN "certification" in three years - or you could get lesser certifications (nursing assistant, LPN, etc.), in even less time. Other advantages of making nursing a career... flexibility. Since there's a shortage of nurses, most hospitals and dr offices are very accomidating with their schedules, as an incentive to work for them. There's an infinite possibilty of shifts, plus you have interesting schedules like the four 10hr day work week... the 48hr weekend work week (work 2 days solid, then off for five). Speaking of incentives, most hospitals have "sign on" bonuses, some of which I've seen in the $10,000 to $20,000 range. Now THAT would cover a WHOLE lot of VIP sessions at BBF. There are even cool programs such as the "traveling nurse" and "nurse time share" programs. The traveling nurse program allows you to travel all over the world, contracting for a certain amount of time (usually 3mo, 6mo, or a year) in each city, to work as a nurse. The nurse time share allows you to trade or share nursing jobs with other nurses around the country. All of this, plus you get to work with other nurses - some of which, are very hot. Now, you may be thinking that nursing is just for women. Well, that used to be the case, but more and more guys are joining the field. Sure there ARE "guy" nurses that tend to be a little light in their Stride Rites, but as long as you aren't a homophobe, who cares? AND, you just might get to know some cute, young, single girl that is a fellow nurse, and solve your family-less issue.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Germs in a Strip Club?! Huh?!
    Alabamascott: Yup, Bones is definitely THE Freak Daddy... but then again, once you get to THAT age, what do you have to lose?! Bones: Sorry... couldn't resist... CasualGuy: As I mentioned, I GLADLY permitted DFKing with my ATF when she had a full-blown cold (wish the "blown" part referred to something other than her cold [wink]). I don't like being sick, but if my choice is between not getting sick, or getting sick but spending some passionate moments with my lips locked on my ATF... it becomes a very easy decision. And, as for oral tendancies.. having a girl sticking her tongue in my ear and/or licking it... kissing/licking/nibbling my neck, jaw, anywhere for that matter, will have me pitching a tent in no time.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    older or younger
    Count my vote as for YOUNGER! I am not the least interested in getting dances from older women. If I wanted older, I can get that at home. I'm one of the majority here that prefer our GIRLS to be in the 18-25 range - the lower on that range, the better. Girls that age almost always appeal to my tates and are of the type that I like. I would rather have a so-so dance from a young hot girl, than a red-hot dance from a 40-yr-old, but usually the dances from the young girls are much better than so-so. The younger girls have grown-up in a different environment and are usually less inhibited to begin with, because of that. Clubber; You really went to the same school as VP? I can remember many a fantasy staring Miss Principal... her and Farrah were stars of many of my dreams (both separate and together)... Yes, I had my poster of Farrah on the back of my door. Bookguy: Dallas was one of my favorite shows back then... just to oogle VP. She had it workin'! Chitown: Come to think of it, the principal at my son's school could definitely interest me in some dances. Although she IS on the older side, she's still probaby < 35.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    The high price of lap dances
    I've not really noticed the rise in prices. The main clubs that I go to, still have the same priced dances (and vip) that I paid when I first started going there, MANY years ago (15-ish?)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    AS: Well, I wouldn't turn that down at all, but she's not of the type that I'd look at and say "Holy Shit!" When a girl is my type, I find myself uttering (err, not a breast reference) to myself, "Holy Shit", or if she's REALLY caught my attention, it might be "Jesus F-ing Christ!" (sorry, don't mean to offend anyone with the language). There have been many occassion, where I've actually said it aloud, (not too audible, but somone close by could hear it). Fortunately the wife hasn't picked up on it. You know, I've known a lot of girls, even though they may be hot, and my type, I have tended to tire of them, and the "Holy Shit" no longer comes to mind when I see them. It's probably more of getting to know them and finding that their personality isn't as attractive as their physical appearance. However, ALL of my ATFs, both prev an current, have had that special quality that even after staring at them for hours on-end, I STILL get that "Holy Shit!" expression in my mind. When I haven't seen my ATF for a while, I'm almost amazed at how pretty she appears to me... and she knows exactly what I'm talking about (and why) when I follow up my "hi", and hello kisses with a resounding "Holy Shit!" It never fails to make her smile and blush.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    The type of breasts that we prefer has been discussed and debated to quite an astounding degree on the board, and to a lesser degree, body types that we all find desirable. How about faces? I've been noticing lately that I actually have a face type that I prefer. (no, I'm not talking about the type that is covered with a certain substance, though I DO find that to my liking [wink]) I also have a type that I do NOT find attractive, which apparently a lot of men DO find pretty - I obviously must be pickier than most. I watch a lot of late night TV. I would bet that most of you haven't watched the recent MTV show Real World Challenge: The Duel. There was a girl on that show, Diem, that I've heard many guys say they thought she was pretty. Even the guys on the show appear to think of her as pretty. Me? she has a wide, triangular face, that just doesn't do it for me. She has a nice body and all, but I can't get past the face. Here's a link to pics of her; http://www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/rwrr_challenge-duel/series.jhtml#/ontv/dyn/rwrr_challenge-duel/cast_member/cast_member.jhtml?personalityId=8233). Also on that show, is Svetlana, who is one of those that could have me drooling... I think she is smokin', and she has my hair type, too... link; http://www.mtv.com/ontv/dyn/rwrr_challenge-duel/series.jhtml#/ontv/dyn/rwrr_challenge-duel/cast_member/cast_member.jhtml?personalityId=8240 Watching the Miss America competition on CMT last night, I was surprised that there were just a few that I thought was pretty... In fact, four out of 52... Miss Arkansas, Miss Georgia, Miss Illinois and Miss Michigan... Michigan being my favorite. NONE of them made it to the final 10, so I quit watching. In light of those odds, my ideal "face type" must be either way too picky, or maybe I need glasses? I also think that the hair and face go together somewhat, and maybe THAT'S what's influencing me, because we all know that hair is key in my finding a girl attractive. Who knows... I guess what I'm begginning to see more and more (and everyone here is probably noticing)... I'm just one messed-up, perverted doofus.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    Fondl: You almost sound like your describing MY ATF. (wouldn't THAT be a hoot!) I think the characteristic that sets your ATF apart from the rest, is probably one that also sets mine apart. The Smile. My ATF has an awsome smile, and I would also say that her bubbly personality and her smile lights up the room, too. Her pretty smile can turn into the most devastating sexy smile I've ever seen, combine with sensual, "bedroom eyes". She knows how to use that look with me, too... She knows when she gives me that smoldering look, it's an instant "boing!", if you know what I mean. The best way to desribe her looks-wise, is probably a cross between several actresses/tv personalities, all of whom lately I've found myself thinking, "wow, she looks a lot like _____" (maybe it's because it's been a while since I've been with her, but I do think there's a lot of similarities; Colie (Nicole) from MTVs Real World: Denver cast http://www.getrealdenver.com/album/default/Colie_1.jpg Jennifer Garner http://www.jennifergarnerpictures.com/photos/picFrame.php?id=47 Reese Witherspoon (a la "Walk The Line" brunette)
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    A boob review: Real vs. fake...
    Ok, I finally decided to test me ability to "spot the boob" (fake vs. real)... I have proved that I am NOT a breast man by not doing so well... I scored only 8 out of 12 on the playboy test, and a dismal 80% on the other test. I might add that if I could feel them, my score would go WAY up (along with other things). But, I still prefer, as Chitown mentioned, the natural smaller, perkier breast.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Should I go to law school?
    BookGuy: In defense of nursing, they rarely (if ever) wear white anymore... they simply wear scrubs. I'm envious of my wife getting to wear scrubs to work... they look SO comfortable. Speaking of wearing scrubs, even though I'd never thought of it until now, scrub pants would probably work out VERY well for getting LDs. They are usually made of very thin material, so you'd get plenty of "sensation" through them... plus they are baggy, allowing any dancer easy access, should she want some. PLUS, it might be impressive to the dancers when they find out that you are in the medical field (you can insinuate that you are a dr, which should get you a lot of attention). Initially, I was casting my vote against going into law school, but Darkwolf's argument sure holds water. We definitely need more attorney's on OUR side, supporting and defending our clubs and our right for our choice of entertainment.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to get your best mileage out of an Atlanta table dance!
    AlabamaScott: I think you are slightly wrong. To me, there is only one state that I can have a good club experience in... the aroused state.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to avoid emotional involvement with strippers!
    IGU: Both Chitown and Chandler make excellent points, and offer good advice. For a "clubber", which I consider myself to be, getting emotionally attached is the last thing that you _want_ to do. It's against all sound logic, and it potentially makes you an easy "mark", and in a lot of cases, it drives you to drop more green. Of course the worst part about it - you automatically get a ticket to the ride the roller coaster of emotions - a very intense ride, not suitable for those faint of heart. I think the best advice for avoiding the emotional involvement, and also the easiest method to employ, is put yourself into the mindset that she wouldn't be spending time with you, if she weren't adding to her collection of president's pictures (Hamiltons, Jacksons, Grants Franklins, etc.). It has to be a conscious effort to maintain that mindset, with the mantra "she's only into me for the money". I can honestly appreciate how you feel though, as I have been and am currently in the same boat. Like Chandler said, getting a little emotionally involved adds to the experience, but it also adds fuel to the fire. Over the years, I've been pretty good at remaining somewhat detached. Another tidbit of advice passed on from Chandler in not so many words, "keep it in the club". When you are spending a LOT of time with a dancer that you find incredibly attractive, and with whom you seem to share a mutual connection, it's hard enough to keep in mind that she's selling a fantasy. Based upon my experiences, it's when you take that fateful step and attempt to extend those pleasures outside of the club that things get sticky (well... umm... yeah). I've found that it gets exponentially more difficult to remain detached and to keep things in their proper perspective, when you are dining together, watching movies together, and doing time in the local hotel together. Things become even more intimate, and if the dancer you are with happens to be very good at perpetuating the fantasy, you are plunged into that area where you begin to feel like there is more to the situation than what there is in reality. Maybe she might even be having those feelings, too - and with any thought like that, that even slightly implies that she "likes you", you are already slippin' down the slide. Believe me, it can be a long ride down. I think it's inevitable to get those feelings. After all, I'm only going to be spending massive amounts of time with a girl that I'm extremely attracted to, and I'm only going to pursue the OTC experience with those that I'm comfortable with and those that that possess that special "something" that makes me value her companionship. (although, there have been a few OTCs that were completely spur of the moment and based solely on attraction, and thus there was no attachment felt) So, maybe even a better question than "how do I avoid the attachment?", is "how do I get rid of the feelings?", or maybe even "how do I deal with the feelings?" Time... I think time is the cure. In the cases of my prior ATFs, it was over time that we either grew apart, or I just started feeling like I wasn't getting back, what I was putting in... or, like what happened a few months ago, I stumbled into my ATF that made me completely forget about the prev ATF. Still, you have got to keep in mind that it's a fantasy - very difficult to do, especially when it feels so GFE-ish. I'm still of the opinion that my ATF cares about me - at least to a degree. Do I think there's a future there? No. There are far too many extenuating circumstance - both on my side and on her side - that would make the chances of that happening far less likely than me hitting the PowerBall. If there were no extenuating circumstances, maybe? Who knows... I'd like to think so, but it's thinking like that that got me where I am today. Ultimately, I think that's why I read and post here. It's a form of therapy.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Blue Ridge Foothills
    Best ways to butter up a stripper?
    Keelmm: Until about 2 years ago, all three worked at the world famous Hip Hugger in Kokomo, IN. I believe there is just one still working there now. If the truth be known... only one of the three appealed to me, and that one happened to be my prev ATF. The other two, just weren't my type.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    LOF: Oh yeah, the stuffy nose... I'd never read that was a potential side effect, and was thinking maybe it was must due to my sinus issues. Guess not. I took a double dose for one particular OTC and I couldn't breathe out of my nose for the next few hours... THAT side effect, I don't like at all...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Looking for...
    Chitown: Uhhh.. many years ago, I used to think Kristy McNichol was pretty hot, but that linked pic that you posted sure didn't do Kristy justice, unless you are into boys... no, that pic didn't remind me in the least bit of Miss ATF. Actually, I was thinking about emailing a current pic (ATF) to you, but I'm conflicted... I don't want to encourage you to go see her - you know stingy me and not wanting to share her. Chandler: "Of course, the more attached you are to a girl, the harder it is to separate her appearance from her personality. Have you ever heard anybody say his favorite had a feeble smile that couldn't light up the inside of a grocery bag to save her life?" That was a most excellent line. I had to laugh out loud when I read it... even had to share it with some of my co-workers. Brilliant! And, actually, I see your point about my selection of actresses not really making sense... in fact, when I was trying to find a pic of Reese that resembled my ATF, I could not find one - hence, I didn't include a link... I guess there isn't any resemblence, 'cept maybe the hair color and length... I guess I was just thinking about Miss ATF while watching Walk The Line, and that probably influenced my thought process.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    What do you call that?
    The bare breast to bare chest is pretty common, and quite enjoyable. It's especially nice because it's always the dancer that initiates it. You get the feeling that she just can't keep her hands off you and wants you so bad she's unbuttoning your shirt and lifting up the t-shirt just to touch your bare chest... One of the most memorable instance was during my one and only two-dancer-at-once dance I had several years ago. The dance was amazing, and the visual of having two hot (well, one hot and one ok) girls on my lap, and kissing each other, was increddible. They started getting into it, and including me in their fun, when the hotter of the two unbuttoned my shirt, and lifted my t-shirt. They both rubbed their breasts all over my chest, then they apparently tired of holding up my t-shirt because it was getting in the way. The hot one, Madison (some of you HHers might remember her from about 6 or 7 years ago) then ripped my t-shirt at the neck, and tore it completely down the front. Things got a bit crazy after that with tongues and lips and teeth all over my chest, nipples, neck... What a memory. I left "The Wall" looking like I'd been mauled by a lion (well, two horny tigresses), with my shirt unbuttoned and untucked, the t-shirt hanging in shreds, belt askew, hair disheveled.. But that was okay, as bad as I looked, I could see the jealousy in the other patrons and I strode right out the door. My wife was suspicious as to why my t-shirt was missing when I got home. Hmmmm....
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Viagra, Cialis, Levitra
    BookGuy: The rec meds don't increase your desire... the desire is already there... it's like trying to pour more beer in a pitcher that is already over flowing... It just improves recovery time, which in your example would decrease the gap for you - more sex in the same amount of time. Fondl: Ditto. 'Cept ignore the gap part, since you weren't concerned about it...
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to avoid emotional involvement with strippers!
    Fondl: Like the poem! Be sure to post the Emo The Rat if you ever find it!
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Adult Entertainment Meetup
    Quicksandman: Thanks for the info. Sounds interesting. I'll have to take a look.
  • discussion comment
    18 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How to avoid emotional involvement with strippers!
    Fondl: I hope you spend the weekend searching for that poem... it's sounds like a good read. I like the excerpt, 'cause it sounds like it nails some of the feelings we go through. Yoda: I agree that you are only going to get to know a dancer - or any girl - to the degree that they want you to. I'm a really good listener, and also tend to be on the quiet side when - especially when I don't know them very well. Those factors usually combine to get the girls talking more about themselves, and I believe they sometimes surprise themselves by how much they open up to me in a short period of time. Of course on MY side of the conversation, I'm taking in all of the information and making mental notes (and later, even some written notes). I believe that learning some of these details, especially the really personal ones that I would THINK not every guy is hearing about, starts that feeling of intimacy. As a human being, we all desire that intimate feeling with those of the opposite sex, and I thrive on it. Maybe it's lust... maybe love, but most likely it's more the love of that exciting feeling of being in love. I beleive that explains what I get out of it. I've been married for many years (21!). After that many years, that excited feeling of actually being in love is long gone, even though you may love your spouse, it's not that "new, exciting, tingly" feeling that you got when you were in HS. Ah HA! Again, we come back to the HS years and completing that full circle is the attraction to the young girls... Sorrry... it's been a long day and its getting late, and the rambling is flowing...