
Comments by DougS (page 28)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Should I let her go
    Jpac: If you enjoy her dances and company, why do you need to let her go? I think all you need to do is lower her ranking among your girls; she obviously doesn't deserve to be your #1 girl.
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    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    BookGuy: I'd never heard of Francois Hardy before, so I had to do some research. Yowza, she was definitely hot in her day!
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    17 years ago
    "Private" Dances
    Yndy: I think you HAVE to go for it. A hundred miles is nothing. If it turns out to be just dancing and nothing else... it's still got to be an interesting diversion. How often do you get dances in private. As was pointed out, ever girl is different and she may be looser OTC... or she may be more restrictive. It may just take time for her to get comfortable. (of course your friends here at TUSCL would be interested to hear how it turns out)
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    17 years ago
    Let's See How "Empathy" Plays Out . . .
    Chandler: I can see how your approach to discovering her limits can be a turn on. It's actually the same approach that JaBlake appears to use. Hmmm... I'll have to think on that one. I've always used the approach of either asking the limits upfront, or waiting until she places my hands in spots... Because of that approach, I've caught the attention of several dancers that ultimately became favs (and ATFs). EvilCyn: Eye contact is a must. To me, it's part of what determines how hot the dance is. Staring deeply into each other's eyes during the dance is a great way to gauge how much each other is enjoying the dance. With my ATF, I know that a few things I do turn her on, and it's especially sexy when her eyes reflect that, when I touch her in a certain way, or in a certain spot. Very hot! My prev-ATF was actually not very good at keeping eye contact when I first "danced" her. In fact, even though she was a solid 9, after the first few dances, I decided to write her off, and stopped her from continuing more dances. Later, when she was on-stage, her hotness factor caught up with me and made me change my mind... eye contact or no eye contact, I wanted to play with her some more. Ultimately, she came back to my table and we had a nice long talk and once we got to know each other better, her dances (eye contact) improved one hundred fold.
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    17 years ago
    Sprayed a Stripper . . .
    I've experienced quite a few dancers that seem to have making you nut as their primary goal. I don't understand it. I can see where a dancer might want to find out how many dances you plan to get, and plan to make you cum during the last dance. That way they send you off with a smile on your face and thinking about looking her up the next time. I personally don't like to do that in the club... mainly because I don't want to have a wetspot, or soiled undies. The dancers that have been like that all seem to want to force the issue as soon as possible... thus losing money, in my mind.
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    17 years ago
    Sprayed a Stripper . . .
    JaBlake: What, you mean she was asking you to be her pimp?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    Ahhh, the "pleasures" of dealing with on-line porn. In the past, I've subscribed to several porn sites, usually a month or two at a time. One of the more interesting sites was CUMTV.COM, which is a site that has live, streaming web cams. Basically you can view with webcams free - and even IM with the girls for free. If you so desire, you can then "take the girl private", which means you are then "on the clock" privately with the girl, and you can ask her to perform in whatever manner you'd like. Several sessions with an EXTREMELY hot girl from Hawaii were memorable. Other sites that I've subscribed to are sites that have many sister sites, that are free with the subscription, which is nice. Some very interesting videos can be downloaded. My suggestions to anyone considering... 1) Join the sites that offer free sister site memberships - the ones I like, usually have 20-40 sites included. 2) Join, download, download, download, cancel... don't go month-to-month and be careful not to incur fees for those recurring memberships. All of that is fairly positive. The downside... the HUGE downside to these sites is the risk you take. Typcially, porn sites are notorious for distributing viruses, and have experienced my computer getting infected several times, even though I have anti-virus protection, etc. BE CAREFUL! Credit Card fraud is a bigger issue. I am 98% sure that it was the result of one of my past porn memberships that exposed me to credit card fraud. This past April, I received a packet of MetaboFire tablets in the mail. I knew I didn't order them, but figured it was some scam or mistake. The next day, I received two packages - a subscription to PeoplePC and a computer based learning course for kids. Thinking it was too coincidental, I checked my bank card activity and was horrified to see over two dozen similar charges to my card. So started my nightmare. I believe what happened is someone working at one of those porn sites took my card info and thought they'd teach the "perverted owner" a lesson. I rarely used that card, and no one else had access to it. How ever it happened, I had to fill out an affidavit at the bank, for EACH instance of fraud (nearly 30 of them), which took a few hours. I also had to file a police report, but since I live outside city limits, I had to arrange to meet a county policeman outside of the city, which was real inconvenient. Since it was a debt card, the money was gone... no way to stop payment after the fact. There were about $500 in charges before I closed the account. Fortunately, since it was fraud, my bank reimbursed me for MOST of my losses. The biggest pain in my ass is Columbia House and BMG. The culprit had picked out DVDs and CDs and opened accounts with these "selection of the month" companies. I've had to pay return shipping on two shippings, and have JUST now finally got that red tape cleared up and "my" accounts closed. These companies have no customer service phone numbers to call and discuss the issue with... it's all on-line, which took a good deal of sending "comments and responses" to get my point across. What a pain! BE CAREFUL!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Does tuscl club review page display ok
    I miss the photos, too... I can always MAPQUEST if I want to see a map...
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    17 years ago
    Dancer Refuses To Hand Over Phone Number . . .
    Hi JaBlake: So far, I guess I've been lucky, I've never received a fake phone number. Of course I also only ask those that I have some chemistry developing, so that's probably half the battle. I've also had good cooperation from clubs when I call, asking if a particular dancer is working. Maybe it's just the clubs that I go to? I've even got one club that would relay messages to specific dancers for me. Chandler: Good point about the reliability and dependability of the dancers. I never thought that one through, but you are right. However, those girls that I can count on, are the type of girls that I like. I don't want to spend time with an airhead that I can't count on. It's especially important in my case. I can't afford to arrange to see my fav or ATF at the club, then find out she's not there after driving HOURS to see her. Even worse, if I had an OTC arrangement and I can't count on her being there, I can't risk it. For me, an arranged OTC is going to cost me a minimum of $200 to start with (hotel + gas money).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    North Carolina
    Another OTC Question
    JumboBert: Depends on your definition... Are you using Bill Clinton's interpretation? If so, for me, it's never happened ITC.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Dancer Refuses To Hand Over Phone Number . . .
    JaBlake: If she is as hot as you say, and is available OTC for $400, I can, and would pay that. There is nothing wrong with asking for numbers. I do that myself, however it usually takes more than one visit before they give me their number, if they ever do. I don't blame them if they say no. They have no idea if I am a creep or not, at least not until they get to know me better, and even then, there's no guarantee that you are ok. When I ask for numbers, it isn't specifically to try and get OTCs, though eventually, that is a goal, if I enjoy being with her. When I find a girl that I really like, I want her number to make sure she is working when I want to visit, especially since my visits are usually a three hour drive. I am typically not driving that distance without knowing a fav will be there. The last time that I asked for a number, actually I didn't come out and ask for her number, I asked "how can I make sure you will be working the next time that I come here?". It was a HINT for a number, but not quite direct enough. Her response? She said "just call the club and ask if I'm working", which I CAN do, but there's no way I can plan ahead using that method. Since I have an ATF and my schedule revolves around her, I didn't pursue it further (no need to make her think she had me wrapped around her finger, right?). Now, I hear this girl has left the club, so in hindsight, I am quite regretful that I didn't press her for the number.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    Founder: YES! This is sounding better all the time! First, thanks for your responsiveness. I like the way you monitor the board and jump in once in a while. You do a great job and offer a great service to us sick guys out here. It's MUCH appreciated! I like what KCQuestor is suggesting. It would be MOST excellent if you could add a link to a specific review that would allow comments related to that review. In my mind, the possibilities are endless, but some of the perks of such a link would really enhance my TUSCL experience. As Chandler mentioned, I don't think we'd want the comments readily available...it'd be better to have a link to display associated comments only if you were interested. As CasualGuy suggested, it'd be extra helpful if there was a count - or better yet a date/time of the last comment, so that we can determine if there is something to read without wasting time to click over to the comment page. Many times, I've read a posted a review and wanted to comment or ask questions, but obviously I wouldn't post another review to do so, and if I did, it'd probably (and hopefully) get rejected. I've posted items in the discussion section for the associated club, but I don't think many people check that, 'cause I never received a response. Heck, I don't even check that section. It sounds like this could be an awesome enhancement to your site.
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    17 years ago
    New welcome page
    Founder: Speaking of suspicious reviews... Please check out the review of Hip Hugger on 7/6, by NIX. In his review, he says, and I quote, "The dj plays decent music and the overall vibe is great." Well, anyone that's actually been to the World Famous Hip Hugger, would know that there is NO DJ at the HH - just a juke box. My guess is, since he is a very recent member, he posted a dummy review to get a free month of TUSCL membership. That sort of thing really annoys me, since I have chosen to become a lifetime member just so I'm never tempted to enter a faux review for membership credit. I recommend removal of the review, and perhaps consideration to ban the user, unless he accidentally reviewed the wrong club.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper with a burka . . .
    I agree... pursuing a dancer IS not the smartest thing to do. But, as was pointed out, there ARE exceptions, and I believe the girl that just happens to be my ATF is one of those exceptions. (of course, she could also be an exceptional actress, though I think she is genuine)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    Yes, there is the trust issue. But for me, it's more of the thoughts about what she is doing, or what is being done to her. For instance, I know that if my wife were a dancer (not that there's any chance she would do that, and I wouldn't allow it anyway), I feel completely sure that she wouldn't do anything "nasty", or OTC, etc. I also know that my ATF doesn't do anything nasty, and if I had a deeper relationship with her, I feel that I could trust her. My problem is, I don't like the thought that other guys and touching her body, and she's rubbing her body on their body. Thinking that a dozen or so guys are touching her every day she works.... THAT is what would be hard to deal with.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper with a burka . . .
    JaBlake: I wasn't reading anything into what you were saying in your post. My question about the age difference was because I was trying to compare her reaction, to my situation. I'm sure you've read that I've been spending time OTC with my ATF, and have been trying to sort out the feelings (hers and mine). There's an age difference with her (20+ years), though she's never acted like that's an issue. Personally, I don't get off on being nice. I'm just a nice guy and I treat women very well. Hell, if I was a woman, I'd be all over me! Alas, as we've discussed in other threads, though... girls don't usually go for the nice guys... if two guys looked identical, but one was nice and one had the "bad boy" 'tude, the girls would pick the latter. Go figure.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Nude Laps
    I don't see any problem with the "towel". Unfortunately, there have been very few nude clubs that I have visited. Of those that I have visited, all of the clubs that were providing contact dances used a "towel", however the towel was actually a very thin nylon-type scarf. I'm sure it was thin enough that there is no way one could notice the additional layer if they didn't know it was there. I'd rather have that layer in place, maybe even something thicker because I'd much prefer NOT getting any pussy juices on my pants (can't go home like that).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Stripper with a burka . . .
    JaBlake: Interesting story. That's a good approach you are taking with this girl, and similar to my approach. She has to feel comfortable, and a little time and patience up front could payoff big in the future. Out of curiosity, what's the age difference between you and her? Also, does that age difference appear to be a show stopper for her?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Call me a cynic but...
    Chandler: It's a much better deal when you buy them by the case.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Call me a cynic but...
    Driver01: You are a cynic butt! (oh, sorry, I misread the topic)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Call me a cynic but...
    Chandler: So true... BookGuy: If I were you, I wouldn't venture to fountainpennetwork.com without plenty of pocket protection.
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    17 years ago
    Her Eyes Lit Up Real Bright . . .
    With all of the talk about blubber at that club, it gives a whole new meaning to the term "whaling".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    FxxyChick: Yes, it DOES sound like something out of a movie. Congrats... though it sounds like HE is the one to be congratulated! Your response does underline the fact that I've probably played the game incorrectly with my ATF, though. I bought a lot of time with her at the club, so there's a good chance that she could have trouble separating her view of me as a customer from how I hoped she views me. Even though I AM a really "good person".
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Northern TUSCL Chapter Meeting - Brad's Brass Flamingo
    Bones: You know >>I<< am interested. I haven't responded simply because at this time I have no dates in mind. I DO want (and NEED) to get back down there in the not-so-distant future, though...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    How do you handle email inquires from people that you do not know?
    I receive very few emails regarding clubs, dancers, etc., from people that I don't know. That's mostly because I have my email address hidden - though a few months back it was still visible. I'm also one of "those" that will email someone that I don't know, asking for details, and I know some of you reading this post have received such emails from me. Sometimes I will read a review (usually about one of my fav SCs), and I will want further details. Or, if a dancer is being discussed without her name being mentioned and I suspect it could be one of my favs, I may email to find out. I've gotten to "know" several fellow TUSCLers via email discussions, and am very glad for it. To those that I feel that I "know", I will usually be forthcoming in my responses, if I trust them. However, I usually will be tight-lipped when it comes to my favs, especially my ATF, unless I am pretty confidant that the info will not harm her, or possibly come between her and I.