
Comments by DougS (page 29)

  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Got hit in the head
    BookGuy: Sorry to hear about your run-in with that nimrod. Hope you are feeling better. Like others have already voiced, you never know what maniac is out there, driving on the road, and it's best to avoice road rage as much as you can. With that said, I am guilty of it myself. Several times I've been "wronged" by another driver, and I have followed some of these drivers VERY close, miles out of my way, while staring them down... just "teaching them a lesson", and letting them know that they pissed me off. Not smart! At the time it feels right, but later I always think of what COULD have happened.
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    17 years ago
    Call me a cynic but...
    Bookguy: It's obviously not an elite membership... count me an IBS, as well. And yes, though I don't check SCL as often as TUSCL, I DO still check it at least a few times a week. SCL offers a few things that TUSCL does not. (though let me add that if I had to choose between the two, it'd be an easy decision... TUSCL, of course!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    EvilCyn; Keep it up (err... no pun intended), and I will be making a trip to Bugsy's before you know it! Yowza! It's sounding VERY inviting... [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    FxxyChick: Thanks for your response... You pretty much summed up my thoughts about jealousy/trust, etc. It's kind of a weird scenario that I find myself in. I believe that Miss ATF's husband trusts her (otherwise he wouldn't allow her to be working in a club, right), and >>I<< trust her, too. At the same time, I am interested in pursuing our "relationship", but if anything happens, that means that she's broken her husband's trust, and knowing that, perhaps she is less trustworthy in MY mind, too. Of course it's a two-way street, in that my ATF knows I'm interested, and willing, which means she knows that I'm up for breaking my wife's trust, which again implies that >>I'M<< not trustworthy, right? Maybe that's part of her apprehension... Very early on, when discussing our partners, my ATF asked me to do two things... 1) go home and buy my wife flowers, and 2) NEVER f^ck a woman other than my wife. Stange, huh? Comments to the above are welcomed... also, you said something that raised a few interesting thoughts. You said that you actually met your BF in a SC. Pardon me for being nosy, but were you apprehensive to dating a customer, or did he never buy dances from you? I've read that if a guy is interested in dating a dancer, the worst mistake he can make is to buy dances from her. Once he does, she will always see him as a customer, rather than a romantic possibility. Any truth to that?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    At clubs that are not totally nude, do you get flashed.
    Bookguy: What kind of a question is that? A pretty girl's pussy is ALWAYS going to look pretty and adorable. I have to admit that there ARE some pussies that are more visually appealing, than others. Must be shaved, or neatly (and shortly) trimmed... also in my opinion, smaller (both length of lips and opening size - of course) - not just because of the tightness factor... (though tight is good)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Where are the hotties other than strip clubs?
    How about Lakepointe Yacht Club in Livonia, MI. It's a fun bar to hang out at with friends, and the waitresses all are bikini-clad. (no stripping, or anything close, though on thurs nights they have a lingerie show - the patrons can big on the lingerie the girls are modeling)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Call me a cynic but...
    I've seen that at least one of the new posting dancers has a club review published, which supports her "profile". At least one of them appears to be legit.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Trojanreg: Actually, I've been to the Toronto area. I didn't have much time to check out the city, but hit several clubs during the nights, though that's not a true sampling of what the city has to offer women-wise. I hit a club in Toronto (don't remember the name, but very hot dances - dancers were average), and a few clubs in London. Solid Gold (London) actually had the highest percentage of hot girls in any club that I'd been to, to date. My visit to Solid Gold was VERY memorable, and one of my better SC visits in my "career". Since that trip, only Baby Dolls in Dallas has surpassed that percentage of beautiful girls.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    FoxyChick: True.. you can never be too careful where stalkers are concerned. It seems that every dancer that I've talked to has her story about "the time when a guy followed her, when she left the club". If I were a girl, that'd be pretty scary-ass stuff. I worry about my ATF (and faves), and tell her all the time that she should trust NO one ('cept for me [wink]).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    A question for the guys
    FoxyChick: I didn't think it was even possible to "blow" without some actual physical contact. I gotta think that perhaps he was stroking when you weren't looking, while you were giving him an air dance. I don't think you should be concerned or nervous when he comes in, but you should definitely keep your eyes on him. I also think that if he has a "happy ending" he should be tipping you extra, whether you did something to help it along, or not. Charge his ass... you should get "combat pay" (or is that "cumbat pay") pay for that! I personally, do NOT like to achieve a "wet spot" in the club. It is not my goal to get off during a dance. In fact the last time I was in the club, my dancer of choice really tried to make it happen, and believe me, she really had me going, but I chose not to let it happen (in the club). Would I tell the dancer? Well, if I were about to jizz, I would certainly warn her first; she has a right to know, and "take cover" if she prefers. It's not fair to soak her ass, if she doesn't have a chance to get out of the way. Even if I didn't warn her, believe me, she will know if it happened or not. No need to tell her. If during an air dance, would I tell her.. if she didn't see it or feel it exploding against her ass, I'm not going to tell her. I'd be TOTALLY embarrassed to tell her that I shot my load without any contact? Geesh!!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Internet Explorer vs Firefox
    Shadowcat: Thanks for the tip about the spell checking capabilities. Even though I am a pretty good speller (IMO), it IS definitely nice to have the spell checking, just in case I suffer from an intermittent dumbass attack, from which I've been known to suffer, occasionally.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Ever got your picture in a strip club bar or been filmed on their DVD?
    Bookguy: Is that pic still on their website? If so, what's the website?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Oct 26,2007. What where why?
    Damn guys... sure with this meetup was further north. Too bad it's such a long-ass haul down to that club for me, or I would give it a shot. Hopefully, at some point in the not-so-distant future, a more northern midwest meetup can be planned... Can you say BBF or HH?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    FoxyChick: I think you have a great attitude and sound like someone that I'd like to spend time with. I'd have to draw the line with meeting your BF, though... that would ruin the "fantasy"; a definite turn-off. I don't like the "stripper shit", and I can honestly say am not a guy that throws around "customer shit". I treat the girls VERY well, and am not one to try to push the envelope in order to see how far I can get with a particular dancer. I am usually honest... with my faves, probably TOO honest. Is there any chance that you dance in the midwest?
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    I've only hit clubs in Atlanta once, but I was VERY disappointed with the amount of contact (more specifically lack thereof). I didn't venture to any of the clubs mentioned above, however. I'm not usually into black girls. It's not that I'm prejudiced or anything, it's just that I have a thing for girls with long, silky / shiny hair, and typically black women do not have that characteristic. I WILL say that when I see a pretty black girl, she is usually VERY gorgeous. I was VERY impressed with the women in Atlanta. In all of the cities that I've been to, I think Atlanta ranks second (IMO) for beautiful women. Wow, everywhere you look, very beautiful woman. The percentage of pretty black woman seemed abnormally high in Atlanta. NOTE: I rank Dallas as #1 in the pretty girls category.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Massages vs Lap Dances
    Speaking of massages and happy endings... Has anyone here seen the movie "The Masseuse"? I believe it was Jenna Jameson, playing a massage therapist. A client tries to talk her into giving him more than the usual non-sexual massage. He actually succeeds in convincing her (no surprise - it IS a porn movie), but it is pretty hot.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fondl: I don't think age is an issue, even if you are looking for a free romantic encounter. Obviously, the wider the age differential is, the harder it will be, but it is still possible.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    AdventureMan: You are right there in my age range... just a tad older than me, but I've had no trouble finding dancers that will meet for OTC, so there is hope for you! There are a lot of factors that influence your chances of hooking up with a dancer OTC, and the "success" that you will achieve. 1) rapport... You HAVE to establish some sort of rapport with the girl. You can offer her all the money in the world, but if there isn't some sort of rapport going on between you and her, she is not going to accept any offer. 2) trust... she has to trust you. She is not going to meet up with a guy OTC, unless she feels safe with him, and is reasonably sure that he isn't going to harm her. YOU have to trust her, as well. OTC-ing could be very dangerous for both parties involved. (a humorous side-bar: the first time that I OTC-ed with my ATF, she left a letter on the passenger seat of her vehicle that detailed who she was with - my name, age, description, hometown, cell number, kids' names, etc... so much info that had I done something to her, my ass would have been in jail before I went to sleep that night. She told me about it later; I thought it was cute.) 3) expectations... you BOTH need to be upfront about what each of you expect to get out of the encounter, ideally (highly suggested) you work out the financial details beforehand, too. How do you approach the topic with a dancer? Every situation is different, and is every dancer, so there obviously isn't a canned answer to that question. BUT, here is what has worked with me... My approach is based upon the dancer and the vibes that I am getting from her. If the dancer is getting very "hands on" and is openly "taking the matter into her own hands", that is a green light. Be as open and blunt about what you are wanting. You can say things like "we could get much more comfortable and have a much better time at my hotel", and judge her reaction... if favorable, then keep up the line of suggestions. If not favorable, back off a bit, and be patient. Perhaps it's my taste in dancers, and thus the dancers that I select to entertain me, but this scenario has only presented itself to me twice. In both cases, their response was more than favorable; one came back to my hotel, the other met up with me in my vehicle - fun was had by all - yowza! The more typical situation that I find myself in, is having a fantastic time with a dancer that I visit with many times ITC. After building a good rapport with her, I realize that I want to spend more time with her. I start hinting that I'd like to see her OTC, and stress that I'm not just looking for sex (because honestly, although it'd be nice, that isn't my main goal). I've taken this path with three dancers. The first - who was also my very first OTC dancer - "went out with me" several times, but nothing more than sharing dinner together and talking (and some kissing). It was nice, though. The second - (my prev ATF) We spent a LOT of time ITC, then took it OTC for dinner, and "other things". Keep in mind, patience pays off. Our first OTC was nothing more than dinner, then MOtel, where we listened to music and talked. Other than massaging her back, nothing happened. MANY OTCs, phone calls, letters, etc., spread out over several years took us from the first OTC, to "photo sessions", to private dances, to the "ultimate" playtimes that we experienced. The third - (my ATF) Currently on-going. Started out really enjoying each other's company ITC, followed by some hinting about OTC, followed by a lot of coaxing. After spending five nights ITC - all but one were marathon sessions of 7+ hours, and about 20 phone conversations, we met OTC for dinner, going back to my hotel afterwards. Since then, we've OTCed a half-dozen times - it'd be much more often than that, if the logistics were easier to deal with. We usually do "date-type" things such as dining, talking, watching TV, playing games, etc. To date, other than a lot of heavy DFKing, nothing has happened. That is fine with me. I REALLY like her and if given the opportunity, I could see us "together", but there are a lot of issues to deal with; most are probably insurmountable.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Massages vs Lap Dances
    I have to answer "no" to both questions. There's no way a massage - especially in the environment that was described, is going to get me "going" like a lap dance. The chance of the student going beyond normal expectations is so remote that it wouldn't be worth the energy. Any attempt to hint or otherwise encourage the student to go further could end quite badly - at best embarrassing... at worst, legal action. Also, there's a good chance that it could reflect very badly on your daughter, too.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper Shit! Why do we put up with it?
    Why do we put up with it? It's certainly not because we enjoy it. We put up with it because they have what we want. They know we want it and that we will do (and sometimes pay) almost anything to get it. As has been pointed out in the past, WE are guilty of it, too. Sometimes there is just as much Customer Shit spread as there is Stripper Shit. In the club, it's all just a game... a fantasy... strippers know it... customers know it.. We will put up with it until the annoyances arising from SS outweigh the pleasure that we experience.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Bones vs shadowcat.
    I certainly am not even in the same league as Bones or Shadowcat, but at one time I had moved up to the 37th spot on the reviewer rankings, but my clubbing opportunities were at best once a month. Currently, when time permits, I will spend OTC time with my ATF. I may venture to one of a few clubs (in Indy / Kokomo) if I have any time left, after spending the day with Miss ATF. Other than that, unless things change between my ATF and I, the only clubbing will be to "strange" clubs when traveling on business.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Lap Dances are Protected by Constitution
    Stripping is protected by the Bill of Rights; more specifically the 2nd amendment, which is the right to bare arms. Yes, everyone can bare their arms, and tits and asses, etc...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Internet Explorer vs Firefox
    I'm an IE guy, though I DO have two websites that I venture to occassionally, which will not work using IE. For those sites, I use FireFox 2.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    "I don't like to be teased therefore I don't get lapdances"
    Thinking back on when I first started going to SCs, it was actually fear that kept me from getting dances. I didn't know what to expect, to I was afraid of the unknown, basically. It seems downright silly, now. I was always with a group of guys and a part of me was afraid that I'd be seen "pitching a tent", or worse, with a wet spot. Finally, a vendor had taken me and a co-worker to a Pacers game in Indy, then took us to a SC. At the club, he talked to a dancer and gave her money to give my friend a dance. I looked at it almost as if he was "hazing" my friend. I felt sorry for my friend and at the same time was breathing a sigh of relief that I'd been spared by not having a dance bought for me. (can you believe that?!) Upon my friend's return, he had a sheepish look on his face, and proceded to talk the vendor into buying ME a dance. The vendor picked out a huge titted blonde - one that I wasn't the least bit attracted to - and gave her money, and grabbing my hand she dragged me back to a couch area. Oh the embarrassment! There was very little contact allowed, but she straddled me and grinded a bit, then she took my finger and licked and sucked on it, while moaning. I was thinking, "Damn! this is pretty hot... she actually acts like she likes this!" To keep this long story from getting much longer, at that moment, I decided that I kind'a liked getting lap dances. So began my clubbing ways. I have a close friend (another co-worker - different job) that I've dragged to clubs a few times, while on business trips together. He definitely shares my girl-crazy attitude, but he very rarely partakes in the dances. He can't get past the thought that there is a possibility of getting germs / STDs, etc. I'm working on him, though. [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    Pat Downs
    David120: I think I am the reviewer of the club in Indy that you mentioned. Silk N' Lace in Indy had a metal detector at the entrance to the club, and a hand wand was also used before being allowed entrance. That is the only club that I've been to, that used a metal detector. I've never been patted down at a club..err... other than by a dancer [grin].