
Comments by DougS (page 27)

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    17 years ago
    Old Timers Tour
    How I WISH I could make it down for that... I won't be able to get away until mid-Sept... might wait until the 17th so I can celebrate my one year anniv with my ATF
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    17 years ago
    Where do you keep your cash?
    Bones: I assume you are only interested in where we keep our cash when ITC or doing OTC. When ITC, I usually keep my $1s separate... in my shirt pocket if I have one, or in my left rear pants pocket. The rest is kept in my wallet, which I wear in my right rear pants pocket when not getting a dance (and I make a mental note to keep feeling back there to make sure it's still there, just like I keep patting my phone holster to make sure my phone is still with me). When I am getting dances, I take my phone off, remove my wallet and keys if I'm carrying them. (when I have my truck w/the keypad entry I don't take me keys into the club). I place these items on the table next to me or in front of me and I keep a VERY close eye on them. At the clubs that I am usually in I am very comfortable in doing that. In fact the last few times that I've been in the club, I had a stack of money laying there, too, so that when the waitress came by I could more easily pay for drinks. OTC (both during an OTC encounter or just in the hotel between club visits), I put my money in bank envelopes, in several places in my hotel room. OR, if I'm not staying in a hotel, I will place the envelopes in a few hiding places inside my vehicle. The envelopes each contain $500, and depending on circumstances - or possible options, I might have $2k.
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    17 years ago
    Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
    another fake review?
    I also read that review, and although I don't believe it was fake, I DO believe it was a "bogus" review, entered specifically to get a month's credit for VIP access to TUSCL. I think that's just as bad as a fake review. Incidentally, there are four reviews - for the same place (CTs Adult Superstore) on the 29th and 30th, that appear to be fake. All of the reviewers each have just the one review, and all of the reviews are either 9s or 10s. I think someone is trying to inflate the ranking of the place.
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    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Bones: She's gone, from what I've been hearing. I've been trying to track her down, but she appears to have disappeared into thin air. She was my #2 girl after just one visit.... dang!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Cameras in the private dance rooms...
    If I could smuggle a dancer out under my coat, I would most definitely!
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    17 years ago
    Do you have a little Italian in you?
    Giving a dancer a Facial
    That's one of my fantasies that I have yet to realize. I can't imagine a club setting that would allow such a thing to happen, so I have to think the only way it will happen is during an OTC encounter. Shadowcat: The ultimate would be giving a facial to a really hot girl, including a hair shot. BUT, like you mentioned, I don't think I'd want to make it a steady habit... just a one time, or once in a great while happening, because, as we all know, it's best that the sucking/f$cking doesn't stop at THAT moment in order to spew the load. BUT, the visual would be very nice indeed.
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    17 years ago
    Murdered dancer
    CasualGuy: You know, reading your post, and also thinking back on similar news items over the years, it really underlines two things. 1) there are a LOT of really sick people out there, 2) dancers are exposed (er, no pun intended) to a lot of those sick people, simply because the clubs tend to draw the dregs of society, in addition to great people like ourselves. Combine the seedy elements with alcohol, and a good amount of hormone levels and you could easily have trouble knocking on the door. I'd bet if you surveyed 10 dancers and asked each of them if they have been stalked and/or followed after leaving the club, 8 or 9 and perhaps all 10 of them would say "yes". I worry about my favs - especially my ATF. I know SHE has been followed several times, when leaving the club. She always heads to the nearest police station, but getting stuck at a traffic light with no one else in sight... scary. Being patrons, we also are somewhat exposed to potential dangers. You never know if spending the entire evening "whaling" with the girl of your choice is going to piss off some deranged, jealous guy that wanted to also spend time with her. He could be lurking in the parking lot when you leave in order to take out his frustrations on your face. OTCing adds even more opportunities for ugliness. How can I say this without sounding shallow and selfish? well, here goes... After watching way too many episodes of crime shows on TV, I know that if I spend the day with a fav in the hotel, and I am the last one that is seen with her... it would be a most unfortunate time for a stalker (not me) to intercept her on her way home...
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    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    MIDancer: The way I was raised, it's up to the man to provide for his family. So, I believe that the husband/BF should do whatever it takes to make sure that his wife/GF/SO/family is taken care of, even if that means that he has to strip in order to make a living, as you mentioned in your scenario.
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    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Ozymandias: Yowza! Three grand in one night? The most I have ever spent in a club was around $1300. Still a lot, but not even in the same neighborhood as $3,000. For $3,000, did you receive a lot of extras... heck, for that amount of money, I hope you listened to Frank Sinatra all night long, with several girls at a time...
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    17 years ago
    How much does it cost to have a pretty good to a great time in a club?
    Of course it all depends on the club... and somewhat on the girls at that club. On average, I can spend about between $200 - $300 over 6 or so hours, and have an excellent time.
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    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    MIDancer: Sure, my ATF's husband is stuck in a low-paying job. BUT, and this was the point I was trying to initially get across. If it were my wife/GF/SO that was feeling forced to strip in order to have enough money to feed and shelter her family because of my low paying job, there is NO way in hell that that would happen. I would be working extra jobs, flipping burgers, mopping floors, whatEVER it took in order to keep her from feeling the need to dance.
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    17 years ago
    Guy Allows Wife / GF / SO to Strip.... WTF?!
    MIDancer: I think perhaps my choice of words didn't correctly portray the gist of what I was trying to say. When I said I wouldn't allow my wife to dance, I didn't intend it to sound so male chauvinistic. The whole premise to the discussion topic was trying to understand how a guy could put his SO (wife in this case) into a situation where she felt forced to dance. My ATF MUST dance because her husband doesn't make enough money to support the family. She doesn't like dancing, nor does she want to dance. I just don't understand how he could permit that situation to occur. I believe this situation is different than a dancer that wants and likes to dance. If my SO loved her job dancing, I would not ask that she quit. I'm not saying that it wouldn't bother me, though I would hope that she would choose to quit in order to respect my feelings, just as I would stop doing something that I knew my SO didn't like me doing.
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    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    Hi JaBlake: Nahh... let's pass on that thread!
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Radio Silence
    BookGuy: Good luck, and we'll chat when you return.
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    17 years ago
    Book Guy
    I write it like I mean it, but mostly they just want my money.
    Paid for Porn
    BookGuy: If you just download enough of it, you can view it on a rotational basis and by the time you get back to what you've already viewed, it will "seem" new! I've got a few hundred DVDs and CDs containing videos that I've downloaded. Some of it never gets old... some of it I wonder what the heck I downloaded it for in the first place.
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    17 years ago
    Shift Changes suck
    There's nothing worse than arriving at a club in the late afternoon, selecting the perfect girl to play with, only to have her shift end, or to have her "dancing card" get filled until end of shift. The last time that happened, was at BBF, and I'd found a new girl that I hadn't seen before. I'd tipped her stage-side, and had some great chemistry going. Then, when I asked her to join me in the VIP when she got off stage, she tells me that she's booked for the rest of the afternoon. She also seemed disappointed and apologetic, and asked me to come back again soon, but I never did see her again. Later, I found she'd left to have a baby. Within the last 6 months, I hear she is back, but with my ATF situtation, it will never work out.
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    17 years ago
    Kinky Play W/Strippers
    Imnumnutz: Yeah, it sounds like we both have a similar hair fetish. To me, the FIRST thing that catches my eye when I see a girl is her hair. If she's got a decent body, and great hair, I could deal with an ugly face [wink]. One of my fantasies that I haven't been lucky enough to find any takers on, is splashing my load into the silky hair of a pretty girl. One of these days....
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    17 years ago
    Kinky Play W/Strippers
    I think heavy "toughing" might be exactly what a certain dancer we both know gets into. Not that I'm into that, but I'd be willing to experiment...
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    17 years ago
    Lurker Steps Up
    Hmmm... how much is round-trip airfare to Tampa? [wink]
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    17 years ago
    Lurker Steps Up
    FantasyCamper: Welcome aboard... always glad to have a new poster to liven things up. If you've been reading along lately, it's pretty obvious we need some new topics and a fresh perspective. Something you said in your post triggered some curiousity... What "Lipstixx thing" are you not comfortable with - I've never been there, and haven't read anything about the place... am I missing an interesting experience?
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    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    Chandler: I guess it's confirmed. I'm a man. We need a more glamorous term for it, though. Stud maybe?
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    17 years ago
    Should I let her go
    Fondl: Good point. I think you hit upon a part of what my ATF was thinking when she finally relented and agreed to meet OTC. She was getting flack from her fellow dancers for hogging me, when I was in the club, even though it was MY choosing to be hogged. She's also mentioned feeling guilty about me spending money on her, saying that she doesn't want to be (or feel like) the dancers that drain guys wallets, and doesn't want me feeling like those guys that are taken advantage of. She's told me about at least two customers of hers that she's told not to come back to see her, because she felt like they were spending too much time and money on her. So, of course, since she hasn't told ME to stop seeing her, does that imply that there's more to it than a business transaction, or am I not spending enough, or does she view me as more than a customer? (stripper shit?!)
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    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    BTW, The explanation in the initial post for the thread left me wondering where the expression came from, since I'd not heard the term before. A quick search (thanks again to Al Gore for inventing the internet [sarcasm]) shed some light. The term Cougar refers to 35+ females that are on the prowl (sort of a cat term, too), hunting younger males. So, it's more than a MILF; it's a MILF actively hunting younger males. Most of the women mentioned above are not Cougars, and if they were, I'd not me on their menu because I am probably older than they are. Those that I am younger than, I doubt that I'd be hitting. I thought maybe Demi More (very hot, who definitely pursued younger guys), but alas, she is actually about a year younger than me. Hmmm..
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    17 years ago
    Cougars You Would Do
    Chandler: Oops.. thanks for pointing that out. I don't know any French, even though I thoroughly enjoy French kissing, "patriot" (formerly French) toast and "patriot" (formerly French) fries. I'd read backwards in the thread for the spelling, and found yours first... DOH! I could definitely dig some Frenching w/ MMe. Hardy, though I may pass on the Greek. (oops, lets not go down THAT thread again! [grin])
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    17 years ago
    "Private" Dances
    Or it will spoil you and because of that strip clubs will no longer be quite as attractive to you. Don't get me wrong. I still like going to clubs, but given the choice between playing OTC (or just spending time with my ATF) and going to a club, I would definitely pick the former.