I just paid for porn for the first time ever. I thought I'd give it a "go" on a lark. I think it ended up $29.95 for a month's worth, since I got the "recurring" and intend to cancel before it recurs. Of course, I used my "backup" credit card and I'll watch that card's statements like a hawk, and I'll give myself a zillion reminders to make sure I cancel before recurrence.
But it's kinda cool. More than I could ever download, in lots of categories. I got started because this new "3D Anime Hentai" thing was really catching my eye -- the ol' Japanese-style cartoons, but with a new "realistic" computer-aided interface, almost like it's gone Pixar. Very very sexy, to me, because the women depicted are NOT real, but instead "uber women," excessively female. Ridiculously large boobs, ridiculously small waists, ridiculously long necks, hands, fingers, etc. It really cranks me.
Anything wrong with me? I've never paid for porn before, not on the internet. Back in the olden days I bought magazines, but I'd thought porn had become so prevalent on the 'net that I'd never have to buy it again. I guess it's about the cost of one or two lap dances, what's the issue? I dunno, I feel kinda guilty, like a perv or something, should I go see a priest? :P
last commentAbout 2 weeks ago, I $33.44 USD for a recurring membership to partyhardcore.com. It had 33 pages of pics and videos (165 total vids) of these women at a European male strip club. It looks wild, in that the vids are about 30 minutes in length, and some of these women attending the club are sucking strippers of and getting banged. Of course, I believe this is all staged, but it has the effects that it's real. It took me about 2 weeks to download all the vids and copy them to CDRs. I submitted a cancellation notice to secure.vxsbill.com and was notified my membership would be cancelled at the end of the 30 day period, which I had already paid for. No problem, no recurring charges.
This was my first Paid for Porm excursion and it worked out, but doubt I pay again. However, there is a similar, true to life website, where male strippers are dancing for actual ladies, and it not a put on. It takes place somewhere in Great Britian. Go to: www.adultxfun.com for previews. Has free trailers to view. Enjoy. Additional website: www.loverboysusa.com
I don't want the trailers ... I want to be one of those strippers! :)
I had a hacker or two messing with my pc online several years ago. I still don't like the thought of using my credit card online for anything. Now if they have a phone number and I feel safe with the company, there is the possibility I might call. I'm not familiar with any porn companies so it's easy to figure out how likely I am to use my credit card. I haven't even used my credit card in cases where I read they wouldn't charge my card but needed it to guarantee I was the proper age. I might have used a credit card online if Citibank had followed through on their advertising several years ago to send me a free smart card and reader. The only thing they sent me was a credit card. False advertising. I'm waiting for better security before I start buying anything online. I might stop hesitating if we had smart cards and physical readers that a hacker could not break into. The companies accepting payments online need much better security as well. I keep reading about hackers or thieves stealing the databases of online companies with all the customer information. That information probably is not encrypted either but I guess a few smart companies encrypt sensitive information. Since I don't feel safe, I'm not using a credit card online. I don't think I'm alone on that one either.
A couple of times I even wondered if hackers are redirecting my web surfing. I still remember surfing upon a hacker index site several years ago. I clicked on one link and it was a page listing the hacker and his famous accomplishment, ie which company he broke into and want he did while there. One or two hackers actually told the company what problem to fix to increase security. There are good white hat hackers out there but the bad ones can be thieves and they sell credit card information online.
My feeling is, that although the credit-card information is probably as unsafe as you gentlemen point out, nevertheless my MONEY is not unsafe. If I find fraudulent charges on my credit card bill, I just dispute them right away. I've never had any trouble with that, the five or six times I've done that in my life. I didn't give up much that wasn't already public knowledge -- aside from the credit card number and "verification number" off the back of it and the expiry date, they needed my address, and a user name and password (I used the one they automatically generated, rather than giving any hints to my predilections for other passwords by selecting my own). None of that is really particularly sensitive. I always laugh when some service asks for my mother's maiden name as a security measure. That's ALREADY PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE. If you can figure out where I was born, you can go to the county court house and ... duh! Knowing the information proves nothing, and asking me to repeat it on a cellular phone call just makes it all the LESS secure.
I make many purchases online, and I'm looking forward to further automating with a couple of banks that really have their internet shit together. I don't worry about the hackers. I worry about the terrorists and the war in Iraq.
PS -- Casualguy, hackers may indeed be redirecting your web surfing. I found that a thing called "Cool Web Search" had been installed in my browsers without my consent, but in such a manner as to cause my computer to THINK it had my consent. It redirects many web queries to THEIR preferred results rather than the "real" results of your query. So, if you ask for "major car manufacturers" then Cool will return whichever company paid them, and not necessarily the Big Three. It takes a serious computer jock to get it out of there. It's often quite hard to find and eliminate problems; it's a lot easier to try to prevent them in the first place. Get good virus and hacker and firewall software.
Like BG, I've found couple of fraudulent credit card charges on me and I disputed them right away. My bank and credit union took care of the matters immediately, and I never had to pay a cent.
Ahhh, the "pleasures" of dealing with on-line porn.
In the past, I've subscribed to several porn sites, usually a month or two at a time. One of the more interesting sites was CUMTV.COM, which is a site that has live, streaming web cams. Basically you can view with webcams free - and even IM with the girls for free. If you so desire, you can then "take the girl private", which means you are then "on the clock" privately with the girl, and you can ask her to perform in whatever manner you'd like. Several sessions with an EXTREMELY hot girl from Hawaii were memorable. Other sites that I've subscribed to are sites that have many sister sites, that are free with the subscription, which is nice. Some very interesting videos can be downloaded.
My suggestions to anyone considering... 1) Join the sites that offer free sister site memberships - the ones I like, usually have 20-40 sites included. 2) Join, download, download, download, cancel... don't go month-to-month and be careful not to incur fees for those recurring memberships.
All of that is fairly positive. The downside... the HUGE downside to these sites is the risk you take. Typcially, porn sites are notorious for distributing viruses, and have experienced my computer getting infected several times, even though I have anti-virus protection, etc. BE CAREFUL!
Credit Card fraud is a bigger issue. I am 98% sure that it was the result of one of my past porn memberships that exposed me to credit card fraud. This past April, I received a packet of MetaboFire tablets in the mail. I knew I didn't order them, but figured it was some scam or mistake. The next day, I received two packages - a subscription to PeoplePC and a computer based learning course for kids. Thinking it was too coincidental, I checked my bank card activity and was horrified to see over two dozen similar charges to my card. So started my nightmare.
I believe what happened is someone working at one of those porn sites took my card info and thought they'd teach the "perverted owner" a lesson. I rarely used that card, and no one else had access to it. How ever it happened, I had to fill out an affidavit at the bank, for EACH instance of fraud (nearly 30 of them), which took a few hours. I also had to file a police report, but since I live outside city limits, I had to arrange to meet a county policeman outside of the city, which was real inconvenient. Since it was a debt card, the money was gone... no way to stop payment after the fact. There were about $500 in charges before I closed the account.
Fortunately, since it was fraud, my bank reimbursed me for MOST of my losses. The biggest pain in my ass is Columbia House and BMG. The culprit had picked out DVDs and CDs and opened accounts with these "selection of the month" companies. I've had to pay return shipping on two shippings, and have JUST now finally got that red tape cleared up and "my" accounts closed. These companies have no customer service phone numbers to call and discuss the issue with... it's all on-line, which took a good deal of sending "comments and responses" to get my point across. What a pain!
I forgot to mention I once visited a hacker chat room online. They didn't know I wasn't one. I suspect that was the reason one hacker decided to play with me since I didn't have some software installed at the time to stop what was called a nuke attack I believe. Whoever it was cut it out after I said something about it online. One guy I thought he was joking but wasn't sure said he already looked at my pc but didn't see anything good. I had no idea who he was. I stopped visiting those chat rooms. I guess maybe I stumbled on the chat room in the first place and I was curious. One guy actually invited me to join their group. I wasn't interested after I saw the web site they set up. Guess I decided to play it safe. If you can call things safe. I found out a bit about how unsecure the internet is. I have a suspicion that I have known one or two hackers. I know one guy was pretty smart. He was an inventor and told me how at one time he wanted to be an MP. He took a test required for the military I guess to see how good your skills are. He told me he had every branch of the military coming by saying he could work just about any position he wanted, except an MP because he was too short. I don't know, maybe he was a bit crazy. He's the only guy I knew of who claimed to have seen a flying saucer hovering over the field he was in at one time. Another time he said he invented a 3D TV but had one major problem. He couldn't figure out how to reduce the laser power so that it didn't slice you in two. Maybe a little bit crazy.
I have never seen a flying saucer that didn't come out of the kitchen. The guy I talked about was a practical joker as well. He once set up a program on a CNC machine so that if a series of incorrect buttons were pressed, some music started playing and a message appeared saying that all files were about to be deleted. He was on call and got a message one night he told me. He said the guy on the other end was all nervous and panicking. He laughed after he heard the music. He also secretly lowered my bosses chair every morning before my boss came in. To my surprise, my boss had secretly thought it was me and didn't tell me about it until the other guy had changed jobs.
Ok, didn't mean to divert. Get back to your porn.
My recommendations for anyone wanting to subscribe to a porn site with recurring monthly charges, is to subscribe, download as much shit from that paid site as quick as possilbe and then cancel your membership before the 30 days expires.
DougS: sounds like you got stung bad. I didn't use a Debit card -- that sounds to me like a mistake! And if stuff started showing up, I guess I'd just "return to sender" it. Anyone who sends unsolicited mail is liable for it; you don't have to keep those Columbia Records things. If it's still coming in after a few months, tell your post man. All the hoops you're going through are all about other people passing the buck. Your post man doesn't want you to know that he's required to redirect unsolicited mail from any specific party you demand he block. Your county officer doesn't want you to know that he can take information over the phone or fax. Your credit card company doesn't want you to know that you can resolve most of the fraudulent charges by simply demanding that they do the legally mandated thing (oh wait, it was debit! that's a bigger hassle). It's all about them passing the buck back to you.
I still feel sorry for your troubles, and I'm sure you did do as much as you could to do the work in the right manner. Probably, your difficulties are a bigger hassle than most people experience, but it COULD happen to me. I'm not totally naive -- I know I'm opening myself up to it. But I do a lot of internet commerce and intend to do a lot more.
I'm going to watch this credit card like a hawk, like I said. Just got into that account on line, saw that nothing had been charged to it except the exact amount for the porn. I'll keep it that way permanently. :)
But thanks for your concern. I'm downloading some good Tera Patrick stuff right now. I'm really enjoying the "cyber women" that turned me on so much when I first got them -- found one thing, two full hours of this "perfect" (overly perfect) plastic girl getting done in all her orifices by all manner of robots, flowers, tentacles, octopi, you name it. She jiggles and bounces and squeals JUST right, and her skin is so ... translucent. :P
Unless you are paying for Gay porn I don't think you have anything to worry about....
Most major credit card banks have a service where you can generate a "one time use" credit card number for online transactions. You go to the Web site and log in and it gives you a unique number that is only good for one purchase. Of course that won't help if someone has total control over your computer, but it will make sure that the online company can't re-use or sell your card number.
Oh, and to get back to the topic, I haven't paid for online porn in years. There's too much free out there. (do a search for bit-torrent)
I just discovered the 1960s chanteuse named Francoise Hardy on YouTube. She's MUCH better than cyber-anime-porn! :)
I've noticed the monthly subscription porn channels or movie channels as some call them on tv are pretty much the same ol same ol. Maybe a little plot, then maybe some tits and ass, and if it's hardcore, some fucking. The internet seems to have a bunch of oddball stuff on it. You can pay as little as 16 to 26 dollars a month unless you got your porn channel in a movie package and watch all you want all month long or only a few hours a month and still pay less than a married guy who has a wife that won't let him subscribe.
Then you too can find it amusing when a strip club offers a porn DVD and the dancers act as if that is something really special and enough to jack up the two for one dance price from 2 for 30 to 2 for $40. I guess that's a lot better than a strip club towel or strip club tshirt which almost seems like garbage to me. I still live in an area where I don't really want to go around advertising, hey everyone, I went to this strip club (see it on my shirt?). I see some strip clubs try to act classy but still believe for some strange reason that giving away shirts, towels, golf hats, etc. with the club logo or an emblem indicating a strip club with a girl on it is going to be desirable to the majority of customers to wear around their home or business. I can imagine the wife asking the husband "where were you last night?" What's this shirt I found? It says Go Go Girls Galore (or whatever). Some strip club managers must live in another world. I almost always pass on that stuff except several years ago when I was new to strip clubs. Getting a two for $30 nude dance I might go for now.
I'm just going to download a lot -- got the Pam Anderson and Paris Hilton tapes today! also Cameron Diaz :) -- and get it over with in about a week. It's not interesting any more. One thing I've noticed is, that I like the act of seeing something NEW. Therefore, if I watch the porn once while paying close enough attention to it, then I'm basically "done" with it and it only sort-of turns me on any more. So, I'm trying to learn to download something and just let it rest on my hard drive without viewing it. That's a bit weird (how do I know if it's any good? how do I know if it came in correctly or not?) but it will mean I'm stocking up for future enjoyment.
I think. :P Maybe when I'm next interested in enjoyment I won't want what I have stocked up, I'll want something different. It's a little like buying the wrong groceries and then trying to freeze them and hoping they'll keep.
If you just download enough of it, you can view it on a rotational basis and by the time you get back to what you've already viewed, it will "seem" new! I've got a few hundred DVDs and CDs containing videos that I've downloaded. Some of it never gets old... some of it I wonder what the heck I downloaded it for in the first place.
On rare occasion I will be tempted to pay for porn, but then I always end up balking at the prices. There is one site that focuses on a specific type of porn, but they update so sporadically I don't think it would be worth paying for it. Anyone aware of a Netflix of porn? One low monthly price to access a wide variety of scenes and situations.
@ Book Guy
You seem like a fan of anime. I made a thread about anime that you can post in,