Cougars You Would Do

I hate the TV show with the MILFs and the Young hotties vying for the Hunk-of-the-week's. I refused to watch it with my woman, who wanted to see what the MILFs were doing to compete with the vapid vixens. I heard that MILFs described as COUGARS. I ask you, which COUGAR celebrities would you do in a "heartbeat?" ONE Rule only: She has to be over 40 years of age.
I offer the following:
last commentSharon Stone just turned 50. honorable mentions go to Bo Derick and Ann Margret.
Sharon Stone, definitely
Kim Cattrall from Sex and the City
Katie Couric has to be approaching 50
Let's not forget about:
Courteney Cox Arquette
Elle MacPherson
Diane Lane
Marg Helgenberger
Julia Roberts (Ok, she doesn't turn 40 until October)
Oh man that scene with the baked beans and the tubular pillow in "Tommy," the rock-opera by The Who (or was that scene in "Quadrophenia"?). That set the tone for me. I remember all the other guys liked the skinny young girl; I liked Ann Margret. She got her start doing "shows" for the frat boys while getting her theatre degree at Northwestern, just goes to show ya ...
I'm big on Michelle Pfeiffer, too. She's so petite and young-looking she hardly counts as a "cougar" but her age technically does definitely qualify.
I think I can hold out until next year when Naomi Watts turns 40. Otherwise, Nicole Kidman just turned 40. Yeah, I could get past the impregnated-by-Tom-Cruise gross-out factor.
When I saw LINDA FIOREBTINO in "the Last Seduction" and "Jade," that I thought she was smart and sexy. Here's a link for those who did not recall who she is:
VANESSA WILLIAMSis now in Cougar-age range:
My list has now added 40 year-old SELMA HAYEK
You know I think I am beginning to crave the Cougars more than the young and brash Hollywood Starlets and rehabbing 20-sumptings.
That should have read LINDA FIORENTINO. Got a little excited, sorry.
shania twain.
michelle pfeiffer
Pam Anderson hit the big four-oh this month, so she's on the list.
Renee Tenison (first black playmate of year) and her twin sister Rosie. Both of 'em. At the same time.
To you old farts ( including me ) I had no idea that DALLAS TV Starlet LUCY EWING played by the pixie hottie, CHARLENE TILTON, is turning 49 years old.
My right wrist used to ache watching her on Dallas.
I recall seeing her in a Circus of the Stars special, wearing a form-fitting bikini as a target for some nameless Knife Thrower.
Gina Gershon
Marg Helgenberger
Lauren Graham
Christa Miller
Kate Walsh (turns 40 in three months, I'm counting her!)
Jamie Lee Curtis. To me, she has always been sex personified since the first "Halloween". I know that her face has gotten a little rough lately, but those tits are amazing...and even with that rugged face, she has an expression that just says, "Fuck me now...hard." Anyway, that's why God made doggie style.
Also...Rachel Ward. I got wood in 1985 watching her in "Against All Odds", and it took three years for the swelling to go down. As with Jamie Lee, the face has taken some hits over the years, but the tits go on and on.
By the way, Chandler, I don't think you have to get over the "impregnated by Cruise" factor with understanding is that both of their children were adopted, and that neither Tom nor Nicole have "issue of their body." At least that's what it said in Dr. Chitown's latest issue of People (or was it "Us Weekly"?)
Yuck man. I'm glad you're interested in her, because I'm certainly not. To each his own, and I certainly cast no aspersions on your choices, but wow, I'm very surprised ...
Gong Li
Joan Chen
Lucy Lui (I think she's only 38 y.o.)
Hmmmm.....I see a trend there.
Mira Sorvino
Julianne Moore
Ashley Judd
Elisabeth Shue
Tea Leoni
Elle Macpherson
Tea Leoni is one fabulous babe.
Thanks, Chitown. I could have sworn I remembered Cruise knocking her up in order the quash the homo rumors. Wrong wife, I guess. I need to start getting the right magazines.
I wouldn't want to do any, as celebrities just don't do anything for me. Not only that, I'm sure the experience for me, at 34, is different than it is for those of you 60 something. If you are 60, a cougar would just be someone a little younger than yourself, as opposed to whatever young hottie stripper you get, who would be a lot younger. For me, cougars are older and I'm not sure I want to relive those experiences.
I haven't had sex with enough celebrities to draw any general conclusions about whether they do anything for me. Although I'm over 40 myself, I'm yet to be seriously turned on by any women over 40 and hardly any past 30. I took this question to be just for fun. I doubt if any of the women mentioned would be available for us even if we did agree to do her.
DandyDan: when I was as young as, or younger than, you, I was already interested in a woman built like Ann Margret, with the "crinkly laugh lines," the slightly saggy butt and boobs, the "experienced woman" look to her. I think I saw her in that Who movie when I was 17. I'm 41 now, and my tastes have only gone toward the younger. Interesting, I'm regressing ...
Julie Roberts first, then Paris Hilton. Why Paris Hilton you ask?
Whenever I see her x-rated home tapes, she doesn't really appear to be enjoying herself. I want a crack at that REAL SLUT, but she's probably so fucking big in the cunt from everyone else! However, her small shaped mouth looks very inviting!!! :-) P.S. Kind of like someone elses I know of!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Licks
Beware the various prison infections when you do get your crack at Paris (just like the rest of us will, she's working her way through the phone book).
So, the assumption is she'll turn 40 by the time she gets to you? Speaking of which, I sure hope Madonna isn't still working her way through the phone book.
Book Guy-
It's not that I don't mind "experienced" ladies. At my favorite club, actually, I can get that experience if the one lady is there. At work, there is one older lady I am certain would love me to sleep with her. And I frankly think it'd be fun all the way around. It's just I have had too many of those types and not enough young hotties, or women my own age, for that matter.
Actually, when it comes to celebrities, I like the "experience" type -- I guess I should have been a "Desperate Housewives" devotee (but I hate typicom TV). But when it comes to strippers, I like the "extremely small and nubile" type -- young-looking girls.
Hmm ...
I almost forgot.... speaking of Paris Hilton. If you want a damn good look-a-like of her, face and body, visit Fox's Den in Cleveland and ask for Allison. Allison DOES play very very well, by the way!
i would have to add farrah fawcett. Those nipples popping through on that poster in the 70's still gets my blood pumping. The fact that she's one of the original ditz-bags doesn't hurt either.
Meredith Vieira....53 but looks 35
Francoise Hardy.
I just discovered this one. A 1960s pop icon and "chanteuse" who is still going strong. She's hot at any age.
Tea Leoni
Heather Locklear
Raquel Welch
Vanessa Williams
Julianne Moore
Diane Lane
Book Guy: Francois Hardy is one of my all time crushes. More for her looks and style than her music, although she made some great records, too. She has to be in her 60s now, but in her time she was heavenly. Google her classic album covers. The sight of them makes me ache with longing to be transported to 1960s Paris. One of the first things I checked out when YouTube came along was all her old videos (actually TV appearances).
A couple more in the I-can't-believe-she's-40-already group:
Liz Phair, 90s pottymouthed indie-rocker
Parker Posey, 90s indie film goddess of cool (wait until next year)
BookGuy: I'd never heard of Francois Hardy before, so I had to do some research. Yowza, she was definitely hot in her day!
Doug, you don't wanna take after me by dropping the "e" on Francoise. That's makes it a name for a dude, which Mme. Hardy definitely was not.
Chandler: Oops.. thanks for pointing that out. I don't know any French, even though I thoroughly enjoy French kissing, "patriot" (formerly French) toast and "patriot" (formerly French) fries. I'd read backwards in the thread for the spelling, and found yours first... DOH! I could definitely dig some Frenching w/ MMe. Hardy, though I may pass on the Greek. (oops, lets not go down THAT thread again! [grin])
BTW, The explanation in the initial post for the thread left me wondering where the expression came from, since I'd not heard the term before. A quick search (thanks again to Al Gore for inventing the internet [sarcasm]) shed some light. The term Cougar refers to 35+ females that are on the prowl (sort of a cat term, too), hunting younger males. So, it's more than a MILF; it's a MILF actively hunting younger males.
Most of the women mentioned above are not Cougars, and if they were, I'd not me on their menu because I am probably older than they are. Those that I am younger than, I doubt that I'd be hitting.
I thought maybe Demi More (very hot, who definitely pursued younger guys), but alas, she is actually about a year younger than me. Hmmm..
Then we have something in common. I'm too old for Cougars, and Cougars are too old for me.
Q: What's the term for the male equivalent, 35+ that are on the prowl for younger females? A: A man.
Chandler: I guess it's confirmed. I'm a man. We need a more glamorous term for it, though. Stud maybe?
None in a heartbeat. Old age is a turn off to me almost as powerful as blubber. She have to be naturally estremely healthy. The makeup is a turn off also.
I'm such a hypocrite. I don't want her to be hairy on the belly, but I'm hairy on the belly. I want her to have long beautiful flowing locks, but I'm balding. I want her to be fit as a fiddle (in any of a variety of different ways that happen to be interesting to me) but I'm getting a bit overweight. I want her to be young but I'm in my forties. I want her to have tits and a pussy but I have a dick and balls instead. Golly what a loser I must be ...
AH!!!!!!! :) The word hypocrite used in the manner you used it drives me crazy. But, not as crazy as the word "empathy."
You are being sincere; not a hypocrite. Now, if you feigned attraction to hairy bellies, baldness, and blubber merely because those traits afflict you and bowed to pcism, then you'd be a hypocrite.
So am I going to need to start a thread on the word "hypocrite" and see where it leads? :)
Hi JaBlake: Nahh... let's pass on that thread!
Susan Sarandon
That scene with the lemons in "Atlantic City"...........
Sigourney Weaver
She's hot even in a silly movie like "Galaxy Quest"
We're not hypocrites looking for younger girls, we're obeying biological imperatives.
I remember a formula (supposedly used by Jewish matchmakers) for the compatable ages for a couple. The woman should be half the mans age plus seven years. A 20 year old man, 17 year old bride. 40 year old man, 27 year old bride. I like it. Actually you can also rig it by making the calculation 1/2 of 40+7, meaning a 23.5 year old girl is perfect for a 40 year old man. Of course then on the low end a man couldn't legally marry till he was 29, but then I'd guess this formula was from a time before age of consent laws.
To Happy Lap:
I gotta add Sigourney Weaver and Susan Sarandon to my list, as well. Good choices both. I started this thread for a little fantasy fun and found some names (and movies) that I wanna check out a little more. Whether we like 'em perky and 20 while grinding in our laps or imagining the more mature celebs begging us for some lovin', it's like going to a fantasy Major League baseball camp. It ain't the real thang. Thanks.
Salma Hayek
Cindy Crawford
Maura Tierney (ER)
Mariska Hargitay
Mary Louise Parker
Kirstie Alley
Kathy Bates
Roseann Barr
Rosie O'Donnell
Dennyspade: I like Heather Locklear too. That "Lillith" character was such a cold fish I never got the hots for the actress, but now that you mention it and I googled her, she is pretty good-looking and has a nice ass as well. I always thought she was skinnier than she is.
shadowcat: You must be joking. A guy like you who loves the women dancin' in that club that everyone raves about in Sandlapper country couldn't really be hot for those fatties, could he?
Setting aside the over-40 part....
January Jones, Betty in the AMC series 'Mad Men'. (Good show, BTW.) She first caught my eye as the border guard's wife in Tommy Lee Jones' 'Three Burials' film. On 'Mad Men', her period hairdo lends her a Grace Kelly look of delicate sensuality. Grrrrrrr.
About Kathy Bates, there was a book I saw at the Borders Bookstore once (and I forget the title) which was essentially a list of everyone who ever did a nude scene in the movies, and she had the second worst nude scene ever in About Schmidt, according to the subjective opinion of the author. (FYI, Jessica Tandy was worse.)
LIsa Guererro
Almost 40-Catherine Bell
She doesn't qualify as a cougar, but she IS older than what I normally am interested in... MILF-ish, but can't say that she has any kids. Anyhow, after seeing her in the Showtime series Weeds, I think Mary Louise Parker is quite f^ckable.
Hey Doug:
Mary Louise Parker is a Mom and turned 43 years old on 8/2. What's not to like ? I thought this thread had died weeks ago. Do we recall the thinner Valerie Bertinelli from the 70's. Damn. When I see that she's lost 30 pounds and became a Jenny Craig spokesperson, I wonder how many of our teen dreams become the "lunch room lady?"
DennySpade: Yep... I was MOST definitely a fan of Valerie Bertinelli during my HS years. I loved her hair, and thought she was uber hot.