New welcome page

The new welcome page adds an extra step on the way to the TUSCL home page, but I can understand that Founder needs to tell the newbies what they are getting into.
We all know that TUSCL is the best site for hobbyists, but I thought that some of you might have some thoughts on some of the welcome page claims.
For example, "These reviews are not submitted by strip club owners." In fact, I feel fairly certain that some club owners open dumby accounts and try to manipulate their numbers. It's easy to do if the club has very few reviews and more difficult if they have many reviews. Still, I think that it is possible because it is the only way to explain the very high ratings for Industrial Strip. If you look at IS reviews carefully you will see that a few reviewers offer multiple posts, and if you look at those reviewers' reviews you will see that they review very few other clubs - except to rate their local competition low.
Another claim, "Our algorithm makes it impossible for one member to sway a club's rating." I'd like to know more about that. Does that mean that when I review a club multiple times my reviews carry less weight?
We all know that TUSCL is the best site for hobbyists, but I thought that some of you might have some thoughts on some of the welcome page claims.
For example, "These reviews are not submitted by strip club owners." In fact, I feel fairly certain that some club owners open dumby accounts and try to manipulate their numbers. It's easy to do if the club has very few reviews and more difficult if they have many reviews. Still, I think that it is possible because it is the only way to explain the very high ratings for Industrial Strip. If you look at IS reviews carefully you will see that a few reviewers offer multiple posts, and if you look at those reviewers' reviews you will see that they review very few other clubs - except to rate their local competition low.
Another claim, "Our algorithm makes it impossible for one member to sway a club's rating." I'd like to know more about that. Does that mean that when I review a club multiple times my reviews carry less weight?
as for club owners reviewing their own clubs, there may be a few in here, but for the most part you can tell who they are.
for the most part, the new home page is simply a way of moving a bunch of redundant text off the main page. just bookmark the main index page instead of the home page, and you will never have to see it again.
"The dj plays decent music and the overall vibe is great."
Well, anyone that's actually been to the World Famous Hip Hugger, would know that there is NO DJ at the HH - just a juke box.
My guess is, since he is a very recent member, he posted a dummy review to get a free month of TUSCL membership. That sort of thing really annoys me, since I have chosen to become a lifetime member just so I'm never tempted to enter a faux review for membership credit.
I recommend removal of the review, and perhaps consideration to ban the user, unless he accidentally reviewed the wrong club.
And I wouldn't be too quick to drop a review that has a factual error in it, sometimes you don't accurately remember every detail, especially if you've been drinking. If the place was crowded and the guy had had a few, it would be easy not to realize that the music was coming from a juke box instead of a dj. So what's a Founder to do? Tough call.
These are things (reading reviews) that we all must watch for and bring to founder's attention. A good solid website like this one, has a lot of member input, and we need to weed out the dishonest members/posters.
I don't use, but sometimes read, the club chat area. I think it just might be what you want. Perhaps other users can be more informative.
kcquestor: Excellent idea. I have thought about that many times but never took it up with founder. He has become a lot more personal with the guys on this board.
It would be perfect if we could comment specifically on a particular review, rather than all the comments about a club being lumped together. That way if someone says in their review "I had a good time with Brandi", someone else can post that Brandi moved to another club. Or whatever.
YES! This is sounding better all the time! First, thanks for your responsiveness. I like the way you monitor the board and jump in once in a while. You do a great job and offer a great service to us sick guys out here. It's MUCH appreciated!
I like what KCQuestor is suggesting. It would be MOST excellent if you could add a link to a specific review that would allow comments related to that review. In my mind, the possibilities are endless, but some of the perks of such a link would really enhance my TUSCL experience.
As Chandler mentioned, I don't think we'd want the comments readily'd be better to have a link to display associated comments only if you were interested. As CasualGuy suggested, it'd be extra helpful if there was a count - or better yet a date/time of the last comment, so that we can determine if there is something to read without wasting time to click over to the comment page.
Many times, I've read a posted a review and wanted to comment or ask questions, but obviously I wouldn't post another review to do so, and if I did, it'd probably (and hopefully) get rejected. I've posted items in the discussion section for the associated club, but I don't think many people check that, 'cause I never received a response. Heck, I don't even check that section.
It sounds like this could be an awesome enhancement to your site.
Even with registration, because comments are directed at a particular reviewer, some people would be bound to use them to make personal attacks. I could see one of the trolls clicking on a nickname and posting the same insult as a spam/comment on every one of their reviews. I still like the idea, I just think it needs to be carefully implemented to keep the bastards from ruining it for everyone.
Sure would be nice if we could get a chatroom here, but I understand the complications to opening one up and probably server problems.
Just my 2 cents worth on why a chatroom could be fun.