Lots of new people here

avatar for FONDL
Seems like we have a lot of new people posting here lately. Which is great, welcome all. So as the senior member here (age-wise) I thought this might be a good time for us each to introduce ourselves again, it's been a while since we've done that. I'll start.

I'm rapidly approaching my eight decade on this planet and have been clubbing since the mid-1960s. I used to visit clubs mostly when traveling on business. About a dozen years ago, for a variety of reasons I began clubbing weekly and for the first time became a regular of both a club and a dancer, have since had 4 faves, one of whom went on to become my best friend, even though we're 38 years apart in age (I'm the older one.) I haven't done much clubbing since she quit because (1) she quit, (2) I retired, and don't travel much anymore, and (3) my finances aren't quite what they used to be. Unlike most guys here I don't have much interest in "extras" or the sex part of it, I just enjoy meeting and spending a little cozy time with cute naked young girls, so my perspective is often a little different on some of the issues discussed here. Some would even be so crass as to say that I'm a soft touch for the ladies.

My other hobby is working out regularly and I'm pretty fit for an old fart. I'm college educated in engineering (2 degrees.) I live in the Philly area in the Northeast. I've always been a musician. I'm happily married and have been for more years than I can count. I have so damn many grandchildren that I can hardly remember their names. And I'm having the time of my life. OK, who's next?


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avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
To do a little plagerism since I am lazy, I'll just C&P FONDL and change what I need.

I'm rapidly approaching my eight decade on this planet, also, and have been clubbing since the mid-1970s. I first started visiting on a local basis, then I visited clubs mostly when traveling on business. I've most always been clubbing weekly and only once became a regular of both a club and a dancer. I've had only one fave and we are about 24 years apart in age (I'm the older one.) I haven't done much clubbing recently because (1) retired, and don't travel much anymore, and (2) my finances aren't quite what they used to be. Unlike most guys here I don't have a keen interest in "extras" or the sex part of it, I just enjoy meeting and spending a little cozy time with cute naked young girls, so my perspective is often a little different on some of the issues discussed here. Some would even be so crass as to say that I'm a soft touch for the ladies.

My other hobby is not working out regularly and I'm pretty normal for an old fart. I live in the South Florida area in the South. I've always wished I was a musician. I'm happily married and have been for more years than I can count. I have no grandchildren, just two children and I can remember their names. And I'm having the time of my life. OK, who's next?
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
My name's BobbyI and I enjoy having sex with strippers.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Hello, Bobbyl
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
Rootman here ....I'm mid fifties and hope I can enjoy this as long as the rest of you guys. I've always gone to clubs but only in the last few years did I learn to enjoy it much more. I think that's because I have the income to stay a lot longer and enjoy all the talent. I'm a professional, college educated and travel some for business. I never do a business trip without checking out any worthwhile club. I live in New York but not the city. By accident, now have an ATF (my first) after several months of play. Enjoying it and it's heating up further. I just this year starting working out and feel great for it.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Clubber, I wasn't aware that you were my twin. See I learned something here already.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
What is this? A meeting of SCA (Strip Club Anonymous)?

avatar for rootman
17 years ago
I'm glad I found this SCA club. I didn't know there were so many of us professional clubbers who can share intellectual capital. Have to start charging dues and passing out membership cards.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

Heaven help "our" mother if we were. Those would be incredible births! I do believe you are a bit older and born far away! Always good for a laugh, however.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
OK, shadowcat just turned 66 this month. That makes me the second oldest poster on here behind FONDL. On March 20, I will celebrate my 41st year with the same employer. I am #1 senority wise. I started drawing full SS retirement benefits last month, while still working. I plan to work at least another 4 years. Fuck, I am younger than McCain. I will not be getting a special check from the FEDS because I make too much money. I could live on less that half of my take home pay and that was before SS kicked in. I do not have financial problems. 2 years ago CNN Money Magazine rated the town I live as the 8th best place to live in the U.S. Last year U.S. News & World report rated it as the 10th best place to retire in the U.S. After 27 years of a shitty marriage, I am coming up on my 4th year of divorce. I have no desire to remarry and do not date, except a limited amount of strippers.

I have traveled extensively. I can fly to damn near anyplace in the world for free but after 45 years of flying, I prefer to stay at home except for my monthly visits to my favorite club. For the last 5 years, I have made 3 day/2 night trips to may favorite club. 240 miles away (3 1/2 hour drive)Why? It is my Disneyland.When I first started going there it was not in the TUSCL top 40. I have watched it grow into the top 10. When I go there it is more than just a strip club visit. I know this club and dancers better than any non employee. I have about 20 favorite dancers there. I never hurt for attention. And I never hurt for mileage. Mostly ITC but I have also done OTC for meals and fucking. It has become my monthly rest and recreation. Other TUSCLers have picked up on it and joined me. I guess that I have met at least 12 TUSCLers there and none of them went home disappointed..

FONDL Once said on a thread that myself and Bones were the biggest pussy chasers on here. I think that Bobby is trying to outdo us. Lots of luck, BOY. LOL. Next convention will be in late Apr or early May. I will try to give you exact dates soon. Don't miss it!
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
Oh, Harrydave here. Not new to TUSCL, but relatively new to the discussion board. I'm 53 years young, gainfully employed by the same employer for 28 years, and like FONDL double-degreed in engineering, but turned to the dark side of management and IT consulting. I've been going to SC's for 15 years, starting with occasional visits during business tips, and escalating into a regular activity. My marriage is in the tank and 2008 will produce a final divorce decree. Fortunately, my kids are in college and carving out hteir own lives. Three years ago, on a whim, I struck up an OTC relationship with a 23 year-old stripper, who turned out to have a shocking history of family problems, drug abuse, homelessness, you name it. She became my obsession, and then my lover. We have been living together for 2 years and she is blossoming into a mature young women. Now I'm paying for 3 college students. Well, you can't take it with you. I still go to clubs; sometimes she goes with me, although she is not bisexual. She just likes how soft women are. Me too!
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Ummmmmmmmm wondergrl here. 26 "dancer" . Married. Swinger. former Dominatrix and retireing to dancing. Bachelors in business mngmt and Associates in culinary arts. Bisexual, Scorpio, ummmmmmmm cant think of much else LOL
I like Pina Coladas and getting caught in the rain?
Having fun with life!!!!
avatar for jester214
17 years ago
Excluding wondergrl, yall are making me feel really really young...
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Godfatherstill here. I will be 45 soon and live in the Bible Belt. Happily married but recently re-realized how much fun it is to go clubbing. You just cant beat young beautiful nude babes, nothing else in the world like it. A buddy of mine who is very experienced in the Houston Club scene started calling me the Godfather as a reference to the character played by Luke Wilson in the movie Old School. I too have an engineering degree (is there something perverted about engineers?) Anyway, I cant go out near as much as I would like because the wife has a nose for club smoke and other women although I have never actually cheated on her. Which leads to the question, how do you married guys get away with it on a regular basis?
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
I like boobs. I like to party. Now you know me.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
I like boobs, I don't like to party, I enjoy rational puzzles like the LSAT, I want a lot more money than I have now, and I like boobs.

By the way, I like boobs. Now you know me. :)
avatar for Chief69
17 years ago
I'll lower the average age of the thread. Early 30s finance major here. Married. Generally hit the clubs on my extensive business travels, although there is a club close to home that cleans me out from time to time. Been hitting the clubs for 10 years, but still consider myself a newbie compared to the vast experience of ya'll. I don't seek out the extras, as I am generally going for the companionship of naked young women.
avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
I'll help drop the age down abit also. I'm lopaw, and I'm that very rare (gay) female SC junkie. I'm 37,"married" to my SO for 15 years, and been going steadily to the clubs for about 8 years. Like godfatherstill, I don't go out as often as I'd like since the "little woman" would probably kill me. :0
I am yet another engineer (engineering is definitely representin'!), and am actively employed in the aerospace industry here in Los Angeles.

Love boobies
Love nude clubs
Love bi dancers (helloooooooo wondergrl!)
When I die I want to be buried at the base of the stage in my fave divey club.
avatar for crizgolfer
17 years ago
I am 42, so I think I am a bit of a young one here. I won't go into the boring details of exaclty why I started hitting clubs. I just walked into one 4 years ago (for the first time) and it was for me.

I go to strip clubs because that is where the stippers are. I like strippers because they are naked and also because.....never mind...it is pretty much because they are naked...

My one aspiration in life it to become Wondergirls future ex-husband. ;-)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
"is there something perverted about engineers"

There are a *lot* of things perverted about engineers...and you know it... :)

Ban smoking indoors. We'll all live longer for it.

Wow, that sounds like a proposal of sorts wondergrl...
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
Hello, I'm 31, single, and need a job. My stripclubbin' is a solitary pursuit and I haven't pursued it in a while because ... well, I need a job. Oh yeah, I'm not truly happy unless a stripper is holding my junk.

And apropos of nothing: Patriots 36, Giants 33. Thank you.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Go Pats...
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
If I recall correctly (and these days I don't always) we had a thread a long time ago about why so many of us are engineers. I think the general conclusion was that engineers don't always have the greatest personalities, in fact some have been known to be misfits, and aren't always overly smooth with women, and that strip clubs are an appealing place for such people. Obviously an incorrect conclusion.
avatar for godfatherstill
17 years ago
Wow lopaw, it sounds like you and I have alot in common. Next time I am in LA we should go clubbing together. You could tell the little woman that you have to entertain an out of town engineer for the evening;)
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
HA HA!!!!!!!
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Gotta love a team whose name is a physical act of extras contact.
avatar for shadowcat
17 years ago
I have had to deal with structual engineers for over 40 years. They tend to drag their feet and have no concept of the importance of time. I have to wonder how they ever get laid. LOL...
avatar for lopaw
17 years ago
Sounds like a plan to me godfatherstill! I have met just one other TUSCL member (he's a really nice guy), and would love to meet another.
Don't know if the "wife" will buy the out-of-town engineer thing.......but I'll work on it!
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Sounds like the most of the engineers that I knew at college.
avatar for njscfan
17 years ago
Very interesting thread. It did not occur to me that a lot of you guys would be older, I guess only because I do not see a lot of older gentlemen in the clubs. I'm also happily married, but I am curious about that too. I have pretty good and regular sex with my wife, but I also like the variety of having sex with other women too. Are other guys in the same boat? It seems some guys have shitty marriages and that's why they do this; some guys have good marriages but no actual sex, and that's why they do this; some guys have good marriages and ample sex at home, and so they do NOT have sex with other women. I don't fall into any other of these categories. I have a good marriage, plenty of sex, but I still like the variety of sex with other women. I hope I'm not the only guy like that.
avatar for harrydave
17 years ago
Oh no, are we going to have another one of those discussions about evolution, the biological differences between men and women, and how men are the "seed spreaders"? It's not that I disgaree with that, but I'm pretty sure I decide to go to clubs.

Anyway, as my marital sex life declined, and my "seed spreading" desires remained high, I went to strip clubs, but it took many, many years before I spilled my seed outside of marriage. And it was good.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Njscfan, you must not go into smaller clubs during the day. Go into almost any downscale place at 3 pm and just about all you see are old guys sitting alone at the bar and sipping their beers and watching the girls. They're there because they're lonely and bored. And they don't play with the girls because they can't afford it.
avatar for chandler
17 years ago
Now who can resist hitting a dive club at 3 PM after reading that? Sounds like a real fun scene, FONDL.
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
Amen to that...going to a club when it's daylight out, I think, is pretty pathetic IMO.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
Oddly, I like boobs regardless the time of day. 3pm is a great time to canoodle.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
Hahaha, it's even more pathetic to NOT go to a club JUST BECAUSE it's daylight out. :)
avatar for MisterGuy
17 years ago
I just find that the horniest strippers come out at nite...lol...
avatar for someyoungguysomeyoungguy
True may be true, but I (recent convert to daytime) found that the less customers in a club means more privacy, and more privacy means more extras!
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

I'm hurt! "Go into almost any downscale place at 3 pm and just about all you see are old guys sitting alone at the bar and sipping their beers and watching the girls. They're there because they're lonely and bored. And they don't play with the girls because they can't afford it."

Actually I do talk to my favorite bartender and take care of her. And if and when I see the right dancer, trust me, I CAN afford her. Bad thing about "downscale" clubs in the afternoon, you almost NEVER see the right dancer.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
Clubber, this is exactly why I prefer to go to downscale clubs at 3 pm. If there is an attractive girl, and that seems to happen about half the time, I can have her all to myself because the rest of the guys are just sitting there drinking. I've had some wonderful times that way. In fact I met one of the most attractive dancers I've ever seen anywhere exactly like that, and she gave the best LDs I've ever had.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago

I will agree you can have them to yourself, but that also creates another problem. If there isn't one (attractive girl), and there are others that have seen you spending money, they jump you like an ATM dispensing free cash. That is where my friend the bartender comes in, she gets rid of them for me and I am left alone. Of course, if I ask, she will send someone of my choice over.
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I've never had that problem, Clubber. I just sit at the bar and act like I'm there for the beer too. If there's a girl who interests me, I ask her to join me. Otherwise I drink my beer and then leave.
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