
Comments by DougS (page 10)

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    17 years ago
    Secret Conspiracies
    GodFatherStill: What state am I in? If it's a dancer asking, my answer is always, "horny!"... Actually, I'm in Indiana. There are three good clubs in Indiana, that I know of, plus a few hit and miss.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    GodFatherStill: hmmmm... I think I have an earth shattering theory to share in a new topic... (look for "Secret Conspiracies")
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    FONDL: Yeah, blaming a strip club visit (or other nefarious activity) on a buddy that "forced" you... that's not always a good thing. Word of caution, never use a GOOD friend in this manner. A few years back, there was a "company function" at a local Don Pablos, where schmoozing and of course drinking took place for many hours. As the crowd decreased, a female co-worker that I'd had my eye on for some time was among the remaining few... after another 30 min passed, and the "crowd" became a "cozy" of just four of us.. that aforementioned female co-worker, myself, another girl and a good male friend of mine. Interestingly, two guys, two girls.. good numbers! Well, we continued to drink and with all of us having a good buzz going found ourselves skinny dipping (and doing "other things") in a pool. (quite the memorable night) Fastforward a few more hours, and I found myself having to do some serious explaining to get into my own home (wife was none too happy, as it was 4am). The male friend was in even more trouble (his wife noticed that his belt was missing). My friend used me as a scapegoat, saying that I'd dragged him to a party and we all got drunk. To this day, his wife won't let him so much as talk to me.
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    17 years ago
    Kissy Kissy
    Maybe I'm just a slut, but I enjoy kissing hot girls. A lot! Usually, it is after we have a bit of history together... or at least have spent some steamy dance sessions together, so there at least appears to be some mutual affection going on. Maybe because it is somewhat rare in the clubs, and partly because it at least seems intimate, but I find kissing to be a big turn on. That first DFK session with a girl that is new to your favorite list, is pretty damned exciting. You're already enjoying each other during a stimulating dance session... you're both getting caught up in the thrills of each other's touches... your lips keep getting closer and closer... she's giving you signals that she wants you to kiss her... your lips get closer... finally, you slowly move in towards her mouth... she doesn't pull away... closer... closer... your eyes lock... a tentative lip brush... followed by a kiss... then a lingering kiss... suddenly mouths open... tongues explore... That can be as much of a thrill as feeling her hand pulling your zipper down... well.. all most! [wink]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    FONDL: Are you using IE or FireFox? I believe FireFox is a little more forgiving. Also, another great advantge with FireFox is that it underlines misspelled words. Plus, if your system crashes - of FireFox takes a dump, the next time you start FireFox up, it will allow you to recover from where you left off. That happened to me yesterday, after partially typing another of my rambling posts, my computer rebooted. I was pissing and moaning about losing what I'd typed until I re-starter FireFox and I saw that I didn't lose ANYTHING! Way cool!
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    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    Alas, if ONLY the "I'm working late" alibi would work for me! I am three hours (each way) from my club of choice, so my alibi would have to cover MUCH more time than "working late" could. Alibis... that's another to add... alibis have to be relatively fool proof, and cover anything that may come up. This is an area where I really live "on the edge". I often am actually "many hours" from where my alibi SAYS that I am. If I ever run into a problem such as car accident or car trouble, it would be nearly impossible to explain whey I am in Indianapolis, when I'm supposed to be in Livonia. NJSCFAN: You are good at creating explanations... How do I talk my way out of THAT scenario?!
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    17 years ago
    Dancer Hygiene
    I can only remember a few instances of girls that had even a hint of an unpleasant odor. Most of those were of the underarm variety, which is excusable, knowing how hard they work out when performing. Hell, I'd be like a soppy sponge if I were dancing like that!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    Chitown: Damn, that would've been disastrous. That is a good example of why I always go through each and every pocket, to make sure there are no surprises, even when I know that >>I<< never put anything in there... you just never know. I even go through each pocket of my suitcases, computer bag, you name it. It would be just my luck that a well-intentioned girl would stick a "love note" somewhere for me to find later... Prior to my habitual pocket searching missions, I also got caught with something. I'd been to several strip clubs in the Toronto area with a group of co-workers/friends on a boondoggle. At one particular club, they were handing out all sorts of freebies... playing cards with dancers pictures on them, t-shirts, g-strings, coupons, etc. Well, I WAS smart enough to leave the obvious stuff in the wastebasket of my hotel room. However, thinking that we'd probably go back to that club later in the week, I held onto the coupons (I think it was free admission, or something like that). Well, we never went back, but the frickin' coupons were still in my shirt pocket when my wife did my laundry. DOH! (not disastrous, but it certainly made home life a bit awkward for a while) Recently, I suffered a severe dumbass attack and used the wrong credit card for a purchase that looked suspicious when the Visa bill came. I had to do some quick thinking and fancy dancing, complete with some amazing footwork to get out of THAT one. Oh, and there's the time a few years back when my wife suddenly wanted to listen to my voicemails on my phone. Knowing that there were MANY very damning VMs from my prev-ATF, I pretended that my voicemail password suddenly quit working. Talk about lame, but even as unbelievable as THAT was, and as much suspicion as that raised, it was still MUCH better than if she had heard the voicemails. (I haven't learned my lesson entirely on this, as I have three from my C-Fav on my phone asI type... gotta record them onto my computer and delete them off my phone, before I get caught) Living life on the edge of stupidity... (uhh, no, I think I have crossed completely into stupidity)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    How old is too old /
    Stormi: My suggestion... pack up your things, move to Indiana and marry me!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    GodFatherStill: HEY, BUSTER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING MARRIED TO MY WIFE! Seriously, my wife is the same way. Strangely, other than commenting about how bad the smoke smell is, she's never mentioned the smell of perfume (or other things). I know I can still sometimes smell it faintly, so unless I'm overly paranoid, I can't believe SHE can't. You know, I've even driven 3 hours with all of my windows down, air conditioning running full blast in the dead of winter in an attempt to air out before getting home. I also try to plan my Clubbing so that it's not the same day as my return home. On the other hand, OTCing works out well for smells of the smokey variety, since there is no smoking allowed in the hotel, I at least don't smell like cigarettes, however, the bad side is, there's no smoke smell to cover the perfume smell. Fortunately, both girls that I OTC with currently do not wear strong perfume.
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    17 years ago
    Kissy Kissy
    Always, and damned near constantly - at least with my ATF, and C-Fav. I usually have chapped lips for days after our hookups. Of course with my previous ATFs, it was a given, too. Outside of that, in MY experience, the girls that DFK (or even LFK) were sadly few and far between. I DO think that it's become more common in recent years (or my luck has just improved). Personally (surprise, surprise), I thoroughly enjoy it when it's on the menu.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    FONDL: I typically use the "back" arrow, to go back to the discussion board. I know, that's not what the programmer wants you to do, but hey, old habits! However, if you "back arrow" and realize you didn't POST, you can usually "forward arrow" and not lose what you had typed. Sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't, but I think USUALLY it does work. (see, I guess that means you are not the only one doing that!)
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    Does anyone here feel like they need to "dumb down" the wording they use, when talking to dancers? I usually don't talk in a stilted manner, so I haven't really need to consciously select the words that I use to make sure that I'm understood. Personally, if I felt like I needed to, it would probably drive me crazy.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    FONDL: None that intentionally tried to build their vocabulary, and/or asked if they were using the correct word. My ATF is an avid reader, and I'm sure it's because of that that her vocabulary is extensive enough that you'd never suspect a lack of education. Coincidentally, my C-Fav and I had a conversation along those lines and she told me that she has a dictionary that she keeps handy and is constantly looking up words that she needs a definition for (like when she's helping her kids with homework, etc).
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Things to be Cautious Of When Clubbing -(For the Married - or those with SOs)
    I've got one black shirt that I like to wear, but it's a frickin' magnet. Lint, and especially hair, seems to stick like glue to that shirt, and being that it's black, EVERYthing shows up - especially blonde hairs. I even went as far as buying a lint brush in order to catch all of the evidence. I also have a bottle of "fresh scent" Fabreeze that I spray my clothes in order to get rid of any smells. It even helps with the smell of smoke, which when I am spending HOURS in a club can be quite troublesome. These days, with smoking bans, etc., it's getting hard and harder to explain why I smell like I spent a week working in the R J Reynolds testing facility.
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    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    GodFatherStill: I usually am careful in the color selection of my clubbing attire, especially the shirt. I try to wear dark colors because I'm always paranoid that a dancer will leave a smear of lipstick or makeup. Believe me, before my clothes go into the clothes basket, I do a VERY thorough search (and sniff) of them. I've saved myself hours of explaining in the past, by catching something in or on my clothes that I KNOW my wife would've noticed. One of my best catches; My prev-ATF had VERY long (almost to her ass), blonde hair. As I was checking my clothes, I noticed two long strands of her hair that was caught on one of my shirt buttons. I immediately remembered the when her hair got caught, but I didn't think any more about it, until I saw the strands. There would've been NO way of explaining THAT one.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    Quimby: I'm glad that you explained that phrase... actually, I'm more disappointed to hear what it means. It was making the assumption that "she's sitting with her ass in a tub of butter", meant that she's sitting in the lap of a guy that nutted.. [grin]
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Going Commando or Not
    In the past, I was apprehensive to go Commando, for fear that when a dancer noticed (and she would be sure to notice fairly quickly) she would be offended and think I was just some pervert. Being new to Commando-ing, only one dancer has been "exposed" to me while I was not sporting underwear. Her reaction was very favorable to my "reaction" (if you know what I mean). She liked it quite a lot, in fact. She thought it was sexy and gave me a very inviting smile as she said "mmm... you are naughty!" That was in an OTC situation, so I have yet to test the Commando waters ITC, but I'm anxious to experiment... especially interested in getting the reaction from an unsuspecting dancer...
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    17 years ago
    Funny Things Dancers Say...
    My ATF, even though she dropped out of school VERY early (yes, she too was pregnant), is very articulate. I have never once thought of her as not being well educated - you'd never know it by talking to her, or observing her. I'm not sure, but I would have to guess that she's got a pretty high IQ, as she is a quick learner, excellent problem solver and wise beyond her years. On the other side of the coin, I don't think of my C-Fav as being uneducated. She does have a more urban way of talking, and maybe her vocabulary is influenced by ebonics. I certainly don't look down on her because of the way she talks. I actually find it endearing, for the most part.
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    dancer: "You smell Gooood."
    Minow: LOL... BTW, smelling like donuts is probably the LAST thing you want to smell like... you sure don't want to attract cops, especially if you plan to drink and drive! I actually hear the "you smell sooo gooood" phrase all the time, and I realize it's somewhat of a "line", but I also know that it is true. I DO smell good, and I know the girls appreciate us smelling good, as opposed to the guys that come in after putting in their eight on the line, still wreaking of sweat, etc. My ATF used to especially enjoy it... she'd always start out our ITC sessions by unbuttoning my shirt, and burying her face inside, taking in my cologne, and cooing about how good I smell... then she'd start nibbling my nipples, and licking my neck... it certainly got ME going, anyway.
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    ShadowCat: Unfortunately, I have yet to meet Bones. We've emailed quite a bit in the past (not recently, though... he must be too busy with his girls) and PMed, but never met up. Wait... YOU are reserved on this board?! [grin]... nah... One of these days... maybe I'll have to attend the next TUSCLSCSCSCSC! (The Ultimate Strip Club List, Southern Chapter Strip Club Super Convention, South Carolina) Maybe t-shirts need to be printed up with that on it!
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    Valentine Day Gifts
    I propose using the term C-Fav for a current favorite and retain ATF for your all time favorite.
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    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    I think more than three cheers is in order!!! this is great! I am experiencing a big improvement already... its making it MUCH easier to determine what threads I need to read. THANKS!
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    17 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Loner or extrovert?
    Lou_Lou: Sorry... MY idea of a northern chapter meeting should be renamed Midwest Chapter... I was thinking more along the lines of an Indian/Michigan meetup... such as Brad's Brass Flamingo in Indy, or Flight Club in the Detroit area...
  • discussion comment
    17 years ago
    slip a dollar in her g-string for me
    Discussion Topics and PM post date & times
    Founder: Excellent news! Thanks! Of course everyone will need to select their own time zone, but perhaps in the beginning, everyone's personal time zone could be defaulted to Eastern, since I think most members that I've communicated with on TUSCL are in that time zone. Or, maybe it would be less confusing to default everyone to Zulu/GMT (offset of 0).