Does mileage increase the more you get to know a stripper?

avatar for shadowcat
Boy, Does it!!!


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avatar for casualguy
17 years ago
Yes, I agree. Sometimes, it's high to start with if a dancer claims she already knows you. On the other hand I've had very high mileage from dancers I didn't know. Well for one dancer, I did buy her a drink and we had 2 lap dances already so we knew each other for an hour or so. I guess that's long enough for some people.
avatar for chitownlawyer
17 years ago
Unquestionably. It's just like going out with a girl in high school. I find that with dancers you have a "regular" relationship with, you can just pick up where you left off the last time. Example: with one dancer, it took about five times of getting dancers from her before she would take off her g-string with me. Now it comes off before she starts dancing, as soon as we hit the VIP area.
avatar for DandyDan
17 years ago
Oh definitely, at least with most dancers. If it don't, then you know you don't have a keeper.
avatar for Book Guy
Book Guy
17 years ago
If it doesn't, then she's an idiot.

But it also often gets to a ceiling above which she won't go. Then, again, she's an idiot.
avatar for BobbyI
17 years ago
Strange. I've found that it usually does not. If she is going to fuck you then I think she knows the first time she meets you. At most it should take three visits. I would say it goes like this: If she is going to fuck you then 60% of the time you'll know the first time you meet her; 80% by the second time; and 95% by the 3rd time. I think waiting and letting mileage increase over the very long term is a sucker's game. (OTOH, I'll concede that some patrons more into the fantasy, pseudo-relationship aspect might actually like that. Not me.)
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
I agree bobbyl
avatar for FONDL
17 years ago
I all depends on the girl and the club. Some will let you do more the better they get to know you. Others will give you the most on the first visit to get you to keep coming back for more. And with still others it depends entirely on their mood (and how much they've had to drink.) The most I've ever done in a club was with a girl I hadn't ever met before that night. And with the 4 girls I've had as regulars, it never went any further than it did on the first time together. But then I never really tried either. And many clubs enforce their rules, so that's as far as you're ever going to go there.
avatar for mr.munchie
17 years ago
Generally it doesn't change much in the club, but take-out becomes easier.
avatar for motorhead
17 years ago
God, I can't believe I am going to agree with bobbyl (LOL), but I think he is right !!!

To some extent, certain things, that I will call low-high mileage, such as nipple licking or neck-kissing generally does increase the more you get to know a stripper, but the activities I would term as high-high mileage have only occurred for me with first-timers.

And seeing a dancer OTC, in a non-sexual, "fantasy, pseudo-relationship" will almost only happen once you get to know a stripper pretty well.
avatar for wondergrl5
17 years ago
Does it count as milage if your a dancer too?
avatar for looker123
17 years ago
I think I agree with bobbyl, with one exception. Limits are established right up front with dancers. The exception being that VERY rare case of when a you and a dancer develop a real personal relationship. I am in that now situation now and find that while in club things don't change outside is a whole different story!
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
In my experience, mileage absolutely increases the more you get to know a stripper. Of course there are times when the first session with a dancer will be astonishing. Most dancers will add a little bit each time, to keep you interested, and dangle that carrot in front of the patron, keeping him (or her) coming back for more.

Trust, along with familiarity is another element.. Dancers have told me many times, that when they know they can "trust" me, they feel freer to let things progress a little more, than if they had to worry about where your hands were and where they were going, etc. My prev-ATF, before we started OTCing, had made several compromises for me, and she claimed ONLY me, such as wearing only one g-string (at HH, the norm was 2 g-strings, to keep things covered), and that proved to be a very nice concession...
avatar for rootman
17 years ago
Yes sir. That's why frequenting a club/girls is important. BTW, do you detest (like I do) prepaid mileage? If a new stripper says I can do x for this many more dollars, I'm totally turned off and discard her.
avatar for DougS
17 years ago
I've never been asked to prepay for anything.
avatar for bornloser
17 years ago
Not always. I was known by so many of the girls by being a regular patron, I felt they thought that I would tell the other girls that they were a Hoe and doing stuff like letting me rub them all over and giving me BJs (which was true)I have all kinds of luck (like OTC and extras in the club)with some dancers that I just met because of that.
avatar for Philip A. Stein
Philip A. Stein
17 years ago
I even think that being an obvious regular in a club will get you better mileage from girls that you've never gotten a dance from. I generally have a couple girls sitting with me because I'm such a damn good conversationalist, handsome and dapper (as well as spend too much money). Other dancers know my name even though I haven't talked to them. And when I do get a dance from them, it always seems like I'm getting the best treatment.
avatar for Clubber
17 years ago
Actually, it can easily go the other way as well. With my ATF, once we got to talking and found out we had common friends and such, we became friends and I never asked her to dance for me again. She still did on stage, of course, but then would just sit with me till her next stage time, or someone else wished a dance.
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