Comments by DickJohnson (page 3)

  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    Strange story??????
    Ok but what were the holes in the private viewing booths all about? answer me that one.
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    15 years ago
    Breathe, breathe in the air
    Celebrity lapdance
    recently i have been into megan fox. Shes kinda different in some ways, said in an interview that boys in their 20's are a waste of time and would quit hollywood to go work at costco just so she could keep getting tats. probably about a snowballs chance in hell of being true but shes got guts.....
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    15 years ago
    Did anybody catch Dateline?
    I agree chandler, it should be required viewing about how extreme a stripper/client(s) relationship OTC can become. This was just sad all the way around. I was disgusted all the way around. By her, because we have all seen the crazy, lying, manipulative stripper who cares about nothing but herself. One apparently so crazy that she would be complicit in murder. I was disgusted by these guys for being so ridiculously stupid that they couldn't put two and two together. I don't even think they were getting any. The ending to the whole sordid, sad, pathetic tale is that one of the guys got 99yrs. in prison and was subsequently killed there by fellow inmates, then the loser stripper stood trial and also got 99yrs. The defense really thought she'd walk because it was a circumstantial case, so when the verdict came back guilty, man was it great. The look on her face was absolutely pricesless.
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    15 years ago
    Strip Club Substitutes
    i would take my mom out to dinner more often...
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    15 years ago
    ATF Personal issues
    adendum....loser boyfriend giver her an std which she passes on to you...everybody wins
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    15 years ago
    Ever had a dancer bite you on your thigh?
    I would get really pissed if any dancer ever left a mark on my body. Wtf makes them think that would even be near ok? I sure as hell have never left a mark on any dancer and I expect the same. It reminds me of those dancers that take your head and ram it hard between their tits, like thats so enjoyable.
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    15 years ago
    I like the ladies who aren't afraid to stick a finger or a tongue up your ass, those are the best.
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    15 years ago
    credit card chargebacks
    this is just another example of why SC's are some of the worst businesses around. Most of the time in my life that I have been ROB'd it has of course, been at a strip club. Hopefully, karmas a bitch.
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    15 years ago
    anybody done the bunnyranch?
    I have heard you can negotiate a fair price depending upon a few things. Standard stuff like, how busy are they? If they haven't been busy all day then its your market. also, some of the lower teir girls are probably available for less. Of course, the girls size you up and charge accordingly. If you dont seem like a hi roller but they like you then you might be able to get a good price provided you dont budge. i do kknow that you are allowed to enter and sit at the bar for a while, have a drink, check out the talent b4 you make a decision. During this period some of the girls will approach you, then is the time to hardball them. It really helps if its slow so go during the off hours, whenever they are.
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    16 years ago
    What makes some dancers go after certain guys while other guys get ignored?
    Personally, I would welcome it if most of the dancers ignored me. Most of them I just don't care to talk to.
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    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    a stripper rant's...reprinted for the new guys
    38. Hey Loser, why the fuck is it so hard to bleed you dry like the turnip you are. Start drinking so I can take advantage of you,.lol.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    good for you...i can't stand ROB's. Just remember you control the situation, not her. Unless you get what you want then sayonara.
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    16 years ago
    i wouldn't do it...unless you have tons of $$$ to blow. Chances are it would leave you feeling ripped off.
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    16 years ago
    Medication 4 Treating Addiction; CNN 8:00 PM Tonight . . .
    no i probably wouldnt pop a pill for it...but when you refer to AA pushing its God propaganda, exactly which god is it?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    lying manipulative strippers who think every guy is after them.....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    a damn shame
    Fine points all. I just have a harder time understanding why any woman would take a beautiful set of natural breasts, near perfect in many peoples eyes, and make them into oversized balloons. unfortunately, this is the constant message society send to women, that big breasts are what is most desirable. It happens all the time in many ways. Take a woman who is grossly insecure with her looks, she might be beautiful, but she will resort to plastic surgery to meet some never-enough standard of beauty. I'm all for some plastic surgery to increase a persons self-esteem, but sometimes plastic surgery is a clear sign of self-esteem problems that surgery will never eliminate.
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    16 years ago
    No strings attached?
    Well done Icedawg. Jeez, these chicks act like it should be such a thrill to get a txt from them that you would cough up your hard-earned money just like that. You are the consumer and the customer is always right!!!!!!!!!!
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    16 years ago
    Sundowner or Mons
    u should take that 1,000 and donate it to an orphanage....or take me out for a night on the town. both worthy, money well spent.
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    16 years ago
    I pray I don't turn into this
    Hey the post was supposed to lightly poke fun at what can supposedly happen to a guy who spends a lifetime frequenting SC's. I hav yet to beat it in front of the ladies but who knows, LOL.
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    16 years ago
    Hooking up with a dancer
    Unfortunately, I have to agree with Samsungs analysis. Drugs are the most successful elixir for these women. It might not work every time, but it has the greatest chance. You can have bad hygiene, speak like a cro-magnon, be completely broke, have a 2inch pecker, look like a drooling troglodyte, but tell one of these girls you got a lotta blow to party with and all of a sudden your a freakin GOD!! Just another reason I don't like strippers.
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    16 years ago
    Can a guy get rid of the SC itch?
    There have been a couple of references to quitting this site if one is serious about quitting the SC habit. I agree that would seem the most prudent thing to do. Maybe its not my time yet. Thanks for all the great feedback.
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    16 years ago
    Pittsburgh 30, arizona 21. If Pittsburgh can contain that guy fitzgerald then they should win.
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    16 years ago
    Have you ever had this happen to you???
    Don't ever think you will get a standard business transaction from a dancer. They operate in a different universe. Some get a real kick out of manipulating guys and some are just downright flaky. Some are just plain ignorant or think they're special. Some know how to treat customers right. I do remember once i asked a dancer for a lapper and she actually told me, sure, after she is done with her regular. She even gave me a time frame, which i thought was real cool.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    You have some fairly interesting views, Jablake. Seriously tho, I know nothing about how you make your living, but I was wondering something. If you are, or were, or maybe someday will be in a postion of authority over young women, would you feel comfortable making sexual demands from such women in exchange for leniency? Lets say, you owned a SC, do you think its OK to demand sex from the girls that work for you, or else there will be consequences?