Comments by DickJohnson (page 4)

  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    Still not on board here with you Jablake, but you do seem passionate about your beliefs. You bite off quite a bit with your rants about the gov't, sexual politics, etc...some of which i might be in agreement with you about. Aside from that, I don't think its unreasonable for a young girl to walk into a SC, get a job, do her job according to what she thinks is within her boundaries, and not have to suffer threats and intimidation. In your universe, are you saying thats justified in some way, to be threatened and intimidated?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    Jablake. You seem to value sexual freedom, as do I. I don't understand how sexual liberty is accomplished via threats and intimidation. Your rationale is a little strange, are you really serious in your POV? or are you just being facetious?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    HHmm...well i guess if we can't see the difference in a girls decision to willingly engage with a John vs. a girls decision to unwillingly engage with an employer or she be terminated then we truly have different ethics which guide our lives.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    HHmmm...i dont agree there is not a dimes worth of difference between the two, altho they both are at least partly money-based. The johns power is less limited, whereas a SC owner has far more power, at least in the girls mind. As long as a john is respectful to a girl then there is no abuse concern(hence, the victimless crime claim). However, a boss who tells a girl fuck me now or your fired, or go fuck this guy because he spends a lot of money in the club is definitely being abused. We have a tendency to rationalize sex acts as everything is the same, i.e., such as paying for it vs. dating a girl and paying for it that way, its all the same right? Or getting paid for it vs. being blackmailed into doing it, in effect being paid by not suffering consequences. Human will or decision has nothing to do with it then right? after all, its all the same means to an end.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    the stripper mentality
    correction...she has sex with a male club owner..this guy is a real bottom-feeder. I refuse to ever spend any more money in his club because hes such a low-life. Also, said dancer contracted an std about the same time he coerced her into having sex with him and she swears he didn't give it to her...yeah right.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I pretty much don't ask for a dancers number nor do i want to give her mine. The strippers I have talked to over the phone are some of the worst conversationalists I have ever talked to and they have no scruples...i.e. calling at odd hours, calling all the time, rambling on about this problem or that continuously. Boring conversations with mostly boring people.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Do ALL strippers, 100%, have a price?
    i dont think so...some strippers who would never think of it might after continually being tempted by big bucks...but there are definitely some who dont do that for any amount of money. theyre the cool ones to me most of the time. the ones who will do anything for 20 bucks are the real bottom feeders. some of these girls, unfortunately, have no self-worth or very little and seem unwilling to do anything about it.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Figure this one out...
    I have got it figured out...these are strippers, not much too figure out here. Move on.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Anybody ever have any luck on Craigslist?
    Oh yeah...i forgot to mention that the ads in my area, listed under women seeking men, not erotic services, have some very beautiful women posting. So is this for real or what?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    I have also recently learned that a lot of strippers have sex with many men, sometimes just for the money. I hope this information I have posted is useful to everybody.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Is this a real man?
    Some of you didn't see the point of my post. It's not that men like sex with strippers or men pay for it, etc....I posted that men like sex with strippers only when they have good women at home whom they sexually neglect because they aren't turned on by them. Slaves to the strippers I guess.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Unusual comments you've heard from dancers
    "all these girls here are whores."
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    DATY... would go down a dancer as long as you haven't seen another customer going down on her? thats quite a safety net. right!! I would never DATY a dancer because I don't want some sort of outbreak on my face. Its possible it could happen. Just not worth it. A dancer I know who has HSV 2 and offers lots of extras, I'm sure DATY amongst them, was enough to convince me that it's not worth the risk.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Dancers not filing tax returns
    believe it..its not like these girls are known for being responsible.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    same story, different stripper
    well my monkey just got back from being on the open road. He is beat up and tired. his whole attitude has changed. Evidently I'm not such a bad guy after all. The funny thing is he likes to play with my cell phone so he gets a hold of it and keeps hitting redial while on speakerphone and calls this stripper who tells me to call. Her voice really gets him worked up and she screams at him and he shreiks back in his hi pitched monkey voice. I love havin him back home.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    same story, different stripper
    I decided to play this for all this is worth. I called this dancer a couple more times and said, " Hi. Its DK from the club. You told me to call." She says shes busy, so I said , "ok I'll call you back tonite." she says i wont be home. I say. "ok ill call you tommorrow." so I call her today and I say , "Hi its DK from the club you told me to call." she says stop calling me. I say," but you told me to call, I'll call yoiu when you settle down." I just left her a message. I said, "hi, Its DK from the club, yoiu told me call." LMAO.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    i got bad i noticed that there was a small travel bag and some incidentals missing from my place. I think my m onkey is on the open road or has hitched a ride on the nearest train out of town. he always hinted he wanted to see the world. im gonna miss him.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    anybody wanna buy a monkey?
    he used to do that b4 he started to think the job was beneath him. Now he sits around all day masturbating to baywatch episodes and giving me dirty looks. i do not say much to him anymore cuz hes likely to flip out. he could be bi-polar. every price offer entertained.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Stripper shit...
    i met a stripper the other nite and she came up to me and said 'wanna dance?" i said no thanks not tonite and she said ok sweetie. do u guys think she likes me?
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    njcsfan can't get strippers to kiss him?
    maybe njcsfan is a big fan of massive burritos....
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    Only in Hollywood?
    one time i was in a club and I saw my sister working there...needless to say I was shocked. she refused to talk to me when I confronted her, the only way I could get her to talk to me that night was by getting a few lapdances. Joke people!! It's a Joke!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    true..the republicans have seriously lost their way..but I count on them to find their way back to whats best for the country long b4 the dems. Oh, btw, I remember reading recently some moron politician, either R or D, floating some dumb-ass idea for a sin tax placed on strip club patrons. the money would go to rape crisis centers or something like that. ABSURD!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    bobbyL states, "christianity is the real underlying problem" LMAO at that one. Thats just so he doesn't feel the guilt due to his lack of moral conscience. Also Njscfan says the republicans are wrong ideologically. Hmm. I became a republican after I looked around and noticed I was being taxed on my income, my properties, sales tax whenever i purchase anything(10% here), i paid an inheritance tax once(nearly 50%), etc...In the area I live in there is now an proposal to tax bottled water, dems in congress would like to impose a stupid carbon tax, I have a dumb-ass tollway tax every time I drive on the exprway(which btw was supposed to be temporary), we all pay state/federal taxes with every gallon of gas we buy, which btw, is on a percentage basis greater than the oil industry's profit margin right now. I am not a rich man but I like to keep my money, or spend it how I choose, not giving the FRIGGIN gov't nearly one-third of it. We live in a fuckin business society not some overtaxed nanny state. Thats why I vote republican, because as an aphorism they want you to keep more of your money not to give it to some reditributing democrat!!!ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!!!!! BTW these are only a few examples I can think of right now regarding taxes. I'm sure we can all come up with some more!!!!!!!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    oh oh edwards a "baby daddy?"
    Personally, I'd rather the President Of The United States of America have strong character. Not perfect, but certainly less than scandalous. More blabber about how the republicans are a gutter party, yeah right, and the Dems are such noble people. Sure, the republicans have a far better propaganda machine but the dems are not voted into office because their message never resonates with the voters. The dems are a scattered party trying to make everybody happy, never taking a hard stance on anything, trying to please all the people all the time. What a joke. At lease Georgie will let you know how he truly feels, like when he supported a constitutional amendment banning gay marriage. I would be open to voting for a democrat but none of them is inpiring. They talk in platitudes and their only position on issues seems to be to take the opposite of the republicans. Long live the GOP!!!
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    OT: Paris Hilton Responds...
    paris hilton poster girl for vapid. still, she has used her qualites to make millions, although some would argue if those qualities are anything great. Americans despise everything she represents and she does it unabashedly, so that is a big part of her fame. she can be pretty at times too in some of the pictures i have seen.