ATF Personal issues

avatar for whghIost
Has your ATF personal issues ruin her performace on you? My ATF boyfriend has belittle her and yell at her and just simply mean. Why she doesn't leave him, I don't know. However, she gets depressed and then treat you like her boyfriend treats her. I mean we are close and she is getting comfortable. However, I can do without her attitude change from her isssues. She treat me badly like her boyfriend does to her. At one time, she apologize, but then she repeat herself. Maybe, I should stay away till she dump her boyfriend. He is a major source of her problems.


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avatar for jablake
16 years ago
Sounds like a normal woman. :)

To answer your question: Yes, in a manner of speaking. There was a dancer named Felicity over at the old Diamonds. She gave true GFE and was able to turn on all my love chemicals---what a high. It ought to be a crime. Wait, it is a crime. Anyway, no GFE when she was on good terms with her boyfriend. Most customers didn't care or she was so good that they'd accept the lesser service (I'd be surprised if most could feel the slight difference between her being on and off)---she was in demand.
avatar for deogol
16 years ago
You realize asshole boyfriends keep dancers looking for male acceptance in the clubs right? Basic psychology.
avatar for gatorfan
16 years ago
Be very careful and never intervene on that, she's telling you because she wants your sympathy/listen which hopefully translates into you giving her more money to make her happier. If it's affecting how she's working, I suppose you could let her know that her dances have been different or something to that effect. Your life will be better the less involved you get.
avatar for how
16 years ago
Loser boyfriend gets her love and intimacy.
-- You get her grief.

Loser boyfriend does not pay her; in fact, she probably helps him out with money.
-- You pay for both of them.

Loser boyfriend treats her rotten, yet she sticks with him.
-- You treat her royally, yet she dumps on you.

So, should you stick with her?
avatar for hogsun
16 years ago
adendum....loser boyfriend giver her an std which she passes on to you...everybody wins
avatar for Clubber
16 years ago
My ATF would often ask me for advice for her personal life outside the club. I, personally, took that as a compliment, as she would many times take my advice. I still believe, because of our age difference, I was a father figure for her. And no, it never affected our relationship. I did that at a later time, not her.
avatar for jablake
16 years ago

If I was a woman, then I think the loser boyfriend would wins hands down. Easy to see putting out for a nice guy or even caring about him as a friend; a good friend. A love interest? Putrid.

Solution? I'm sure there are women out there who like that. There is an old saying about how many tons of dirt do you need to shovel before you find a nugget . . . just remember to dig in an area where it is more likely rather than less likely to find a nugget. Dig along Miami Beach and you may find a doubloon if you're lucky, but a nugget?

avatar for casualguy
16 years ago
I don't usually hear anything about boyfriends unless a dancer is telling me she broke up. Then I would wonder why is she telling me this information? I remember one dancer told me that piece of news later on. I kept wondering what prompted her to call me up out of the blue one night and ask to go see a movie with me. Then weeks later I realized, oh she broke up and had no boyfriend. She was pregnant too so I'm glad I didn't get too close to her. Having an instant stripper girlfriend and family is not my idea of fun. One of my friends when I told him said "hey, you could have an instant family!" Not funny at all. I remember she told me she thought he loved her and would stay with her. He got her pregnant and left. I think she was only 21.
avatar for flguytampa21
16 years ago
I usually dont go to clubs to hear about the bf. I want to believe that I have a shot with her. Very rare, but I always hope. I met a dancer who was telling me about her husband all the time. I told I didn't want to know, she then realized, she shouldn't mention the husband. It was her first week as a married woman after a 2 year break from dancing.
avatar for DandyDan
North Iowa
16 years ago
I don't know about my current one, because if she's dating someone, she hasn't told me. It certainly never seems like it's less than the last time, though. However, in the past, with one of the past ATF's, it clearly altered her performance, especially if he was there. I think their relationship made her go psycho, actually. Then there was the other ATF, who would talk about her boyfriend and let me suck her tit at the same time.
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