
Comments by reignfire (page 2)

  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    layin low but staying high
    Consistency vs Variety
    Like tlkDo, I also like a consistent team of three dancers that I can always count on to give me what I want but variety just in case I want to add or replace one on my team.
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    9 years ago
    Tessa Fowler is a busty skeleton
    Where do I sign up to oil her tits???
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    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Racism in pornography.
    As a black man, I can relate to feeling discriminated against even at work (not by my co-workers though). My escape is usually in the sex industry, where usually the only color that mattered was green. I can't believe that in 2015, there's still some issues of race that exist in the porn world. That actresses command twice more money simply because they're in a scene with a black man. And apparently IR really does refer to black because I've seen porn stars who haven't done IR yet have been in scenes with Asian men which I guess isn't considered IR for some reason and therefore ok. I think it mainly boils down to the stars' agents/husbands/boyfriends who steer the porn stars from doing IR. I've been on porn forums in which fans have begged their favorites to not do interracial because that would ruin them in their eyes. No one should be forced to have sex or be in a scene with someone they don't want to but I wish they would be honest about them not wanting to have sex with a black person instead of it'll hurt their careers. Which actresses' careers can somebody point to as being negatively affected after they did IR? I read from older porn stars that the standard thought was that you weren't really considered a porn 'star' until you did IR which then got you nominated for AVN awards. As for the SC scene, I've had some pleasant experiences from white dancers over the past 15 years but also some instances in which a dancer refused to dance for me or stood arms-length away from me for a tip onstage because I'm black. I've also had to deal with comments like "You're not black" and "I don't really think of you as black". As far as extras from white dancers, I can count them all on one hand. I've just gotten used to the reality of the world.
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    9 years ago
    Nice Guys
    I agree w/SJG. Strippers are still women even if it's for P4P. You would think that it would be easier to get what you want and if not, then it'll be easier for them to say so and for you to move on but it's not always the case. If I'm nice to a dancer, it's mostly just to do something nice. I don't think I've ever brought up something I did for a dancer up to her while asking for extras. If I did, I would like to think I would be pretty up front about it.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Do you have a favorite outfit you like to see strippers or other girls wear?
    I hate any outfit that takes too long for a dancer to take off. My former favorite had a habit of combining outfits to wear so that she didn't have to take them off whenever she went onstage her final six months of stripping. I guess she did that to hide her belly but she didn't show her tits either even when I or other guys tipped her. Not cool at all. I love fishnet and sheer outfits (as long as they're not bodysuits). I also love slingshot bikinis. They always get my attention. I have some favs that have outfits like this. I may have to ask the others if they would be willing to wear them for me...maybe even tip them heavily if they do and wear them for me in the future.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    I hate one pieces
    I hate one-piece outfits too. It's like if a dancer is onstage in a one-piece, then it's okay to just leave it on since it would take awhile to take it off, missing half of the song just taking the stupid thing off. For a dancer to not take off her one-piece while onstage or on satellite stages where if guys tip her, they are dealing with feeling cloth instead of skin reeks of laziness.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Just for you ass men. :)
    OMG!!! Thank you SC!!!
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    Are you an ITC or OTC person?
    At first I was a OTC kind of guy but it was frustrating as hell because I would plan to meet with them (some of them as soon as they got off their shifts) but one or two things would go wrong and they wouldn't show up and follow through. I then switch to ITC because, well, the club is the one place you know they'll show up to. I prefer OTC but ITC was much more reliable. Now because of the PP situation, I guess I had to attempt OTC again but bitches are sill the same crazy I was dealing with when I was setting up OTC before.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    New club opening in Columbia, SC?
    Well maybe not the club near Heartbreakers but somewhere in Columbia.
  • discussion comment
    9 years ago
    South Carolina
    Making a deal for extras
    I'm mainly asking for the nipple-sucking because I've given up asking more extras from her. She doesn't seem into extras other than possibly in the Champagne Room.
  • discussion comment
    10 years ago
    Sucking Tits
    For me, I'm used to sucking on strippers' tits so I usually don't go for it unless they put their nipples in my mouth or on my lips. Even the small-breasted dancers try to get you to suck on their nipples because it's the expected thing to do when you work in strip clubs. I had a favorite of mine who initially didn't offer her nipples to me and I didn't mind because they were small and there were other dancers who were available for that. Then one night I got a double dance from her and a friend of hers. They took turns on me, one grinded on me and the other stood over me and allowed me to suck on their nipples (she took the first licking). Since then, she allowed some nipple-sucking in other dances with me with no issues. I've also had well-endowed dancers that dance with their huge tits in front of my face and I've grabbed and put them in my mouth w/o any objections from them. I figure that if they didn't like it, they would stop doing so but then I would stop getting dances from them. I've also had a dancer with D cups who danced with her back arched away from me and would stick my face directly between her breasts and then turn her back away from me. I only got one 2-for-1 dance from her. Currently, I've got a dancer who would be my favorite with her natural C or D cup breasts but she hasn't allowed me to suck on her nipples yet. She's too busy moving around during her dances for me to even get a chance at sucking on her tits. Last time I got a chance, she quickly pulled her breasts away from my face and told me that she has a problem letting people she doesn't know suck on her nipples even though I've gotten multiple dances from her and spent some money on her. I think that she may be telling me the truth or she's reserving that for the Champagne Room.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Atlanta suburb
    Grope or be groped?
    I'd rather be the one that's being groped.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    South Carolina
    One prospect or multiple prospects for OTC?
    Duomaxwell - The whole "Champagne Room" thing might be a hustle. She never tried it on me before (only got dances from her twice since December) but again we were both pretty drunk the last time we talked weeks ago and I haven't seen her since. Jackslash - You're probably right. I'm probably overthinking things. I've just got to decide on how much I'm willing to spend and see how it goes. Like I said, I've been out of practice for years.
  • discussion comment
    11 years ago
    Shadowcat has a birthday on Sunday the 13th
    Happy Belated Birthday Shadowcat!
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    South Carolina
    My Strip Club Pet Peeves (for Customers)
    All of my pet peeves doesn't happen 100% of the time. With #1, I haven't seen it happen too often but I would think that it has happened once or twice. As far as #3, I have heard from both dancers that choose to sit with a customers as well as dancers who have felt that they had to stay with customers in order not to piss them off or fear that they'll be replaced by another dancer. It's not 100% of the time and everybody doesn't think the same way. It's just based on what I've observed and heard of course.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
    Wow guys, thanks for the responses. I really appreciate the support. Shadowcat - it's neither Alice nor Twilight. I know who Alice is but she's not my type and I'm not her type. I don't know who Twilight is. UPDATE - I went to your favorite club on Presidents Day where one of the two dancers I mentioned was there. I tipped her and right after I did, she said she remembered promising to find me and that she was sorry for forgetting me. She blamed it mostly on the alcohol but she did said that she can be forgetful at times. That day she only had one drink and would come to see me after her set. After her set was done...she actually came up and talked to me!!! We talked for a bit before I asked for some dances and she agreed. We went to the couch room, she told me that she wasn't sure how to approach me and that she didn't know if it was okay for her to come up and talk to me. I told her it was always okay for her to come to me and to see if I wanted dances and that I may get some from her. We did two long dances which were pretty enjoyable. Nice grindage on her part. I think she may have enjoyed it too--as she was putting her heels back on, I heard her mutter under her breath that her panties were wet! We went back to the bar where we talked for a while before she went back onstage, finished her set and came back to me again. I eventually told her that she can go to other customers and could come back if nothing panned out. She left but I think it may be the start of a beautiful friendship! So one down and one more to go. I may talk to you guys later about her. I think she may be not comfortable around me is due to my friend whom she has danced for and that we hang out together at the club. All I know is she's quite popular but has a handful of regulars whom she rotates from whenever they're there with her giving another one or two new customers a try. My friend may or may not considered a regular but since he and I share the same 'qualities' when it comes to dancers, if he likes her then there's a very good chance that I'll like her too.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
    When I started going to clubs approx. ten year ago, it was the norm for dancers to approach you. In the past few year though, it has completly gone in the other direction. Now you have to impress & convince dancers to see you and give you dances. It's hard for me to approach dancers because I've never had to do it before. If someone was in my place of work, then I should make myself available to them. If the strip club is some dancers' place of work then they should make themselves available to the customers. I've been pursing two dancers right now with no success in sight for the foreseeable future. I've even asked one dancer two or three times for dances onstage. She said she would get with me after she's finished with a customer but she either left or she stayed with a customer for so long that I left. I know that some dancers are very popular and can get tied up with regulars/customers quickly but there are other times that they AREN'T busy so why should I have to approach them when I've already tipped them onstage and asked them to come see me SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE??? Last week, the other dancer I've been pursuing came to the club very early with there being a few customers there. When she came back out, she stood four or five feet in front of me. I sat there waiting for her to say hey aren't you the guy who keeps tipping me and asking me to sit with him but she said nothing and walked away to do her set. I still tipped her three or four more times but she only came to me when a friend of mine, who was also her customer, was hanging around me. I hate having to bend over backwards for dancers just so they can just dance for me for money. There's something just backwards about having to approach dancers for dances.
  • discussion comment
    12 years ago
    Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
    Do You Prefer to be Approached or Be the One Who Approaches ?
    When I started going to clubs approx. ten year ago, it was the norm for dancers to approach you. In the past few year though, it has completly gone in the other direction. Now you have to impress & convince dancers to see you and give you dances. It's hard for me to approach dancers because I've never had to do it before. If someone was in my place of work, then I should make myself available to them. If the strip club is some dancers' place of work then they should make themselves available to the customers. I've been pursing two dancers right now with no success in sight for the foreseeable future. I've even asked one dancer two or three times for dances onstage. She said she would get with me after she's finished with a customer but she either left or she stayed with a customer for so long that I left. I know that some dancers are very popular and can get tied up with regulars/customers quickly but there are other times that they AREN'T busy so why should I have to approach them when I've already tipped them onstage and asked them to come see me SEVERAL TIMES BEFORE??? Last week, the other dancer I've been pursuing came to the club very early with there being a few customers there. When she came back out, she stood four or five feet in front of me. I sat there waiting for her to say hey aren't you the guy who keeps tipping me and asking me to sit with him but she said nothing and walked away to do her set. I still tipped her three or four more times but she only came to me when a friend of mine, who was also her customer, was hanging around me. I hate having to bend over backwards for dancers just so they can just dance for me for money. There's something just backwards about having to approach dancers for dances.
  • discussion comment
    13 years ago
    South Carolina
    Help!!! My fav won't go onstage!!!
    Thanks for the replies. I went to the clue last Tuesday where there were few dancers (7-10 maybe) and even fewer customers. There was so few dancers onstage that the door guy asked my fav to go onstage. She agreed as long as it was just once since it was near the time for her to leave and that there were so few customers there. She was clearly nervous about going onstage. I asked how long she's been onstage and she said it's been a long time. I asked her why it's been a long time since she's been onstage. She said the main reason she hasn't been onstage is because she felt she had gotten bigger and didn't want all eyes on her when she goes onstage being the center of attention. I told her she looked fine and not that big (truthfully she hadn't gotten noticeably bigger then the last time she's been onstage) but she still wasn't really convinced. She later went onstage and did okay. I went to the stage and tipped her well (I was the only person who tipped her). She seemed to be okay (maybe due to the lack of customers) although she tripped onstage to meet me. She was pretty embarrassed about it and glad hardly nobody was there to see it. I told her she did fine and that she should go back on rotation again but she seemed she'll do it only if asked AND there's not alot of customers AND if there are a lack of dancers. I'm afraid it might be a long time before my fav gets back onstage again. Just wanted to let y'all know.
  • discussion comment
    14 years ago
    New Hampshire
    Double Dance?
    I agree with most of the posters...I've had double dances and they can be fun but only with the right two dancers, those who work well together and have done it before. Years ago, I was approached by two of my favorites who were working together due to a customer's request so I bit. They both gave me extras individually but together, one didn't because she didn't want the other one to know and the other one hid her activities from the first one so that she wouldn't find out, so it was very frustrating for me. There was too much activity to focus on at one time. They were okay. Months later, I had another pair of dancers I knew who were working together for the first time. We three went to the couch room where we spent about an hour and a half there. That experience went WAY better! There was a whole lot of touching, grabbing, kissing and licking between the three of us! We even did it again months later, ending with my first (and only) three-way DFK!!! Those women had me spoiled and I haven't been with two dancers since. It's going to be like it was with the last two dancers or not at all with me!!!
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    White girls who speak with a Black-cent
    Clubber...as a PROUD black man, to say I disagree with your first post would be the understatement of the millenium. There's simply no possible way I could disagree with you MORE than I do right now.
  • discussion comment
    15 years ago
    South Carolina
    Valentine's Day Gifts for Dancers (besides money)
    Thanks for the suggestions. I should have made my post clearer but I was really tired and I went to bed after posting it. The dancer in question is an ATF but she and I are more "club friends" than anything. She's complained (not a lot) about being alone but she won't meet anybody OTC. I just wanted to give her a little something, if nothing else than it would make her feel at least a little better. It's more about me wanting to do something for her than the other way around but I'm not going to go overboard about it. Maybe perfume??? IDK.
  • discussion comment
    16 years ago
    South Carolina
    Substituting an ATF
    Well, I've decided to bite the bullet and just try her out the next time I have the chance.
  • review comment
    6 years ago
    South Carolina
    Pp This Past Tues
    Whoops. I meant PW instead of PP.