
Substituting an ATF

South Carolina
Wednesday, July 30, 2008 4:38 AM
How do you all handle substituting an ATF with a seemingly cheap knock-off? For me, I had an ATF who has been gone for well over a year. Lately, I've noticed a dancer at the same club who's like the poor man's version of my ATF: kinda cute with kind of a nice body. Only thing is her smile is a little crooked and she's so simple. She's really not like my ATF at all except for similar looks. I've never gotten a dance from her but from what I've observed, I could hook up with her anytime I want w/o any real effort on my part. It took me awhile to hook up with my ATF which made the end so rewarding. Not only that, she was much more discrete. I think the cheap version may turn out to be too possessive and not give me my space, especially since I've practically dogged her out in front of my friends. None of my friends have gotten a dance from her but, from seeing her in the couch room and on the floor, she seems to give the kind of dances that I like. She's okay and I'm kinda curious about her, especially since it doesn't seem my ATF is coming back any time soon. Any suggestions?


  • Dudester
    16 years ago
    Strippers use a false name at the lub, so do I. Strippers pretend to be a fantasy, I make up biographical information about myself to them-if they ask. Going to the club is a fantasy experience, and it reaches it's pinnacle when you get laid. I did have an ATF I took seriously, but it was only because we had much in common. My new ATF likes my money and I like her vagina. Other than that, we have nothing in common. Works for me.
  • snowtime
    16 years ago
    Dudester's line: "My new ATF likes my money and I like her vagina. Other than that we have nothing in common." seems to sum it up as succinctly as possible. While there may be common interests from time to time, I think the majority of us are a little, to a lot, older than most of the strippers we see and accordinngly have very little in common with them. For example, while I have owned Apple Computer stock off and on over the years, I personally have no clue what an "Ipod" does and quite frankly don't care to. On the other hand, most strippers probably find such an item a necessity. Not particularly relevant, but just one example of the wide cultural gap between some strippers and some customers.
  • chandler
    16 years ago
    Reignfire: Is this question for real, or are you being very, very droll? If you're attracted to a similar looking girl, get a dance from her. If you like it, get more. Forget about substitutes.
  • Yoda
    16 years ago
    Suggestion? Yeah, dust of your fucking wallet and buy a dance. If you like it buy more. if you don't then don't. Dude, it's a strip club. Don't over-complicate it.
  • reignfire
    16 years ago
    Well, I've decided to bite the bullet and just try her out the next time I have the chance.
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