Sucking Tits

In your experience, do most strippers let you suck their tits?
I ask this because obviously a lot of dancers have brushed their tits across my mouth over the years, but I've only attempted to suck the tits of two dancers. Both of those dancers didn't mind, and it was a good titty sucking session. I guess you can say I'm 2 for 2. I'm just wondering if some dancers will stop you if you try to suck their tits.
last commentSome encourage it like the stripper i met monday night.
The correct answer to your question, as always, can be found in the hallowed halls of StripperWeb wherein we learn not only is this assault, but it is incomprehensibly disgusting for you to kiss or lick ANYWHERE on a dancer's body (and that's just the first page!!)
More personally, I'm not a tit man and don't try to suck dancers nipples, but lots and lots of dancers seem to position their breasts so that they're available if I'd like to. But then I think to myself, "what if this girl was with ranukam and ime just before this? She covered in tuscl slobber!" :) :) It is definitely the case that not all dancers like it, but it many of the clubs I go to, it's standard
Actually, licking the clitoris causes her to rise higher than she needs to be.
Licking tits in a SC, I would probably not go for it. Unless she says so, but even if she says it, if the intent was for me to take her out. I'd rather lick-the-clit instead.
I like sucking on great nipples, but always ask the girl first. I have chosen to get dances from girls based upon really attractive nipples. And at times I have turned down dancers if they decline my request to suck thier nipples. And if they say yes and then don't follow through it's one and done.
But if I'm interested I ask them. Mostly it happens in VIP but I've also had some nice experiences on the main floor with long haired girls. Long hair is convenient for this type of fun.
Of course, like @Subraman stated above, you have to wonder who was there first. But based upon my limited observations this behavior may not be as common as we think? And of course some dancers do not allow it. For OTC it is a mandatory but minor part of the fun.
If they bring their breasts near your mouth about a 98% they will let you suck them.
It's eye-opening how night and day TUSCL is from stripper-web.
Many guys on TUSCL have indicated that sucking titties is standard/normal in the area that they club in. But if you read that thread on stripper web, the vast majority of those dancers indicate that they would never let a customer suck their tits. And if a customer attempts to, they will pull away/tell the guy to stop or call for a bouncer.
@GoVikings, sounds like those chicks on SW are not the girls I find in my favorite clubs. Thank god for that.
Many strippers have traits of anti-social personality disorder. Part of that is wanting to view yourself as the predator coldly taking advantage of weak/loser customers while giving them basically nothing in return. If they were to admit to thing like letting customers suck on their titties, it would be inconsistent with this image of themselves they want to be believed.
The thing here, of course, is that if you took it at face value, you'd conclude that none of those SW girls have actually been to strip clubs. Or, the more likely answer, they are posing for each other, venting, and doing all the things they claim not to while creating a fantasy forum persona where, exactly as Dougster says, they are the predators who take advantage of customers and give nothing in return. It's a fantasy escape from what we all know is the reality of what goes on in strip clubs. And that, Corvus, is why you don't run across SW girls (at least in their fantasy SW personas) in strip clubs
Yes, the majority of dancers eventually position themselves to enable tit sucking. I only partake when it is obvious this is their intention like leaving their nipple stationary on lips for a few seconds.
And yea, its probably a good thing I don't know where those nips have been, but, there is no sense to going to sc if you're afraid of germs.
@Subraman - well put. You nailed it.
As far as worrying about who was there before you....Sometimes you just have to say WTF YOLO.
You guys that keep reading the pink site must be gluttons for punishment.
Yeah, for all I've read about girls not liking it when guys do that, a lot of them find a way to put their nipples right up against my lips and leave them there for a while. What do they expect me to do at that point?
Long story short, it depends on the girl. Some don't mind. Others do. Pretty safe to assume the ones that put 'em up to your mouth don't mind.
I always figure that if a lady doesn't like it/want it, she would not put them there so, if the opportunity presents itself, I will oblige her once, if she presents the other for equal treatment, that one too.
I had been partaking for years then, just this year, I asked myself the question Subraman stated. Where was that boob before it was in my mouth??? Ewwww. Slowed me down a bit.
I agree with those of you say what are you supposed to do when a dancer brushes her nipples across your mouth. Also, I've never asked a dancer if I could suck her tits. If I want to suck her tits, I just suck her tits, although I rarely do any titty sucking.
My experience has been that they don't put their nipples by your mouth if they don't want you to suck on them, but will generally graze your lips and if you take will linger and allow it.
If she sticks them near my mouth, which they usually do, I go for it. I have yet to have one complain.
I've found most seem to like a fluttering tongue rather than sucking.
I've had strippers brush their nipples across my mouth at the stage. Is it OK to suck their fits right there?
If anybody knows how fits taste let me know.
@chessmaster- it generally is not ok to suck a stripper's titties on stage.
I'd say if they put them there I will. I don't consider it a dance if I don't do it.
@chessmaster: I guess you have not see Britney Amber ( ) dance on stage. LOL.
yes, but then I expect them to return the favor ;)
Here's another one, Shyla Stylez ( ). I will not say what she did to me when I was watching her dance on stage.
@chessmaster: you will move it when she throws it at ya. LOL.
@alabegonz- you saw Shyla Stylez? Was this in Portland?? Shyla's titties look perfect, although they're fake.
^^^ Yeah, she was here but that was about two to three years ago.
I suck them all day everyday
Assuming that I'm in a club where it's allowed, I'd have to say at least 80% let me suck their tits.
@ Dougster and Subraman
So the strippers on stripper-web are lying?
I was just curious- because something obviously doesn't add up when you have one group of people saying one thing- and the other group saying something that's totally on the opposite end of the spectrum.
@Shadow-my mutual sentiments.
w.r.t. SW – just as it is kinda normal behavior for men to brag/exaggerate about their sexual escapades; it is kinda normal female behavior to do the opposite – if you are a guy who sleeps around; you are a playa – if your are a chick that sleeps around; you are a ho (or so is viewed by many in society),
w.r.t. titty sucking – I go for it every chance I get – in clubs known for higher mileage; I’ve had higher success rate (and also clubs that have more private LD areas such as booths).
One thing worth noting: I would hazard to guess that only two out of every five girls I get dances from puts the nipples in that place.
So it's not like we're always in a position to do it, nor is anyone (even the SW crowd) saying that guys are getting into the lapper area, grabbing a girl by the hips, yanking her towards them and suckling like we're a year old and trying to get milk.
But, in two of five, they put them there. I think it's more the case that the SW girls have unreasonable expectations of us -- sit on your hands, let us do whatever we want and only move to breathe, then give us all your money -- rather than us being doofuses. Healthy chance the SW crowd isn't the two of the five, or if they are, they're not the brightest two.
Our point: If you put the nipples there, we'll do what comes naturally. Though I agree with the person above who said I prefer to lightly lick & flick rather than suck. It's my chance to say, "Hey, here's my technique up here, imagine if I can use it down there."
I always suck strippers' tits. It's the least I can do in return for their sucking my dick.
When my ITC is riding my hard cock and getting close to cumming, she generally pulls my face to her tits and makes me suck hard on her nipples. I can feel her writhing in pleasure right after that happens. The she takes my cock in her mouth, makes me cum and swallows it. Something tells me she likes our sessions just as much if not more than I do.
Jerkoffs say what?
For me, I'm used to sucking on strippers' tits so I usually don't go for it unless they put their nipples in my mouth or on my lips. Even the small-breasted dancers try to get you to suck on their nipples because it's the expected thing to do when you work in strip clubs. I had a favorite of mine who initially didn't offer her nipples to me and I didn't mind because they were small and there were other dancers who were available for that. Then one night I got a double dance from her and a friend of hers. They took turns on me, one grinded on me and the other stood over me and allowed me to suck on their nipples (she took the first licking). Since then, she allowed some nipple-sucking in other dances with me with no issues. I've also had well-endowed dancers that dance with their huge tits in front of my face and I've grabbed and put them in my mouth w/o any objections from them. I figure that if they didn't like it, they would stop doing so but then I would stop getting dances from them.
I've also had a dancer with D cups who danced with her back arched away from me and would stick my face directly between her breasts and then turn her back away from me. I only got one 2-for-1 dance from her. Currently, I've got a dancer who would be my favorite with her natural C or D cup breasts but she hasn't allowed me to suck on her nipples yet. She's too busy moving around during her dances for me to even get a chance at sucking on her tits. Last time I got a chance, she quickly pulled her breasts away from my face and told me that she has a problem letting people she doesn't know suck on her nipples even though I've gotten multiple dances from her and spent some money on her. I think that she may be telling me the truth or she's reserving that for the Champagne Room.
Since I got a yeast infection from a stripper I don't put my mouth on any part of them.It's real fun standing in line at a CVS scratching your nutsack at 3:00 am with a tube of Lotrimin.
Two different dancers I was getting a regular LD from kept putting their nipples on my lips. They were already letting me squeeze their tits pretty good then each time they told me to suck on their tits and they basically shoved them in my mouth :)
Then two other times I've asked. This once dancer was petite but had some beautiful tits/nipples, she was a b cup. I asked if I could suck on them and she said I could. The other time I asked was with a different dancer. I was squeezing her tits and I said how badly I wanted to suck on them. She said "go ahead, as long as you don't bruise them".
footballguy...what city do you club in? You should write a review
I am a book guy and I just love sucking tits. (Guess it's cause I was breast fed as a baby ) some girls have little to no sensation from sucking their tits and others it drives them wild. Some love it so much because it gets them excited sexually. One girl told me it's almost like she has a nerve connecting her tits and her pussy. She just loved me sucking her tits. I sucked them and fucked them ITC and OTC. The more attention I paid to her tits first before putting my hand in her thong or under her skirt the more she wanted to fuck. I have found several girls like this and I use it as a tactic regularly to break down their will and get them to fuck me most often OTC; because they love having their tits massaged and sucked.
Should be boob guy Dam spell check !
LOL @ stripperweb mention. Yes strippers will let you suck their tits but you have to take the hint and get the greenlight. If they brush your lips with their nipple that's the hint, if they dont pull away when you put it in your mouth thats the greenlight. If they dont want you to suck they'll just lean back so you cant. Play it cool and dont annoy them about it. If you're young, have money, look & smell good, they'll give you a lot of mileage.
Ignore what you read on stripperweb. Thats a website for disgruntled strippers who went out of their way to find a support community on the internet to blow off steam. They're all bitches there and represent the minority of strippers. If you notice there's only a few dozen active members with thousands of posts each.
now that i've had an opportunity to club in areas that are a bit more high mileage, i've experienced this myself. in my area, the girls have to wear the chance that you're gonna suck titties is slim to none.
but every now and then i get to north carolina, where the clubs are better/higher mileage, and i'm starting to experience this more and more. some of the strippers encourage it.
i had a very fun couple of VIP sessions a couple weeks ago in which the stripper allowed plenty of titty sucking. as far as who was there before me, who gives a fuck!!! :-)
One nice thing about living in an area with bikini lap dances is when a stripper pulls her tit out and puts her nipple on your mouth, you know she wants you to suck it.
It's fairly rare here in the LD room and pretty common in the VIP area.
I have to suck their tits if they are dancing for me. If they won't let me I'm One & Done ! I sucked a dancer's tits through 12 songs right out in full view in the Lap Dance room at the Harem in Dayton. She didn't care and I was loving it and the bouncer came in the room 3 times and said nothing. She was loving it and moaning and groaning as I sucked away.
Many don't like it. I stick to kissing their boobs / nipples. Many women find even light suction on their nipples to be uncomfortable.
Quite a few have allowed it, but many don't as well. My experience matches Dougster's when he claims that if she puts them in, on or even very near your mouth or lips, she's ok with it.
Interestingly, the MILF I'm currently seeing definitely does not like, in general. The first time I asked, she hesitated for a significant period of time, then said, "ok, but they're really sensitive, so be as gentle with it as you are with everything else."
She always seems so surprised when I do something new and she actually likes it. :)
I totally back off if she has recently had a baby. :)
Damn scat, mother's milk is awesome. Sweet as can be.
Aside from the 1 or 2 patently lame LD's we got when we started the majority of strippers have dove right in and sucked on mrs sea's titties like crazy and vice versa. Maybe we've just been lucky but it seems they relish the fact they get to fool around with another hot woman who'll do anything with them. Suddenly though mrs sea is worried about how many other mouths have been on those titties before
Some swear by monkey brains, but...
I don't always wait for her to put her nipple near my mouth, nor even for her to start a dance. Yesterday, I was joined by a hot new girl on her second day stripping. After chatting and caressing for a few minutes, we decided to share a Corona.
When it arrived, I took the lime slice and, without asking, pulled her bikini top to the side and rubbed the lime over her nipples. She knew what I would do next, and happily went along.
Well at least you thought of a decent reason to drink a corona. :)
Clubber, wouldn't that make for a good version of those iconic Corona commercials with the side-by-side couple viewed from behind?
Any commercial with a lovely, naked or near naked, woman is OK in my book!
At any rate, that's my idea of sharing. Let her drink the beer while I suck on the lime.
haha chandler, that was a pretty slick move by you. Nice job!
But yeah, sucking titties is one of my favorite things to do during a lap dance
Usually, I don't even ask. They will make it obvious that they are ok with it, and this is often the deciding factor on whether to get another dance.
Really love sucking on boobs. In fact, that is the exclusive reason of why I go to the clubs in the first place. Even if I manage to get a HJ, I still expect to suck on her nipples beforehand. To that end, I’ve always asked ahead of time to make sure she will be providing me with that perk.
In one instance I got a girl who was lactating. For me, that was extra special. She went out of her way to squirt some into my mouth as well as encourage me to suck it directly from her nipples.
One girl at a local club (back around 2000) told me her prices up front. “Twenty dollars topless, forty dollars fully nude, AND you can suck my tits.” She also talked me into an HJ for another extra amount I can’t remember.
Over the years I also made use of another regular girl at a different club who I would see almost every time I visited. Although she considered tit sucking a bit cringey for men to do that to her, she was OK with it every time I showed up. And she apologized she did not have any breast milk to give me. Well, you can’t have everything.
Should also mention that twenty years ago or so, early in my days when I went to strip clubs, it was rather difficult to find any girls willing to let me suck their tits. As the years went on, it started to get easier. Eventually, hardly any girl would say no to the request.
I can’t say for sure, but I think the activity should be a regular menu item. Put a sign out front: “Tit sucking available here.” Along with a simple drawing/graphic of the act. A man can dream.
I once printed up a few business cards with the simple question printed on it: “May I suck your tits in the VIP room?” I never did try actually using one, though. But it would make it a bit more discreet than asking the question aloud, to be sure.