TUSCL, Life, and Manners!

avatar for troop
i've been a tuscl member for two years now. for the most part i've tried to get along with everyone here but no doubt i've pissed some people off as others have pissed me off but usually it's been no big deal.
in the past i've watched arguements and insults directed against each other among members but usually stood out of it and some of the arguements were actually childish and funny.
i remember long ago talking with samsung in a pm about a certain member and telling him that i had to bite my tongue and withhold my comments when reading his posts because i didn't want to turn into two certain members here who were known for their attacks on others.
yes i've hit some newbies that never contributed anything and only came here for intel, obvious spammers (the blackstripclub creep comes to mind), and trolls but never got real personal unless they got personal first and even then i don't believe i went beyond what others had done to me or each other.
then one day things changed. i made a comment in this thread...


and the ensuing comments from doc holiday set me off! imo he went way over the line insulting me, alucard, and our mothers.
i had zero problems with holiday before that and had never said a bad word to or about him and yet he chose to attack me and my mother and then alucard and his deceased mother when he stepped into the thread.

what was once a board where members sometimes argued and insulted each other hit an alltime low.

some of you guys may have been brought up in or led privileged lives. mine wasn't terrible but it was far from privileged. many of my friends from over the years are dead, some have been for many years. personally i've been shot at, almost od'd, almost drowned, been in some very nasty fights but i have survived and intend to continue to. what kept me alive and has brought me to the point i'm at today is my will to live and the experience that i learned that when someone strikes at me i strike back harder! as far as i'm concerned that applies everywhere whether it's on the street or online.
for the most part i'm an easy going and compassionate guy with a sense of humor but if you attack me especially for no reason i will not back down, anywhere!
some of you may think i'm some nasty guy and if so, so be it but i think i explained my reasoning above.
no matter what some here may think i've been very reserved and lenient in my comments and actions regarding holiday, i know enough about him now that i can destroy his life from a thousand miles away and up to this point have chosen not to.
holiday is a troll that made a life long enemy with his comments, just because it's online doesn't change anything, it still happened and it's as real as your hand in front of your face.

that's my reasoning and an explanation, you can take it or leave it.


Troop, I think that you are taking this a little too seriously. It is an online entertainment forum. I wouldn't sweat comments made by guys on this thing.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
I made a joke about your mother as I would any friend of mine. Yes, it was in bad taste. I grew up off Eddie Murphy, Richard Pryor, and Mantan Morland. I offended you. It was wrong. But, it's just words.

I am willing to settle this through more words or a one on one fist fight. But it's not worth getting stabbed or shot for, and it's certainly not worth getting arrested over. Minus a PI charge, I have a clean record and moved two months ago, meaning I don't yet know the cops here. I don't know who you know there or how you called from there. I don't want the local cops coming down on me or the next time I walk into a club, getting a dancer and myself arrested over this. Most girls I see also have a clean record and the Dallas jail is the last place I want them to go. This hobby is suppose to be fun.

So, I have apologized all I can. If we can't come to agreement, I'll just agree to ignore you. I hope you can do the same.
I don't want to take sides in this, but I want to comment. Yes, Doc was insensitive in his remarks. Crossed the line when he brought family into the discussion. Big time error. But he did apologize. Maybe not right away but when he realized how much he deeply offended you and Alucard, he did offer an apology.

I'm not defending him. But we all often use humor on here. Sometimes not always in good taste. And maybe typing it on a computer keyboard the humor or sarcasm doesn't come across as it would in person. I don't think either of you are bad guys. He made an apology - several times now. What more do you want him to do. You seem like a nice guy Troop, as evidenced in what you wrote on this thread. But quite frankly, what you're doing is on the verge of becoming scary stalker-ish. I think somehow you need to let it go.

avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
"I don't want to take sides in this, but I want to comment. Yes, Doc was insensitive in his remarks. Crossed the line when he brought family into the discussion. Big time error. But he did apologize. Maybe not right away but when he realized how much he deeply offended you and Alucard, he did offer an apology"

There was NO SINCERITY in that supposed apology.

"Troop, I think that you are taking this a little too seriously. It is an online entertainment forum. I wouldn't sweat comments made by guys on this thing"

The use of a bit of Decorum by ALL of the members here when posting would not be a bad thing. I realize that good manners when posting about fellow members is BEYOND certain members.

What was said about Troop , myself & our mothers was totally UNACCEPTABLE and I hope should be seen by other members as totally UNACCEPTABLE!
avatar for troop
13 years ago
i agree with alucard.

@ motorhead, you say he made an apology several times. where? show me. i know for a fact that other than the half hearted semi-apology he just made above he has never said anything even close to apology to me, and he takes back what he said by reasoning that they're only words. words mean something! period! what he's done since that original insult is insult me more until i proved to him last night that i can easily get at him.

i didn't start this, he did. now because it's apparent that he's vulnerable all of a sudden he's a victum? not true. he continued to be an arrogant bitch towards me until last night.
if any of you guys want to make me out to be a stalker and the villain here, fine, but he brought it on.

doc, you apologized all you can? bullshit!
it's ironic that you were exposed on turkey day isn't it! there is no agreement and it's not over, you know your option.
Ignore is there for a reason. If you don't use it, you have no one to blame but yourself.
I'm not going to be put in a position of defending him. Yes, what he did is UNACCEPTABLE.

No Troop, you're not the villain. But I say again how do you want this resolved? If founder wants to kick him off the board, that's fine with me. I've been around a few years and he's done it before. He's seems to be taking a more hands off approach now.

avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
No shoes no shirts no apologies
avatar for Alucard
13 years ago
Well in certain aggress situations it is my OPINION that The Founder SHOULD be more hands ON.
I thank I'm just going to stay out of this one
avatar for rell
washington dc
13 years ago
people have said things about my mother all the time.. and seriously i could care less. i have way too many things on my plate to sit here and waste my time energy and focus on somebody online

whether doc holiday was joking or not or whether his appology was sincere is honestly pointless in my opinion and i know theres been a couple of people who have had issues with doc im not one of them btw but i see it like this.. ignore what he says and the whole thing would have never happend if doc is the person that some people on here think he is well needsthe attention no attention= no fun for him ..you feed into his crap well youll be all upset and hell be behind the screen laughing and youll be writing a discussion based on him while guess what he hasnt gave you a second thought ..
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
Troop. Thank you for a clear explanation. I don't blame you for taking the comments seriously as I would do so myself were my mother impugned.
I had read the ongoing stuff and I had felt that the slur was in incredibly bad taste, but probably not meant as a true slander (In other words a poorly phrased dig that has no bearing in reality).
When I find myself in such situations, I first spend some time cooling off (Never hate your enemy, it clouds your thinking-M. Corleone) and then think it through: Is it worth retaliating - usually for me, "no" and that is because when I do retaliate it is not simple, pleasant, nor without risk to all parties. Innocents can be hurt. I consider the source: is (s)he worth the time taken to respond or is it pearls before swine and a waste of the most precious thing I've got - time. Just a few thoughts.
Again, thanks for the clear statement.
avatar for Jackmd
Up and In
13 years ago
I'd like to second Rell's comments. The whole thing is getting out of hand. I don't want to read about TUSCI members getting hurt over some inappropriate comments. This is how people do get hurt these days.
Over the time I've been on the Board I've enjoyed the comments of both Trooper and Holiday and hope to continue enjoying their thoughts on things. This just brings the Board down.
If Founder gets involved he should throw both of them off the Board and that as far as I'm concerned would be a loss for all of us. PLEASE GENTLEMAN handle this like gentlemen.
avatar for steve_ny
New York
13 years ago
Troop, I have to agree with you. I have a couple of close friends that always joke about each other's wives. One even talks about banging the eleven year old daughter in a couple of years. I stay out of it and my girlfriend is off limits for both of them but the point is that these are lifelong friends. You and Doc obviously don't have that type of relationship so this was way out of line. Also, he displayed keyboard bravery. So, wives, girlfriends, sisters and mothers are off limits.
good point

Maybe I overstated it when I said Doc apologized several times. Though, besides this thread he did post the following:

An Opinion, Mine
Posted: 09/17/11
"Turns out, I deeply upset you. My wrong."

So twice he has admitted he was wrong. Whether you think he was sincere or not, infuses that's a matter of opinion.

This is beginning to remind me of the Seinfeld episode where Jerry agreed to buy "a meal" for another guy but when Jerry took him to dinner the guy only ordered soup and claimed it wasn't a dinner and demand another dinner.

It seems both of you need to show some maturity and resolve it like gentlemen as the poster above said so nicely

avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
I've offered twice to meet in person and settle this over a beer. If he still wants a fight after that, I understand. I insulted him. Now if we can settle this here, it would thrill my day as I don't want this dragging on any longer than it has to.

the board,

I made a joke about mothers to see how you would feel if I talked about your mother the way you would a stripper. I believe strippers should not be stereotyped and talked about like scum because of the bad apples among them.


I picked on you because I thought you were a funny guy I could relate to and mistakenly also thought you were easy going. You were the last guy I thought would react this way. I am sorry this and my ongoing jabs hurt you as it did. Obviously, I'm not going to do it again.


You were just collateral damage. Had you not jumped in and said something about you passed mother, I never would have said a word. That said, I felt bad even typing the words. But truth be told, I've made jokes at every funeral I've been, too. It may be disrespectful, but it's how I deal with death and I would like to think the dead would not wish to see us grieve more than we have to. But that is neither here nor there, I do not know you and what I said was incredibly disrespectful. I apologize and my offer of a beer and guided titty bar tour though Dallas stands for you as well, if you are ever in town.

As far as anyone else, you gotta buy your own beers. I didn't insult your mothers.
I think that just about sums it up. Doc, you got yourself out of an impending "ignore" from me. Way to man up and say "I was wrong". Not many people can do that these days.
avatar for Doc_Holliday
13 years ago
troop, I am glad you have a mother you love and care for. I don't. And I never OD'ed. So, I can't relate on either of those. But, I was homeless at the age of ten, and two of my friends died before we were legal to drink. So, I understand coming from hardship. Granted, you life may have been a lot tougher than mine, I did manage to get into college, but I was able to deal with my problems through laughter. And in a group of guys, as we have here, that includes a lot of mom, wive, daughter jokes.

From here on out, I will watch what I say to you or anyone else here for that matter. I will admit I'm a coward and the call from the cops last night put the scare in me. So if that's my motive, so be it. But I really want to do whatevers right to end this. But me leaving all together will not ensure this argument is over. I can't leave until I know you are cool with me and will not use my information, or whoever you know at the APD, against me.

On top of that I have NO enemies. Why would I want one now? Even the guys I fought ended up my friends down the line. Can we not settle this as well?
avatar for Rlionheart
13 years ago
I just read Doc's 9:43 post
Troop - this guy isn't worth your time
He may have gone too far but others who aren't involved will get hurt
Let it go before everyone is sorry
avatar for deogol
13 years ago
If things get out of hand, one should consider the possibility of putting the board at risk as well the community on it. All parties should consider threats of violence as possible police interest. All parties should consider "finding out about someone" falls under many state's anti-stalking laws and as possible police interest. There are already people on here going on about banging chicks for dollars which I am quite sure turns up police interest in at least figuring out possible places to sit and watch for it.

But potential crimes of violence, that gets real interesting - and not for the pussy police but very determined don't fuck around with kind of detectives. Then they start sticking their noses into everything - armed with a warrant. With the police come the reporters - Founder will be first sought out and publicized in ways probably not to desirable.

If it was me as Founder, hassled by police, private detectives, and reporters, I would probably shut the fucker down.

Then there are the notorious four - faster, stronger, meaner, smarter - pick one because it is pretty rare for someone to have two much less four of these elements better than the opponent when getting into a fight. Destroy someone's life? Then there is nothing to keep them in check to really fucking with yours.

Add to that, who knows what their friends are like? Who knows what their relatives are like? It doesn't take to many episodes of "The First 48" on A&E to run into a story of a relative/friend killing someone over some bullshit. After ten years of war on multiple fronts, there are a lot of people in this country who have pulled the trigger on someone. It's this kind of shit that is never seen or accounted for that burns someone.

The first punch feels pretty good until the return one comes around - and in a street fight, one never knows where it will be coming from.

One might feel pretty safe sitting behind a screen, but the internet is the biggest fucking snooping device in the world. If someone has $1,000 to pay for lap dances, they got $1,000 to pay a private detective to find out who someone is. I wouldn't count on Founder not pocketing a couple hundred bucks on the side to offer up an IP address log entry posting at the same time as a message. With that IP address usually comes a state, if not a city. It especially comes with an ISP - where a couple hundred bucks to an administrator can go pretty far too. Sometimes one doesn't even need to sneak around with admins, ISP legal departments will tell the government to fuck off, but they hear about torts - especially about shit happening in a "sleazy" part of the internet like a strip club board that won't do them any good in the papers - amazing how fast that quiet cooperation shows up.

I'm just sayin' there are a lot of consequences that show up and usually, it ain't pretty and it ain't quiet.
avatar for steve229
13 years ago

13 years ago
What's disturbing is a grown man joking with his buddy about banging his 11y.o daughter in a few years. A few years would be 13, right? That should not be a joke, as it crosses the line.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
Comments s/b be taken in the light they are intended. Written comments can easily be misinterpreted, but if you imagine them spoken amongst a group of friends, the meaning can change.

Doc made a harmless comment, Troop reacted like a fucking PSYCHO. It's the internet, who cares.

If you're looking for manners on this forum you are way too anal and need to lighten up.

avatar for steve_ny
New York
13 years ago
@veteranclubber I agree but it is more like one guy says your wife looks good tonight, she looked better last night when she was sucking on my balls. The reply, blank is starting to develop some..I will be hitting that in a few years. It's like hanging out with beavis and butthead but it works for them.

avatar for hakanlube
13 years ago
There are 2 lessons to be learned here.

First, you can't bust balls with online acquaintances like you would with real life friends. You'd think that would be common sense, but like they say, common sense is not so common these days. Doc seems to have learned his lesson though, and I don't expect that he'll be making that mistake any time soon.

Second, you should take comments in the way they were intended and not fly off the handle based on the fiction that the insulter is really talking about you or your actual mother. Doc made an immature attempt to get a cheap laugh, but I don't think a stupid yo' momma joke was really meant to be malicious or say anything about any actual real life person. Hopefully Troop leans this lesson before anything happens that everyone will regret.
Wow ! This shit and I mean all this shit is just fucked up !
Does anyone remember the "flame wars" on this board in the late 1990s? The insults and threats were so heavy, I dropped off. At least you guys are trying to talk this through--and that's a good start.
avatar for mmdv26
13 years ago
I read Doc's comment from back in September, and I didn't see any humor in it at all. it wasn't creative, it wasn't a poke in the ribs...it was childish and completely inappropriate for any online forum. It sounded as if he might have been drunk when he wrote it.

I think Doc understands that the TUSCL community wasn't impressed with it, and found it to be unacceptable. I also think he has tried to apologize, even if his motive is only to mitigate the threat that Troop implied by calling him from the police department.

Troop, you made your point and it has been validated by a majority of the active discussion posters in this community. Now, it's time to drop this and get back to serious discussion about tits and (girls) asses.

avatar for thesamurai
13 years ago
I have to admit I find it completely hilarious that the majority of people here seem to think what Troop is doing is either a) just fine or b) not worth commenting about when over in the thread by the burned dude outing a backpage prostitute who also dances occasionally has roundly earned him vilification. Motherfucking funny shit. But then, considering what site this is, not surprising, still funny though LMAO.
avatar for gatorfan
13 years ago
I don't remember reading this topic
avatar for hakanlube
13 years ago
@thesamurai: "I have to admit I find it completely hilarious that the majority of people here seem to think what Troop is doing is either a) just fine or b) not worth commenting about..."

I think it's more a case of people being too afraid to call out Troop because it's obvious that he doesn't fuck around. I'm pretty sure that 99% of people reading this don't really think it's okay to try to ruin someone's life over a yo' momma joke, no matter how inappropriate that joke was.
avatar for txtittyfan
13 years ago
I don't think Troop has the skills he implies.
avatar for staxwell
13 years ago
The only thing funny about this is the pic of Doc in troops profile pic. I get it though, some guys don't joke when it comes to their moms. Doc obviously picked the wrong person, but going any further than having words on a website is too far. That psycho shit isn't cool. Either go all the way and fight it out, or let it go.

Still, lol at the pic.
I'm getting ready to hand out Midol to some of these posters - seriously.
Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you.
Another classic lol. I wonder what Troop is up to nowadays?
avatar for Alucard
11 years ago
"I wonder what Troop is up to nowadays?"

He needs to return. ;) :)
avatar for Estafador
11 years ago
Hmmm how fo pick up this old shit?
avatar for dallas702
11 years ago
Troop, I am going to tell a somewhat long story. Please read. I will eventually get to the point.

My nephew has an adopted daughter who just turned 18. When she was two, she started climbing into my lap, snuggling up tightly and saying, "I wuv you, Nuncie" (I think nuncie meant "uncle"). It was cute and everyone really liked her silly little wiggles and chest to chest hugs while she was sitting in my lap grinning as only a two year old can. It became "our" routine greeting.

I live far from my nephew and visits are often months apart. When she was 14 this cute little girl turned into instant hot, hot, "jail bait" but she STILL got on my lap snuggled up and said, "I wuv you, Nuncie." After the second time it happened, and she STAYED (wiggling and hugging) on my lap, I decided to stand whenever she came into a room and avoid inappropriate contact. I tell you this girl, between 14 and 18, just got hotter and sexier every year. And any time she could catch me sitting she was in my lap. I think she figured out the game very early on (before me), but still she IS my great-niece.

This girl just a few weeks ago went on her, first ever, date. Her dad (wisely in her case) would not let her date until she turned 18. I don't know how it happened in our extended family but my nephew, his wife, all three kids and the dog are as "clean cut" all American, church on Sunday, BBQ on Saturday as it is possible to be. Nothing inappropriate EVER happens in his household.

In spite of her strict father and "clean" upbringing, we started making comments (between my nephew and I) when his daughter turned 11 (well before she "bloomed."). What began as, "Kid, that girl will be your gray hair and ulcers in a few years" eventually became, "Damn Kid, you know you could take that girl to Nevada and be a millionaire in weeks?" or (sticking out my right arm) "That child may cost me body parts, but it's bound to be worth it!"

Between my nephew and I there is never any doubt that my quiet comments are exclamations upon his daughter's remarkable beauty and never anything more! He jokes with me that, "While she may become the hottest stripper in history, at least she has made a gentleman out of you." (A reference to me standing every time she enters the room). He has also made other pointed, and gross, remarks about her. For both of us it is about being grossly funny, nothing more. But if you take those comments out of the context of a very safe and deservedly trusting family relationship they can seem perverted, insulting or simply gross. (Maybe they ARE perverse and gross - but we know we mean no harm!)

If some stranger made insulting remarks about my great-niece I would be very quick to react, and I would probably OVER react with anger and possible violence (she is so darling, sweet and innocent -in addition to being hotter than a $2 pistol - anyone would want to protect her). I can see how an insult to my niece (who is, admittedly, over-protected by the whole extended family) could cause long term anger and even rage. Putting it in print, might be even worse.

So, to my point (finally!) I can see both sides. My nephew and I make inappropriate remarks about his daughter - we laugh. Someone else makes that kind of remark we shoot from the hip (in both of our cases that phrase can - potentially - be taken literally!). I would have a hard time forgiving a stranger who said something out of line. And we are not even talking about my Mother! ! ! ! !

Doc was a jerk. He wrote something gross, insulting and totally inappropriate! It was stupid. BUT - - whether you believe his apology or not - - he is not an immediate threat to you or your family. It is time to drop it. Don't let him off the hook, just put him on ignore and never bring it up again.

Life goes on, and keeps going until you die. In the meantime we get to live. Well or poorly, angry or joyful, we live. Enjoy life, hit your fav SC and buy a VIP with the most sensual dancer there. Enjoy!!!

But if you so much as look twice at my niece - I will blow your dirty head apart! ;-)
avatar for SlickSpic
11 years ago
@Dallas-100% agreement from the Slick Side. In a similar note is my gay cousin. I joke around and call him a fag. It's fun and games. I was at a party where a drunk, asshole continuously harrased him until I had to take the situation into my own hands.
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