
Fish Out Of Water

Farmer Art's story of culture shock while on his first date with a Black woman has resonated with me. While at the the sc this weekend, I happened to describe to a beautiful, young stripper my experience at the LACMA(museum). She chimed in that she had never been to a museum in her life and had wanted to go to one. I let her know that I can get tickets to the Getty Villa and she was all over the offer.

Sounds good? Well, this gal isn't the sharpest knife in the drawer. I'd love to hang out with her OTC, but I wonder if my time, money, and effort would be spent more wisely. If she isn't too hip to the Getty, then what?

Have any of y'all ever taken a stripper out of her element? It doesn't matter if it's a museum, restaurant, concert or whatever may be. Please share your experiences, both positive and negative. I'd love to share my enjoyment of the arts with this dame but just don't want it to be a waste.


  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    Went out with my ATF a number of times. Restaurants the most. Truck shopping for her. The gun range (I bought her one). Shopping (once to purchase an anniversary gift for my SO). Christmas with the family. I'm sure there are others, but don't recall. Nothing bad happened.
  • zipman68
    11 years ago
    Slick, I've never done this, but my advice is to give it a try. In the scheme of things what is there to lose? The parking fee and some time. I suspect she'll still be willing to do OTC even if she gets bored. Let us know about the cultural experience.
  • jackslash
    11 years ago
    Slick, the Getty? I've always wanted to go there. Take me! I'll appreciate it more than a stripper.

    I've found that if you take a stripper out to dinner and don't use the drive-thru window, the stripper will be out of her element.
  • rockstar666
    11 years ago
    @Clubber: You bought a stripper a gun? Unless she's already a gun owner, I do not consider this wise!
  • motorhead
    11 years ago
    I took a dancer to her drug dealer once. That was out of MY ELEMENT. Does that count?
  • Electronman
    11 years ago
    The Getty? Which one. I've been to the Getty Center only once, after 2 hours in a traffic jam on the 405. Cool setting with great views of LA but if I recall correctly, the collection is pretty focused on Greek and Roman art. Maybe the Getty collection is much more eclectic than I experienced in my one and only visit, but a first time art museum visitor might appreciate a collection with more impressionistic painting, modern art and photography.

    Alternatively, isn't there an erotic art museum somewhere in LA? A visit might set the tone for some after museum frivolity.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Not the Getty off of the 405 but the Villa off of PCH. Yeah, it's mostly Greek and Roman.
  • Lone_Wolf
    11 years ago
    No fucking way would I attempt this unless I already had several past successful OTC encounters with the young lady.

    I never took them out of their element but just getting them to some middle-class restaurant on time has been a challenge. Once there though, I had a blast with the honey.
  • dallas702
    11 years ago
    @Slick, Dude, you need NOT worry. I have "dated" a few who were less than fully equipped between the ears. I have experience with people who were not blessed with either; original brainpower, education or opportunity. And, I have been to the Villa.

    Any woman can find something to appreciate at any museum. Let her interests be your guide and you will quickly get an idea what gets her attention. Do be her guide, don't be a know it all. Let her take you where she wants and ask her opinion often.

    You made a perfect choice. She may not appreciate the same things you do, and she certainly will not know nor care about much of the history (though you may be surprised at her interest in specific parts of the history), but beauty has an appeal that is far beyond education or intelligence. She will find things there to love, to "oooh" over and to squeal about. And she WILL find scenes or scenery that will kick her "romance" genes into high gear. (The upper level has a pool deck with a view of the coast and the Pacific that may force her to hug tightly to your body.)

    That is the kind of museum trip that will make any woman hot for your bod. Enjoy!
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    Thanks Dallas. The last time I went to the Villa was in the early 2000's. The first time was in 1997 for a Greek Mythology class. I was thinking about maybe going to the LACMA. I had a great time there with this civi gal back in late 2011. They had a Tim Burton exhibit that was INSANE!

    I also had a blast with a civi gal on a first date at the Children's Museum. We laughed our asses off on the Ant Wall.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Among other things I used to visit the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia SC with my ATF. It was located only .8 miles from the club she worked at.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    She must have felt right at home.
  • jester214
    11 years ago
    I've taken civilian women out of their element before, it's really a crap shoot imo. Most of the time they've gotten quiet and tried to act normal, occasionally they've gotten incredibly annoying/rude.

    If it's a place you don't mind a chance of be embarrassed, then you should be fine.
  • SlickSpic
    11 years ago
    @Shadow-How'd it go? I had one bad and one good experience going on dates to Sea World. Both were hippie-ish. One loved watching the dolphins while the other ended up hating the captivity that the animals endured.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Slick - All of our visits were fun and an alternative to sitting in the club.

    Stumblingdice - I'm not talking about your so called GF. My ATF worked OTC as an EMT.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    Sounds like Art picked the wrong Black woman to have a date with. My 1st with a Black woman was a very nice dinner with good conversation & then a movie. Nothing out of element for either of us.
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    I don't know Cat! Maybe she's telling you something different,but I'm washing her bras and panties right now,changing the sheets.You haven't figured her out by now?Total PL.
  • Clubber
    11 years ago

    I did. As I noted in other topics, she wasn't your normal dancer. I also taught her about guns and how to shoot. She also got her carry permit. A wise thing to do for a lovely young woman.
  • shadowcat
    11 years ago
    Stumblingdice - I don't give a rats ass about your relationship. You two probably deserve each other. You attacked my comment with a smart ass reply and I was just setting your sorry ass straight.

    Be sure to get my cum out of those panties.
  • mikeya02
    11 years ago
    I became pals with an escort and went to her place a lot for wine and tv. Somebody had given her a Trivial Pursuit game, so one time we played that. I was laughing all night. She didn't know anything!
  • tumblingdice
    11 years ago
    How was my reply smartass?Scat!You pay her electric bill and I love you for that. I'm twenty years younger than most here and I've learned how to play the player.Cat!You controlled the arrival and departure of aircraft,yet tits and two legs scrambles your radar.Wait til "THE DOT" gets ahold of this one.

  • Ermita_Nights
    11 years ago
    I have taken a couple of dancers out on excursions for drinks, dinner, or other non-hotel activities. But I chose girls with similar tastes to mine and took them places I knew they would like. So far it has worked very well.
  • Alucard
    11 years ago
    My 2011 retired Ex-ATF and I used to go out for lunch quite often. It was rather pleasant.
  • Club_Goer_Seattle
    11 years ago
    Slick, If you're certain that an art museum is the best type of museum, then the Villa should work. But, for a "starter museum" trip for someone like her, maybe the L.A. County Natural History Museum would be better. At least a newbie can relate to the dinosaur skeletons they have there. And there's a greater variety of things to view. At an art museum it's mostly paintings hanging on a wall and a few sculptures scattered around. The choices there would allow the opportunity that dallas702 mentioned, above.

    My only experience closely related to your real question was taking a dancer who worked at a high end strip club, to see what a low end club was like. She was both fascinated and appalled at what we observed.
  • pineconepartyliquor
    11 years ago
    I've taken my main ATF out to eat a lot, or sometimes just for a late night snack or ice cream. We have gone bowling, gone to play pool or gone to the casino too. She’s not a big drinker so usually not bars although we have hit a few. She offers to go to a strip club but we never have together. Sometime she will come swimming at my hotel pool when the weather is nice or the pool is indoor.

    A lot of strippers don’t get to do much because they work all night and sleep all day and many of them are single mothers so all their time is taken up. I have found that many are really happy doing most anything because they just don’t get the opportunity to have a nice dinner or an enjoyable evening.

    The ATF's who don't have kids, and/or work less nights and/or go out more often are less fun because so often its "just another night" to them.

    The ones who work every night and take care of their kids during the day tend to be more enjoyable because they just don't get out to have fun very often outside of work.

    That's been my experience, but every OTC date is a little different.
  • ilbbaicnl
    11 years ago
    This totally makes no sense to me, you know the chick, we don't. Are you afraid she'll think Van Gogh's daisies are scratch-and-sniff or something? If you've seen her go bat shit on a slow night or something, then yeah don't take her anywhere.

    If somebody, stripper or not, has never been to an art museum, they should go to a free art museum or gallery first.
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